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Battlefield V Is Not That Bad

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Wynnooblet, Feb 4, 2019.

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  1. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    Okay so after hearing a lot of hate about the game Battlefield V (for various reasons which I understand). I bought the game anyways because it was $15 and I said screw it. I’ve been playing the multiplayer for a while now, and after basically spending my entire last few weekends on it, I can probably now say that it is actually REALLY good in a gameplay perspective. The graphics are an A+, the guns feel good to use, and the game is really good at making you feel immersed in that massive WW2 battle feel. If you look past the women (nobody really plays female characters anyways, I’ve only seen like 6 in my entire playtime) you actually have yourself a crazy fun and immersive WW2 shooter. If you’re thinking of buying it, do it, 100%
  2. J mun

    J mun Snoisty VIP+

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    That's Quite Neat
  3. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    lol so true:confused::confused::sob:
  4. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    My problems with BFV don't lie with its gender. My problems lie with how they handled the backlash and content.

    If you're trying to sell someone a product, you don't insult the consumer and tell them they're "uneducated" or "if you don't like it don't buy it". It paints a bad picture for both you and the product you're trying to push out, not to mention they took people's criticisms, put them on a big ass screen and laughed at it. While not genuine criticism and more or less trolling, it still paints a bad picture for the product you're trying to sell. Another thing I've been hearing about the game is that it has nothing. Like Battlefront (2015) I've heard that there's not a lot of content and the content that is there is already experienced within 4-6 hours of game play. With BF1 there were a ton of maps and a few game-modes to keep you occupied where as with BFV there are maps, just fewer than BF1, and half of the interesting game-modes are behind waiting periods. This idea of "release now, add content later" is pretty stupid. If you're making a game, you want to keep the player hooked on for as long as you can and if you want to add updates to expand on the game, go for it. What you shouldn't do, is rush a game to the point where you've experienced it all in less than 6 hours and say to yourself "gah ill do it later" its like paying for a steak dinner but you get one eighth of the dinner and have to wait 3 months to get the other half. It kinda makes me wonder and worry what state the game could've been in had they released it in October and not November.

    To conclude, BFV looks stunning I'll give it that, but graphics, gun play and music can only give it so much praise without the content needed to experience it. If they had handled the backlash better, the game probably would've done better sales wise and if the game was delayed to an early Spring launch I wouldn't be typing this. BF1 was great, really immersive and something that isn't touched upon in shooters if they had built on what made BF4 and BF1 so good, BFV would've been one of the best fps of 2018, but this is EA we're talking about, they don't care. If you do like BFV more power to ya, but I will not get this game unless there is content there to keep me going for longer than a few hours.

    ea suck
    yellowscreen likes this.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss HERO

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    EA just admitted that their stock is falling hardcore, their marketing for the game was shit and BFV was a massive disappointment for them overall. I'm pretty sure that says everything.
    Guns are awful. Especially if you compare them to the previous games. I don't know how you can feel immersive with them rofl
  6. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    You can’t call guns not immersive when you had soldiers in battlefield 1 with machine guns and SMGs (not hating, I played the shit out of BF1). At least the guns fit the time period a bit better now. And in BF1, the guns had MASSIVE recoil and shakiness, they’re a bit more stable now and I like it, but that’s just me
  7. Bliss

    Bliss HERO

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    Are you trying to tell me that LMGs and SMGs didn't exist during WW1? Maybe you should do some research then, because it wasn't just muskets, sticks and stones.
    "Real" guns are supposed to have recoil otherwise you don't "feel" the weapon and it just looks funny. One of the main problems of BFV is that it's like you're shooting a laser weapon, it is even considered dumb to aim down sights because you can just more effectively use a built in crosshair.
  8. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    Im not saying that didn't exist, but they weren't handed out to every soldier, they were reserved typically for special classes such as machine gun posts
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