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An Argument Against The Current Monopoly On Territory

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Leonhart_Arkada, Jul 20, 2019.

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  1. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Hi Arkada,
    It is nature for people to bond and work together, which is why alliances are always forming left and right. Mega alliances are inevitable, as guild history shows that when one falls, another will most likely rise shortly after. Also, while sub-guilds do suck, they are somewhat needed. Unfortunately, warring with a high number of players does barely any advantage towards the time of the war, meaning you could be warring with 8 players against a guild with only 4, half the number, and still be warring at the same pace. Thus, I must agree that sub-guilds are somewhat essential until they make more of an advantage in having more players warring at a time.

    We've been part of alliances, as well as fought others. Its become a large part of guild history.

    I would like to define the way I see it, and help you see this perspective as well. Territories are only the product of warring, which is the fun and most important part, the warring feature that adds end-game content and an experience/activity for a guild to bond over, increasing community at times. If anything, Luna's existence has only provided us with more war opportunities and freedoms that are healthy for both parties.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
    Pally, AurumKitsune and Drew1011 like this.
  2. Leonhart_Arkada

    Leonhart_Arkada Join Titans Valor VIP+

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    I greatly appreciate informed responses such as this. You have certainly changed my perspective more so than the rude individuals who present lackluster arguments riddled with contempt.
  3. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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    *cough* Arkada wasn’t even in the Wynn major guild community when Federation existed *COUGH*
    Drew1011 and DeathLucifer like this.
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