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Guild ♔ Imperial | NOT A WYNN GUILD PLS READ IDK ☕

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Ascended Kitten, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. Evereston

    Evereston Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. My name is Arthur and username is Evereston. I live in Belgium, timezone is CET.

    2. My highest class is my level 100 Warrior. I mainly do quests on Wynncraft, this is also how I level up my classes. When I'm bored I just hang around in Detlas and chat with some people, I also like doing some fun things like bringing a level 1 to Ahmsord or playing some PigPuck..

    3. Haven't really been in a guild for a long amount of times, I usually am guildless. Mainly cause in the guilds I've been in I didn't like the community, but this one seemed pretty fun so I'd like to give it a try.

    4. I'm don't have any particular skills, I'm not some expert at wars or anything.. I just like having a fun time and a good laugh when playing.

    5. I think I can be a pretty weird guy, but I mainly just try to have an enjoyable life. I love skiing in real life. It's absolutely amazing, if u haven't tried it, u should. Gaming with some other people is also one of my favourite things to do, just being away from all the things u have to worry about in real life. Not for too long though, cause you need to start worrying about em sometime..

    6. I would love to be a part of eX, because I think it fits me the most. Doing all sorts of fun stuff with other people, maybe organising mini events. Those sort of thing I love to do.
  2. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!

    We are glad to inform you three that your applications have been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
  3. DarkGazerCats

    DarkGazerCats Ruler of all things without legs and with scales.

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    . What is your name, username, location, timezone?
    SoulOfSlytherin, Poland, CET

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc)
    My highest class is my Mage on level 37, and I'm interested in builds, lore and want to become a Wynncraft builder.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    I was in Sins Of Seedia, but was kicked out for changing my username.

    4. What are your aptitudes?
    I enjoy traveling around the map, and exploring.

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I'm interested in Space, Art, Biology, and also like Flat Earthers getting roasted.

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc. would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    I would like to join the Duma, because I like creating new things, and also like when a community changes.
  4. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!


    We regret to inform you that your application was denied by the guild’s members and its council. However, do not lose faith, and feel free to apply again in one week.

    Best of luck to you!
  5. DarkGazerCats

    DarkGazerCats Ruler of all things without legs and with scales.

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    ok, I think I'll just give up.
  6. Lemniscate

    Lemniscate ☞ ͠° ‿‿ ° ☞ HERO

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    1. What is your name, username, location, timezone?
    lemnisc8, US, Pst

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc)
    100, chillin with friends

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    Wynn Theory (current owner)

    4. What are your aptitudes?
    This one time I ate like 4 hotdogs and 1 hamburger in like 15 minutes

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I think I'm pretty alright, and I like riding my bike n shit

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc. would you like to potentially be a part of and why?

    Community, and because I want to see how you just get down.
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  7. kaylyn

    kaylyn Well-Known Adventurer

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    1. What is your name, username, location, timezone?
    My name is kaylyn, my username is kkaylyn, I live in the U.S and my timezone is Central

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc)
    My highest level class is level 80 on Mage, but I have played a little bit on different classes. I mostly to quests, dungeons and grinding to level myself up. Occasionally, I sit around and talk to some people or just mess around in the different Wynncraft cities.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    I've never been in a 'formal' guild, but I was in a guild with some online friends a few years ago named FullPotato (something like that lol). We never wars or anything like that, it was just there lol.

    4. What are your aptitudes?
    I feel like I'm a good problem solver and a hard worker. I always try my very hardest and I want to be able to achieve the best I can. I'd like to think that I'm pretty mature, which let's me handle situations better than some people. I also think that I'm a very social person. I'm able to hold conversations and make friends easily.

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I consider myself a nice person who cares about other people. I always help and care of the people around me and I love making people happy. In my real life, I love hanging out with my friends and doing stuff where I live. I also like spending time with both sides of my family. I'm not apart of many clubs or any sports at my school, so I mostly just hang out at home. At home, I spend a lot of time talking to my online friends on Discord and playing different games wit

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc. would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    I think Community would be my best bet to start off with. I've never done participated in any wars, so I have no clue how any of that works. I want to get the feel of actually being apart of a guild before I try any other branch.

