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The Biggest Scam

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SaltyKing, Jan 18, 2019.

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  1. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads VIP+

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    I’m sorry but uhh... this is stupid. Why are these people grinding after 101.... why did one dude pay 11k to be 102... why?!
    satbyccdoerfe and That_Chudley like this.
  2. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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    i just want to know why the level 100s got a boost to 102 and the 101s just got f*ck*d in the ass
    yes this is how it works apparently, i was 101 with 4 classes and none of them got exp to go to 102, not even halfway
    Gogeta, Druser and trex1611 like this.
  3. jpresent

    jpresent Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Hey everyone,

    After working pretty much non stop for the past two weeks, getting very little sleep or rest, to try to get this update out and stable, I'm honestly quite surprised and highly disappointed in the behaviour you've all shown in this thread. I can understand where you are coming from, don't get me wrong, but the way you've put it and the way you've responded to it is just highly immature and, frankly, irresponsible.
    But I shouldn't stray too far of topic. I do understand where you are coming from and I can confirm that a mistake was made where some level 100s were able to level up to level 102, whereas some level 101s weren't. This has been fixed and corrected. When you join into a newly loaded world, you will notice that if you were level 101, you are now level 102 (with 0 experience).
    I've given the people that had level 101 before the update a small star behind their level and we're going to check if we can make it appear on the leaderboards too.

    Setting you all back to 0 experience was a well thought through, previously announced action. Not only would it be ear deafening whenever you gained 1xp, it would also broadcast, twice, to the entire server that you leveled up. It would not encourage you to go out into the world and experience the new areas, quests and dungeons, and frankly, would not make sense to allow you to gain levels that didn't exist when you got the experience.

    The economy update has been a year in the making and is the biggest update Wynncraft has ever had.
    On my end 161482 new lines of code were added and 46298 lines of code were changed for the update and its features alone.
    The entire world was remade, every single tree that we could find has been turned into one that you can chop down.
    A huge variety of new quests were added. Detlas was entirely remade, meaning that every NPC that is in and around Detlas also had to be remade.
    We've effectively remade the game. Our intention in doing so was to make you happy and give you some long requested and long overdue new content.

    I'm very sorry that I've upset you guys in doing so, but it cannot be reverted now.
    To keep it fair, I've also forced people that haven't gotten any XP yet to retain their old amount of XP to also be set back to 0 and level up.
    I will be locking this thread now to stop it from escalating further and I hope you will enjoy the game as I intended for you to do.

    Rimuwu, Saya, Tsukiji and 53 others like this.
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