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Tips For Li Solo

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Morgan83, Apr 12, 2019.

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  1. Morgan83

    Morgan83 Too lazy to change from Xmas picture HERO

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    As an air archer I’m having a hard time getting through on my own.
    I don’t know really how to get to the point where I can beat the bosses alone. I’d also like weapon suggestions for each boss plus if there’s anything specific I should be doing
    Epicness937 likes this.
  2. FruiteyLoops

    FruiteyLoops Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Okay so basically take these skill potions... and just drink as many as possible. Idk about builds, maybe check the Class Builds sections on forums. I only really know about soloing LI with Assassins tbh but skill pots really help and you can probably abuse that system further with the Alchemy, Scribing, or Cooking Professions most likely (Scribing can be used on a party but are less effective so for soloing it probz isnt too useful compared to the other 3, cooking professions have weaker effects in exchange for longer durations btw).
    SUPER M likes this.
  3. AscendedZombie

    AscendedZombie kinda busy atm HERO

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    add elemental clusters to your build for bosses with a bit of air defense. earth stinger is also a substitute weapon that helped me a lot while i was doing li with nonmythic air archer. Basically check out motoki1's guide video and take note of the play style as well. Not sure if his build from then is still viable, but thats the weapons he used first if i remember correctly
  4. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    something something something ok here's a bad guide:
    arrow storm 99% of bosses

    some have -kb, so you can hit them/arrow storm them from far away to check their kb at first (matrojan phase, virus doctor for example), then when you storm them walk backwards. don't know entire list of -kb mobs

    but if you want one by one:
    mummy - storm + circle
    doctor - storm + circle + walk backwards
    corkus acc - storm (+ circle on elf); water cluster + curse(?) on robot phase if necessary. charge curse (but don't use it) on magma cube phase for matrojan
    matrojan - water cluster + curse + storm + walk backwards on phase 1. rest of phases just kill asap (check kb on them ofc) and watch out for spells (back away/shield when it casts). water and air bows are enough (probably), spell convert helps too (bomb for earth, storm for thunder)
    yahya - hopefully doesn't need guide
    death - water cluster + storm + circle death (check kb?). back away from spells. maybe kill some of the more annoying minions.
    mow - storm
    robob - kill the swords with bomb, then storm. watch out for spells, can probably one shot if you get hit (mostly charge)
    cybel - don't get hit by cores, shield cybel when it casts then escape away (or run away i guess in phase 1). in survival, try to always have a shield up and walk in circles (while still not getting hit by cores)
    dr legendary - first phase, watch out for flamethrowers. then run in and storm (bomb while he's flamethrowering). second phase, uh storm and check kb. third phase, uh hit it to a wall, then strafe + storm

    note: on
    mummy, doctor, corkus acc, PART of matrojan, death, robob, MAYBE cybel, and doctor legendary, you can use bombs instead of storms from far away for safety, but it'll be slower. of course, as a general rule of thumb, you should be cautious when the boss casts a spell

    idk i mostly run assassin and not too much archer on LI
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
    Glenncrafter and Epicness937 like this.
  5. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    If you get 3 cybels at once fight in the rage that makes you want to kill everyone around you
    For real though its important to basically just have a reasonably powerful build and alot of skill dealing with the bosses. realisticly we dont have 30k dps apoc/cancer tank builds anymore so as long as you know what you are doing and of course are not really a paper nuke you should be fine.
    Evereston likes this.
  6. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Here is a guide.
    It's an old guide so I'm not sure If its helpful or not.
  7. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    screw archer and go for Apoc tier stack
    Iboju likes this.
  8. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    If I forget to reply in 6 or 7 hours, feel free to tag me (seeing as I used Air Archer). I have a post floating in my mind but no time to write it out right now.
    Morgan83 likes this.
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Alright, so the biggest thing to keep in mind about LI is that all of the bosses do a ton of damage. This is especially important as Archer, because 60% base defense - any mistake has a chance taking out half your health, or if you're unlucky, oneshotting you. Agility will no doubt save you many times, but you can't rely on it the way you might be able to with Defense. That said, Archer does an absurd amount of damage, even playing safe, so you can shred tanky bosses extremely quickly.

