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What Are Your Unpopular Opinions In Wynncraft?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Nov 3, 2018.

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  1. _834

    _834 I forgot what I was gonna write in this box CHAMPION

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    - Statue is a great pair of boots
    - Melee archers are good
    - Music was better pre Gavel/texture pack (not sure if that's a popular or unpopular opinion)
    - Assassin is a bad class
    - Undergrowth Ruins and CSST aren't that bad
    - ??? is annoying to do (mainly because the whole needing 4 people thing) but it actually has some interesting parts
    - A ??? part 2 would have the potential to be amazing either for memes or for actual lore/gameplay value
    - The whole Rymek area is just horrible (annoying to traverse, looks pretty bad, obnoxious (not hard, but annoying) mobs, relatively bad quests, etc.)
    - The item crafting stuff and professions added in 1.18 is actually pretty cool and useful (albeit grindy)
    - Custom weapon skins and helmets all look kinda ugly because of the blocky textures (there are some exceptions)
    - The meme provinces aren't that bad
    A Human, SmartboardOW and by2011 like this.
  2. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Also, I know it seems like I’m hating on all the old quests, but I’m gonna say it: I don’t like Wynnexcavation at all. I know it was made for a different time and people like it for nostalgia reasons, but looking from an objective point of view, there is so much wrong with it. (I haven’t played them since before 1.18 came out, so some parts of them might be changed, but I doubt it.) Looking at the first three parts:

    Site A: It’s just way too similar to Wrath of the Mummy. And I didn’t play the updated Wrath of the Mummy yet since the quest didn’t reset, but if that was a worthy upgrade, then Site A might be worse in every way. Ignoring that, this might be the best one out of the three, you actually have to do stuff instead of playing a walking simulator. The puzzles are a bit lame compared to today’s standards, but eh.

    Site B: Nothing really interesting happens. We get thrown into the pit, solve the puzzle (I heard it changed, so no issues there) find a way around the door, and get the crystal. Other than that, all you do is walking.

    Site C: More interesting than Part B, but still has problems. The meeting part is decent, but then you just have to run across a hallway, not really interesting. Then, you have to do parkour (which can be easily cheesed) and talk to Amadel, then it’s another walking simulator to the bottom of the volcano and to the crystal.

    I won’t even try to find plotholes in these, but so far, these quests are just boring and forgettable, so nothing is really offensive about them. However, it’s Site D that cranks up the problems to 11.

    • First of all, it's so disproportionately long compared to the other quests, why cram in all of the semi-interesting stuff at the end? At least Dwarves and Doguns had mostly equal parts in terms of length.
    • The King of Troms basically tells us that we're too weak to stand a chance against Wynnexcavation, but two levels ago I defeated the leader of the corruption (who, for some reason, isn't Bak'al) and two levels later, I can defeat AN INFERNAL DEMON SUMMONED BY CRAZY CULTISTS. When Eye of the Storm is used as a counter-argument, you know there's something wrong. If I can defeat an embodiment of corruption, a force that killed hundreds, maybe thousands of people, and a demon from hell, then what will a few mysterious crystals do to me?
    • "You're not allowed to leave the city, or else you'll be a traitor" I never understood this part. Why do you care so much about whether we take them on or not? So what if I'm too weak and die, shouldn't that be my own personal business? Also, how am I being a traitor? It's not like I'm loyal to you, heck, I didn't even know you existed until I did the quest where you find the king's son from the mercernary group.
    • A stealth part. I know this is the first quest that did this, but why do so many quests have this? The only quest that did it completely right was Kingdom of Sand.
    • "Find the three map fragments and we'll let you in". First of all, this part is just fetching, with nothing interesting about it. Second, how does this prove we're not a traitor? What if I do this task to get in, and then afterwards snitch on your group?
    • "Mysterious crystals are the source of inexplicable power" cliche.
    • Also, twist villain cliche. Although I'd say that Amadel is still a better twist villain than Hans from Frozen or Bellweather from Zootopia.
    • The next few phases are filler. First, there's the part with the two hallways and mobs that spawn in them. It's just a hallway with mobs, absolutely nothing interesting.
    • Then, it's the simon puzzle. I hate this so much because I could never do this without cheesing it and writing down the colors on a piece of paper, but I guess that's subjective. Also, if you fall during the parkour, good luck lol. Unless you get out fast enough, you'll get raped by the spider thingies that spawn in the pit.
    • Filler stages with only pressing a button to continue.
    • The last puzzle is lame but ok I guess.
    • I really hate the ancient city part because all you have to do is find the place where Amadel's assistant is without getting killed by op-ass mobs. It's boring and a pain in the ass to do.
    • The first two Amadel bossfights are alright for the time they were made, but the first one is a bit too easy and generic while the second one is a bit too annoying.
    • However, the last bossfight just might be my least favorite boss fight in the whole game, even worse than Naragath. It's just a bullet sponge with weak minions, teleport spells, and multiple phases. Bosses like CoW and Naragath are annoying, but at least they have elemental weakness so they're not too boring. This however has full elemental resistance. I know other bosses like Bob and Qira have this, but at least with Bob, the different spells from his swords make it a bit more interesting, and Qira is supposed to be the ultimate elemental test, with her minions matching the properties of each element.
    • The conclusion with Ragni's King was great at the time, but now, it makes zero sense. Why do we need to know about what Gavel is like when we went there 30 levels ago to do our first few quests in Llevigar? We already know that there's no corrupteds there and instead, mythical creatures roam the land.
    • Also, this is when the main story first started to fuck itself over with the light vs. dark cliche. I find basically everything else in the game (Corkus, the war between dwarves and doguns, the cause of the sky islands shattering, etc.) more interesting than this bullshit.

