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Professions - How Does The Community Feel? (results Released)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Goden, Apr 10, 2019.

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  1. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    nO i TaGgED A sILeNt mEMbeR oF ThE dIScUssIOn??? So mUCh fOR bEtTeR cOmMuNIcaTiON.
  2. FruiteyLoops

    FruiteyLoops Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    You do bring up some good points and as someone who restarted the game as a new class to try to get most of my profession levels up, it certainly can be rewarding to even sell your level 30 gear suprisingly. However, I do have to make some disagreements regarding your grinding counterarguments.

    The issue with professions being too "grindy" is mostly just the fact that it feels extremely tedious doing the process. My main issue with the system is actually the fact that you have to not just grind resources but you actually have to craft tons of lowered level stuff that aren't even in the same league as the actual profession/crafting ability so you basically have to spend the first 10 levels in each profession trying to scrawl around Ragni grinding for stacks of materials just to get each thing to level 10. The progression system is almost as slow as combat xp itself and it feels a bit too artificial to master in anything but one thing. Maybe that was the intention but imo it makes the system quite underwhelming. A bigger issue is mostly the fact that the whole process of gathering resources and crafting them is extremely tedious. Wynncraft is a game and isn't an actual job. You mostly spend your time going to the same area 50 times (Sometimes backtracking all the way back to Ragni sometimes just for level 1-10 resources) hitting the same things for a repeated few hours. There's no genuine skill involved with professions unlike combat and you only really get rewarded very late at game which honestly is too long of a pay-off for even Wynncraft. As grindey as the combat is in Wynncraft, it at least is more than just using one move unless you use a specific build and you can level up in more ways that aren't just hitting the same mobs in the same grinding places (Quests, Dungeons, etc.). The most amount of xp variety you get are through refining your resources and collecting them and it creates a tedious grinding cycle, let alone for more than 2-3 professions.

    I feel like they should have either made it a lot easier to level up things such as weaponsmithing whilst keeping the main four professions having the same xp curve so its easier to get things to a level you want. And maybe there could be missions that involve getting certain materials. But I would say the best idea is to add more variety in materials you can collect from chopping, mining, fishing, and farming since there's only one kind of material per 10 levels and one kind of tool per 5 levels. Maybe add special abilities to the tools or different moves that can do stuff like burn the tree so you get burnt materials which are better for different things for example. If they gave the gameplay more variety and the reward isn't just for tediously grinding with one button like a robot, it could actually be an extremely well-polished system. Professions are kind of new so maybe we'll see some improvements. Oh yea and they should add more items you can craft with as well that'd be great!
    PercyTW likes this.
  3. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    my story:
    I was playing Wynncraft for over three years. When I first started playing I started by doing quests, after 1-2 months I got to level 90~, I used to have 64-80Le because I didn't used my money (I only used them on scrolls and chestnut horse). I decided to by a lot of horses and breed them to get a white horse and what did happen? I lost all my le (... I hate myself). After this I quit Wynncraft for nearly two years but I usually come from time to time and decide to fully return in 2018.

    Well you might ask "What's the point of this?!"
    The point is: If I lost 64Le and just because of losing them I quit for nearly two years. Then do you think it's possible to me to buy 10 pages for 6 stacks of le? No I won't.

    Note: I'm not saying to change it to me, but I'm sure a lot of other players feel the same.

    The much more important point:
    ... To me (and 100% a lot of other players) 6 stacks is a lot, I don't want to waste them on 10 pages!
    Saying to a player "it's a money sink" or "throw your useless stuff" or "Gather money and just buy them"
    Those aren't solutions.
    To make the whole price of bank pages worth a mythic is behind stuipd.

    Note: All my le has been wasted on scrolls (Detlas, Ahmsord, llevigar and selchar) and bank pages and one build.

    The much much more important point:
    I'm not here to say "Please make the bank pages price lower" I'm here to... (Note: some sarcastic words incoming) Oh wait I'm here to say "Lower the bank pages or I will quit ;Sad Face;"
    No that doesn't fix the problem:
    When you click you'll need to be carful to not take a lot of materials which the first time I tried to take two stacks of wood and some fish (weight 1) all of them dropped except for the fish... I tried to take them from the floor but nothing happened even though I returned all materials to the bank. Which comes to my point "organizing materials is hell" because you need to be carful or you'll lose materials.
    What about if you got stuck and you can't use scrolls or you dot have any? And even then, losing high tier ingredient which you spend a lot of time gathering and losing them with full souls is just stuipd.

    I understand the arguments for the first two issues, but at this point your just trying to defend the CT/Admin which is a good thing but really? The last issue is totally a bug.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
  4. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Just an interesting update I figured I'd inform y'all of:

    Out of all of the people who've filled in the optional "why?" box (about 33 people), only two of them don't mention some complaint about the grind.