    I strongly recommend buying a Torrential Tide, if only for Matrojan Idol (phase 1 in particular). If you can, a Thunder-powdered Cluster is also useful in a number of cases, since it makes some Air-resistant bosses die faster.

    General notes
    - Every time you fight a boss in the large arenas, use Escape the moment you enter to get near the middle of the arena, so you don't have to spend time reacting to them and can go on the offensive right away.
    - Bomb Arrow can be fired while Arrow Storm is still going, without interrupting it. This makes alternating Bomb Arrow and Arrow Storm very efficient, since each will just take a second-use mana cost every time, and you never have to stop firing. I often use this from the middle distance (defined as "further than multi-hit, but close enough that charge will go over your head"), where even though only the middle stream of Arrow Storm hits, I'm basically getting continous 15k dps. You can close in to get all the hits of Arrow Storm on some occasions, at least against bosses that take very little knockback, but I only do that if the boss has a spell gap or is too dangerous to not finish off immediately.
    - I strongly recommend drinking a health pot quickly whenever you get hit (expect to run through 3-6 health pots on a full LI run, depending on how skilled/lucky you are).
    - Rotate around the bosses to avoid getting hit. Just in case it wasn't obvious. Applies mainly to ranged bosses, but useful against melee ones sometimes too.
    - It is possible to maneuver the bosses against the sides of the arena and stunlock them. I don't generally recommend this unless you're very confident though.

    Probably the easiest or second-easiest boss, but the overall theme of LI is still important - I once soloed all of LI, died to Mummyboard on my next run, and then soloed the whole thing again on my third run. He's actually resistant to Air and weak to Water, although honestly I wouldn't bother using TTide - the difference is minimal, and TTide pushes down Thunder defense significantly.

    First phase 200k, second phase 225k. Both phases take a very small but nonzero amount of knockback, so you can't usually just stunlock with Arrow Storm. He uses regular ranged attacks in the first phase and rapid ranged (five successive shots, followed by a pause) in the second phase. Both phases have Heavy Teleport, and possibly a few other inconsequential spells. First phase has regular Flamethrower, which is usually not that much of a problem (just back off to middle distance), but second phase has Heavy Flamethrower, so I strongly recommend Escapeing away the moment you see any sign of flames since if you get caught you'll probably die (it's ~4-shot, but hits up to 10 times). The minions are pretty inconsequential, two Bombs will finish them off, but I do recommend dealing with them if there are more than a few out so they don't mess you up.

    Virus Doctor
    200k first phase, 225k second phase. If you've fought the original, this one works basically the same way. The same Storm/Bomb alternation in the middle distance should work, although be aware that Virus Doctor takes a moderate amount of negative knockback. He shoots a projectile about once every 1.5-2 seconds, which will twoshot, and has access to Heavy Teleport and Weakness/Slowness. The latter isn't too bad unless your dps is low (which it shouldn't be as Archer), but the former is as strong as his ranged attack, which can be dangerous if he decides to teleport right next to you and you get hit by his ranged attack (similar to the Psychomancer from the Hive). The Locusts build up over time, so you can't prolong the battle too much or you end up with a hundred unkillable locusts hounding you all the time. They can be quite dangerous in groups, so if you need to, Arrow Shield will throw them back pretty far.

    Corkus Accipientis
    First phase 150k, has Weakness/Slowness, and spams Heavy Charge. I recommend alternating Storm/Bomb at very close range the moment he spawns, he's large enough that you don't have to be dangerously close to hit all three streams. I've never actually gotten hit by him, but I expect he hits pretty hard. You should usually be able to beat him in 10-15 seconds without him actually doing anything to you. If you get afflicted with Weakness/Slowness though, I recommend /class to restart that fight, since it's very annoying for the rest of the phases.

