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Serious Admins And Devs Please Work A Bit More Efficiently

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by meadow, Apr 17, 2019.

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  1. Parzizal

    Parzizal .

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    I think a lot of people would disagree. It takes such a massive amount of grinding to accomplish anything with the crafting system, and it takes such an incredible amount of time leveling to do anything with the crafting system, the majority of players are likely going to just give up on before they can craft endgame items.
  2. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    y'all need to learn the differences between opinions and fact lmao
    SmileyAlec and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  3. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    i though the admins where the only ones paid
  4. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    We always hated Wynn, but it took my complaining to finally get people to do something about it

    Edit: plus everyone loves me so why wouldn’t they fight in my favor
  5. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    then why did you all keep playing
  6. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    It was mainly the community we didn’t want to lose. We were all good friends and leaving Wynn would cause us to lose each other and a lot of us didn’t want that
    SmileyAlec likes this.
  7. meadow

    meadow STILL #1 AS warrer // Abusing databases since 2018 CHAMPION

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    If it wasn't about DDT's progress which I am undeniably a large part of it, I would have quit because Wynn has several problems what probably existed long before I actually started playing:

    - Lack of efficiency (?). Back when I was levelling my warrior, Purple and Red was buggy, I reported that and it took them like a month to fix that shit. God knows what a stacktrace is and how it assists in fixing bugs. While stuff like "there's a sale" are published right away, with almost no delay.

    - Attitude of staff. It is pretty obvious that some staff members have been toxic towards others. While some did that prominent enough to have their rank taken away not long after the incident, some were never dealt with as if it never happened. Also my exploit reports against certain guilds abusing certain bugs ended up with "insufficient evidence" even if there's 4 occurrences of the same glitch with the same guild within 24 hours. The definition of biased and lazy is definitely blurry here.

    - Lack of transparency. The "transparency" here I'm talking about here is about the incidents that affects a large portion of the player base. At least until this moment, there were no official announcement about why the market was shut down. I'll take the shouts in game about wars are getting shut down as an official announcement. Also there's absolutely no schedule for getting the market and wars back up. Some may say that schedules can disappoint players. Tbh that's exactly what escapists do - set no schedule so you don't have to get things done. If you published a schedule and find out that you severely lag behind so you actually disappoint your players, then you suck at time management and estimation, and I'm quite sure that's a quality that bad admins have.
    H0Y, Bliss and Cloud Man like this.
  8. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    i mean we could have moved to other games
  9. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    When they update things they can't always push them to the main server, if they are working on multiple things they can't push an update until every project is ready.
    Druser likes this.
  10. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    It's not that easy. People have their own tastes in games
    Adding on, most of the staff (a certain individual in particular) do not take any criticism and will backlash you if you try to tell them anything is wrong about Wynn.
    meadow likes this.
  11. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    l e t s l o o k f o r a g a m e s i m i l a r t o w y n n c r a f t t h e n s i n c e i t i s t h e g a m e t h a t h e l d u s t o g e t h e r
  12. meadow

    meadow STILL #1 AS warrer // Abusing databases since 2018 CHAMPION

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    Hi, have you even been in a development team? Do you take a month to test shit and deploy for the first time, another two months to discover there's a huge loophole and another month to "fix the bug without a schedule"? There shouldn't be any critical loopholes BEFORE you release it to anyone out of the team because anyone outside has a possibility to discover a loophole such as the one that allows the duplication of 2.3k heros, and use it for their own benefit.

    You may want to research for a bit before you talk, instead of making uneducated guesses.
  13. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    You can't find all the bugs and loopholes, there will always be bugs in the game and even if you test it for a year a month after you release some player will find a way to glitch something (like the corrupted blood plague in World of Warcraft).
    Mmm likes this.
  14. Mmm

    Mmm Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    This Thread is getting off Topic, But I think if staff simply had a section for each individual patch and such on forums, (Most of the posts in that category are for Announcements not patches.) Maybe having some sort of more organized information on patches. Such as saying what is getting fixed in the next patch would help with that.
  15. meadow

    meadow STILL #1 AS warrer // Abusing databases since 2018 CHAMPION

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    So there's no point in testing.

