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Video Tribute To Loot Running: An Adventure To Find Mythics

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Salkasm, Jan 18, 2019.

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  1. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Alright, so after countless loot running I wanted to make this thread to present my results.
    On the 30th of april, I was bestowed the knowledge of a slight variant of the Dernel Jungle lootrun. Before that I have ran Sky Islands, partially Canyon of the Lost and partially Rodoroc.
    Now I want to divide my thread in 3 pieces: Preparation and goal, the process of loot running, and the statistical outcome of it. This will be purely basd on my experience, and I do not intend it to be 100% scientifically accurate. I did not log everything scientifically in the first place (which I do regret). Alright, lets start!

    Preparation and Goal

    So before I started to loot run I used certain assets from my previous loot run. Mainly I have been using the feature of motobot, a discord bot, to track the age of a world. It is known, the longer a chest is untouched the more items are spawned within a chest. More items in a chest equals to a higher probability to find a mythic.


    The most obvious thing would be to take the oldest worlds to loot run. That is correct, but I found out quite late that with a Discoverer, sub-optimal worlds (slightly off the best ones) are sufficient and slightly better for mythics. Simply because the Discoverer makes up for the loss in items and people bother less with those worlds. Additionally I always signed off at the last chest to check if in a new run it is here. If so I moved to the first chest to check if it is also there. If so, then I started the run. So basically:

    If you dont have a Discoverer:

    • If player traffic is high, use worlds between 2h - 2.5h [High risk, high reward]
    • If player traffic is low, use worlds between 1.5h - 2h [Low risk, mediocre reward]
    If you do have a Discoverer:

    • If player traffic is high, use worlds between 1h - 1.5h [Medium risk, high reward]
    • If player traffic is low, use worlds between 0.5h - 1h [Ultra-low risk, mediocre reward]

    Determine the time with motobot. The reason for these adjustments are simple: Im fairly certain after the chest has been filled with items (factoring in your loot bonus) any additional time that passes is wasted time.
    Additionally, you will not be alone in the loot run. Since the common mentality is to take older worlds, dont go conform with that, you will end up picking up scraps of a more successful loot runner that went ahead of you 10 minutes before.

    Secondly, loot bonus. I used gear with very high loot bonus as this affects directly how much loot is spawned. Needless to say, I started off without a Discoverer, I simply used a loot set obtainable for anyone with medium effort.


    Of course Obolus was swapped for Discoverer after I obtained one. Skillpoints are max intel and max defense. The wand used to regenerate mana was Ancient Wand (3/4s mana regen). The max loot bonus you can get without Discoverer is 272% which translates to 88% for chests. With a Disco this build goes up to 433% loot bonus which translates to 121% onto chests.

    And finally, the level range. My goal was to find 2 Discoverers. 1 for myself, 1 for my friend. As it is known, any chest that does not have a mob in a certain range will acquire its level based on your own level. Therefore if you loot run at level 40 and open a chest that has its level NOT determined by mobs due to none being around, the loot you will find will be +- 4 levels around yours. And thus you will find loot between (and including) the levels of 36 to 44.
    Now I took a look at all mythics, their levels and determined at what level what mythics can be obtained.


    I determined level 93 to be optimal. It includes Discoverer to be found while being unable to find the all-abundant Warchief (falls 1 level short). This means however some mythics are excluded by default, like Stratiformis, Warp and Singularity, very powerful ones. However if you wanted to go for ONLY Discoverer then the optimal level would have been 85 as you can only find Discoverer and Apocalypse.

    The Loot Running

    Alright, heres the fun part.
    Lootrun used: Dernel Jungle
    Chests: ~25 per run
    Time it takes to do run: 8min without proficiency, 4.5 minutes with proficiency

    1st find: Warchief - This was to test the waters of the run, to see if adjusting chests to your level works, which it did. I was not recording. Found in a T3 chest. I have gifted the item to someone.
    2nd find: Guardian - Found in a T1 chest. I was not recording still. I have gifted the item to someone.
    3rd find: Boreal - Found in a T3/T4 chest. Recording actually failed. I kept the Boreal.
    4th find: Pure - Found in a T4 chest that accidently acquired the level of a nearby mob. Recording failed again. I have gifted the item to someone.

    5th find: Galleon - Found in a T3 chest. I kept the Galleon.

    6th find: Discoverer - Found in a T3 chest. I kept the Discoverer. I sold it later.

    7th find: Discoverer - Found in a T3 chest. I have gifted the item to someone.

    8th find: Boreal - Found in a T4 chest. I have gifted the item to someone.

    9th find: Discoverer - Found in a T3 chest. I have sold the Discoverer.

    10th find: Lament - Now this ones odd. I found this while I was on someone elses laptop while managing an event for my dad. So I didnt record, but I have a fancy picture. Found in a T3 chest. I kept the Lament.

    11th find: Crusade Sabatons - Found in a T3 chest. I kept the Crusade Sabatons.

    12th find: Slayer - Found in a T3 chest. I kept the Slayer. Pardon me for the music.

    13th find: Discoverer - Found in a T3 chest. I kept the Discoverer. It is the one I still use.

    14th find: Crusade Sabatons - Found in a T3 chest. I have gifted the item to someone.

    15th find: Gaia - Found in a T3 chest. First time I found a mythic weapon that concurred with mythic armor. I kept the Gaia.

