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The Pokemon Sword And Shield Hype Train

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Tantibus, Feb 27, 2019.


Which will you get?

  1. Pokemon Sword

  2. Pokemon Shield

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  1. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    they tried to get rid of me

    but from ocean to ocean

    they're gonna have to deal with me

    The hype train is back in station, my dudes! Feel free to discuss anything related to Pokemon here!
    Cloud, Spinel and memes_n_kitties like this.
  2. memes_n_kitties

    memes_n_kitties art kid w/ social anxiety & bad speech skills

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    im pretty hyped! the scenery looks amazing
  3. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Fire Emblem Your spirit shall shine Across the gener- oh wait right this is pokemon
  4. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    Sobble gang for life.
  5. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Scorbunny is the best change my mind
  6. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Grooky best

    Scorbunny (LOOKS LIKE ITS GOING TO EVOLVE TO A FIRE FIGHTING BUT I SWEAR IT ISN'T FIRE FIGHTING and looks like a rabid albino rabbit that will kill and steal your soul)

    Sobble: Stupid Salamander
    CoolVictor2002 likes this.
  7. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Ok, so here are my thoughts on the trailer;

    The graphics look nice. I was expecting a bit more since this looks more like an upscaled gen 7 and the switch has much higher limits than the 3ds, but whatever. The scenery, especially the city (which I’m assuming is based off London) are gorgeous and detailed, which is very good to see. I’m glad that the realistic artstyle from gen 7 is back since I prefer that over Let’s Go’s chibi style.

    As for the starters....meh. I don’t really like any of them. There’s nothing wrong with them per say, they just don’t look like Pokemon to me. I remember liking all of the Alola staters since day 1, so maybe I’m just getting older, idk. Out of the 3, I think I like Scorbunny the best.

    I’m happy that gyms and random encouters are back. Don’t get me wrong, the trials from S/M and the pokemon appearing in the overworld from Let’s Go were fun, but I feel like pokemon should just stay how it is. Trials were a nice change of pace, but I did miss gyms, and pokemon appearing in the overworld should stay in Let’s Go in case that becomes a series of its own.

    I was concerned that a European-based region would be too similar to Kalos, but I think this and Kalos are different enough. On a side note, continuing mega evolution here makes sense since France and the UK are (relatively) close to each other, and Kalos and Galar are based on those two countries. Also, I hope we get to ride a train to Kalos, even if we can only see a small glimspe of Lumoise City, it would be a pleasant suprise. I kinda doubt it, but who knows, it could happen.
  8. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Welp... looks like I might finally have to get a switch.

    (If I do get this I'm probably gonna choose Grooky as my starter)
  9. JuicedBananas

    JuicedBananas Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Galar looks similar to Corkus and I really don't like that.

    Aside from that I really love steampunk and am very excited!
    Mistrise Mystic likes this.
  10. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    He would make for a perfect cereal mascot
    That's what someone I know said
    Oi don't fucking mess with good bois
  11. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Yeah I love me some good pokeymans, can't wait to hop over to the arcade and play it there
  12. Kheya

    Kheya shoutbox has 100 pages!!!!!!! VIP+

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    Wait what there are new pokemon games
    Scorbunny looks like a fire version of plusle/minun, sobble looks like keckleon and mudkip combined, and grookey looks like chespin as a monkey. Im pfobably going to get sheild
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2019
  13. BusyEXE

    BusyEXE Still stuck with the Hallowynn PFP since 2019 HERO

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    Time to preorder pokemon sword and shield (and Gun) just to get a perfect aegislash after beating the game.
    (/s for pokemon gun)
  14. SnowboundBecca

    SnowboundBecca Scarf Enthusiast VIP+

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    I'm a huge Pokemon fan, so chances are I'm getting both versions of the game (getting Shield first though). Sobble is basically anxiety in a nutshell and I love and relate to him. ;w;
  15. BusyEXE

    BusyEXE Still stuck with the Hallowynn PFP since 2019 HERO

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    Necro, but possibly on topic? I think that instead of an evil organization to stop, we need to stop a whole "dynamax" wailord.
    BTW if you didn't already know, dynamax makes the pokemon it's used on 10x bigger.
    PS- Tanti, update your thread.
  16. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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  17. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Is people really pissed about this by the way?
    I mean, I was already expecting this to happen two gens ago, in fact it is surprising they could keep up with over 800 entities
    I'm pretty sure people didn't make that big of a deal when Brawl cut off a few characters that either nobody cared about or were literally clones of others
    I'm sure nobody is going to actually care about caterpie getting cut
  18. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    Not really when you consider how basic most Pokemon designs actually are. The models for Gen 8 are the same as in previous gens (they're automatically scaled down on 3DS but are actually much higher-quality) so it's not like they'd have to put any extra effort to make the models look better for the newer generations. And considering how disappointing of an upgrade the game is graphically (the trees still look PS2-quality) it's not like there'd just be too much for the Switch to handle.

