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SPOILER The Current Timeline Of Wynncraft Lore

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by FinnDestren, Jan 26, 2019.

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  1. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    Wynncraft has gained various amounts of new lore throughout the years, and changes to the old established pieces of history. An official timeline of all the known historical events has been created by Grian (according to his old profile post), however, it hasn’t been revealed to the public. There have been a few fanmade timelines in the past, but all of them are now unfortunately outdated. So earlier this year, I decided to start creating a cohesive and updated timeline of the current Wynncraft lore that has clear dates of when they happened.

    While there is still a lot of Wynncraft history that does not currently have any exact dates to go from and would be pretty much impossible to “calculate” their time periods, there are still nice amounts of information to create a timeline.

    But first, I would like to give a mention to @jpmrocks and his timeline thread from 2017. His timeline was pretty much the only good one at the time and it helped me tremendously at creating this thread. While it is outdated like I said before, I still have to give him credit for creating it in the first place. You can check it out right here!

    And as you may notice when comparing these timelines, pretty much all of the approximations haven’t been transferred into this timeline. The thing is, like jpmrocks said himself, they are “guesstimations” and should be accounted at your own risk. I really tried to search the game itself to find any actual dates for those events, but couldn’t. Some of them, such as the founding of the Caritat Mansion weren’t trustable. It could’ve easily taken place 70 or 20 years ago, depending on the last Caritat’s, Atisun’s, age which isn’t told in the game. I also couldn’t find any exact dates for the Ice Nations events and the Corkus factory creation for example, so I didn’t include them here. I kind of wanted this timeline to have the events as “trustable”, so the approximations aren’t here. Still, you can check out the old timeline of jpmrocks if you want to see them.

    Also, for the newcomers to this server or people in general who don’t know:
    BP = Before Portal (Before the corruption portal’s opening)
    AP = After Portal (After the corruption portal’s opening)

    But anyways, here it is:

    The Current Timeline of Wynncraft
    Color Guide
    • Non-colored text means that the info is from a quest.
    • Red color means that the info is from one of the lore libraries.
    • Blue color means that the info is from a discovery, both secret and territorial.
    • Cyan color means that the info is from an item’s lore.
    • Orange color means that the info is from a non-quest NPC.
    • Green color means that the info is told by something in a certain location (e.g. signs in Skien’s Island) and isn’t really told in quests, discoveries, by NPCs or in item lores.

