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The Biggest Scam

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SaltyKing, Jan 18, 2019.

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  1. Imaxelius

    Imaxelius Content Team Manager CT Manager QA Modeler HERO GM Builder

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    I understand that you are annoyed, but I’m going to be blunt; it’s not a big deal. See it from this point of view instead: We raised the level cap and gave you an extra level. That’s what happened, plain and simple. You are making it out to be a bigger thing than it actually is, and we aren’t going to change it.
  2. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    How can you possibly think I'm making it out as anything other then it is?
    What I am stating is facts. Money and hours have been invested and then it was taken from them.
    All I want is for that exp to get rolled over hell some of my classes won't even even get 104 but o well I will just level them up from where they should be. With a fair bit more exp then I haveeighr now...

    If you can see where I am coming from which you have said you can. Why do you not want people to get what they worked for?
    Tzelofachad, Gogeta, H0Y and 3 others like this.
  3. fatboy

    fatboy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    And I personally believe you're oversimplifying the situation. Also, who's to say it's not a big deal? It's a big enough issue to cause some of the most committed players to quit. That's something I'd consider a big deal.
    Tzelofachad, Gogeta, H0Y and 6 others like this.
  4. LanielYoungAgain

    LanielYoungAgain Secretly Ragnar

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    Honesty, i feel like losing all that xp isn't that big of a deal.
    I get why you're annoyed even though i am not personally affected as i think leveling to lvl.101 is a waste of time to begin with.
    You're not actually losing anything that truly matters, except the time you put into getting there, which you would now have to redo - or you could realise things like this could easily happen in the future, and that you're at the mercy of the devs in that regard. There isn't anything you can do.
    You should look at it from a game-dev perspective: they couldn't possibly let you transfer all that xp as it would mean you're exempt from having to play the game. My conclusion is that the very decision of adding a single level to the cap was a horrendous mistake. If there were 20 new levels, would you really be upset about it this much?
    Neither side is fully in the right here.
  5. Reti

    Reti Marquis of the Foxes, King of Memes VIP+

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    I can understand why you're upset, I don't really agree with the decision but I'm not personally affected by it so I can't really say much on the subject.

    However, I think mentioning that the players quitting without any real correlation to this update coming out being shown doesn't really help the case. If these guys actually did leave because of the XP thing, that's fine, you can post evidence of that if you have any. But without showing those links it kinda looks like your appealing to people reading this thread and going "oh damn those big guys are quitting because of this, better get mad at devs for making people leave."
    Plasmatic, blow w, Pokextreme and 2 others like this.
  6. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    I can get rhe ingame chat screenshots in the morning. I only put those as a "people are annoyed not just me"
    Again it's not tjag thto level cap was raised it's tjay our exp was removed.
    Gogeta, trex1611, Shoefarts and 2 others like this.
  7. fatboy

    fatboy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Where is this misconception coming from? I heard the same thing from JP himself and it makes no sense. When has a player's level ever been implicative of game completion? Where's the line? Aren't levels 102–104 cosmetic, just as Imaxelius pointed out? Then wouldn't the game be just as "complete" at level 101? I was always under the impression that 100% quest completion was what marked the game as being complete, and as I stated before, there are always world discoveries, secret discoveries, territorial discoveries, dungeons, boss altars, and more.
    RicRicc, trex1611, Shoefarts and 2 others like this.
  8. NeonRider

    NeonRider Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment
  9. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    You spoke a lot in your argument that the exp after 101 was "void" and meant nothing.
    Then why does the offical wynncraft site have a leaderboard, the main leader board infact... grade people by their exp that they have gotten after lvl 101?
    If exp over 100 was void and pointless why encourage it by showing it on the wynncraft leaderboards?
    Why not just not have it show the level without the exp?
    Lemon, NITEHAWKX, Gogeta and 8 others like this.
  10. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    i literally spent hours of my life, doing almost 2000 CSSTs, just for one more level?
    brokenmotor, H0Y, Realises and 7 others like this.
  11. SUPER M


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    Well shit. I guess we should burn down the louvre, becouse the art pieces in it don't really have any value apart from looking nice.
    brokenmotor, Archit12, Gogeta and 7 others like this.
  12. fatboy

    fatboy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    It's like a sharp kick in the groin and then a pat on the back. You did good grinding all of this experience and putting in all of this time and effort. We show this to you by displaying it on our leaderboards for the whole community to see. Now let me just set it up in flames. Hope you don't mind.
  13. Viaire

    Viaire Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    *snorts* Make sure to buy the new bombs so you can do it all over again
    brokenmotor, Archit12, H0Y and 15 others like this.
  14. SUPER M


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    I think everybody got a little bit over the edge here.
    I see some angry responses and no thought comments.

    What we should really do is take a hint from the EA and Bethesda.

    If the company is telling us to fuck off and that we don't need to buy their games,
    then i don't think we really need to buy all these xp, loot, proffesion, and anything else bombs, and we should stop supporting Wynncraft.