    That's drawing a false equivalence between a traditional fighting game and Pokemon. When you manage to have every pokemon in every game for 20 years, and your tagline for the entire series is literally "Gotta catch em all" you can't blame people for being a little disappointed when you literally can't collect them all anymore, even by transferring. Fighting games cutting out their characters wasn't unheard of before. For Pokemon it was, as it's not just about picking characters to fight with, it's about collecting. They're limiting your ability to collect. And while Pokemon Bank/Home exists, sending a Pokemon there prevents you from sending it back so you're basically sending your Pokemon to prison where they'll only be able to be used for what'll probably amount to dumb minigames in Home until HOPEFULLY GameFreak decides in a later gen that they'll allow said Pokemon.

    Not Caterpie specifically, it's more about the precedent it sets. Now GameFreak is the arbiter on what Pokemon are basically allowed anymore unless you just want to stick to the old games.

    Their main reasoning for justifying this decision were three things: Balance, animations, and time. With balance, all they have to do is only allow Galar Pokemon in online battles. It'd still suck, but at least you can still play the games in every other capacity with all your favorite Pokemon. So I find that excuse weak. As for animations, despite them saying the animations are "high-quality" some Pokemon still don't even move when attacking and a lot of them are still just PNG graphics appearing over the enemy for a second. They've just jumped from handheld to home console, their BIGGEST leap in hardware yet and this is STILL how they handle battle animations. This is something that I'm willing to put up with if it means we get all the Pokemon, but instead we're given the worst of both worlds.

    And lastly, time, and this is where I'm admittedly getting into more speculative territory, but Game Freak said they wanted this game out in 2019 because they "didn't want to keep the fans waiting" which is part of why they didn't prioritize allowing the entire Pokedex to be available. Now, like I said, this is speculation, BUT Game Freak is a business, and businesses want to make money and make their shareholders happy. So it seems more likely to me that this is a decision more to please shareholders rather than "the fans" considering this is still a November launch which is usually when games get the most sales. Fans are willing to put up with delays, as we saw with Animal Crossing and Metroid Prime 4 just recently. You know who wasn't happy about those games getting delayed? Shareholders. So again, this isn't anything they've SAID, but it seems more likely that this was a financially motivated decision rather than them actually making a misjudgement on what the fans wanted. We can't know for sure, but it's the explanation that makes more sense to me.

    Now, don't get me wrong here, none of this is to say you're not allowed to feel differently about all of this. I totally get why you might not really care about all of this. But it's just that to me this strikes me as more of a decision made due to GameFreak trying to rush out yearly releases rather than out of necessity, and that's kinda why I went on this whole huge rant in response to your comment. Not trying to shut down your opinion, but I felt I needed to give my stance on the matter, especially since this whole national dex business has (for me personally, at least) just kinda drained my hype for Sword and Shield which is why I haven't really gotten around to updating the thread. I swear I'll get around to it soon but for now I've just been kinda bummed out on these games and kinda needed to get out my thoughts. However, I know others don't agree and are still looking forward to these games despite the whole national dex thing so I don't intend to just let this thread die, either.
  19. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    I mean yeah I agree with most of the stuff you said
    But that doesn't change this doesn't surprise me at all considering that the numbers of the pokemon just keep going up and so does the amount of literally anything else in the games
    Specially coming from a company that sold the same game twice but with the tag of "It is more like B&W2 where it is a whole new story!!11!!1!!", Pokémon lost me in Alola with the first game, I didn't even bother trying Ultrasun/Ultramoon and this is just what I've heard so correct me if I'm wrong here
    But yeah I'm not looking into this game anyways, unless the final product gets really good reviews, I don't think I'm gonna care at all
  20. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    It’s also important to note that from melee—>brawl, 3/5 characters cut had replacements that were either more unique or more competitively viable, or both, and the other 2 were clones that no one cared about. Most, if not all characters cut from melee—>smash 4 had a legitimate excuse to be excluded as well. Here, there’s absolutely no excuse to cut ~half of the pokemon, which I’m sure is about how big the Galar dex will be.
    To be fair, we haven’t seen all of the move animations yet, and I do believe people are being petty about the double kick animation-you know, the move that you replace asap. Until we see more of the game, I don’t think we can say for sure whether the “high quality animations” are for real or not.

    I do have my own opinion on the overall graphical quality of the game, but I won’t share it until we see more ingame footage, so far we’ve only really seen one portion of the “wild areas”.

    Lastly, I wanted to bring up this:

    This is both shocking and disgusting at the same time. Pokemon is what made Game Freak, and now they don’t care about it anymore? I’m sure if Satoru Iwata, you know, the guy that helped them make Gold and Silver and the former president of Nintendo, was still around, he would be disappointed.


    Well, I hope they’re happy when Town sells a fraction of what Pokemon Emerald sold, lol
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