    Sometime Before the Portal’s Opening
    These events are pretty much confirmed or highly assumed to take place before the corruption portal was opened. They, however, do not yet have any exact dates.
    • Elves have connected with the Realm of Light for quite some time.
    • The Light teaches the elves about morals.
    • Mr. Dullahan is executed via guillotine.
    • The ancients escape from their dark land into the Dernel Jungle. They later hide their immensely powerful crystals across the province.
    • The ancients disappear from Wynn due to unknown causes.
    • The olm construct the Time Valley in Wynn.
    • The ancient dragon of the Ahms region leaves Gavel, continuing its life in the atmosphere above the region.
    • The humans of Fruma migrate to Wynn.
    • Wynn is a human dominated province, mainly agricultural.
    800 BP
    • Around this time, the Silent Expanse is discovered by the humans of Wynn. Four awfully powerful crystal shards are also excavated from the ground.
    100 BP
    • A massive empire rules in the Almuj Desert. However, their emperor is killed by Hashr and the powerful spectre is taken, causing the empire to fall beneath the sand.
    0 AP
    • The War of the Realms begins. Light starts to fade.
    • The Decay appears in Gavel.
    • Mr. Dullahan returns and begins to slaughter the people of Gavel who betrayed him.
    • Miners of Wynn uncover the portal of corruption and unleash the enraged undead into the world. The Corruption Wars begin.
    • The corrupted entity known as Bak’al begins to spread darkness all over the Wynn Province.
    • Ancient Nemract is destroyed by the first hordes of the undead.
    • Fruma abandons all ties with Wynn and closes its borders, being fearful of the monsters.
    • The Ahms region is ruptured by an unknown force, creating two lands for civilization: The Void and Sky Islands.
    • Grootslangs in Gavel are assumed to have gone extinct.
    78 AP
    • The people of Detlas begin to head towards Troms and Ragni for safety, as the numbers of the undead are increasing.
    100 AP
    • Dwarves begin to colonize the Molten Heights. They meet the natives of the area, the doguns, who won’t accept the actions of the dwarves.
    • The Dogun War begins.
    • The dwarves chain up an Ice Drake and use it to destroy a dogun town. The doguns kill the drake, freezing the surrounding area completely and turning it into the Freezing Heights.
    300 AP
    • The Dogun War ends in the victory of the dwarves.
    • Rodoroc is founded.
    • The dwarves continue capturing doguns and turning them into stone for the next 700 years.
    347 AP
    • Bak’al, alongside his corrupted army, destroy a city in the Detlas Suburbs. There is only one survivor.
    550 AP
    • A demonic plague like no other spreads through Gavel, killing thousands. A priest encases the disease into a helmet named “Necrosis”.
    570 AP
    • Marius Twain dies and his funeral is held. However, during the funeral the remaining Twain’s break into a fight and eventually go on their own ways.
    575 AP
    • Theorick Twain reigns in Nesaak and controls the population through fear and greediness.
    589 AP
    • Nesaak and its surrounding forest is attacked by hordes of the undead.
    • Theorick Twain tries to fight against the corrupted invaders and forces himself to enter the portal to find a solution, coming back corrupted. He then freezes himself and Nesaak in order to save his home.
    623 AP
    • Garoth studies the effects of corruption and decides to enter the portal, becoming corrupted himself.
    650 AP
    • A splinter group from Fruma escape through the mountains of the northern coastline and arrive to the island of Corkus.
    800 AP
    • The Gerten War ends in the victory of the villagers.
    • The Gylia Watch is established and the Gylia Watch Tower is built.
    • The Guardian of the Forest falls asleep.
    831 AP
    • Troms is on its knees, with later being saved by the dark shaman Slykaar, who would also become the city’s protector.
    854 AP
    • Horde of undead led by Bak’al attack Ragni, killing many of the residents. The remaining survivors are forced to hide in the sewers, where Bob is born, with his unknown mother dying in childbirth.
    • Bob is adopted by a poor woman named Momo.
    866 AP
    • A smaller horde attacks Ragni once again.
    • Bob, aged 12, leaves Ragni after having to kill his infected adoptive mother and is trained in knavery by Chak.
    871 AP
    • Mael Twain trains Bob, aged 17, in archery and dies shortly thereafter. The souls that could not be tamed by Mael are left in the Twain manor, becoming highly aggressive.
    876 AP
    • Bob, aged 22, is taught magic by the mage Ethe in the Nivla Village.
    881 AP
    • Troms is attacked by hordes of undead, heavily damaging the city.
    • Bob, aged 27, arrives to Troms and is trained in the ways of a warrior by Fier. He also helps in rebuilding the city and gains popularity amongst the residents.
    • The shaman Slykaar is abandoned by the people of Troms in favor of Bob. Bitter and humiliated, Slykaar goes underground to restart his demonic experiments for an army.
    882 AP
    • The corrupted armies of Bak’al begin to cross the river between Ragni and Detlas.
    883 AP
    • Bak’al’s army begins to burn down Nivla Woods.
    886 AP
    • Bak’al’s army breach Nivla Woods and arrive to the Emerald Trail, becoming much closer to Ragni.
    • Bob defends Ragni from Bak’al and fights him, ending in Bak’al’s disappearance.
    • The human population of Wynn begins to recover.
    900 AP
    • The waves of the Ocean are calmed by the mages, allowing colonization to become possible.
    • The villagers sail the sea in order to find a cure for the decay and arrive to the province of Wynn.
    • Maltic is founded as the first villager settlement in Wynn.
    • An alliance is formed between the humans and villagers, which would go on to save the province.
    • Villagers also teach humans more greater magical powers.
    • Fruma reopens their borders to offer their support for Wynn in the form of fresh recruits.
    • Llevigar is constructed by the villagers, after gaining new fortunes from the humans of Wynn.
    • The undead hordes find out about the sewers of Ragni and take over them, killing hundreds.
    940 AP
    • One of Detlas’ buildings is struck by lightning and burnt to the ground, apart from one wooden beam that began to glow. It is fashioned into an exclusive wand for resident mages.
    950 AP
    • A mysterious meteor crashes into Gavel. The wand named “Pure” is directly carved from the stone.
    • The three scientist brothers, Yahya, Nohno and Mehme, try to understand the meteor’s power, which causes them to go crazy.
    970 AP
    • Selchar is founded in the Ocean as a bridge between Wynn and Gavel.
    • A corruption relic is later found beneath the newly established island town.
    984 AP
    • Bob imbues his powers into his three loyal pets: Cluckles, Mooington and Baab. His chestplate is given to his friend Tarod.
    • Bob disappears. Letters signed by Robert indicate him going to seal away a dark creature in a land "far" away.
    985 AP
    • Bob’s Tomb is found in the eastern part of the Nesaak Forest.
    1000 AP
    • Brand new recruits from Fruma are coming to Wynn in order to fight against the corruption. Among those recruits is the player.

