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I Hate Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Killerfish, Jan 7, 2019.


Do you hate Wynncraft?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe

  4. Tbh idk /shrug

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  1. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    Sorry bud. I think the title fits the feelings I had while writing the thread and when thinking about all the problems after writing it. So the title’s gonna be staying.
    Theeef likes this.
  2. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Please, you did say that you don't hate Wynncraft, so why don't you put another title like "Wynncraft has so many problems".
    Edit: Don't worry i won't bother you so much even if you don't change the title (meaning i won't continue to try to convince you to change the title).
    I hate you but i don't.
    Killerfish likes this.
  3. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Would you say that you're a little... salty about it?

    Sorry for that...
    But I do see, and agree, with some of your points
  4. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    u called?
  5. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Wrong type of salt
    MasterMiner likes this.
  6. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    I hate Wynncraft but damn.. I love it too! I have mixed feelings about Wynn...
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
    Realises, A Human and BethJerry like this.
  7. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    a clickbait title with a thread talking about flaws that wynncraft has that everyone already knows about/agrees with
    now thats epic
  8. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Oh you mean you have a Level 87 quest set in Corkus?
    end me
  9. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    Its not funny for me...
    P.S. I have Changed my comment
  10. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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  11. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I feel like this is less of a problem with Wynn and more of a limitation of Minecraft. You can’t really make an impact on the world because it’s impossible to build into an mmo. Like, you can’t just rebuild Lexdale without the qiant hand and have it be explorable permanently after EotS in place of the old Lexdale. Because of that, they’ve chosen to build in the permance of most fixtures like the Corruption, which as a consequence means it’s unlikely that we’d be able to change and make major developments in the war against corruption since it’s built to stay both literally and metaphorically
    Killerfish and trex1611 like this.
  12. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    A large part of that is that most weapons and armor don’t really have an “identity” to them, largely due to the homogeny and passivity of IDs and a basic combat system.

    For example, take the Destiny franchise. All exotic weapons and armor have unique perks and gimmicks that encourage various playstyles, such as the Sunbracers rewarding melee kills with unlimited grenades for a short time, or the Orpheus Rigs, which reward good ability use with more abilities. Even lower tier legendary weapons all have unique firing rates and firing types, such as a short range burst in shotguns or a pulse rifle which shoots three bullets as a time, as well as perks such as extra damage after a reload or extra reload speed after a precision kill.

    Wynncraft doesn’t really have anything like that. Legendaries and Mythics are just stronger versions of rares, and every weapon has the same seven attack speeds, the same range and don’t reward gameplay. In addition, all of their IDs either occur passively, or require luck to occur. Like, imagine if Return to Ether rewarded good arrow shield use with invisibility, or if Slider gave you Speed while in a smoke bomb. Instead both are basically just Agility + Spell Damage + Walk speed with - Melee. The only IDs you can really feel having an effect are Mana Regen and Walk speed, which are incidentally tied to the strongest and most used Skills, Agility and Intelligence. Nona doesn’t feel different enough from Ivory, which means that the only factor is which one is objectively better overall.

    In addition, Wynn’s combat system rewards people who do the most damage, and makes aggro based on chance, which actively punishes people who decide to use full tank playstyles or cleric playstyles. However, because of the fact that most bosses can one shot most glassy players, full damage builds are also discouraged, which means that most builds are forced towards builds with enough survivability to tank a shot and enough damage to counter the bosses’ health regen, especially in Solo play.

    There are a few exceptions. Lunar spine, for example, is a unique item that forces a unique playstyle. Warp is another one. Their usefulness in combat is debatable, but they have undeniably unique playstyles that require constant management for a reward. However, for other builds, it just isn’t noticeable. Whether you’re using a tank build or a hybrid build, you’re still using the same four spells and the same melee.

    Basically, most IDs are too passive and don’t have a measurable effect on moment to moment gameplay, which makes most builds feel homogeneous and samey even if they’re based on completely different principles. In addition, wynn’s combat system is too simple to actually encourage unique, active builds with unique spell and melee usage.
    Shoefarts and Killerfish like this.
  13. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I'm late to this thread, but reading it seems like you don't hate Wynncraft, but you don't exactly love it either. You seem to be somewhere in the middle, and that's okay.

