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Guild Recruiting New Members/captains/chiefs (gaygods;ggy)

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by HeckinGay, May 25, 2019.

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  1. HeckinGay

    HeckinGay Classy and Sassy CHAMPION

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    (Icon made by @Mudbear_ )​

    Welcome to the recruitment thread for GayGods! Here you can find some general information on the guild and how to apply for it.

    Our Purpose...
    Hello there! I would like to write a short story about why I created this guild. This guild is a product of my love for wynncraft, and my love for the LGBT community, all rolled into one experience! It is important to me to unify as much of the community as possible, and for that reason I have also created the Discord to serve as a bigger roof for the community members who cannot join my guild. As a member of the LGBT community along with my one and only younger sibling, I feel a need to help those like I would help my brother when they fall on tough times, and thus, this is a community based guild. I hope that you find no better hospitality than here :)

    Noteworthy Members

    Owner: @HeckinGay




    - You must be a member of the LGBT community or someone who supports the LGBT community. Most of the guild is comprised of us, no discrimination on any account is tolerated, and if you try to join the guild simply to do so and hurt people, then you will be reported to the staff team and kicked with no questions asked

    - Level requirement of 60 or higher. I debated for a while whether or not to enforce this, but upon further thought, reaching this level shows a certain amount of dedication that I find crucial to what I am trying to achieve by hosting this guild. This is a lower level requirement than most guilds have, but we are a guild that prides in development rather than recruiting people who have conquered everything wynn has to offer. Exceptions may be made, if you are under level 60 and would still like to join, the time before you will be kicked is a week (unless you tell someone you will be away or unavailable for any reason), whereas if you are above level 60, then we will allow an absence lasting 2 weeks without notice.

    - Please respect higher ups and other members. We are a light-hearted and fun guild, just make sure not to invite or participate in conflict or toxicity, as it is very frowned upon here.

    - Be ready to have fun! We will help cultivate your experience the way a guild should. We will include you when it comes to bomb parties, we have people and resources available to help you, and we want to see you have fun and have people to call on whenever you need help! This guild is here to help develop you as a player so that you can be a part of everything that the most elite players in Wynn have access to.

    Very short requirements list! We want everyone who wants to be a part of this to participate :)

    Here is what the guild has to offer for it's members

    - Giveaways every ten guild levels, contests at random for people who donate emeralds/exp, and direct contact to people who throw a ton of bombs!

    - Members have awesome resources and knowledge to give you to use during your Wynncraft experience, including a special Discord server, documents, profession know-how, quest know-how, shortcuts, guides, and bombs! All you have to do is ask :)


    1. What is your ign?
    2. What is your timezone?
    3. What is your Discord tag?
    4. What is your favorite thing to do/hobby in Wynncraft?
    5. What is your highest level class?
    6. Do you have any previous guild experiences? In what guilds?
    7. Describe your personality and what you like to do! Be creative with this one :)
    8. Is there anything you would like to do or achieve for this guild such as recruiting, warring, develop resources for the members, etc?

    If your application was denied, it is probably for the following reasons:
    -Poorly written application
    -Not meeting the above requirements
    -Not recruiting at this moment in time
    -Other specified reasons. All reasons will be specified in a reply to your application on this thread.

    In the event that your application was denied, you may improve your application/work on meeting the requirements and apply again in one week after a reply was issued quoting your application

    This thread may be ammended in the future with more! Please note that this is a newer guild, we don't have a lot of members and people who can help me run it yet, and I am only one very busy person. Should you want to join and meet the requirements, just reply to this thread with the application, and wait for an answer in the form of a message here on the forums or ingame :) We also have a Discord for all LGBT community members regardless if you are in the guild or not, if you want the link then simply message me ingame or on the forums. I can't wait for you to join this experience with us!

    Last edited: May 28, 2019
  2. SupremeDawg29

    SupremeDawg29 Skilled Adventurer

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    aight im in
  3. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    What if you're not part of the LGBT community, but support them and their deserve rights?
    HeckinGay likes this.
  4. HeckinGay

    HeckinGay Classy and Sassy CHAMPION

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    Please fill out the application form here in order to be considered for the guild.