    Currently Unknown Dates
    • The founding of all cities and towns of the known world.
    • The colonization of all the inhabited islands of the Ocean.
    • The start of the Gerten War.
    • The start of the Villager-Orc War.
    • The whole Two Towers fiasco. (Takes place at least between 800 AP - 1000 AP)
    • When the Light Realm and Orphion became infected with darkness. (Most likely happened at the same as the decay outbreak. Heliorion, however, talks about Orphion becoming infected “decades ago,” so it might have also happened in the last 100 years.)
    • When Skien was alive and when he died. (Happens at least sometime before and after the arrival of villagers in 900 AP.)
    • When Marius Twain adopted the four Twain children.
    • When Rickeo and Dwendle Twain died. (At least one of them died to Bak’al, that’s for sure.)
    • The submersion of Sarnfic.
    • When Delnar Manor was raided by a pirate.
    • Sodeta Guild time frame.
    • When Tisaun Sodeta, a warrior who defeated 1000 enemies without taking a scratch, was alive.
    • Founding of the Ice Nations and when their war started.
    • The start of the war between the Eagle Tribe and Owl Tribe.
    • The Great Pirate War and the big battle between Captain Redbeard and Nomor Beard.
    • When Captain Redbeard’s ship crashed.
    • When Captain Hastor was alive.
    • When Captain Goldenclaw, the best pirate to date, was alive.
    • The infection of the sacred Entamis tree in Dernel Jungle.
    • The constructions of Temple of the Legends, Tower of Amnesia, Tower of Ascension and Legendary Island.
    • The establishment of Grookwarts, the school of magical arts and wizardry.
    • When WynnExcavation was founded and when their excavation sites in Wynn were constructed.
    • Qira creating/staying in the Hive.
    • Sohso departing from Gavel and travelling towards Fruma.
    • When Cerid, the smartest man in all of Corkus, was born.
    • The construction of the Corkus Factory and when it was shut down. (Phinas in the Desperate Metal quest talks about the factory falling over two years ago, so the shutdown might have happened in the past ten years.)
    • When the Caritat Mansion was built and when it fell into despair.
    • When a Dernic beast took over Alive Island, turning it into the Dead Island. And when that beast was killed by a warrior from Ragni.
    • When a psychopath claiming herself to be Death incarnate went on a killing spree.
    • When Gale and Ohms were alive and when they died.
    • When the dragon mentioned in Enter the Dojo was slain.
    • The first slaughter of Garaheth by the dwarves.
    • When the Wind Fortress fell into the Void.
    • The collapse of a civilization after the mysterious runes of Nii, Az and Ek were combined together for study purposes.
    • The death of the fire demon Lethirath.
    • When Remikas, the first Gavellian king, came to power.
    • When scholar-priest Ensa’s home was under siege.
    • When the olm escaped into the Silent Expanse.
    • When the disaster foreseen by an olmic oracle happened and when the Silent Expanse fell to total darkness.
    • When the light infiltrated the Silent Expanse by erecting a monolith to protect the lost miners of Lutho.
    • The creation of The Eye by a dark being whom Bak’al serves.
    • The construction of Eldritch Outlook.
    • When the Silent Expanse was abandoned by other humans and sealed away from outsiders.
    • Founding of the Bovemist religion.
    • The 5th Age.
    • The time of the giants and when they almost went extinct.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2021
  2. MrFlipkin