    Second phase 150k, basically he's Virus Doctor with positive knockback, more frequent teleport spamming, and the occasional Meteor. He teleports often enough that it's hard to keep him in close range, so Bomb/Bomb/Storm might work better (skipping the extra Bomb if you're nearby of course).

    Third phase is 150k, somewhat fast melee, uses Multihit. Pull, and Heavy Charge. Storm/Bomb alternating, same as the rest, and stay at middle distance so Multihit and Pull don't become dangerous. You get a bit of a respite in this one, so I recommend clearing out most of the minions if they pile up - each has 6 phases (Fire > Thunder > Water > Earth > Air > Rainbow, iirc) with ~10k health each so they're pretty tanky.

    Fourth phase is 150k, fast melee with a charge AI (only changes direction every so often, instead of homing in on you all the time), which makes him a little more difficult to target. You can use Air against him, but I recommend Thunder Cluster if you have one since it makes the fight a little faster. His main spell is Arrow Storm, which he'll occasionally throw out a bunch of times - it can be pretty dangerous, although you can just back up a little further and it usually won't affect you.

    Fifth phase 100k, it has that AI where it runs away for a bit after you hit it. It has Charge (or Heavy Charge maybe), and Push, the latter of which can be annoying. Closing the distance with Escape can be useful, and often he'll run up against a wall where you can spam Storm at close range. Note that despite often running away, if you don't hit him for some time he'll come attack you again, and his melee is actually quite strong, so be careful of that.

    Matrojan Idol
    I recommend fighting the original in the Iboju hidden library (maybe with a random normal weapon or something), so you can get a sense of the attack patterns of each of its 10 phases. I'll overview the notable phases below. There's a post somewhere with all of Matrojan Idol's elemental defenses, which is quite useful.

    Each phase has slightly less health than the last, going from 150k to 50k - the total health pool is 1.1M. Idol is widely considered the first really challenging boss of LI - in my opinion, it's the third-hardest out of all of them. I recommend keeping Arrow Shield up all the time, since he's a melee mob and hits quite hard.

    First phase has a Water weakness, which is important because it spams Heavy Flamethrower in a tiny arena. Continuous Storm/Bomb as fast as possible the moment it spawns, if you don't kill it before it starts using flamethrower chances of survival are maybe 30-50% (depending on how well you dodge it - run around rapidly and/or spam Escape - and how lucky you are with Agility). I use TTide primarily for this phase (and the second phase, though mainly just for convenience), although as by2011 mentioned, Water Cluster is also an option. Note that it has significant negative knockback in first phase, so be careful not to let it get too close - it's a melee mob, and will twoshot for sure.

    I believe the fourth and fifth phases (or maybe fifth and sixth) both have Heavy Charge, which can oneshot if you get hit. I recommend finishing those phases off very quickly - if you need to, you can launch them into the air with Arrow Shield, get right under them, and fire Arrow Storm straight up continuously.

    Tenth and final phase ("the baby") has rainbow defenses, so that 50k health ends up being effectively more like 80k. He has a ton of different spells at his disposal, including (Heavy?) Charge, Heavy Teleport, and Heal, possibly others. For all of the small arena battles, when you get the boss token you have to step on the stone pressure plate with it in your inventory to exit the arena.

    The other phases shouldn't be a problem, just check out their attack patterns in the original and the LI versions work basically the same way.

    This is a survival test, generally pretty easy (although I've died to it before, so it's not really a joke boss). You start with 30 seconds of waiting in the main arena, until you get teleported to the first room (i.e. until YahyaBot drugs you with mushroom spores).

    First room - level 1 mobs that do next to no damage. YahyaBot can still hit pretty hard here though, so I recommend using Escape to jump on top of the cow head. This is the same room that the original "Yahya - The Final Form [Level 9002]" appears in during Shattered Minds. 30 seconds in this room.

    Second room (60 seconds) - YahyaBot only, in a long corridor, but he hits really hard. Basically just keep him off you with Arrow Shield, etc. For once, Wind Prison is actually useful, so utilize that if you aren't using Knucklebones.

