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Guild ♪♫*•♪ʕ•ᴥ• ʔ | Wynncorporated [wnc] [lvl 20] | Now Hiring! | ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ♪♫*•♪

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Adeerable, Jan 22, 2019.

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  1. Adeerable

    Adeerable Local Deer | JP's Assistant

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    Hey you there!

    Are you a small group of easy going friends who play Wynncraft together and long for the feeling of a big guild without the loss of individuality? If so, Wynncorporated is the solution to your dilemma!
    As a start-up guild, we plan to be made up of aggregate groups, who have their own personal spaces, but all coexist in the same place, kind of like a neighborhood, or an office floor full of cubicles. Each group will have the opportunity to come together in the privacy of their own area, but can meet and interact with a variety of different people from all walks of Wynncraft. We will act as a way of gathering people together, as such our guild is usually very laid back. We plan to instate guild wide events such as movie nights, online games like Board Game Online, and of course Wynncraft, so that everyone can come and mingle together and make new friends. Taking feedback is also important to us, so make sure to send in all your suggestions and thoughts!
    Groups are made up of three to five people, each with a designated leader, called the Group Manager. This person is who will speak on behalf of your group. These people are able to make requests, send in concerns, and basically act as, well, a manager of your group. Each group will also be given a private text channel and voice channel for whatever they wish, however common text and voice chats are set up as a sort of commons to encourage inter-group interactions. Managers are expected to keep their groups in line, and enforce the rules in their respective chats, as well as being held responsible for the actions of their group. Essentially, if a member of your group is acting rudely towards others, your manager will be the first to hear about it.

    Despite our business name, we are a relaxed and social guild dedicated to bringing the people of Wynncraft together through a central space, having a great time, and creating not a guild, but a true community of kind and welcoming individuals. Our core is fun and family, and our rules and morals reflect that. We will ALWAYS:

    ✔ Respect an individual’s thoughts and feelings, as long as they do not encroach upon the autonomy of another ✔
    ✔ Be open to new ideas and suggestions, and grow both as a guild and as a group ✔
    ✔ Listen to our members, and respect the spaces of ourselves and each other ✔
    ✔ Be the kind and welcoming people that we want to see in the world ✔

    We will NEVER:
    ✘ Tolerate hate speech, discrimination, or toxicity in any way, shape or form, and we reserve the right to make judgement calls on such matters ✘
    ✘ Ignore the needs of an individual simply on the basis of “it’s easier” or because it would be deemed "unimportant" by others ✘
    ✘ Allow each other to be complicit in the negativity we all face on a daily basis ✘

    Our Guild Rules are to be followed at all times, in guild chat, the Discord (both Wynn and Guild), and in game. We will try to be understanding but anyone who consistently does not follow these rules will be removed.​

    ✰ Follow all in game rules, we reserve the right to remove a member based on outside guild actions. ✰
    ✰ We like to promote from within, however please do not ask us about being promoted! ✰
    ✰ Be kind to all, someone being rude does not give you the excuse to be rude back. ✰
    ✰ Please keep negativity out of guild chat and Discord, a bad day is one thing, but consistently bringing down the mood of others is another. ✰

    The most important, vital, and cliche rule to follow however is:
    ✰ Have fun! ✰

    If you have any questions about how we work, how to apply, or anything at all, please feel free to ask in this thread!
    If you are:
    ➼ An active player of Wynn and looking to exist as part of something greater than yourself
    ➼ Over the age of 15 (Exceptions can be made, but don’t count on it!)
    ➼ Have a group of 3-5 people to apply with? (Duo and single applications may be accepted on special conditions, see hiring)

    Then congrats, you are eligible to apply! Groups should be comprised of a designated group leader, a manager who will speak and request on behalf of your group, and 1-4 other group members, or employees. Below is the application form, please fill out the general questions and a Employee application for each person in your group, yourself included. Please put it under a “Read More” so that the thread won’t be cluttered! If you are a single person or a duo and you’d like to apply, see "Positions and Hiring."
    *NOTE: Despite the phrases such as "hiring" and "employee", these are used to follow the business theme of our guild, we do not actually pay you to be in Wynncorporated, however there are still many perks!
    These are the different ranks and positions within the guild.​

    ♔ Owner/CEO: Acts as final say on matters regarding organization and guild integrity, helps organize events within the group. ♔
    ♕ Chief/Executive Vice President: Second-In-Charge, acts as another voice of reason, has input on group acceptances and events. ♕
    ♕ Chief/Director: Act as event organizers, deals with submitted ideas and concerns of the managers, each one head of a department with one to two General Managers as helpers optional. ♕
    ♖ Captains/General Managers: Guild moderators, act as the peacekeepers and moderate general Discord channels as well as guild chats in game. Helpers to specific directors. ♖

    ♘ Recruiters/Job Recruiters: Deals with accepting groups within the guild, keeps records on who has applied, acceptance and rejection reasons, as well as groups/people to bar from joining. Orientation managers who explain the rules of the guild and what to do and what not to do. ♘
    ♙ Recruit/Group Manager: Head of a group within the guild. Acts on behalf of the guild and can make requests directly to the higher ups. ♙
    ♙ Recruit/Employee: A member of a group within the guild. Always has a smile on their face. ♙

