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Help Me....

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Agnar, Apr 10, 2019.

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  1. Agnar

    Agnar hot af HERO

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    Ok, so, lemme give y'all a little backstory. I've been playing wynn for years, ever since 2015 about. I was a top donator, a top levelled player, I was literally the first HERO rank. (salted and jumla even asked me if everything was working, since I bought HERO the absolute second it came out.) Wynn was my life, man. Until about a year and a half ago.... I was getting bored, and so I took a break. That was back when wynn enhanced wasn't all drama, and everyone was using it. So I took about a year long break. I come back a year later, to see all my 25+ stacks worth of mythics and LE gone. From my bank and characters. Even all my EB..... I have roughly 2k hours on wynn, and worked DAMN hard to earn all of that. So the fact that I lost everything, REALLY was depressing for me. I contacted mods over and over, they couldn't do anything because of their "no refund" policy. So I was beyond discouraged, and quit for about 6 months, after changing my password due to hearing about all the wynn enhanced drama. I really miss wynn, and I want to get back into it, but the experience of wynn has been so soured for me. I tried playing today, and it was just depressing. Its just, I don't know what else to do. I've had such amazing memories with wynn, especially with @LordMuttonChops who I co-owned a guild with, @PlanetCookie @Homruh @Nyam @dukioooo @JaydonTheWarrior @Nirguy @orange0401 @Cats_69 @Golfbawl @Toy__ and many many more.... I'm just at my wit's end. I want to play wynncraft again so badly, but every time I log in I'm filled with depression and sadness.... So the whole reason I'm making this thread.... Is to ask for the community's help where the mods cannot help due to policies. ANY donations would be greatly appreciated, but not expected of anyone. I'm just putting this out here, because I'm out of options.... If anyone, ANYONE can help me, I would appreciate it beyond words. And if you don't trust my story, I understand. It is rather strange.... I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to trust me, but I also am trying to show how sincere and earnest I am right now.... I'm lost without you guys. If no one wants to donate anything, that's fine too. I just wanted to get my problems out there, and see what y'all think. I am sincerely sorry if this bothers or upsets some of you. I hope I can keep up playing wynn for a long time to come.
    ~With Love,
    Homruh, Tsukiji, i eat bees and 3 others like this.
  2. Arreme

    Arreme Veteran, Learning Game Design VIP+

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    It's really sad that you lost everything, but if you really really love wynn you may know that asking for items is never the solution. In other words, games like this does not focus on the goal but on the experience. If you have lost everything, think of taking a new approach to the game. Explore the new contents and separate your old self that spent so many hours on this server. You deserve to enjoy wynn from the start.

    Maybe being on the top for that much time made you forget where you started.
    MOOOSH, Tsukiji, Pvpet and 8 others like this.
  3. PrimaNocta

    PrimaNocta Well-Known Adventurer

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    Your account information was likely stolen, the game stores data really rather well, so it's likely some clever mischief got a hold of your belongings. Don't let this sully your experience, have a good time, rebuild your progress, and just enjoy the game for what it is and not what you have.
    Pvpet, Elephat, Agnar and 1 other person like this.
  4. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Technically you just arrived back to wynn at the best time to start a new character. Plenty of new content, almost everything has been rebuilt or changed, and even aspects of combat are being addressed soon^tm. I don't have anything to give except advice. I'd say you're probably still in a better spot than most other players returning given your past. I think you've still got friends out there. I'd imagine you could probably find them easier on the wynncraft discord though. That's where most of the in-game discussions go.
    Pvpet, Agnar and SmileyAlec like this.
  5. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    Gonna set aside my shitposting habits for a bit:

    The endgame's not the fun part of Wynn, it's the journey to get there that's enjoyable. Like most MMOs, the real fun is in doing the quests with your pals and slowly building your way up to become overpowered. Loads of quests got reworked, the map has been completely changed, runescape-esque crafting has been added, so it only makes sense to go in fresh. It does suck how much you lost but sadly there's not much anyone can do about it. Might as well make the best of the shitty situation with a fresh start.
    NicBOMB, Pvpet, Stag2001 and 2 others like this.
  6. AscendedZombie

    AscendedZombie kinda busy atm HERO

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    if you really think you need mythics and riches to play wynn, then i can gladly tell you its never been easier to find those than today. literally everyone posts loot chest locations on the forums, so its basically just about to get out there and start getting your items back. should take you about two weeks of dedicated looting with a little loot bonus gear to get a mythic of some sorts. No reason to beg oher people to give away their suff for free. heres some links that will make it as easy as nothing to get started:
    have fun
    YoshisWorld and Elephat like this.
  7. Archie_T

    Archie_T Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Same thing happened to me, I didn't play for a couple of years and now when I came back, everything was gone, from all of my classes. At first I was very annoyed of course, but I've started over with a new class and now I'm very happy that I did since almost everything has been reworked since I last played. It's a completely new experience.
    LogGuy likes this.
  8. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    Wrong wrong wrong. MMO's RELY on end game stuff. Think about your favourite MMO for example. World of Warcraft. Those games absolutely rely on their end game to keep their player population at optimal levels. New content drops for the end game ARE neccessary, because, everyone IS going to reach the end game at some point of time, and they need something to do other than sit in Detlas all day long and sell Mythics. Mythic selling and using is enjoyable, no doubt about that, but it's a band-aid on the real issue. Lack of any raid like situations. Legendary Island is fine and dandy, but after the 30th time you run it, you're just sick of it. Also Legendary Island isn't fully a raid type scenario, BECAUSE *cue obligatory drum roll* Cybel exists. This fucking fluff ball, has no strategy, other than to hope not to die. A few tips exist, but for the most part, the strategy is- Damage as fast in forms 1,3 and run away in 2,4 And then do whatever in Form 5, but run away when he casts a spell. So to refute your point good sir, END game is the LIFE BLOOD of any real MMO. You need to keep your long time players happy, and give them new content.
    Mettymagic and SUPER M like this.
  9. SUPER M


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    It's alright way of thinking. But it's about on the same level as bike cuck.

    If Agnar is serious then I would never EVEr touch Wynn anymore. It's not worth to play the game if you can loose EVERYTHIng becaouse of some third party bullshit that you didn't even know was happening.
    And don't use the argument "But, wynncraft does not require mods to play"! If they were out right banning mods they might be so gratious and put a warning on front page instead of burrying in some section of the forums.
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