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Legendary Ids?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by CraftedMS, Feb 21, 2019.

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  1. CraftedMS

    CraftedMS The Goat Boi

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    I keep seeing this term pop up around the community as I lurk in the discord and forums and I wanted to know how it exactly works.

    From what I keep hearing I assume Legendary IDs are the stats of a legendary and how potent they are, as some stats have higher numbers despite being the same legendary. What I wanted to know is how do I tell that a legendary has good IDs? I know this may come off as a stupid question but I was never familiar with these kinds of things. I do have Wynntils installed and I'm able to see a percentage number next to a lot of my items which I assume tells me how good the IDs are, but I'm still not 100% sure how it works either.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    Identifications work like this.

    A base value is predetermined for the item. When it is identified, the base value is multiplied by a random integer between 30 and 130(if positive) and 70 to 130(if negative). Then the resulting value is divided by 100 and then rounded to the nearest whole number. This applies to not only legendaries but every identifiable item.

    If you have an asterisk next to a positive identification you got a roll of 101 or more.

    And for the percents on Wynntils, it tells you how high the item is on the minimum-maximum scale, obviously being the closer to 100% the better.
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  3. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    It's possible the term just refers to an item that has particularly good IDs, although the more common term for this is "godly".

    ID ranges are explained in the previous post so I won't repeat that.

    Depending on the item, the ID rolls for certain stats are more important than others. An extreme example of this is Divzer, where no one cares what the -Agi is because you can't counter it anyway. On the other end of the spectrum is something like Statue, where unless you're pairing it with a walk speed-heavy build (e.g. StratiStatue), the only important stat is the health bonus. In between would be something like Steamjet Walkers - the damages are generally important, but depending on what the person wants it for, they might not care about e.g. the water damage (if they're not using it with a water weapon), or the walk speed. For the most part everyone buying Steamjet Walkers cares about the spell damage, and they may care about the +Agi to different degrees, depending on whether they're using the bonus to meet a requirement on another armor piece and how tight on skill points their build is.
    CraftedMS and trex1611 like this.
  4. CraftedMS

    CraftedMS The Goat Boi

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    Thank you both for responding so quickly and answering my question! But I do wonder how I'll figure out whether a specific legendary is worth selling in the player market or not depending on its IDs. I really don't know much on which stats benefit this particular legendary or which stats are useless on this other particular legendary like with what Druser said about certain Legendary items. My knowledge of the items within Wynn isn't that great as I'm just starting out but I assume I'll learn as I go along.
  5. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    You should figure out which IDs are more wanted on the player market for each item as you play, but before you have that feeling I'd suggest looking at three factors


    1. What IDs almost literally don't matter on this item?
    When looking at ex nihilo
    you can see that the item has alot of negative Defense (the skill points). Meaning that people most likely will not put any defense on when using this item (-16 defense is the same as 0 defense). This means that these boots will be worth about the same no matter how negative the defense on them are. The same goes for fire damage here. These IDs are on the item to make sure that the item isn't used with certain other items, but don't matter when used with the items they will be used for.

    2. Which IDs are best in general?
    Something like health regen% is considered to be really bad by most people, mana regen is considered to be really good by most people. Armor with skill points could be used to fill up the skill points you need to wear other armor pieces for your build. Elemental damages are only good if you're building specifically for them. People like walk speed. Things like that, this step is about looking at the IDs by themselves. Not the item.

    3. What's the items role?
    Ex nihilo has alot of life steal and spell damage, so this will be used in builds that use both melee and spells but since it has -110 fire defense, you know that somebody who uses this doesn't care too much about their defense. As such the earth defense is also not a priority.
    (although it would probably slightly effect the cost)
    CraftedMS likes this.
  6. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    One point on #1, this can vary. For example, Asphyxia does sometimes get used with builds that involve Agi, particularly thunder archers.
    creature and CraftedMS like this.
  7. CraftedMS

    CraftedMS The Goat Boi

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    Thanks for the explanations, I really do appreciate it! Helps with my understanding of the player market and IDs immensely.
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