    More to come at the end of the week ^^
  5. Lucina of Ylisse

    Lucina of Ylisse Ironing Board VIP

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    Is is certainly interesting... though it has more grinding then necessary
    rainbow_elite_7 likes this.
  6. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    also shout-out to the guy who spent probably a solid fifteen minutes responding to the poll 21 times, I respect your dedication despite you knowing that it takes me all of ten seconds to delete all of the responses

    there was an attempt
  7. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    okay here's a list ig

    1: The leveling curve is horrible. I don't just mean to grindy from a level 100 class but at level 1 any player has next to no reason to level them because it is grindy compared to the already grindy combat levels. Professions should be able to be leveled at a somewhat similar rate to combat levels but that's really not the case. for example I've got a class I'm running at a regular rate and its about level 30 BUT despite spending most of my time on that class gathering materials and ingredients my highest profession is level 21 and my lowest is freaking 11. If they want the new system to be fun for the few thousand new players they gotta make it have reason to be level cause let me tell you grinding professions to craft weapons 10 levels below you is not useful in any new player's eyes.

    2: The crafting system itself I think is great, aside from the way durability works (ill get back to that) I like it a lot. It allows for some fun new types of weapons and builds...assuming they don't instantly get nerfed...but that's another rant, and also allow for mythic substitutes to be created for players who lack money...like me.

    3: Durability is just stupid in the way it works. If I got a weapon with 156 durability it shouldn't lose effectiveness at 95 should it?? I can tell its something like ~60% durability it starts losing it but PLEASE can we have a cap to that so like anything with +90 durability doesn't lose effectiveness until its ACTUALLY low.

    4: Honestly having three different consumables I think is just really cool, maybe excessive but really cool. It allows for new approaches to builds for pvp and pve and for creative uses of different buffs you can get from them. All we need is a fixed pvp world to abuse them in.

    So overall thoughts I'd go 8/10 not perfect but allows for alot more things to do.
    Tsukiji, That_Chudley, Tsuneo and 5 others like this.
  8. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I really wish that the system was less focused on grinding up the professions and more on crafting with them, as right now it just feels unengaging and unrewarding. I would also rather have 3 star ingredients be a guaranteed drop from enemies that are tougher than their current state rather than a chance of it dropping from weaker enemies, and would make it feel better as a gameplay loop (crafting randomly rolled weapons in the hope of getting a better roll to kill tougher monsters to get better ingredients to craft another weapon to try for a better roll). Otherwise I think it's pretty good.
    PercyTW and Epicness937 like this.
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I do generally agree that a few slightly harder rare mobs would be nice (perhaps neutral, so they aren't completely overwhelming to an unprepared player). I'd also really like to see rare mobs that are something other than "low spawn rate in region X". Maybe you have to do something with a certain item at a certain location, stuff like that.
  10. rainbow_elite_7

    rainbow_elite_7 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    When you say "do something in a certain area" are you reffering to summoning a mini event or something similar to the likes of the Uth Shrines or something like that? Cause I think that would actually be kind of neat tbh.
  11. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    I like the addition of professions to the game altho the grind start to get to hard once you hit lvl 70. And both storing materials and ingredients will hurt your bank space a lot! Also the fact that most people will only grind professions in pfxp and pfs is something that shouldn't happen but with the grind being so hard grinding without bombs just burns you out :/
  12. PercyTW

    PercyTW Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I originally answered "pretty cool", but then upon realizing that the level 50s crafting takes 4 times the materials as level 0s, I began to dislike it a lot more(because I knew that the max refining chance stopped decreasing at level 30s, I thought the material cost would stop there too(3 times the materials as level 0s)). When I realized the material cost was 4 times as much as level0s, I felt extremely bamboozled.
    Oh, I forgot to say this, but I would like it if the material cost capped at 3 times as much as that of level 0s (or maybe 2 times!), and like others said, focus on the crafting but not the gathering.
    Epicness937 likes this.
  13. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    If you want you can respond again and I'll delete your first. Just let me know if you do
  14. PercyTW

    PercyTW Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Thank you, please delete my previous response. (Sorry about being late to reply, because of time zones and whatnot)
    Goden likes this.
  15. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    More fun info time, almost half of the nearly 100 players that have responded to the poll joined Wynn in 2014.

    3 days to go
    PercyTW and Druser like this.
  16. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Wynn grew a lot in 2014, that's probably why. I don't remember how I found the server, although probably through one of the many random Youtubers playing Wynncraft back then.
  17. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    shout out to all the real gamers that joined the server because of generikb and bdoubleo, never forget
  18. PercyTW

    PercyTW Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I joined because I watched CraftedMovie (I forgot if I watched at the time of the release of the original trailer, however), but couldn't join because of not having a regular Minecraft account. In last June, however, I finally got to buy one, and the memory of the server popped into my head for some reason, so I joined it, then after getting to level 90 (as a mage, by the way), I quit because it got boring. Then in February, I stumbled upon the information that 1.18 was released, so I rejoined the server (with a new character- an archer).
    Wait, did the people you mentioned promote the server before CraftedMovie did?
  19. Echks

    Echks Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    I really don't think the bank space issue is as bad as people make it seem. If you're leveling all your professions relatively evenly, you can just throw away low level materials. Like, if you've got all your stuff at level 20 and you still have Copper and Oak in your bank, you're wasting space. Either throw it away or craft stuff and sell it.
  20. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Even though i only have half a page of material my bank is nearly full... I know that a lot of items might seem unnecessary to take a space in your bank but thats up to the player to decide.
    There are players who have more than 8 pages full of materials and ingredients.
    Epicness937 likes this.
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