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Media [fan Made] Short Lore Backstory For Monster

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SueDiscroded, Mar 2, 2019.

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  1. SueDiscroded

    SueDiscroded Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    712 AP, Llevigar University Dormitory Mail

    Mother, Father, it’s been a wonderful time here in my studies. The teachers are fantastic, my peers intelligent- though not as much as I- the food astounding and the dormitories luxurious. I’ve yet to find so much as a complaint for my stay here since arrival, save for the busy work assigned.. The upperclassmen treat me with respect as do I to them. Such joy! My studies are going well, all high marks in my classes, except for anatomical sciences. It’s a drag but alas I will persevere. I do apologize for the lengths you have gone to so that you could send me here with the meager earnings we make. It certainly was a journey to get here, though I got to see many interesting sights. It’s a long ways from Thesead though I may be able to visit you soon.

    I’m writing to tell you of my new breakthrough in corporeal transformation, thus far proving to be successful in a small scale. The first experiment lead to some fruitful results, the mice turning into a larger size. Though brain function seemed to cease afterwards. Consecutive experimentation yielded similar results, each more successful than the last. Perhaps soon I’ll be able to conduct my experiments on a larger scale and Gavel will know of my success. It’s only to be expected of someone of my caliber. Alas, I cannot spend much more time writing, I need to continue my studies and experimentations.

    With love,


    713 AP, Llevigar University Dormitory Mail

    Mother, Father, I apologize for my delay in writing to you. I’ve been so caught up with my research in corporeal transformation that I’ve had no space for idle thoughts of others. Thus far it has been a smashing success. After mice, I ventured to larger and more diverse species. Fish, birds, bears, pigs and more, and all have consistent effects. Upon receiving the transformation they turn into larger proportion, with more ferocity than before. Even the fish become aggressive, oddly losing their affinity for water. The bears were difficult to subdue, with unparalleled strength, though they seemed unable to realize necessarily what was going on, essentially trapped in a blind rage. I await further breakthroughs in this field, thus far it has yet to be perfected and is lacking some quality I cannot quite place.

    My dreaded professor for anatomical sciences strongly disapproves of my research. Saying that only a fool would try to make such a disaster work. What does he know? Nothing is what, I don’t believe he is even qualified to be a teacher let alone a professor. Clearly I could do a better job than he could. Either way, he’s threatening to fail me over some mere coursework that has little to do with education. Shame. I thought this university would have people like minded as I. Though I doubt I would ever need to worry about such a class, after all it is rather irrelevant as is.

    Oh, I’ve met a lovely student here as well, his name being Cruse. He’s brilliant, and quick on his feet. He’s decided to delve into ways for faster travel, an honorable motive but not as necessary as mine is. I wonder if I would stoop down for someone for him for something as lowly as love. Time will tell what this relationship will bring to fruition. Alas, my studies await and I hope to be able to see you two again soon.

    With love,


    714 AP, Llevigar University Dormitory Mail

    These dreaded imbeciles do not understand the importance of my studies! I’ve gotten near to perfecting it after going to such great lengths. I broke into the library, vandalised the books to gather forbidden information to strengthen the bond between corporeal transformation and the user, and made it much easier, through a staff like catalyst. I’ve expanded my research into practical use, using little needed travellers to test the effects of it, finding its flaws and perfecting it. Perfection. Nearly achieved. And it was all stolen from me by my moronic anatomy professor. He believes that it is an affront to Gavel to use such forms of magick for enhancement. He knows nothing. After all the lengths I’ve gone through to prove it to him, risking my scholarship here, he fails to see the validity of it. He then revoked my researching privileges. But he did not take my magnum opus, this single staff that will prove to him the validity in my research. It is the peak of magick and science, combining the magick of Dern and the new fields of corporeal transformation. I will prove it to him.

    He will die to the staff and I will finally see the true power of it. They will pay for daring to cross my brilliance. I’ve sacrificed too much, time, health, and the health of other, to let this discovery go to waste. I will bring down my unholy retribution unto those who failed to see the light in my ways.

    Mother, Father, forgive me for the monster I have become.
  2. RazorGuild


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    have a backstory for fatal and make it about hit or miss.
    mouldy, Spinel, Muchwag and 4 others like this.
  3. SueDiscroded

    SueDiscroded Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Sure lol, I’ll do it a for a bunch of mythics I guess
    by2011 likes this.
  4. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    "Your work" has a lore/story tag.
    So this might fit better there.
    JaydonTheWarrior and trex1611 like this.
  5. Katyrr

    Katyrr Screech

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    10/10 idea
  6. Muchwag

    Muchwag Don’t call me Poliwhirl! VIP+

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    Fan made inferno Backstory, Sometime AP
    Random dude: I killed a demon and stole his tooth. The Blacksmith made a handle for it, not it burns a lot and cuts through shit.
  7. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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    Hey, can I do one of these for Ignis? Cheers.
    SueDiscroded likes this.
  8. SueDiscroded

    SueDiscroded Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Nothing’s stopping you besides your own imagination
  9. ocu

    ocu penguin gang CHAMPION

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