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Musician Application

Discussion in 'Questions' started by OmarRocks7777777, Jul 28, 2019.

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  1. OmarRocks7777777

    OmarRocks7777777 Newbie Adventurer

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    Hello there!
    I wish to enquire about the ability to apply and possibly update the music present in Wynncraft.

    A bit of background: I am a young aspiring musician in Australia with limited, but valuable experience in composing and arranging for video games. Living in Australia, I am constantly having to deal with lag on the server, which doesn't affect gameplay vastly, but instead makes the music skip and fall in and out of time, making it unlistenable and, sadly forcing me to toggle music off.

    Back to the point. I believe that Wynncraft lacks "a sound" for lack of a better word. Sure, it has music, but you the only defining trait that all the Wynncraft music has in common is (in the nicest way possible,) the cliche fantasy vibe and the shoddy noteblock sounds they're built from. If they were played you can't say "That sounds like a piece of Wynncraft music!" as you can for franchises like Mario or Runescape. This doesn't sound important at first, but, in my eyes at least, is just as crucial.

    As far as I am aware, Wynncraft uses a custom resource pack to enhance the emersion on the server. Why not use some unused sound and song files, replace them with WAV arrangements of the preexisting music (possibly remasters with better samples or maybe even brand new music) that would be queued by a command whenever someone enters a different area. I'm no "command engineer" but I think that that's a reasonable thing to ask.

    If the fact that I am fairly new to the server is a dealbreaker sobeit, but I think that I am able to bring something unique to the Wynncraft team and shape the game for the better as a musician (and possibly by extent, a sound engineer). If that is too much to ask, then I simply ask for a formal musician application form to be posted, so that people like myself, with likely more experience could help take Wynncraft to a new level atmospherically.

    I thank you greatly for reading thus far,
  2. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    I love wynn music as is atmm
  3. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    As much as I don't want to argue against having proper instrumental music, this thread is undeniably full of holes and misconceptions

    In it's current form, the pack is 4mb in size, which allows it to be automatically downloaded nearly instantaneously. This is one of the key points of Wynn; Having all content and features accessible the moment you join, in their full form, within the game itself, without the need to download or install anything excessive. Wynn's songs, even if they were to be converted to low quality mp3s, would still be around 3-6 megabytes each. With around 140 individual songs in the game, that'd bloat the resource pack up to 0,42-0,84 gigabytes. This'd make the seamless click-and-play nearly impossible:

    Automatic download? New players would be sitting in a black box for up to hours with slower connections, with no way to cancel apart from closing down the game, forcing them to restart it from the beginning when they try again. This'd hurt any potential playercount growth.

    Optional third-party download site? It's highly unlikely that the majority would bother to spend time navigating onto a website, and download a massive file just for the sake of music, causing all the work done for the music to partially go to waste.

    Streaming it from a website that detects your location? Again, this'd go against Wynn's fully vanilla experience, since the music wouldn't be a part of the actual game, but a website instead, that'd need to be opened every single time you want to play.

    I personally find the game's original soundtrack to be surprisingly unique for the most part, and among the most iconic ones I've ever heard, even though I've spent my entire life playing various games. This single statement alone makes your horribly biased objectification of "you can't say 'That sounds like a piece of Wynncraft music!'" irrelevant. While I don't have any concrete statistics of this, I'd say that nearly any player from pre-1.14.2 times would fully agree with this statement. Those songs share the same vibe from both, musical and thematical standpoints. Only when both of the original composers, Salted and Needlr, stopped producing the game's music, the theme started to sway a bit, since no matter how good or professional the following composers are, the end result won't be completely equal to the former music within Wynn's realistic limits. If anything, getting yet another composer would only scramble the game's theme further, especially if it was one with no former experience with the game's music. You should also keep in mind, that it's unlikely for a small server operating on voluntary work to reach the levels that multi-million dollar companies' triple-A titles, such as your Mario and Runescape do.

    Seeing as you've only heard a small portion of the songs, all while under the influence of lag, I really don't think you should be making this definitive judgements about the music. Calling the game's soundtrack "cliche fantasy" does nothing but point out your ignorance towards the vast majority of the OST. If you really feel so cocky about the subject, could you please provide some music that resemble's Wynn's, to give your words at least some merit?

    Just a couple minor tidbits, but minecraft's sounds are Ogg format, not WAV. Also, commands and plugins are quite fundamentally different things.

    As counterintuitive as it sounds towards this post, there is an unofficial fan-made mod for Wynn, that tries to recreate a part of the music system withing the bounds of the local client with custom regions. Admittedly, it was still missing various songs when I last checked it, and didn't trigger any event related music, but if you're really struggling with lag, I'd recommend using Wynntils.
    wxhlf, FinnDestren, Stag2001 and 8 others like this.
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