    (Going to respond about what you said about guilds and community since that hasn't been covered as much)

    I'm glad you pointed out PvP, because I honestly think that needs to be a far bigger part of the game. It would occupy endgame players and provide buildmaking incentive, although PvP does need to be fixed and made balanced. But a lot of people dismiss PvP for various reasons, such as "Warlords already does class-based PvP" and "It's currently broken". I feel like the biggest issue with the community right now is that we stick to perceptions about things, especially if a popular group of people have that same opinion. The best example for this is housing threads, which get way more hate than they deserve simply because they exist and the person who made them wasn't popular.

    Thinking about it, I feel like this polarization of opinions is an issue with guilds too. For guilds, people either seem to think they're the best thing in the game or the worst thing in the game. Have guilds caused flamewars? Yes, but they've also brought people together. At the end of the day guilds are just another part of the game though, but many people seem to have these crazy opinions about guilds. And sadly I think that's how us humans are. Once we have an opinion I feel like we oftentimes don't have an open mind to get it changed.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
    Stag2001, Tsuneo and Killerfish like this.
  14. Toaster

    Toaster He/Him CHAMPION

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    I super agree with all of this, ESPECIALLY the community part and the economy update stance. I think a lot of the community is quite toxic, especially some of the people I used to consider my friends. I've been playing since Wynn was released across multiple accounts, and have thousands of hours of game time (odd flex), and in my years have seen this. A lot of the community, especially surrounding guilds is just horribly cancerous. In my experience, with the exception of a few guilds, all guild members are either:
    - New and want to dominate the map
    - Horribly pretentious and call themselves Gods/Goddesses (and act like they are)
    - Extremely rude and don't understand authority
    - Don't understand guild "relations"
    (i may be subject to the "2 lies outweigh 1000 truths" saying, but there are significant and frequent examples)
    Killerfish likes this.
  15. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    If I understand the update on the beta right, a lot of the map changes are client side whenever you perform your gathering skills on the local resources. Though probably impossible, they could do something with a major clientside change to the map after a quest is completed in one way or another.

    Definitely. I agree with all of your points. Especially the fact that because of a slight patch that Salted put in a long while ago that requires you to deal 15% of the hp to gain drops, it highly discourages tank and healer builds. I really feel Wynn could use a revamp of both the current combat and item systems.

    I also love that you compared it to the Destiny Franchise, as I've played both games and poured so many hours into both.

    Honestly, this definitely sums up a big problem of the community.
  16. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    "From the rediscover the province update"

    get out


    "The community dismisses guilds as toxic"
    Its as if 2015-17 happened.

    "When people call guilds toxic even though they met most of their close friends in the guild community"
    I'm just gonna have to put my foot on the ground, dig my heel against the floor, lean forward, look you dead into your optic stems and stop your ass right there.

    That's a complete generalization that makes barely any sense. Some of my friends I met through lore reading, some I met through trading, or just on the road and I needed some help with a boss or a quest. I met one of my closest friends on the server; Tealy, just by getting grouped together into the same event that Slyam had hosted. I met more friends through him and the Mafia than I ever had through anything else.

    I was in a lot of guilds, NYN, IMP for a few days, HOF, BCr, etc.

    The only friend that stuck with me was TNT, and now he's banned because of you lot (don't start an argument now on that one subject, if you do just talk to me on discord about it.)

    I don't know how you need guilds to make
    friends, but my closest, and best friends on the server were found by complete accident, just walking down the road and saying "hey, what's up?", or something else.

    So yes, you can meet people randomly. That's the beauty of this game, walking down a road in COTL and having a common goal can bring you a good friend.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2019
    Bliss, Pokextreme, Pepo and 1 other person like this.
  17. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    It’s not a generalization at all, lol. I know tons of people that are like that. Just because you aren’t doesnt mean there aren’t a bunch of people who say that exact thing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2019
    Elephat likes this.
  18. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    I'm just saying, if everyone hates guilds as much as you say they do; it'd be fucking strange if their friends came from guilds specifically, what are the fucking odds. That sounds a lot like a generalization "YOU HATE GUILDS BUT THE ONLY REASON YOU HAVE FRIENDS IS BECAUSE OF THEM!!!1!1!1!1!"
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2019
  19. Drew1011

    Drew1011 Former Viceroy of the Foxes / Reviver of Kingdoms HERO

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    Just because you personally don’t know anyone that is like that doesn’t mean it’s not true. I’ve known dozens.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2019
  20. Diamond7157

    Diamond7157 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Honestly wynn needs a revolution to the game like how gavel impacted the game
    Killerfish likes this.
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