    MrFlipkin secret discovery master VIP

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    Wow good job this'd take a while and I myself had to look at wynnwiki about the characters I forgot about like Mr. Dulluhan
    PureOreos, derei, estevao107 and 4 others like this.
  3. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    It's always a joy to go trough the timeline threads and see how much the lore has evolved.
  4. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    I have now added the currently unknown dates to the timeline that are mentioned in quests, item lores, specific locations, etc.

    I would also like to mention that there is a possibility for the Olm and the ancients to be part of the same species, or at least be related to each other in some form. But it hasn't been confirmed yet.
    estevao107 and m0chu | anson like this.
  5. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Everyone always forgets there were giants :o
    Good job.

    Also what about the sealed letters?
    Realises, Coffee KQ, trex1611 and 2 others like this.
  6. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    The sealed letters being canon has seemed to be quite... unknown, so I didn't include them.
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I'm fairly certain they are.
    But as you wish.
  8. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Nice timeline just want to note how it took Bakal 300+ years to even amount a large attack after his first kills
    estevao107 likes this.
  9. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    Sealed Letters are canon. Do you have any reasoning they wouldn't be, other than the removal of Relics?
  10. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    They are? Huh, nice. Well then, I've added the info to the timeline if it's so.
  11. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Feels quite traitorous of Hashr, the emperor's 26th son to do that, also what does it mean by "life between the walls"?
    I do have a theory about the rupture that the Purple and Blue meteor was the cause, it probably caused a massive earthquake upon impact from telling by its size, and two crystals broke off from the meteor and found a way into the void, one of them purple which you are sent to find in One Thousand Meters Under and stumble upon a blue one, suggesting that these crystals may be what is causing the void to spread and infect the villagers who live down below and why they need the purple crystal as a power source as they are imbued with it, but this knowledge is probably fairly known and easily guessed but it would figure out the time that the meteor crashed in.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2019
    Coffee KQ and m0chu | anson like this.
  12. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    Bump. Added a new color (green) and also colored the unknown dates section just in case someone questions it in the future.
  13. Mmm

    Mmm Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    lore is epic, I need more lore
  14. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    So I'm 99.9% sure that it was actual cataclysm.
    For many reasons.

    1. Cataclysm's lore.

    "Despite the existence of the Nether Portal, few believe that it is possible to open such rifts with sheer force alone. None believe that a tool with enough power to accomplish such a monumental feat could exist. And yet..."

    This is its newest lore, before it read something different, something about it falling from the heavens, and having been able to cut threw rifts and worlds, similar to its current lore.

    And yes, we know where it fell.

    2. Where it fell.

    • Trials Overseer: I hafta wonder now if this weren't bein' guarded for a bit of a nefarious reason. This be... Quite the weapon. It'd be deadly if this got used.
    • Trials Overseer: Well, thanks to ye, us Skyraiders might have it now, but using this weapon against civilization would be beyond terrible. We might be pirates but we ain't heartless!
    • Trials Overseer: I think we'll just have to keep this locked up nice n' tight once we get back. We'll be sure to tie this little cataclysm-in-a-box down much safer th'n those idiot men did. "

    This means it was more then likely landed on sky islands.

    I will post more later if I find it.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019
  15. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Explain the two purple and blue crystals.
  16. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    wait what? how does mael live for 300 years? Am I missing something?
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    (or partially incomplete retcons)
  18. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    but pure sucks, how would the three guys got crazy?

    EDIT: just got rid of some typo
    estevao107, trex1611 and Druser like this.
  19. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  20. BusyEXE

    BusyEXE Still stuck with the Hallowynn PFP since 2019 HERO

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    Actually, in "A Grave Mistake" Mael manages to have a Physical manifestation, Taking the form of the graveyard's keeper, at the end of the quest, Mael tells you that the spirits at the Mansion are restless because Mael died, also, if Bob imagined Mael, then how can we see his ghost aswell?
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