    16th find: Boreal - Found in a T3 chest. I sold the Boreal.

    17th find: Discoverer - Found in a T3 chest. I have gifted the item to someone.

    18th find: Discoverer - Found in a T3 chest. I have gifted the item to someone.

    19th find: Galleon - Found in a T3 chest. I have left it unided. I tried to power down the opacity whilst testing a new colour to find mythics. I have reverted the mythic border however afterwards.

    20th find: Slayer - Found in a T4 chest. I have left it unided.

    21th find: Boreal - Found in a T3 chest. I have left it unided.

    As the run can be done in less than 10 minutes, restarting worlds can be ran without complications if they are not yet below 5 minutes (restart timer). The benefit for that is simply you can raie your chances to the absolute max.

    Outcome (Results and Discussion)

    Alright, I have opened 42'676 chests (using this loot run, not in total) in the past 8.5 months which (if we take 20 chest per run) translates to 2'134 runs in total. Each day (unless not possible) I did around 15-25 runs which is approximately 300-500 chests (calced for 20 per run).

    Having found 21 mythics (using this loot run, not in total), on average, it took me around 2'000 chests to open to find a mythic.

    We can all agree, this is an extremely, extremely low amount of chests to open to find a mythic.
    Now after I have found so many mythics (28.6%% of them being Discoverers) you would think I am stupidly rich. Well, I wont deny I have a very big wealth, but since I have given away 7 out of 21, of which 3 were Discoverers. I have only sold 3 mythics out of all of the ones I have found from running Dernel Jungle.

    I regret not making time stamps from the beginning on when I found the mythics, along with how many chest have been opened. Otherwise the analysis would have yielded more information.

    Final statistics of me (total):
    Found mythics: 30 (25 from loot chests, 4 from mob drops, 1 from daily chest, 0 from pots, 0 from item bombs)

    Opened chests: 84'459 (29'258 + 12'525 + 28'310 + 14'366, distributed on 4 accounts)

    Duration on server: 1033 days

    Time wasted: Too much tbh

    Regret: None

    Hotel: Trivago

    With that, Id like to wish loot running fare well. Unprofitable now, but not forgotten. May you always reside in our hearts.
    wxhlf, Homruh, SmileyAlec and 28 others like this.
  2. TheBestPudding

    TheBestPudding This is simply a distraction and you fell for it. VIP+

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    yay u did it
    Salkasm likes this.
  3. HorseDuck

    HorseDuck i found 2 warchiefs in 1 loot run please help HERO

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    wtf rigged i open 78 chest and find 0 mythic !
    H0Y and Salkasm like this.
  4. Toy__

    Toy__ Well-Known Adventurer QA HERO

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    Confusion: 100
    A Human, Naraka00 and Salkasm like this.
  5. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    Wait you have found 21 mythics
    And in the next update dernel jungle loot run was basically deleted because there are no more unleveld chests, now everyone is going to have to loot run at the same place so rip
    trex1611 likes this.
  6. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    21 in Dernel itself, but 30 in total^^
  7. Eterlore

    Eterlore Yeeet HERO

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    Salkasm likes this.
  8. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    how is that possible
    thats 1 mythic every 1k loot chests
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2019
  9. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    "Spoiler Galleon 1"
    *92-96 Boots*
  10. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    Fancy stats - nice job
    What you think on optimal class? Archer and mage are probs faster runs (more runs overall) but not necessarily the best mythics at lvl 93
    Salkasm likes this.
  11. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    I personally find mage the optimal class. Most people go with archer for a chance to get Divzer and Strati. But since I was lr on 93 anyways, with mainly T3 and T4 chests, the chances were so low to find a Divzer (impossible for Strati even). So I stuck with mage. I raced on multiple occasions against archer, and only once they won against me, because I was swapping my music around like 3 times in a run.
    So personally, mage is better.
    Druser and valvoid like this.
  12. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Archer definitely has some disadvantages - on relatively open ground repeated Escape is probably faster than rapid teleport, but even if you're very careful Escape still gets stuck a lot. The extra speed is quite nice for helping with chests in caves though.
    Salkasm likes this.
  13. SuspiciousPie

    SuspiciousPie Retired mod, professional pizza and sushi lover HERO

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    10/10 post
  14. Freedoo

    Freedoo Skilled Adventurer

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    this is a new information for me i think thats working
  15. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I started lootrunning way too late, Found only 3 mythics, now it will be basically impossible with all lootruns destroyed. Tried doing several lootruns in Rodo, never even filled up my inventory with Emeralds.
  16. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Is there an option to delevel my level 102 classes? ;-;

    Also is it me or I will generally get weapons from loot chests that corresponds to the class I'm loot running with?
    Eg: if I loot run with warrior I keep getting Spears, if I loot run with mage I keep getting wands etc
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    For the second, that is confirmed.
  18. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Wow ok, no wonder I had difficulty getting daggers and bows to sell and having too many Spears to sell...
  19. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    This "you have to be this level to avoid warchef and get optimal results" is stupid. Multiple attempts. This system is just too complex. Why? Why is the system so stupidly annoying?
    Personally, I prefer grinding mobs. Because loot bonus is more effective and because it's much less complex. Less exiting, but I don't care of that too much.

    Well made thread, though.
  20. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    Chests looted: 21.728
    Mythics found in chests: 4

    Average: 1 Mythic in 5432 chests.

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