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The Lack Of Royalty Or A Government In Gavel

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Benjin, Apr 10, 2019.


Do you think Gavel has bad intentions?

  1. Yes

    15 vote(s)
  2. No

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  1. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Gavel, a strong province suffering from the Decay, it seems to lack any clear sight of a monarchy or government or perhaps even a dictatorship. We don't know much about its rulers but we do know the fact that it is currently ruled by a government, as quoted by Yansur "Gavel's governments can not stop Mistress Qira. I doubt you can either."

    With this information in mind, the sudden absence of the government in public, most likely due to Wynn Excavation and its intents, considering you the player beat this organization and revealed the truth, makes them hide in the shadows now that their secret is spoiled. While Wynn is inhabited by royalty, like the King of Ragni and King of Troms, Gavel once was ruled by royalty as quoted by the King of Ragni "I remember being told something by my grandfather, and he was royalty in Gavel himself!"

    With all this gathered up, no wonder the Gavellian government never makes a public entrance, it's greedy and wants to take control, which is why they sent Wynn Excavation to find great power buried beneath what is not theirs, if one thing Wynncraft's most powerful traitors and tyrants have shown, is that corrupt or not, they contain a great desire for themselves, Hashr assassinated his father for his staff and the throne, the Iron Golem Factory has a cruel secret and think they are heroes for what they do, and then the government itself can simply not be trusted, only wishing to wage this war as a distraction to fulfill their great desires.

    Is Wynn the only hope? Well perhaps yes, despite it being ruled by descendants of Gavellian royalty, it fairs better than Gavel and its intentions, considering that they might soon steal Wynn from its holders, unless Fruma interferes, which it seems highly unlikely considering Fruma abandoned it when it Wynn became superior to them. Perhaps Wynn should stop worrying about the Corruption and see what Gavel is hiding behind its backs.

    Hope you enjoyed this explanation of the Gavellian government, I didn't write a TLDR because it would be hard to cram it all into a simple paragraph.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2019
  2. SUPER M


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    Villagers have big noses and are greedy. Do you know any other race that have big noses and are greedy?

  3. pyunbiwi

    pyunbiwi Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I hereby declare, to my fellow Gavelites, the Provisional Government of the Province of Gavel, which I shall herewith lead. We shall eliminate all the untrue peoples who call themselves the "leaders" of our grand Province. Glory to Gavel! Long may it reign!
  4. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    maybe before you start doing anything that requires organization you should get rid of your illegal immigrants human settlement
    SUPER M likes this.
  5. pyunbiwi

    pyunbiwi Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Are you suggesting that we pull out our imperialist expansionists peaceful settlers? They just want to UNDERSTAND more about the greatness of Gavel.
  6. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    TRUE, but there are still villagers who have aren't heartless to the point they would steal an province's property.
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Key word is "governments."
    Pretty sure gavel is made up of a couple of different nations of people, like the elfs, dwarves and villagers.
    Seeing as they all have there own cities and ways of ruling.
    Turbostratus and brokenmotor like this.
  8. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    My interpretation is just that there's a hodgepodge of sometimes-conflicting info, much of which is unreleased and/or exists mainly in the heads of the CT (for example, how much did we really know about Ensa before Selvut told us?)
  9. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    What's Ensa
  10. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    The character behind various items with his name in them. If I remember correctly, he was a devout priest but everyone else knew his religion was false (or something like that). Selvut mentioned it once randomly.
  11. Artemis Lance

    Artemis Lance Reporting Kirov

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    Gavels cities seem to govern themselves and tend to band together to fight the other sentient creatures. We don’t have much information on the villagers relationship with the elves, and for the dwarves it appears that they have trade agreements with both the elves and villagers but tend to stay out of each other’s way.
  12. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    I'm talking about the villagers in general, the Elves and Dwarves can stay out of the way, Villager property for example: Llevigar, Bucie, Olux, Lexdale?(it's far too poor), Cinfras, Thesead, Ahmsord and the Sky Islands. While the entirety of Light Forest is most likely owned by the elves, also Maltic may still be considered "theirs",
    SUPER M likes this.
  13. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Here's what I believe, though a lot of it is most likely not accurate:

    Wynn Ex. was formed by Gavel's most elite or high class people to establish total global control after finding out about the Crystals.

    Amadel was most likely something of royalty or elite-class before becoming the leader of Wynn Ex.

    Most of Wynn's royalty or "government" is controlled by them, save for Ragni and Troms' king.

    A lot of them are currently in hiding. Some of the "mayor"s of certain towns are present and public, yes, however they either just manage the cities for them or in the grand scheme of the government they hold very little power.