    Third room (60 seconds) - A room with four columns, also from Shattered Minds. Get behind one of the columns and use Escape, there are areas where you can stand on the columns. Use Bomb Arrow to clear out any mobs that can hit you (they all use burst fire and can be dangerous if there are a lot).

    Fourth room (90 seconds) - A swamp with some trees, and rather dangerous and tanky mobs. The grey leaves are actually retextured vines, so get beneath them, use Escape, and hold Shift to hang. Note that if you don't get there fast enough the mobs can actually be really dangerous.

    Fifth room (90 seconds) - You have Jump Boost 10 or something, and are on a larger version of one of the ??? meteors. Jump constantly, and keep up Arrow Shield all the time (watch one of YYGAMER's videos to see how this works). Use Bomb Arrow to clear out the minions, and also to slow down YahyaBot. The main goal is to use Arrow Shield to protect yourself from YahyaBot, who hits very hard in this phase.

    After that, you get teleported back to the main room as YahyaBot runs out of mushroom reserves and stops drugging you. Walk up to him and punch him (he has 1 hp).

    ---to be continued in the next post---
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
  10. Electrolysis

    Electrolysis person VIP+

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    Hey look it’s my guide

    And it should still be relevant as not much has rly changed since it was written
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  11. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Death Metal
    Works exactly like Death from Tower of Ascension, except with the addition of a second form that has burst fire instead of regular ranged fire. Also, Death Metal plays his scythe like a guitar. ~200k each phase. His ranged attacks do next to no damage, but his Multihit is usually a oneshot. He takes an extremely small amount of negative knockback, although this becomes relevant with Arrow Storm - I recommend using it to "position" him near the middle, so you can rotate around him and still be out of range of Multihit.

    Kill Antivirus (Guardian) and Wired Beast (Chained Beast) as quickly as possible, since their Heavy Charge can sometimes oneshot - target them first if they respawn, to the exclusion of Death Metal (but do remember to keep your distance from the latter and rotate around him to avoid projectiles and Multihit). Metalkevo can be annoying, so you can kill him too if you want, or just keep him off you with Arrow Shield as needed. The other three are pretty inconsequential, and often just die while you're killing the three stronger ones - you may prefer to finish off Glitch Doctor with a few extra Bombs, since iirc he can cast Weakness. After that, rotate Death Metal and alternate Storm/Bomb, staying out of range of Multihits - you can get a little closer than with most other bosses, since a hit or two of his projectiles isn't that bad and he only casts one spell (so just back up if you see spell particles). I think Death Metal is actually slightly resistant to Air, but I've never found it to be a problem (his weaknesses are very small in magnitude too).

    Mechorrupter of Worlds
    Possibly the easiest LI boss. Works exactly like Corrupter of Worlds - very fast melee mob with a high attack rate, takes a lot of knockback, uses Pull and Multihit. 250k first phase, 350k second phase (a little longer than you're probably used to, but he's not actually difficult so it doesn't really matter), kill the minions if they become annoying, stay in middle distance and alternate Storm/Bomb. Should be easy - I've never died to him, and usually don't get hit at all.

    Robob's Reinvention
    He is quite a bit more dangerous than the original, but not really too hard (about as hard as Death metal maybe). 350k first phase, 250k second phase. Shift target slightly to the swords as they spawn, particularly Fire and Water (Heavy Flamethrower and ranged, respectively). For Robob, try to stay in that sweetspot where Multihit can't reach you but Heavy Charge goes over your head - he's very dangerous with both of those, and also on occasion when he uses Heavy Flamethrower. He also has Slowness/Weakness, which can be annoying, but not crippling - I'd only recommend /class if you get afflicted near the beginning of the fight. The Water Sword is the only ranged mob in this fight, unless you count Heavy Flamethrower as ranged (which both Robob and the Fire Sword have).