    Yes, as said up in the post, supporters of the community are also welcome to join the guild :D you may fill out the application if you are interested
  5. Pontosaurus

    Pontosaurus fuy busted moments CHAMPION

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    If i didn't have my own guild to manage recruiting for I'd join this lmao
    HeckinGay likes this.
  6. Mads Høilund

    Mads Høilund DeKeei CHAMPION

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    1. DeKeei
    2. GMT +2
    3. Pure Katarina#0009
    4. farming with a couple of friends.
    5. What is your highest level class?
    6. Assasin lvl 53
    7. as a personality, i can be a lovely jerk at most time, i like poking fun and messing around. i some people find me to be a bit over the top, but still respectfull.
    8. i dont have something i wanna achieve so to speak, i rather wanna focus on questing and helping others out with theirs whenever i can since its my favorit aspect to the game.
    HeckinGay likes this.
  7. gilboa

    gilboa Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    1. What is your ign? OriginalStiv
    2. What is your timezone? GMT‎+3
    3. What is your Discord tag? STIVY#6308
    4. What is your favorite thing to do/hobby in Wynncraft? do some quest and play\talk
    5. What is your highest level class? 85 mage and all most 86
    6. Do you have any previous guild experiences? In what guilds? i am a capten in a old guild the guild is from 2y ago but its only level 20 and only me and my friend r playing
    7. Describe your personality and what you like to do! Be creative with this one :) i like to have control on evrething but if you my friend you can control me XD i love to play with friends not that much by my own and i will help if you need me too (and i have a dysgraphia)
    8. Is there anything you would like to do or achieve for this guild such as recruiting, warring, develop resources for the members, etc?
    I want to play and help There is more one thing I want to do I do what I need to do
  8. Bogo

    Bogo Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    1. MrBogo
    2. GMT+3
    3. ImBogo#7570
    4. I realy just love to do what comes in my way if its missions of helping someone.
    5. A level 73 assassin

    6. Yeah i am in a caln named wyncose sorry i dont know the name of the rank i am in this guild but its the one star rank
    7. Love playing with friends helping them with what i can but i wont help all the time i mean a guy needs to help himself sometime gosh jeez
    8. I mean just helping and being active
  9. HeckinGay

    HeckinGay Classy and Sassy CHAMPION

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    If your application post is listed above in quote form, your application has been denied due to incorrect application format/poorly written application. Please note that you may choose to improve in this area in your next application if you still want to be a part of the GayGods experience. We take our members very seriously and so it is important to make the best application possible! You may apply again in one week after this message.
  10. CodeDaemonium

    CodeDaemonium Newbie Adventurer

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    1. What is your ign?
    2. What is your timezone?
    3. What is your Discord tag?
    4. What is your favorite thing to do/hobby in Wynncraft?
    5. What is your highest level class?
    6. Do you have any previous guild experiences? In what guilds?
    7. Describe your personality and what you like to do! Be creative with this one :)
    8. Is there anything you would like to do or achieve for this guild such as recruiting, warring, develop resources for the members, etc?


    I am Colin and my in game name is 1. CoDeDaemonium. It stands for Co(lin)De(rkx) Demon.
    I live in the Netherlands which means my timezone is 2. +1 Amsterdam.
    In the Netherlands we maily use Skype, but I also have Discord and my tag is 3. #3151 (CDColin).

    4/5. When I am online which is a lot in the evening I mostly do quests and dungeons. When I don't know what to do I just kill some random monsters.
    Because of this I am now level 56 almost 57 mage. I do not have other classes I have played with yet.

    6. I have never been in a guild before, so very excited to join one.

    7. My characteristics are cheerful, creative, smart (if I may say so) and my friends call me a nobody, because I don't care what happens to me as long as others are happy.

    8. What I want to do for the guild is whatever I can do to help rank the guild up. From gathering materials to fight wars.

    HeckinGay likes this.
  11. HeckinGay

    HeckinGay Classy and Sassy CHAMPION

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    Accepted! I will recruit you when we are both next online :) You may also speak to Maydangel, ChrisTheGayBear, Gucci_Gay, pandicorncristle, or reaper5647 in order to get an invite. They should also send you the Discord link when they invite you if I do not get to you first
  12. RomanNeptune

    RomanNeptune Travelled Adventurer

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    1. What is your ign? RomanNeptune
    2. What is your timezone? E.S.T.
    3. What is your Discord tag? RomanNeptune#5053
    4. What is your favorite thing to do/hobby in Wynncraft? Complete quests and grind dungeons!
    5. What is your highest level class? 46 Assassin
    6. Do you have any previous guild experiences? In what guilds? N/A
    7. Describe your personality and what you like to do! Be creative with this one :) I love to sing, I play clarinet in band, and basically love anything musical. I am pretty open about a lot of things. I hate keeping secrets from my friends and it just kills me if for some reason I have to. I also hate being alone, it makes me feel unsafe. I am a generally happy person and respect everyone to the best of my ability. I'm pretty bad at writing applications and letters, so I'm sorry if this isn't good enough.
    8. Is there anything you would like to do or achieve for this guild such as recruiting, warring, develop resources for the members, etc? I don't usually mind what I do. I for the most part can fill into any role needed. I usually let other people take first dibs, because if I don't, and I choose something they wanted, then I would feel bad for the rest of the day.
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
    HeckinGay likes this.
  13. HeckinGay