    We’re hiring! We’re looking for trusted members of the community to fill some higher up positions in our guild. This will most likely be the only case where we accept single or duo applications. Please refer to the positions page for more description of the positions. We’re looking for:​

    ❏ Directors - highest positions we’re currently offering. We need: Director of Inter-Guild Interactions, Director of Events, or Director of Internal Affairs. Mature/older people preferred. (One to Two Positions Available)
    ❏ General Managers - Guild moderators who report rule-breakers to the Board of Directors. Manage guild chat and Discord. People with Discord punishment knowledge preferred. (One to Three Positions Available)
    ❏ Recruiters - Recruit people and groups to the guild. Introduce new members to the inner workings and in charge of accepting applications. Social and friendly people preferred. (One to Two Positions Available)
    ❏ High level people to help level up the guild. We’re quite small, and warring will not be our main focus, and gaining XP to help take more members will take quite a while. People who can help gain XP quickly would be much appreciated!
    Groups and Managers: Have the Group Manager fill out the Manager Application, and each employee fill out an Employee Application, and have the Group Manager post the applications on the thread under a "Read More".
    Duos: Fill out one Manager Application and one Employee Application, and have the Group Manager submit it on the thread in one post, under a "Read More."
    Singles: Fill out the Employee Application and submit it on the thread in one post, under a "Read More"
    If accepted, you'll be mentioned here.

    IMPORTANT NOTES: As this will be a business-oriented guild, professional, neat, and well-formatted applications are to be expected. We will not accept anyone who applies with a messy, lazy, or joke application, meaning that you cannot simply copy, paste, and type over the extra instructions. Colorful applications are not required, but appreciated nonetheless.

    Manager Application:
    Name of Your Business (Group Name):
    Preferably something business/organization related
    Designated Person-In-Charge (Group Manager): The Leader of your group
    Members in Your Group: IGN's of the people who you will be in charge of
    Name/IGN: The name you’d like to be called, and IGN
    Discord: For communication purposes
    Forum: For listing on the members page
    List one (1) class of your choosing and its basic info (Level/Class/Build Type, etc, links are good but not necessary!):
    How would you describe yourself in a few sentences?
    Elevator Pitch (Why should you be accepted?):
    Tell us about yourselves and your group
    Anything else we should know:
    (Optional) Show us a couple pictures of you and your group in Wynn!:

    Employee Application:
    The name you’d like to be called, and IGN
    Discord: For communication purposes
    Forum: For listing on the members page
    List one (1) class of your choosing and its basic info (Level/Class/Build Type, etc, links are good but not necessary!):
    How would you describe yourself in a few sentences?:

    Single Application:
    Name of Your Business (Group Name):
    Preferably something business/organization related
    Name/IGN: The name you’d like to be called, and IGN
    Discord: For communication purposes
    Forum: For listing on the members page
    List one (1) class of your choosing and its basic info (Level/Class/Build Type, etc, links are good but not necessary!):
    How would you describe yourself in a few sentences?:
    Elevator Pitch (Why should you be accepted?):
    Tell us about yourselves and your group
    Anything else we should know:
    (Optional) Show us a couple pictures of yourself in Wynn!:
    Chief Exective Officer Adeerable
    Executive Vice President jpresent
    Director of Defense Affairs Quintessee
    General Managers
    See hiring!

    Job Recruiters:
    Conquistador Bob



    We hope we can be of assistance to you!

    [Wynncorporated: Putting the Fun in Business Fundamentals]
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2019
  2. DantetheFolf

    DantetheFolf Folf VIP

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    Employee Application for DantetheFolf:
    My IGN on Wynncraft is: DantetheFolf
    My Discord is:
    my forum is: @DantetheFolf. I main a 45 Archer that is mostly defence or offense for PVE and questing.
    im very caring and willing to help out, i do work a lot so i may not be able to be on 24/7
    Quint likes this.
  3. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    Wynn Theory 2 confirmed
  4. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Oi that's a fine thread, nice job on the art and coloring. Though I won't officially join it (since I'm kinda busy in Fox uwu), I'd be more than glad to help you guys level if you ever need.

    Good luck with the guild ^^
  5. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    tfw u need friends to join the guild :(
    Quint likes this.
  6. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    Everybody likes friends, but for those that don't have many or that don't have any wanting to join WNC, we have single/duo applications open!
  7. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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  8. Adeerable