    Orange Cybel
    Cybel is literally just Orange Wybel but more damage - which is not much of a difference, because Orange Wybel usually oneshots anyway. I recommend reading a guide about Orange Wybel for full details, but basically phases 1/3/5 are combat (get close and spam Arrow Storm, run away and pray when he starts spell-spamming), while phases 2/4 are survival - use Escape to constantly jump around the arena until he uses Self-Destruct. Health is the same as Wybel, 135k/135k/270k for phases 1/3/5. He's unfortunately tiny, so be careful not to get hit by his melee while getting close for Arrow Storm - it'll take out about 70-80% of your health, possibly oneshot if you're unlucky. Basically any of his spells will oneshot or come close to it - Wybel/Cybel are best known for no-cooldown Heavy Charge spamming, which stacks up damage to the point where it can seriously harm a max-Def Warrior and basically has him flying around the arena.

    Destructors will occasionally spawn - 3 Bombs should take them out, but if possible try to keep them clustered in one area, because the Destructor Cores that they spawn can't be moved until they Self-Destruct. Destructor Cores sometimes use (regular) Flamethrower, but are best known for Pull - very dangerous if there are lots of them, because their melee is 2k-10k base damage, plus Archer's 60% base defenses.

    The golden pressure plates will spawn a group of Rowdy Wybels (don't remember the LI-equivalent's name) in a crowd on that side of the arena. They aren't too bad as Archer as long as you don't get swarmed, 3 or 4 Bombs should take them all out. Note that any of the mobs in addition to the player can trigger the plates, although even then, plate triggers by the boss or minions are rather uncommon.

    To paraphrase Shots, Cybel isn't too bad, except he can oneshot you whenever he wants.

    Dr. Legendary
    Gets underrated because he comes after Cybel, but excluding Cybel's absurd damages and chargestack, Dr. Legendary is quite a bit harder. 250k health each phase, unless they've buffed it (since they buffed Qira from 700k total to 880k total), but I don't think they did. Watch the TNT scattered around the arena - they attempt Self-Destruct every 7 seconds, which will take about half your health.

    First phase is really dangerous, you can't rely on the usual Storm/Bomb. Ranged, fires twice per second, he has Heavy Flamethrower up nearly constantly, and can close distance suddenly with Charge and Teleport (don't remember if they're damaging versions, but probably). This is a dangerous combo, since one moment he might be halfway across the arena, and the next moment he could be right next to you and spraying you with Heavy Flamethrower - his cooldowns are short enough that he can start flamethrower, teleport after a second or so, and have it suddenly flare up at his new location. Use Escape to stay away from him, and alternate Bomb/Bomb/Shield (the last is to help keep TNT numbers down, plus the extremely small chance that Arrow Rain actually does something useful and hits TNT or Dr. Legendary. He's resistant to Air and weak to Thunder in this phase - it's possible to do it with Air of course, but it's a pretty long and dangerous battle either way so imo no need to make it longer than it has to be. Note that first phase is the only one with flamethrower.

    Second phase is basically just Qira second phase without Web spell, but faster (i.e. melee with Multihit/Charge). He's weak to Air, which is nice. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, just keep away from the TNT like always.

    Third phase is ranged, also twice per second. I don't remember his exact spells, but I do know he sometimes spams Push, which makes staying close challenging sometimes (and can also be dangerous if he pushes you near TNT as it Self-Destructs).

    1 Diamond token, 7 Gold, 15 Silver, 25 Bronze. It's just 1 token of that type for the first boss in a tier, increasing all of them by 2 for every successive boss. One full run is enough to buy a Diamond tier ring, two runs for a Bracelet or Necklace.
  12. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    Skill pots and/or 3rd person POV can help out greatly on the harder bosses, especially minion-based ones like the Cybel
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
  13. Naraka00

    Naraka00 Warrior of the Revolution Staff Member Mod Manager Moderator CHAMPION

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    Hi @Lord Vader Please don't post on threads where the last post is older than a month since that is necroposting.

    Closing this thread, if the OP's wishes to reopen it you can send a moderator a message.
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