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Gold Coins Are Allowed Again?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Aya, Dec 22, 2018.

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  1. Bramblesthatcat

    Bramblesthatcat Just a cat trying to be bing chilling CHAMPION

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    Already did
  2. CylinderKnot

    CylinderKnot Custom Title

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    The aim of Hypixel's gold coins feature was to make purchases more convenient for the users.

    Suppose you bought something under the old system. You had to enter everything and hit the checkout button and wait for everything to come. Then if you decided to buy something a few days later, you would have to reenter everything, hit the checkout button again, and wait for everything again. This time really adds up.

    With the gold coin system, you only have to enter everything and hit checkout when you are buying more gold coins. That means once you have an amount of gold coins, you can purchase whatever you want, whenever you want, and without potentially long wait times with each purchase, especially if you decide to buy something a few days later AS LONG AS you don't run out of gold coins.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2018
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  3. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In my opinion, not quite. While the Hypixel team made it out to look like this, it was most likely not their intention. After all, Mojang had to ban it with the EULA (until recently, but it was still banned for a reason nonetheless)

    First of all, when are you buying packages of Hypixel items every week? I have never met someone who's taxes include "Daily Hypixel Fee". You either buy multiple items all at once or just buy stuff you want once in a while, or even just buy multiple items all at once once in a while. You even miss out on sales deals by buying stuff frequently. The only thing you would want to probably buy a lot of is boosters, but those cost a lot of money, so probably another one of those one time or occasional things. Think of it like splurging here and there, you shouldn't do it too often, however it is a nice treat if you do it once in a while.

    As for the actual reason why I think that it's not the way they make it out to be, imagine it like this. You see that they are selling a Dog Companion being sold for $3.99 or 399 gold, and are not planning on buying anything else specific for a while. Worst case scenario, you currently do not have any gold, and you feel like buying gold will be better because it's the new thing, and is probably a better deal because you can buy more stuff, so you decided to buy some gold. However, if you noticed, they do not sell exactly 399 gold. The smallest package they have is 1000 gold. You just bought the 1000 gold package and purchased the dog.

    In this situation, you didn't pay $3.99 for your dog pet. You paid $10 and have 601 gold leftover, which isn't the money you used for the purchase. This gold can be used, and only be used, for Hypixel purchases, and cannot be refunded. Also note that almost every item, excluding sales and holiday items, is sold at x.99, so no matter what purchases you'll make, you'll always have some unusable gold leftover. This means the only way to make value of that extra few cents is by buying more gold until you break even with your costs. Instead of having a nice easy time of paying exact change, you just lost some money by buying those gold coins and having a few unusable ones leftover. This is only to make you buy more than what you actually wanted, which ends in Hypixel getting more money.

    You're essentially buying money, which from a consumer standpoint is an overall unhonest business decision, especially after the EULA shut down many other servers or hurt them financially. Even though Mojang themselves did it, and many other companys, I don't think is showing integrity with their brand or product.

    All in all, Hypixel seems to me not caring much about making their marketing genuine and honest. It seems to me that they used the "it's more convenient" as a cover-up to what their actual intent was. Honestly, if the EULA was shut down, they probably would make their game really pay2win. Even if other servers probably would also be p2w if the EULA was shut down, I think Hypixel would be the first to the bandwagon, seeing as they are the first ones to take action when they were given the ok to gold.

    Thank you for your time <3
  4. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    only cosmetics anyways no?
  5. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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  6. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    yeah, that or global boosters i think
    Bramblesthatcat likes this.
  7. CylinderKnot

    CylinderKnot Custom Title

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    Seeing how P2W it was before the EULA, it could possibly be worse. Progression was designed around having a donor rank, so progressing as a non-donor was almost unplayably slow. Knowing how much they love money, it would probably be worse if the EULA vanished.
    Locky1110 likes this.
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