    Their forces are incredibly large and powerful, exceeding Wynn and Corkus's government in economic strength, magic, and power. They're most likely neck to neck with Wynn for military strength, and surpassed by Corkus in technological advances.

    Despite all of this, they are still no match for Qira & her army, which just goes to show how powerful Qira is.. and us to an extent. Unless that one asshole servant was telling the truth and Qira was just fucking with us the entire time.

    They're also.. incredibly scared of Dern for some reason. They ripped out any and all mentions of Dern from the Llevigar Library and most likely anywhere else. Most likely forced Wynn's royalty to shut up about it too.

    Overall, I think in future updates Gavel's elite government may be nothing short of a major antagonist. We've already seen what Rodoroc's royalty could pull off, and what Amadel could do, now imagine Cinfras, Ahmsord, Llevigar, all of those rich cities in one complete government.
  14. Mekyr

    Mekyr Warden of Rymek Canyon HERO

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  15. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    Never thought of it this way before
  16. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Your top section is a bit theoretical but saying that Amadel is royalty instead of a mercenary seems too much, man, I may be entering fan theory here, but Amadel feels hypnotized, if he was a mercenary he no doubt would have taken the crystals for himself.

    Even an important government elite wouldn't just give off something like this, that or either he was corrupted by the crystals and became aggressive, so the hypnosis idea is kind of believable, you can't just let a item of corrupt power just waltz into someone's hands and expect them to retrieve it in perfect stature even if he used the item on himself.

    Also if the governments are terribly scared of Dern, why bother attempting to contain a Dernic force? Seems odd, and the player looks more of a god than a human being considering how easily he/she rips through "unbeatable beings", most likely cliche, but that's not the point, also the Gavellian government being stronger than Wynn and Gavel combined is a bit non-sensical, just sending this super normal looking excavation pack seems odd, they could've made them look a little more resourceful instead of LITERALLY ENTRUSTING THE PLAYER TO GO FETCH EM THE GEMS AND ONLY FOR THE PLAYER TO NOT DESTROY THE BIG FAT GEM WHEN HE GETS THE SHARD HE NEEDS, and considering the gems are pretty easy to burn, they should be pretty disposable of, god, you could've literally shoved the fire gem into some lava and be done with it but NOPE but anyways the government should be beatable, they don't even know about Fruma that much, I bet it could've done some damage to good ol' Gavel if it tried trespassing, but now since you easily beat Wynn Excavation like it's nothing the government is pretty weak now.
  17. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    You didn't beat WynnExcavation. You killed their leader and eliminated their only chance of completing their goals. There's nothing that implies they were permanently defeated and they could not stop you at all no matter what resources they used.

    Gee, for a government that was able to dethrone the original King of Ragni (another theory by spyrohawk) and replace him with a false one, turn a good portion of Wynn's royalty and most likely Gavel's royalty to their side, they're pretty weak am I right???

    Amadel being hypnotized is the most non-sensical thing you've said. These are greedy, corrupt, high power villagers we're talking about here. They wouldn't entrust some mercenary to retrieve one of the most powerful magical artifacts in known existence, expect the hypnotizing to still stay in effect after he begins to utilize their world-changing power and then still stay to their side. Moreover giving him full control over everything and allowing him to mastermind the entire thing.

    PS: The desert, Twain area, and the volcano quests were all controlled, planned, or orchestrated. They needed someone of good heart but still extreme power to be able to combine the crystals properly. Even then, they told the player not to go into the tomb.

    And yes, Fruma could easily beat the shit out of Gavel. Their simple recruited soldiers were able to grow strong enough to beat Wynn's most fabled heroes and monsters. They withhold their good magic for the higher ups and royalty.
  18. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Never read spyrohawk's theory, is he assuming that the king was being suspicious or are there more details to fit in? Well I don't necessarily mean weak over all compared to other forces, Fruma as I said, while replacing a king of a major city is a hard feat, and getting the trust of the seconds is quite impressive, it doesn't show raw power, suggesting why they sought the crystals to retrieve in the first place.

    The King of Troms was fooled easily because of how easy it was to fool previous Trommian royalty, in 831 AP another King of Troms was easily fooled by the shaman Slykaar to protect his people in dark ways, while royalty may have learned not to take big risks, there's no more Bob to save them when Bob replaced Slykaar, while the King of Ragni seems to be wary about Wynn Excavations intents he does not want to side with them, but suggesting it, you could possibly have been pick-pocketed by Amadel's Assistant, considering you were THAT close to him, if that isn't the case then I don't know what is, so traitorous/phony king for the mean time.
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I don't think Slykaar was really fooling the king. More like that king just figured having a city was better than not having a city, and decided to turn to less savory magics to get there.
    Iboju likes this.
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