    At this point it's really clear that you have never developed anything that actually have a decent number of users so that you need to take issue management seriously. No you test it thoroughly at least for critical loopholes before releasing it, and while designing the software you keep the possible abuses in mind so you never code an exploit in.

    But what if you don't have the resources to test your software thoroughly yourself? You make people test it for you, and compensate them to an extent so the reward from the server itself is larger than what they can gain from the exploit itself. Most refer this to a bounty, and Wynn have never been doing this.

    This further strengthens my point that the admins have to be more efficient, as it's already crystal clear that you are trying to approve and defend the admins of this server for being incompetent, and I repeatedly proved you wrong.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2019
  16. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Probably because they either
    A. didn't know about it or
    B. did know about it, didn't know how to fix it, had to push an already delayed expansion that was massively hyped and had high expectations and was ending the single largest content drought to ever hit the game, and didn't want to have to remove a key feature so they put the marketplace in anyways and just hoped that no one would notice
    to be fair, it's kind of hard to make something more enticing than a literal money printer.
    Disagree; it's more a matter of scale and time; 300 active players can find loopholes 10x faster than 30 devs and 3/4 admins who actually program, especially since the devs are also juggling bug fixing their own stuff and constantly making new stuff since most of their work has nothing to do with the actual programming. It's also worth noting that pretty much every game, even AAA games, have exploits because coding is difficult and squashing every bug is hard. Hell, Pokemon X and Y had a bug that rendered your game unplayable when saving in the central city in the game, and that was a game worked on by well over a hundred full time employees, with 8 head developers and two companies in charge of debugging alone. It's just not feasible to expect every bug to be fixed by the time a system is released to players, even with the best of teams, which we definitely don't have, considering the myriad of other problems unrelated to this.
    Agree, though honestly at this point I think they're just scared of another RTD shitstorm
    It's kind of mediocre; the barrier to entry to the actual crux of the update (item crafting) is too high, the resource gathering is not engaging, and some really questionable decisions were made considering the 4 or so levels of RNG it takes to craft an item
    To be fair it's not that uneducated; when someone makes a map update they have to push the entire map with it, hence why Corkus was put on the map some four months before its actual update was released. But it doesn't apply to patches
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    meadow, Yuno F Gasai and Tsukiji like this.
  17. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Way to go taking my words out of context. Of course you need to check, but you will never be able to find all the bugs before you publish.
    We literally have an open beta testing for heros and random players every big update
    All your points were wrong tho.
    And I'm trying to defend them only in this argument, I had my own arguments with them and still disagree with them on a lot of the game's aspects.
    Bramblesthatcat likes this.
  18. SkellySniper

    SkellySniper In a permanent state of necro

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    Hi, have you ever been in a development team? Are you a flawless human being who can make everything work perfectly the first time?
    If so, I'll hire you. But I know you're not. You may want to research for a bit before you talk, instead of making uneducated guesses.

    The biggest problem I have with your arguments, ever since this thread was "A Regression Question", is that you're entirely missing the point. I'll agree with you that the mod and admin team isn't necessarily the fastest around; it's become a running joke that whenever someone says they're working on it or it'll happen soon, they really mean in a couple months or a year. But that doesn't mean you can throw shit about bugs around. Make me a game of this complexity with zero bugs and then maybe I'll listen. Sure, they're not the quickest, but they get it done, and they get it done well. Tell me, with a straight face, that Mineplex's Champions or Clans was even slightly comparable as an RPG. They've done something, created something unique and impressive in a platform that just wasn't designed for it. They're not perfect, but also they're not doing it as a day job- this was always just a project people wanted to do, so things got done. It's not going to be perfect and hell it sure isn't, but for a volunteer force, it's damn impressive.

    And yes, by the way- you *do* take a month to test shit and deploy for the first time, and you *do* take months to discover loopholes and fix them without a schedule. Ever played Overwatch, for example? Blizzard has a reoccurring issue with people figuring out infinite bot exploits in custom games, and it's often at least two months before it's noticed, four before it's patched. Sometimes it never gets fixed, and arguably, Overwatch's programming isn't as complicated. And they're all paid professionals.
    And then there's Bethesda. Or Nintendo, with Smash Ultimate. Yes, you absolutely do.

    edit: why does this have so many likes
    it's literally just a mild rant
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  19. meadow

    meadow STILL #1 AS warrer // Abusing databases since 2018 CHAMPION

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    As of May 1, wars have been down for 25 days, market has been down for 32 days.

