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Advice For Hic

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Ying Wang, Jul 11, 2019.

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  1. Ying Wang

    Ying Wang Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    I started a hardcore ironman crafter class yesterday (Dark Wiz), and wanted some advice about getting to lvl 100 without dying. So far the hardest aspect imo is not having access to the bank as you have to keep all your items in you inventory and managing space has become very hard, very quick.

    My first question is how do ironmen organise their inventories? What items do you prioritise and which do you throw away? Are they any neat tricks to making the most of little inventory space that you get?

    For people who are currently attempting this, what have you been doing differently from playing normal wynncraft while on HIC?

    And my last question would be which professions to invest into. Obviously I would need to grind armouring, tailoring, woodworking and jeweling, but other that this which consumable profession would be the best time investment? For experienced crafters, which of one out of cooking, alchemy and scribing has the best ingredients, is easiest to grind, and provides the best benefits in this situation? I plan to play only when other friends are online so I have to best chance of survival, so I would get good value out of scribing, but since inventory space is limited food might be better since it lasts longer so I would need to carry less. I have experience in jeweling and weaponsmithing on other classes but have yet to touch the other professions.

    I am also aware that I will most likely fail multiple times and need to restart to class before I actually make it anywhere near lvl 100 without dying.
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I've only gotten to level 25 on my HIC run, but I know people who've gotten much farther so some this advice is theirs.

    • The first thing to keep in mind is that safety should be prioritized above all else. High-risk, high-reward grinding areas and dungeons are way more dangerous because just some mistakes will end your run. XP and emeralds are useless when you're dead.
    • I've heard split opinions on which professions are the best. Scribing uses cheap materials (you're already using paper and oil for other professions), but the ingredients are tough to farm according to some players. Cooking has long-lasting effects which can be useful, and you can make some very strong stuff with alchemism. In the end the choice is up to you.
    • Here's a tip for inventory organization: skip every quest that gives you a quest item until you're level 103. That way you won't have to worry about inventory space.
    • Making walkspeed rings with forest webs is very useful. Those can last you a long time.
    • Don't be afraid to simply log off if a rare and dangerous mob is attacking you.
    • Never go afk. If you're going to be doing something else then do /class or log off.
    Keep in mind that this is just advice from the community, not a definitive guide. There's no "right" way to play HIC, especially since it's brand new.

    I wish you the best of luck on your adventure!
    BqwaOLD, Tsukiji, NotFunny and 3 others like this.
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