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My Life In Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SoloDivine, Apr 13, 2019.

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  1. SoloDivine

    SoloDivine Travelled Adventurer

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    Hey, My name is SoloDivine (IGN), let's get personal. My name is David, this has been my 9th-day playing Wynncraft. Now that I see how successful Wynncraft has gotten over the past years, I am amazed by how big it got, and how many changes happened to areas. I have friends that use to play years ago and they recently came back wondering where everything else is like they were first starting Wynncraft like me. I am a Level 51 Assassin. I use thunder weapons and thunder percentage increasing armor. I tend to want to lean towards being a glass cannon because the essential fact of Assassins being able to vanish and run up towards people without knowing... The highest level player I have ever killed using my glass cannon thunder build was Level 78 in five hits. I use my Breathing Helmet II and I dive underwater in Selchar to get my money. Every trip I get about 45 max Emerald Blocks. I usually do this for a couple of hours on Wynncraft. I get on YouTube and crank up the volume and jam out by myself... As I do this, I found out about Wynndata & Wynngamepedia, and I have been using that for information on the server and items. My Total Playtime is 77 hours. To repeat myself, I am Level 51, and I have been playing on Wynncraft actively for 9 days.
    Why did I play Wynncraft? I use to play Minecraft Central Skyblocks. I found out I was really bad at making money in Skyblocks as well. Playing it more for weeks, I found out tricks to make money in Skyblocks. I've gotten scammed, lost friends, lost my mind sometimes. I know, I am silly, over a game. I retired in MCC Skyblocks as an Island Top 4, which, makes me happy that all of that falling made me worth something in the community. That I finally had some self-worth. I was looking around for some RPG based Minecraft Servers. I always loved Rune- and I tend to try very hard in games, even if they are Minecraft or other third party services. I find joy in achieving small goals, like leveling up, going above a money goal, even making friends or talking to another human springs me with joy and happiness. I am broke in real life, and I spent a lot of my time on the computer playing video games. If you did the math for my account. 77 Total Hours divided by my account age of 9 days, I played 8 (or more) hours every day for the past 9 days of playing Wynncraft. I tend to take Wynncraft seriously because it teaches me how to make friends, be friendly, and not be toxic and blunt. I have a blunt side of my personality that was left over by other games I have played with. I also play Wynncraft and Skyblocks because it is economy based. There is trading, there is money/currency. Today, I spent 34 LE on some gear, and a Tier 3 Horse. I feel happy. When I trade, I tend to be friends with the he or she that trades with me. I am currently broke right now in real life, and in game. I feel like, if I got better at managing my money in Wynncraft, I would be more cautious about spending money in person. And, sometimes I am depressed and sad, so I tend to take video games as my other life. I finally, get to step out of reality and step into a virtual stance of everything. I am sad, I am joyful. Thank you.
    brokenmotor, 7Mile, NotFunny and 4 others like this.

    AJJJJJJJJJJJJ Well-Known Adventurer

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    When you play 15 hours a day during the holidays .-.

    Anyway wynncraft’s community is alot friendlier compared to other servers ( in my experience). Doe im not sure how wynncraft would help you save money since i pick up everything on the floor no matter what level or item and avoid buying potions and scrolls in order to save money .-.

    Glad you liked wynncraft and hope you live a successful life :)
    SoloDivine likes this.
  3. SoloDivine

    SoloDivine Travelled Adventurer

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    I use it trading wise. I trade for better items, and I feel like if I do something similar, etc. And I also grind a lot and have only 8 quests done at my level. So I force myself to grind levels and money a more different way than quest or dungeons. It is like a job.
  4. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper Founder of Blue Builds CHAMPION

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    Nicely made little introduction.

    I'm around if you need me :blush:
    brokenmotor and SoloDivine like this.
  5. RazorGuild


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    soon young padawan you will discover the power of a i r. Glass cannon no longer exists.
    brokenmotor, Naraka00 and SoloDivine like this.
  6. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    I dont know if im the only one who found this a little depressing, but playing 8 hours a day is not healthy. it is a good idea to go outside and socialize. I hope you understand that minecraft/wynncraft is just a game, and that what will matter in the end, is your state in real life.
    Maybe the community seems nice to you but most of the players are teens, and their vocabulary is a little.... nsfw
    But seriously some of the things said in WC1 detlas are a little extreme
    brokenmotor likes this.
  7. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    david gang rise up
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