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Info The Elemental Revamp: Part 1 - Endgame Overhaul - Updated Changelog Beta 1.1.1

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, Jun 28, 2019.

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  1. CringeAura

    CringeAura Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    It's like the stock market just crashed. You'll discover that godly Steamjet Walkers and Blue Masks are now next to worthless.
    NITEHAWKX, Iboju, BapCai and 3 others like this.
  2. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    I would like you respond to the resounding concerns of thousands of players builds being broken, and having no complete item changelog available for us to adequately preapre anyways? It seems like you aren't caring to address the hundreds of hours of buildmaking and thousands of LE marketed trying to make the builds people have now, have fun with now, and rather than making This ARchtype thing an option, you're shoving it down the community's thraots and praying that the new options that arise frrom this will justify the massive losses to existing builds. Furthermore, i feel like this is an update that should come a month from now, not a week from now, becuase of how radical it is and how much player input is already being given.

    Sure, some here myself included have complained on some controversial item rebalances in thte past, that may have ruined one or two types of builds for some hundreds of players on the server. But this change is forcing systems that will break hundreds of builds for thousands of players, in the hopes that this new system will be out of this world wonderful and make us forget about the time and money that just became null and void on our previous work. That is risky and shortsighted, and as you can see in this thread, there is way more concern than praise, and your post here ignores the main bulk of the concern.

    The community would like a response on this please.
  3. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    Do note that ALOT of the items actually have big sp boosts on them so it might negate the skillpoint raise
  4. Golfbawl

    Golfbawl [] CHAMPION

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    Alright, so now that I've given myself more time to swallow this update a bit, I'll say this:

    There are a number of problems with items as they currently are, and I can see where this update is coming from.

    IDs like raw melee had great potential, but were done so poorly that it became a joke of an ID. Other ids, such as tier attack speed, are so powerful, that other IDs were often used as negatives to compensate for its immense power. I'm hoping that by revamping all items, the meta won't be based around a singular ID, and that certain build types such as melee can be done in far more ways.

    Other problems, such as rainbow items giving far too much SP, also have the potential to be rebalanced to make rainbow actually about being a jack-of-all-trades build as opposed to having SP in everything along with two other stats maxed out.

    Mana is another problem we all know of, along with mythic identity and stale items etc.

    By listing all of these points, I'd like to say that I, for one, would really love for all of these problems to be solved. While some issues can only be solved by mechanic changes, I hope that these item revamps do a great deal to minimize some of these problems.

    Having said that, I think that the last thing we all want is for all this hard work to turn into a disaster, and quite honestly, I see this update leading into more problems than solving them right now.

    The economy is based around items. Quite frankly, many people have invested great amounts of LE into items. Hell, the only really valuable things I have are my items. For the love of god, don't change an item in a way that completely changes its market value for the worse. The best example of this is the blue mask change. That change does nothing but screw over several players who spent countless amount of emeralds on one. From what I've seen, item changes were made with no consideration to their economic value and significance. In my opinion, the economic stance of an item should greatly impact how it's treated, at least to make the item changes far less destructive.

    Many people might be frustrated about having to re-do all their builds, but I'm sure people would be a lot less insular if some care was taken to ensure that the economic value of their equipment would not be impacted so drastically.

    That's my final view on the update. It seems very cool, but there's an extreme amount of risk to it. I believe that steps should be taken to ensure that players don't get completely ruined by this update. Right now, there's more disaster to be caused than problems to be solved.

    Also, posting a changelog for all existing items would be very cool.
  5. Sebiee

    Sebiee Former Lootrunner CHAMPION

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    It seems pretty positive, I look forward to it!
    pogge5 and Stag2001 like this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    New way of supporting crafted items?
    f gonna take long to remake builds
    NicBOMB and Valbahutog like this.
  7. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    As someone who largely agrees with you... chill. It's been, what, an hour since this thread was posted? Assuming they didn't have a changelog ready then, they can't just put it together instantly.

    I see three major ways for this update to crash, in descending order of importance:
    - The repetitive reroll bug is not fixed before the push. This renders practically all existing gear useless until rerolled.
    - Intelligence is not properly accounted for, and otherwise good items with high double reqs in other skill points become effectively unusable (e.g. that Ex Nihilo).
    - High sp reqs push players toward a small number of build types, destroying the creativity of the current system. This may also involve increased usage of lower-level items.
  8. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    While everyone is firing off about what should and shouldn't be done (I think that items with an identity shouldn't get that taken away or replaced, example being my poor Knucklebones which went from ele damages to attack speed for no reason and now Steamjet which had a perfectly fine tri-element usage, with zero reason to change it into another tri-element pair of boots), I would like to ask about weapons.

    Why would you put most (from what I'm getting here) armor within a duo/tri-element, but keep weapons mostly stuck to one or maybe two elements? There are already very little good duo-element weapons, and about every tri-element is nothing more than gimmick. I'd love to see some weapons changed and some new added with unique and actually useful elemental combinations. And, uh, if that's what part 2's planned to be, thanks.