    Adeerable Local Deer | JP's Assistant

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    We'd love it if you could! PM me on the forums or Discord and we can arrange a business deal c:
  9. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    Single Application:
    Name of Your Business (Group Name):
    (what group)
    Name/IGN: Zombie/HowToZombie
    Discord: HowToZombie#8289
    Forum: @HowToZombie
    List one (1) class of your choosing and its basic info (Level/Class/Build Type, etc, links are good but not necessary!): Level 102 Mage, using an air build. Currently working on cooking, fishing, and farming.
    How would you describe yourself in a few sentences?: Well, I'm a nice enough person who likes helping others out. I enjoy working towards things, and though I don't have tooo much time, I have enough that I can put some into this. While I have some form of depression, I'm currently working through that and I'm definitely doing better.
    Elevator Pitch (Why should you be accepted?): While I'm currently in a guild (Avos Air), I'm kinda feeling like changing. I have several classes that are level 100+, and can help grind guild xp. While I don't have anybody to apply with (hence why I'm making a solo application), I know multiple people in the guild. I've been playing Wynn for several years now and know the lay of the land well enough.
    Anything else we should know: I used to be a GM, but quit due to mental health issues back in August.
    (Optional) Show us a couple pictures of yourself in Wynn!:
    nicktree, Adeerable and Quint like this.
  10. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    Hello, Please check your Private Messages/Conversations on the forums.
  11. nicktree

    nicktree wynncraft player HERO GM

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    Join WNC!!! :D
    Adeerable likes this.
  12. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    might wanna update that level in the title uwu
    Adeerable likes this.
  13. DantetheFolf

    DantetheFolf Folf VIP

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    Name of Your Business (Group Name):
    Name/IGN: DantetheFolf
    Discord: DantetheFolf#0847
    Forum: DantetheFolf
    List one (1) class of your choosing and its basic info (Level/Class/Build Type, etc, links are good but not necessary!): 45/Archer/Offense & Defence
    How would you describe yourself in a few sentences?: I'm outgoing, love to help where I can, i play for fun but will play competitively if need be
    Elevator Pitch (Why should you be accepted?): I think I would be a good team member that would help the guild
    Anything else we should know: I work a lot but i try to get on a lot, my discord is a little laggy but i always try to respond to messages ASAP
    (Optional) Show us a couple pictures of yourself in Wynn!:
  14. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    The have fun is off center.
  15. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Also another single application! I feel like Single Application might be a bit hard to get in, but I will try regardless!

    Name of Your Business (Group Name):
    None yet, looking to just be an Employee / Guild Member!
    Name/IGN: PikaLegend_
    Discord: PikaLegend#8190
    Forum: @PikaLegend

    List one (1) class of your choosing and its basic info (Level/Class/Build Type, etc, links are good but not necessary!):

    Assassin [Lvl 102]: Weathered Water Air Spell Build! (This is a very old build, created by my friend Madib00, and has been through some but not many amount of changes ever since I got it. But I still like it)

    How would you describe yourself in a few sentences?:

    • Overall, I can sometimes be serious, but typically very lax about things! It all depends on the situations.
    • I am turning 18 this year. Although I am currently living in Australia, my hometown is really Malaysia, and I migrated with my family in 2015.
    • I like to use sarcasm at times. I am sarcastic! But at the same time, I am humble! I am humbly sarcastic?
    • One of my favourite things to do on Wynn is writing. It is quite nice to be able to write about the game, in guides or in opinions! Call me a mini journalist I suppose?
    • I get interested in multiple things at once! That is a good thing and a bad thing, since it made me learn how to do basic animations, compose music, lead a guild, open a business in the trade market, but at the same time I don't stay committed enough at one thing sometimes!
    • I enjoy Pineapple on Pizza! (There are two options: "Get out of here you filthy pineapple lover!" or "Welcome to the Pineapple on Pizza Cult!")
    Elevator Pitch (Why should you be accepted?):
    If you like someone who is:
    • Experienced about the game
    • Respectful and Caring about others
    • Attempts to be positive and optimistic about life
    • Enjoys Video Games, like everyone else in this community
    I really don't know if I should say that I AM that person, but I think I strive to be that kind of person! Others will have different opinions about me as well.

    As for reasons for wanting to join WNC, I think it is time for me to join a community based guild instead of war based, as I find it a bit more relaxing and fun. In short, I have joined quite a few guilds, having joined before both sides that were opposing each other. Because of that, it is hard to say about my opinion on guilds, as it used to keep me up at nights stressing about things that should not be stressed. I am moving on now!

    I am excited to help the guild grow, so I am applying to start out as an employee! The reason why I don't want to apply for General Manager straight away is because I am a hard believer of working from the bottom-up (and that hardwork pays off), trying getting used to everyone and proving our worth before getting promoted. It feels a bit scary to stack a lot of responsibilities at once when I am really testing the waters at the start to get to know new friends!

    If I do get accepted, I will try my best to help out with the best of my extent!

    Anything else we should know:
    I have been getting into roleplaying lately in the forums! I don't do it that much ingame if people don't like it, but I guess it is something to mention that I do enjoy it! (I suppose it is partly because I binged the entirety of the webcomic Homestuck in 8 days)
    I will also be completing my finals for high school this year, so I will be much busier than usual as that approaches (I will be studying!).

    (Optional) Show us a couple pictures of yourself in Wynn!:

    This was back in 2018, almost 9 months ago now. Back then, we organized a small group of people in our guild to participate in the event hosted by Pepinho! Our allocated area was Selchar, and we didn't really win. It was still fun however, despite the many criticisms the event received.
    NeonRider likes this.
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