    HeckinGay Classy and Sassy CHAMPION

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    You have been accepted! I will recruit you into the guild when we are both next online. You may also ask one of the chiefs to recruit you should they be online when I am not
  14. lakesandquarries

    lakesandquarries Newbie Adventurer

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    1. What is your ign? lakesandquarries
    2. What is your timezone? PST
    3. What is your Discord tag? lakesandquarries#9087
    4. What is your favorite thing to do/hobby in Wynncraft? I like quests the best, but I also really love just....exploring? I get very excited when I find a new area I haven't seen before, like a hidden cave or something like that.
    5. What is your highest level class? Level 82 Mage
    6. Do you have any previous guild experiences? In what guilds? I've never been in a guild before!
    7. Describe your personality and what you like to do! Be creative with this one :) I'm a very cheerful, energetic person! I enjoy writing, cosplay, and minecraft. Wynncraft is something I enjoy as a way to relax. I usually like listening to music or podcasts while I play. But besides playing minecraft, my main hobbies are writing and cosplay! I write both original content and fanfiction, and cosplay from a variety of sources. Also! I'm gay and genderqueer.
    8. Is there anything you would like to do or achieve for this guild such as recruiting, warring, develop resources for the members, etc? I'd like to do whatever I can to help out!
    HeckinGay likes this.
  15. HeckinGay

    HeckinGay Classy and Sassy CHAMPION

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    You have been accepted :) I will recruit you when I see you online! Additionally you may ask anyone listed on the notable members section to add you to the guild
  16. MrCapCake

    MrCapCake Newbie Adventurer

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    1. What is your ign? MrCapCake
    2. What is your timezone? GMT +2
    3. What is your Discord tag? Pokemon#0303
    4. What is your favorite thing to do/hobby in Wynncraft? Farming with others.
    5. What is your highest level class? Currently 23 mage.
    6. Do you have any previous guild experiences? In what guilds? No.
    7. Describe your personality and what you like to do! Be creative with this one :) I like to play with new people, I'm a supportive person always happy to help, when in a bad mood I tend to avoid people and play other games so I dont hurt my friends.
    8. Is there anything you would like to do or achieve for this guild such as recruiting, warring, develop resources for the members, etc? I will do whatever Im told to as long as it is not too much, I love helping others so if anyone needs help completing a quest and such I can accompany them.
  17. Wowens5

    Wowens5 Newbie Adventurer

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    1. What is your ign?
    My IGN is Wowens5.
    2. What is your timezone?
    My timezone is Central Daylight Time.
    3. What is your Discord tag?
    My Discord tag is Wowens#1186.
    4. What is your favorite thing to do/hobby in Wynncraft?
    I love questing, I could quest for hours everyday.
    5. What is your highest level class?
    My highest level quest is a Dark Wizard, which is a level 48. I am aware that this does not meet the requirement, but I am working very hard with ChrisTheGayBear to level up. We played for at least 4 hours today, and we have grown to be very good friends. I leveled up 4 times today, so I should get level 60 in no time.

    6. Do you have any previous guild experiences? In what guilds?
    No, I have never been in a guild before. I just started playing Wynncraft again 8 days ago, which was when I created my Dark Wizard class.
    7. Describe your personality and what you like to do! Be creative with this one :)
    If I were to describe my personality, I would use these words: Kind, Friendly, Cooperative, Courteous, and Obedient. I am not very good at describing myself without sounding selfish ;). I love playing Minecraft (obviously), I love playing with my dogs, I love hanging with my family, and hanging with my friends.
    8. Is there anything you would like to do or achieve for this guild such as recruiting, warring, develop resources for the members, etc?

    I am extremely new to guilds on Wynncraft, so I am not aware of how everything works. I would like to contribute as much as I can in any way possible. I am not even in the guild, and one of the members (ChrisTheGayBear), has been so amazing in helping me on my journey. I want to make many more friends and help new members down the road as ChrisTheGayBear has helped me.

    This is just for fun: (The Screen Shot I attached to this post)
    I just want to say thank you for providing a guild for those who may be rejected by others because they support LGBT, and providing those a place in which they belong and feel welcome. I hope you will consider me for the guild, and I will respect whatever decision you guys make. Have a great day/night, and I hope to see you guys on Wynncraft! :D

    Attached Files:

  18. ChrisTheBear

    ChrisTheBear Certificate III in Nature Wandering CHAMPION

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    Nice Wowens :) btw that screenshot looks like I forced us being friends onto you xD
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