    But hey, those levels didn't matter, so why does playing this game matters?
    MasterMiner, Gogeta, Realises and 4 others like this.
  15. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    I fail to see why people are angry when level 101 was an easter egg in the first place, yall should've expected that
  16. fatboy

    fatboy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    But dude, we got a little good boy gold star. Aren't you grateful?
    trex1611, Shoefarts and SUPER M like this.
  17. SUPER M


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    Hey. You don't REALLY need computer to live right? So why do you have it?
    trex1611 likes this.
  18. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    CookedPelvis and blow w like this.
  19. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    We need some background, here.
    • First, from our store:"Ranks are one-time purchases which gives permanent effect such as coloured names, reskinned classes and more!"
    • Second, "Loot Crates are boxes you can open in game for a chance to get a random cosmetic object!"
    • Third, "Pets are companions which follow you on your journey."
    • Fourth, "Bombs are consumables you can use to give buffs to everyone online or simply throw a party."
    • Fifth, from the Minecraft EULA, servers can "sell cosmetic items, except for “Capes”, IF the item sold does not give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server - i.e there can be no “pay to win”."
    Let's sum this all up: Everything that is offered for sale on our store is an optional choice. It is all cosmetic, and cosmetic only. It gives NO ONE any advantage over anyone else. Absolutely NOTHING of what we have in our store is pay-to-win, whatsoever. Every purchase is the choice of the person making the purchase, and it is a donation. Let me repeat that, "It is a donation." If a donor gets caught hacking in our game, they get banned. It does not matter to us who they are, how much they are liked by the community or us, nor how much they have spent. They get banned. There is no pay-to-win. Wynn abides by the Minecraft EULA in every aspect of our game, which includes no "pay to win".

    Level 101 was a secret for a very long time. It wasn't meant to be a real level, and anyone who achieved it, only held a cosmetic level, with simple bragging rights of having accrued DOUBLE XP from levels 1 - 100. That's it. That's all that there is to it. The first person to get a Level 101 was Broettinger. He was a mod, and one of the first two QAs that we ever had. That was in 2016. We have always said that Lv101 was nothing more than a joke level, at that time, and ever since then. The 1.18 update changes that, but it does not give anyone the right to freely obtain Lv101 or any higher level.

    Now, the argument that is being made, is that because some of the players have 'spent a lot of money' and 'spent a lot of time' on our game, that we should take those into consideration and give those the full weight of what they gained. As to the 'spent a lot of money' and 'spent a lot of time' arguments, let's look at them for what they are.
    • Some players believe that the money that they have donated should grant them extra consideration. I'm sorry, but that would be a violation of the EULA. Wynn is not pay-to-win, and players are not going to get to pay-to-win. We have changed the game, we have updated the economy, and we have updated the level cap.
    • Some players believe that the time that they have spent should grant them extra consideration. Again, I'm sorry, but that just isn't how things work. If you chose to spend extra time playing our game, that was your choice. No one forced you to do that. We greatly appreciate it, but we don't give you anything extra for it, other than the enjoyment of the game. If, as has been argued, directly or indirectly, you consider your time to be a valuable commodity, with a definite worth, then, if we were to give you anything for it that was an advantage in game, then we would be violating the EULA. We won't do that.
    • CSST was well known to be broken, in that it was far too easy to obtain XP from it. There are some players who have abused dungeons to gain levels, without having completed more than a couple of quests. Our game was never intended to be played that way, and we have made that clear, in the past, many times. We have chosen to neither remove the XP gained from what was actually a glitched dungeon, nor to ban players for abusing the dungeon XP system. That was our choice. We knew that the dungeon was not functioning as we had intended, and we have fixed that problem.
    • Some players see the leaderboard as an irrevocable achievement. It is not. We have made no such statement to that effect. We created the leaderboard in order to show which players had gained the most XP by playing our game as it was meant to be played. We never intended for players to find any way to abuse broken sources of XP, nor did we intend to create any broken sources of XP, nor have we ever suggested for players to abuse any broken sources of XP. Using a broken source of XP does not grant any player any right to retain that XP.
    We have chosen to take into consideration the time and effort that players have spent on our game. We are giving them the Lv101 or Lv102, in consideration of their time and effort. We could have, as we have done in the past, removed all of the experience above the actual level cap, which was Lv100. That is what was done when we raised the level cap from Lv75 to Lv100. Many of us would have been at Lv100 instantly if we retained all of our experience at that time. Instead, in order to make it fair for everyone, all extra XP was wiped. That has always been the case, in the past. It wasn't a threat when jp said that he could have just reset all excess XP to Lv100, rather, it was a statement a fact, and, if you misunderstood it, it was a request that the argument not continue. As an admin, jp had a decision to make, and his decision was to do things differently than we have done in the past, and to let players retain some of their extra XP. He was, and is, choosing to grant to players some of the extra XP that they have. That is his choice.
  20. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    i just re read over the thread, and can i be added to this list lmao

    while i respect all the time and effort put into it by all the CT, i just dont like this update at all. it changes too much about the game, like inventories being saved after wars mainly, and the fact i was cheated out of levels and wasted hours of my life; but also the fact that when you boil this update down, you get grinding, time effort crafting systems, a few new quests, and a market house. Besides the market house, nothing else in this update makes me want to stay and keep playing the game
    Gogeta, Realises, trex1611 and 6 others like this.
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