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Scrap/crafted Item Form!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Salted, Feb 11, 2019.

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  1. Undyne

    Undyne Do you enjoy going through hell? CHAMPION

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    While I have not reached a level in professions equal to my main yet I do have to say that the whole process is just extremely grindy. Mining 200 or more of a resource just to be able to mine the next one, and then having almost half of your items being destroyed in the refining process. And this is just with level 30-40. I'm afraid to find out how awful level 90-100 is.

    The xp gain is so abysmal that you're forced to rely on donors to use bombs on a server just to progress efficiently. Xp bonus does nothing even though I think it should (lower classes can progress normally and the end game players can use cosmic set to progress through lower levels faster). It is so grindy that it might be taking away from the combat/main leveling/questing more than it should be.

    I have yet to find out if grinding hours of this is worth it, but based on the above comments the items are suffering from durability/scrap cost. Scrapping normal items is way harder since mobs do not want to drop items anymore, and creating items to scrap is wasting materials you could be using on other items for yourself or to sell. It can be a good system, but right now all it is is a grind fest that no one probably likes doing.
    Gogeta, Dofima, Shoefarts and 7 others like this.
  2. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    to be fair, with each profession counted singularly, it seems to take less time to level up than it does for combat. not sure about how fast quests level you up (one quest does take a little while, so depends on the quest).

    only difference is that professions are more monotonous and has less immediate rewards.

    mobs do drop items still, just less. it's super easy to find items through loot chests, you can probably easily make a full inventory of scrap in far under an hour.
  3. WilsonKry

    WilsonKry Well-Known Adventurer

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    It seems like I have to grind for weeks until I can craft something that is worth noting, boring endless grinding just to experience the rest of the contents of the update. And from the replies above, I have to constantly find normal items to maintain the durability of the items I spent weeks to obtain.

    The professions only favors players with dedicated playtime, which isn't wrong in principle but these are the players who are already rich while those who are meant to benefit from the 'economy' update aren't.
  4. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I can attest that you do not have to grind for weeks to craft something worthwhile. I'm currently using a 1/4 mana regen -4% walk speed ring at level 51 (it's a level 48 ring), which didn't take me very long to be able to craft (maybe 4-6 hours total).
    Concur on picking up normal items over uniques and rares, particularly if the uniques/rares are ones that aren't for my class.
  5. WilsonKry

    WilsonKry Well-Known Adventurer

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    There exists rings that give more than 1/4 mr in later levels so unless you're too low leveled to use those rings, there's no point for lv100+ players to craft 1/4 mr rings. What those players need are lv100 rings and that surely takes a lot of time to obtain.
  6. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    real men use normal items
  7. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    -at level ~40 jeweling, you can (could?) craft a ~25% fire damage accessory with relatively high durability (for its level)
    -the example druser gave included only one of that ingredient, you could probably easily make a ring with 2/4 mr (frozen ghostly essence x2 + feather of grace why did i type magic feather).

    the difference between this crafted ring and suppression/mpc (the only other rings that give 2/4 or higher mr) is that it doesn't have -4/4 mana steal, -hp and -100 lifesteal, nor does it have -70 thunder defense.

    -you can make 20 ish spell damage rings with pretty good durability at level ~65. this beats out essentially all high level spell oriented rings except for intensity, which is from master hive (can only use one of them, and can't be used in conjunction with other master hive items)

    more under level 50:
    -you can make armor with 4/4 ms + 4/4 mr with very little -durability (-90). hp is decent (unlike anamnesis) and no -int (unlike brainwash). this is only using 2/3 or 2/4 ingredient slots available at that level.

    -can make all types of armor with like +30% thunder damage and +15 dex with good hp and no -elemental defense and not much -durability.

    -can make all types or armor with like +25% spell damage and +100 raw spell damage with no -defense and good hp. no req either.

    -MANY potions/meals with tons of +xp and +lb

    -can make ~30% lb ring/necklace with good durability and no negatives

    you get the point, not much detail because i don't know base durability of lower level items
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
    WilsonKry and Druser like this.
  8. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    For reference, my ring was 1x Frozen Ghostly Essence and 2x Forest Web (yes, I actually used the literal lowest level T0 jeweling ingredient for this, because I couldn't find Feather of Grace) and has 183 durability with T2 materials. In a few more levels, I could buff this a bit with something like Haros' Broken Badge.
    by2011 likes this.
  9. WilsonKry

    WilsonKry Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yes, these items are great but higher crafting level gives more slots and durability and in turn out shines those lower leveled items. There are 2-3 stars ingredients that you can already use to craft at mid-level, but are you going to spend hours grinding for those ingredients for a lv50 ring when you have to spend another few hours getting the same ingredients for your later lv60 ring, lv80 ring that has more durability and more slots for even more powerful stats?
  10. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    So your argument is that lower-level crafted items aren't that good because higher-level ones are better? You already have to spend significant amounts of time searching for an identifiable item if it's not for sale somewhere - incidentally, you can buy crafted items as well (just not as easily right now because the update is literally 3 weeks old).
    by2011 likes this.
  11. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    you know. also it does not take hours to grind 2 star ingredients, it's not hard to find one in under 10 minutes.