    Let's put that aside, and no, I'm not flawless, I had pushed something buggy into production in the past. I do fix it in a timely manner though, usually within 2 days.

    Also I would like you to notice that, Wynn is not a game, it's a heavily customized server, which is also highly impressive. The game you are playing is called "Minecraft". You may also want to know that I was not "throwing shit" about bugs as soon as they occur. This post was made on Apr 17, which is over 2 weeks after the market got shut down due to someone dupped 2.3k mythic spears. Now you may not be a market user, you may not even know what wars are, so everything I'm complaining about in this thread is pretty much irrelevant, and maybe merely a nuisance to you. You may not understand how critical are wars and market to endgame players which I'm one of them. But please, play the game first before you comment on it, no matter it's good or bad. According to your player stats, you didn't even explore half of what Wynn has to offer. Go play the game, find out two of the major features are missing and you can literally grind or just start a new class with an identical storyline and come back to me. Maybe your argument will be more credible by then.

    I do not deny that you do take month to test shit and deploy for the first time, because you want to make sure it is out of bugs, or at least, out of critical exploits as they literally kills the game. And since no one is flawless, it's likely that even after testing, bugs will still be discovered or even exploited. Typical large projects like this and this triage bugs and issues, and the most severe bugs tend to have a higher priority. As I have mentioned earlier in this thread, a bug in the quest "Purple and Blue" took them a month to fix. Comparing to your Overwatch bug, is this proportional to what it is supposed to take? And watch makes you think that "Overwatch's programming isn't as complicated"?

    So my conclusion is that:
    - You don't know enough about Wynn
    - You didn't look into the issue and you are really just posting a rant
    - You actually supported my argument of "Wynn's staff are in effective".

    Make me an argument of this complexity with zero flaws and then maybe I'll listen, my not-so-flawless friend.
    True, but that still did not explain why they let a critical exploit get through.

    That is not "open testing" An open testing allow every interested player to test without having to buy a rank or submit an essay or be lucky enough.

    This is utterly unfounded. "All your points were wrong tho.", without giving a counter argument to every single of my arguments.

    I still didn't get any answers for why can there be such a huge exploit go unfounded through internal testing and the closed beta, and when it gets discovered by a player it isn't fixed for a whole month.

    Maybe you really needed some more research.
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
    YoshisWorld likes this.
  20. Cooltime2

    Cooltime2 Travelled Adventurer

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    He/She may don't know about Wynn a lot; however, you are taking the situation out of hand here. Alright let be realistic here, do you honestly think you can fix a major dupe glitch bug less than a month and not test it at all to see if it is fixed? Do you understand the consequences of pushing a fix that wasn't even tested at all? I don't know if you don't trust the admins and developer to fix the problem here, but I have seen their growth over the past couple years. They have evolved from being a simple rpg to now. You complain about a market system that was added like months ago which for all years of Wynncraft being open that there was no market system ingame. There are other ways to sell items without the market system, and you know that too. Now the wars' issue, I have honestly no idea what is going on, but you got to trust in them to fix it. Also, fun fact, they didn't do anything for 6th anniversary of Wynncraft if people don't remember; however, they are doing their best of ability to fix the issues asap. You also have to keep in mind that the admins and developer have their every day lives to do. Yea, it may take them months to fix the bug; however, they probably going push a fun update for us to enjoy. I mean if you don't like the game now, just take a break from Wynncraft until they fix the problem. It doesn't matter if you are in the endgame, midgame, or the beginning. It only matters if you have fun with the game and playing with your friends. You just don't tell the Wynncraft admins and developer to work fast in order to fix a feature that was added months ago also another bug with the guild wars; however, you can encourage them to do their best ability to fix the problem asap instead of complaining about it. (Secret Note: ... Trust ... believe ...)
    SkellySniper and YoshisWorld like this.
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