    I'm also not a very big fan of making armor so tri-element based. Unless it's only a small part of the armor that's actually getting changed, it would result into many, if not all builds to fall in a very easy similar build. Just search for tri-element gear for your weapon's element, intelligence, and air. I'm not saying I don't want more options for multiple elements, but I'm afraid this update would overdo it and make it incredibly easy to get whatever the hell you need on a build. When do you ever need to focus on more than three elements at a time already (outside of rainbow)? This update might just trivialize everything that made building for multiple elements unique.

    [edit: An extra thought: I'm not a fan of (at least) one piece of Hive armor for every tri-element. I try to build without master Hive and it really rustles my jimmies that it might become a 'just use Hive weapon lol' situation.]
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2019
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    hello past IM

    Also unrelated it's nice that I can bring up your FF runtime whenever someone complains that FF takes too long.
  10. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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  11. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    I don't know man, mana reduction is just way too good.....
  12. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    i would hope so, but that still doesnt really help anyone since we dont know anything beyond whats shown. Like my build rn would probably fall under the new thunder/water/air archetype, but im also using asphyxia, so i have no idea how that will change my build, since i know asphyxia will not fall under that archetype. I just wish we got a changelog, even a WIP one so we could prepare our builds, or suggest changes, since them saying “you’ll still be able to build outside of an archetype”, while giving us no examples of how it would work isn’t good form.
    i would also like to say I think the IMs are on to something, but I just wish we got more concrete info, since it’s a lot to take in. I dont wanna be part of the “IMs are complete idiots” train.
    Dr Zed, NITEHAWKX, Druser and 2 others like this.
  13. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    Like i said well have to see, they shouldve released changelogs
    ron111701 likes this.
  14. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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  15. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    Strati nerf maybe?
    m0chu | anson, Iboju, Jbip and 5 others like this.
  16. SmileyAlec

    SmileyAlec Olympic Gaming CHAMPION

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    If they thought fatal needed a change like this then I'm expecting to see a change to weathered aswell o.o
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Sempiternel still kind of looks like a bit of a joke...
  18. TurtlePlaysGamez

    TurtlePlaysGamez Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    As one of the people, if not the main person who brought a large amount of players into the morph meta and skyrocketed morph for the last year or so, THIS IS WHY PEOPLE USED MORPH TO BEGIN WITH. Who wouldn't use a easy to get set with all around good stats and fits every playstyle? During last year when 1.17-1.17.9 happened my mage build for example got nerfed 7 times and became unusable. So many people had the same problem and switched to morph. Then the IMs nerf morph several times trying to stop both the morph meta AND the 6/8 and 7/8 morph abusers along with people using MSD only. What you did is fuck with a set that until the only thing that works for wars are the high-tier endgame weapons such as black, Cluster, Sitis, All hive weapons, Zephra, Nepta, and generally every weapon in legendary and mythic tiers people think are great. I won't sit here and say morph didn't need a nerf it very well did but what happened is instead of nerfing the set it indirectly nerfed weapons that worked well with it. To summarize Morph itself didn't get an actually nerf the nerf happened to the pool of weapons that could effectively using it leaving weapons that work well in literally EVERY build. Making morph just as much of the problem it has been and you have unsuccessfully tried to fix for 2 years now. And with this item update I only see **more** people going into the full 8/8 morph users with the most op weapons of their respective classes. Why wouldn't they after the last 1-2 years every build gets broke and broke again. I know the system is bad and has been but every other update 5 or more previous reworks are reverted because they killed the items. Every game changes but with the constant nerfing of builds which people put a lot of time into it makes people quit. Everyone who has lead a guild before can say they know MANY people who have quit wynn because their builds broke after spending all their money on it. Besides the general concept of this type of rework and it breaking thousands of builds server wide most of the items (besides steamjet) I'm fine with giving a try. I'll be glad to see many new builds though id rather see them from an actual new update instead of them being forced due to probably every single build besides normal tier items and morph breaking. My main other issue with this is the tri elemental items already in-game. Steam jet for example. It besides probably only hive itself was the most used tri elemental item in the game. I don't mean rainbow like freedom, genuine tri element. And as one of the few people that I've met anyway that enjoyed tri elements I can say this gives very mixed feelings. Id rather have a ton of **new** tri elemental items instead of reworking every item to make almost everything tri element. Az is another example of both the failed/reverted reworks and current tri elemental gear. Almost every update from 1.17 forward Az has gotten a change to the damage, powder slots, sometimes a few stats here and there to make it a tri elemental bow but mainly thunder based damage wise. I really enjoyed this as even though it got so many reverted changes (powders slots and damage) it became endgame viable again as a decent tri-elemental bow. But now with this that and the maybe 5 people who actually used it after so many reworks because of its tri element nature will drop it and yet again it will be a dead/"bad" mythic to many people. In short, I don't agree with this update not really because of the actual in-game changes but more of what the changes as a whole. I won't outright quit wynn because of item changes but after this I would say that wynn should expect a large number of players to quit and a lot of the players to return to just check it out also hate wynn more and leave forever because every update their builds breaks. Thanks to coming to my Ted Talk I'll be surprised if I get a response that answers many of things or clarifies the misconceptions people are having.
  19. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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    no u :c
  20. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    Some of these are alright and some of these are just plain disgusting.
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