    I know this questline (mostly part d) was the best back then, but other than some puzzles I like and some elements of the story, it's just not good compared to today's standards imo.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
  3. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    I'm not going to lie, WynnExcavation is a good questline, but... its outdated.

    the Light vs Dark cliche is fine it just needs, something to freshen it up.. So far Darkness has an unknown nature and right now, there's nothing really surrounding it; especially since Corruption & Darkness constantly contradict themselves.

    Also, about how the crystals wouldn't stop us... I have a theory that the Ancients drew a fuck ton of the Corruption's power into the crystals, because apparently their power comes straight from the Nether, to the point where the Corrupter of Worlds, pretty much the embodiment of Corruption, could only reach level 100, whereas Amadel got to lvl 140 and was much tougher than it.

    Basically, the Crystals are stronger than the Corruption itself, because they drew away more than half of it's power. The toughest thing it could produce after the Crystal's creation were the CoW or Bak'al, and then the Crystal went and made Amadel stronger than Bob in level terms.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2019
  4. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    The higher level of Amadel wasn't intended to be a lore thing, it was just to fix the Shadow Amadel grinding issue. Though, now that our loot multiplier stat works as intended, I'm probably going to revert it back to how it was soon.
  5. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    no don't at least keep it that way for the fully formed version
  6. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    It was because when they made the whole WE questline, Gavel didn't came out so that it tells the player that "ye gavel is a mysterious place". However, they added Gavel and you can go there in lvl 40 so it looks like it makes no sense at all. The whole questline is overall good, but just outdated.
    To be honest I don't know why do Site A-C even exist. Site A-C tells you the fact that "WynnExcavation exists and dont try to mess with the crystals" and basically nothing else. I think it is fine to be a walking simulator for Site B and C though, since what you do is
    - Just go there because the place actually interests you
    - So boring so let's just infiltrate everything

    But the whole thing starts just because it is like I met Troms king and Amadel, come on

    Royal advisor: oh dude the king is missing like he has been in the panic room for like a lot of days plz help
    Player: Hi royal advisor idk whats ur name but that is not the point ok im bored so lemme help u find the king
    *after a shit ton of running and parkour*
    The King: oh no u found me and yeah im not giving any info about the crystal to you fuck off
    *left the panic room*
    *suddenly some soldier appears*
    Some Soldier: oh shit the king went insane like idk but he placed u under arrest for treason so do walking simulator again and go to some hole me and my friends dig, someone is gonna be there even though idk actually who tf is that guy
    *walking simulator*
    Amadel: Go to this place even though some kid don't let u in but whatever idk who u are so well

    See now, it could be like this shit. You can just find these 3 crystals just because ur bored and went into some cave for maybe some t3 chests but well

    The first stuff is that they can't make low-leveled quests too long at that time, but when you hit lvl 60-70 you got introduced to some actual long quests like ToA or smth liek that (people couldn't do ToA back then when they are lvl 50 or smth, but things got insane in lvl 60-ish so lel)

    WynnExvacation wasn't only some crystals, but a secret society run by the high in Gavel. You can kill naragath and CoW since you don't mess with the government(s) by doing so, but WE isn't the case here. One of the dialogue from the king is that "It is the only way..." which shows that he don't want to mess with the government in Gavel so it doesn't mean that you are a traitor, but it could be a message to WE that "oh some kid wanna steal info so he is a traitor" like that

    You won't and can't snitch on their group after fetching those items. First Troms guards are killing you, and if you betrayed them those people will kill you too. Also it is hard to balance between cliche and logic, since if you say "oh shit some meat contains power" that would be so unrealistic

    What you do here is basically the same: running simulator and fighting some boss.