    t3s can be loot runned for or bought at the marketplace for like 32 eb per (bottled fairy probably costs more). some t3s that are dropped by rare mobs are also pretty easy to find.

    actually, i only mentioned 2 t3+ ingredients in my recipes (feather of grace for ws on first recipe, and bottled fairy for mr/ms armor. most of them were t1-t2.

    not to mention that fact that you can find these items pre crafted from players and can be bought for cheap. for example, high level weapons stronger than mythics worth 6+ stacks are often sold for under 48le
    WilsonKry likes this.
  12. WilsonKry

    WilsonKry Well-Known Adventurer

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    Are you saying 32eb for a t3 is cheap? Something that is seemingly so easy to find can sell for so much money, it doesn't match up. T3 are expensive because it isn't a walk in the park, you need to spend time finding the mob, then hope that it drops the item.
    by2011 likes this.
  13. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    if you spend, say, 2le on your ingredients to make a strong piece of armor/jewelry, then yes it's pretty cheap.
  14. Elldar

    Elldar Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    To be honest, crafting is really easy and fast to level up as ingredients boost crafting xp MASSIVELY and lvl 1-80 materials are really cheap on market, You sometimes even make profit buying materials on market, crafting these low-mid items to npc. The real grindfest is Gathering. I'm currently 70 fishing/80 mining, the first 40 lvls take maybe 4h on bombs to level single proffesion, 50-70 took me another 4, 70-80 took me 6-8h. From what I've heard at 80-90 it takes over 10h and it only gets worse then - I remind You it's all with 2x Xp an 2x speed bomb which is essentialy x4 exp. It's 30-40h (120-160 (!!) without bombs) to level up a SINGLE proffesion to lvl 100. Thats probably more than it takes to get Your class to lvl 103 (or same time with bomb). Crafting, on the other hand, takes maybe 10h-15 with x2 bomb to get to lvl 100 and 90% of that time is farming ingredients to boost xp. Hell, If You already have all materials and ingredients for each level tier already prepared You could get to lv 100 crafting in under a hour.

    TL;DR - Crafting is fun and easy to level, gathering is pain.

    I agree that XP bonus should affect proffesions. Also I dont understand why proffesion lvl isn't global for all Your classes. Of course if You have already lvl 100 jeweling Assassin You're not gonna get Your Mage to lvl 50 jeweling to craft him lvl 50 accessory, just use Your already skilled class to it.

    PS; I almost forgot that this thread is about scrap and durabity, but I guess it's part of the update so it counts.
    Spinel and WilsonKry like this.
  15. WilsonKry

    WilsonKry Well-Known Adventurer

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    You did the math, so yes getting to crafting lv100 also requires 2 gathering professions to be lv90+ and that takes more time than people have said. Buying materials from marketplace is not a viable solution as it just takes too much emeralds to do so. Not everyone have access to profession bombs, so the time it takes can be quite long.

    Yea I do agree crafting is more fun than gathering.
    CoolVictor2002 likes this.
  16. Elldar

    Elldar Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I'm starting to believe You either have problems with reading and understanding, or really like to complain. I just told You, if You buy materials from marketplace and craft stuff with it then sell said stuff to NPC you either get back what You've spent or even make profit, that's true to lvl 80 atleast and material prices will only drop more and more. You really dont need 2 gathering proffesions to level up Your crafting. As it comes to bombs, It's fresh update, I'ts super hyped and ppl spam bombs left and right, just join bomb tracking discord, /friend add ppl who use proffesions bombs so You can track them which server they're on, ask friends/guild etc. I haven't used single bomb yet and there are days (especially weekends) where ppl throw prof bombs for a few hours straight.

    You should really stop complaining about the update and just try it, even just crafting. And yes - It's cheap to pay even 20LE for ingredients to make a weapon that matches or even outmatches Mythics worth 10+ stacks.

    I really love the update, love the fresh goal in game, love the diversity, the freedom in crafting equipement with EXACT the stats You want. Crafting is fun, gathering maybe less, I don't mind the scrap mechanic. The only thing that Isn't fun is having to run back to Town several times in a hour to repair my stuff, and it doesn't even have that low durability - 180+ But still my weapon goes down to 50/180 in just 10 minutes.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
    ptobey likes this.
  17. Leilo2000

    Leilo2000 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    so far i have just crafted items to level the skill
  18. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I'm still grinding levels to craft.
    I'm pretty sure that's the big issue here, not the scarping thing.

    even if the scarping thing is, most people probably don't know that yet.
    Druser likes this.
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Grinding crafting levels is honestly more annoying than gathering, since even T0 ingredients are so hard to come by.
  20. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Well gathering is pretty bad aswell.
    I deiced to level a new class, because I thought it would move more naturally but really only wood cutting does simply because you can do it on the way to things.
    Druser likes this.
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