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Assassin/Ninja Help For Assasin Build

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by visar77, Feb 9, 2019.

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  1. visar77

    visar77 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I am currently a lvl 84 assasin and i own a good arma gauntlet but I got a really bad armor.That's why i need your help and suggestions for some armor pieces.
  2. J mun

    J mun Snoisty VIP+

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    When you say you have bad armor, what do you mean? Do you mean that you die often because you have elemental defenses canceling each other out? Is it because you always run out of mana before you can kill something? Or, is it because you can't level up, as you have bad xp bonuses?

    Here's a tip; say if you want a thunder build, just look in your bank and look for items that give you thunder/dexterity bonuses. While none of these builds will be ground breaking, it will be a lot better than having just a bunch of random armor pieces/ weapons / accessories that cancel each other out. (i.e. armor piece a gives you +100 earth defense, armor b gives you +80 thunder defense and -50 earth defense, and accessory a gives you -30 defense in everything except +50 in fire defense)

    TLDR; use this checklist
    -What type of build do I want? (Damage/Tank/XP/Loot/Elemental/ETC)
    - What types of armor, weapons, and accessories do I have in my bank
    - Go on the item guide and see what other items could fit with your build
    - try and buy those items from other players (now that there is a server wide shop in detlas, this is very easy!)
    -Now use this build and upgrade it overtime until you can make a great build ~lvls 95-100
    SmartboardOW and by2011 like this.
  3. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    >is exactly how i build

    yeah, slapping soul signal + earth sanctuary might not work out so well due to the fact that their stats are opposite

    but if you have, say
    aquamarine (+60 earth, +90 water)
    medeis (+75 water, +75 fire, +75 thunder, -100 air, -100 earth)
    cinderchain (+150 fire, +150 thunder, -100 water, -100 earth)
    paradox (+80 earth, +80 fire, -120 water, -120 thunder)
    ominous wind (+55 air, +55 earth)
    moon pool circlet (+35 water, -70 thunder)

    it adds up to
    -20 water defense
    -5 earth defense
    -45 air defense
    +35 thunder defense
    +305 fire defense

    or after you factor in elemental def%,
    -11 water defense
    -6 earth defense
    -45 air defense
    +51 thunder defense
    +241 fire defense

    most of the defenses have canceled out, also why did i color code this :(

    however, you do end up with
    6/4 mr
    80% thunder damage
    66% spell damage
    91 raw spell damage

    33.3% strength buff
    41.7% dexterity buff
    68 intelligence
    57 defense
    54 sp to assign

    slap on another ring, bracelet, and weapon, and you get this abomination https://wynndata.tk/s/vMh76S


    if items that sort of cancel each other out in terms of elemental defense all serve a unified purpose (in this case, spell, thunder, mr), it often comes out to a really nice build

    in fact, if you do use items that are very similar in conjunction with one another, (e.g. unravel + soarfae + air sanctuary), then you can easily end up with a TON of -defense in one category, which can often times hurt.

    but yeah, i agree with the other points
    Druser and err0r like this.
  4. visar77

    visar77 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I just updated it what do you think about this build:https://wynndata.tk/s/KqNtjS
    I wanted more melee and earth damage but thats all what i got
  5. J mun

    J mun Snoisty VIP+

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    Dont stress about it, 1.5k DPS is fine for a lvl 84. Also, earth is more defensive. Fire items will upgrade your raw damage.
  6. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I'm pretty sure you've got earth and fire mixed up.

    That's pretty solid, quite a lot of health for lvl 84. If you want more damage you could run CLS a few times for Earth Sanctuary or something, since you'd still have upwards of 9k health.
    by2011 likes this.
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