    Last boss fight is not really bad imo. It has like so little elemental def smth special, so it is an intro to monsters that have all ele def. CoW is quite good tbh but Naragath is way worse than amadel. Naragath has so little health that makes me think that slykaar is harder than it lol (and how naragath destroy those place when hes that weak damn son)

    Conclusion: this quest is not bad, just don't use today's standards because there are less people back then and what they make was so good already. Just be glad that it doesn't end up like some bad quests like Frost bite or smth
    Druser likes this.
  7. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Level minimums have not changed for any item ever. Identifying them doesn't change their level.
    trex1611 and Druser like this.
  8. wate1812

    wate1812 Newbie Adventurer

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    but I couldnt use literatelly any of the armor I had in my inventory after logging in and identifying them?
  9. Electrolysis

    Electrolysis person VIP+

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    NicBOMB, A Human, Tsukiji and 5 others like this.
  10. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Skill point requirements were one of the major changes in the item system with Gavel, that's most likely the reason.
    A Human and trex1611 like this.
  11. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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  12. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Just to make sure this thread doesn't die.
  13. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Nerf Gun with Legs
    Buff mythics
    Ban Rainbow
    Delete Spider Build
  14. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    You've crossed a line here :P
    H0Y, NicBOMB and by2011 like this.
  15. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    okay here's mine ig
    1: Mythics are way to rare
    2: the curve of how good items are by rarity is too large (basically lower tier items should be a bit better imo)
    3: Warrior needs a buff or even a rework
    4: Skill points feel unbalanced (burn in hell agility)
    5: The Rymek and Time valley areas need more content cause they are overlooked by other areas of the same level
    6: The firefly forest in time valley is the best spot of all of wynn (not gavel and corkus though)
  16. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    ok here i go

    warrior is not bad

    i do get it that ppl dont like it cuz it has very low range and sucks in guild wars but it is really good with crowd control.
    also, bash lvl 3 is actually a quite decent spell, dealing decent damage, and those dirt blocks that come from it have a very large range.
    Uppercut i think needs a bit of a buff, as it has 3 flaws:
    flaw 1: it knocks the enemy too far in the air, it takes a while for it to fall (i guess it could help if you are running away from something but idk)
    flaw 2: the range of the spell is too short - it is like 5 blocks, but if you have a mob that moves then there is maybe a 25% chance you will miss it and all of your mana will be gone : (
    flaw 3: it does too little damage - it does do more then bash lvl 3 but it cost quite a bit more mana and with flaw 1 and 2 it isn't really worth it
    also war scream things sucks also the resistance isn't very good
    the charge spell isn't the best but it works.

    overall i think warrior is good because you can actually solo things (lots of mobs: no problem just do bash lvl 3 5 times and every things is gone), bosses can be easier if you use uppercut to constantly launch them in the air and avoid taking damage, but minions can be an issue (anything with high walk speed can kill you ez)
    Epicness937 likes this.
  17. rainbow_elite_7

    rainbow_elite_7 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Here's mine I guess.
    1. Conflagrate, Hetusol,Ophiuchus, Tesla, Sanctuaries, Nether's Scar, Shawl of Gaea, Queens head piece (Its raw melee got updated), Dune Storm and grill face are fantastic pieces of armour with the correct ID's and are heavily under rated.
    2. I hate A-U-T-O-M-A-T-I-O-N and where Melody of Reckoning is used.
    3. I love world ender and fearsome foe
    4. No one needs more than +200% walk speed because at that point your just falling off ledges and failing miserably at parkour.
    4.5 Strati is over rated
    5. I could not care less about crafted consumables even if I wanted to, I even dropped those specific professions to provide more bank space for myself.
    6. Spark weaver is absolute trash.
    7. Inferno is good
    8.Singularity looks really annoying to play with a 275 sp requiremnt and on average -35% walk speed.
    9.Everyone has so much health to the point where elemental defences become irrelevant unless its like -500.
    10. Eye of the Storm >>>>>> ??? and Bobs Lost Soul
    11. Garareth wasn't difficult enough comparing it to the likes of Amadel from wynn excavation
    12. Make CoW harder its not difficult enough even with the helmet requirement but buff ToL training place as a result.
    13. Buff Geyser Pit and Arena of Legends, again they are not hard enough concerning their rewards.
    14. Nerf Prison of Souls
    15. Buff all hive division bosses except psychomancer.
    Druser likes this.
  18. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    i would almost agree with this, but it does way too much damage, and has such a little draw back for me to say anything bad about
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    1. I like a lot of these, but Conflagrate's health really kills its use, since you can just give up Cinderchain and use Aphotic instead for many of its use cases.
    12. Eh, CoW may be easy for people.who are used to it, but it's quite a challenge for new players.
    14. Nah. I did it with Assassin and it wasn't that hard, even though I striggstr with Archer (but maybe that's just Hashr Claw). It needs to be hard for the quality of items, and it's certainly doable even without spending time buildmaking.
    15. Maybe not Oceanic Judge, but I agree on the rest.
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