    Thank you for considering me! I just recently returned to Wynncraft after taking a year+ break from MC. I never had the chance to make any friends on this server (outside of the people that were apart of my friend group back around 2014), so being accepted into this guild would definitely make playing on Wynn more enjoyable and give me the chance to meet some new people. <3
  8. PlanetCookie

    PlanetCookie Ran out of luck HERO

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    1. What is your name, username, location, timezone?
    My name is Niv, I live in Israel, my timezone is GMT +2 and my current IGN is PlanetCookie.

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc)
    I actually have plently of high level classes. My favorite one is Warrior, although it's currently not the best class but I still love it. Ever since I was a child I always liked being a Warrior on basically every MMORPG. My main hobby on Wynncraft is making OP builds and discovering new metas. I think my builds would do amazing on wars. I also used to lootrun, but I ran out of luck.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    I was in Feq (Necronomicon, LordMuttonChops' aka Roi guild) and TMs (some random guild)

    4. What are your aptitudes?
    I am really good with creating new metas as I mentioned before, but I will go to the real life part. I am the party maker of our group, I am the one making the parties and setting up everything before going out, it sounds pretty easy but making 14 people to go out on every Friday is really hard. I also train, 7 times a week, I eat healthy and I really like doing sports in general. Now for the gaming part; I am really good at Rocket League, I am Champion I in 2v2s, playing with my friend and we're planning on going professional soon.

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    Well I explained it last question, but if needed I will explain about other stuff. I really like going out with friends we have a huge group. And I also really like Tennis and I also like Wynncraft obviously :)

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc. would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    IG. For sure, if someone made me apply to this guild it has to be my friend, Homruh, he told me how fun wars are and that we missed a huge side of this game we never did, and I want to try it out. I have almost no experience in wars but I think I will do really good at it.
    Bensky and Homruh like this.
  9. MummyMan

    MummyMan Skilled Adventurer

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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2018
  10. oscar081100

    oscar081100 Oscar is fine HERO

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    1. What is your name, username, location, timezone?
    Oscar, oscar081100. I live in Denmark :) My time zone is CET (Central European Time)

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc)
    My highest level class is a Ninja lvl 99. I got a few up around there, becourse i dont really like grinding CSST so much. My hoppy in Wynn is quests, and in a way the market. I havn't been online for some time, but started again a few weeks ago. The whole Gavel thing has me seriusly interested. I also really like being in Guild and meeting new people.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    I am currently in KnV, your old ally ;), the "Knights of Valor" guild. Some of you might remember it, but its pretty far back. My reason for leaving this guild is simple. Its only there in name. These past few weeks ive been spending time on Wynn i havnt seen a single person. I miss the community, and thats really the reason why im switching. I chose Imp becourse of our previous frindship :)

    4. What are your aptitudes?
    Ill admit, i googled aptitudes for a translation. I think in Wynn my aptitudes are item builds. I find it interesting calculating weapon, armor, skill and juvelry stats and matching the different parts to make the ultimate warrior (im not kidding actually:] ). In real life im on this sciency education where we do this sort of stuff and other. As long as i have information on the different items and what the build should be able to do, i can make some preatty neat build (if i do say so myself)

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    Well, im not sure what i think about myself, but i can tell you what i enjoy in life. I really like being active, and if i finally sit down its for playing the guitar, or Wynn. My best moments in life have been sitting in a cabin with my friends and my guitar. I also really enjoy going to the gym with my buddies. I might be a litte too much with people at time, but i enjoy company:). Im 18 years old and i have a job at resturant/bar not too far from where i live. Its cowboy themed, and i kid you not, my nickname at school is Cowboy... Yeah.

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc. would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    Imperial Free Trade Association or Duma. I would like the Imperial Free Trade Association most, becourse it would make it possible for me to get access to more items, and therefore opportunity to improve on item builds, which is what i enjoy most in Wynn. Duma is number two becourse i think that enhancing the Wynn experience is also important.

    - Now, i dont hope this was too much writing, i was told i should just go for it ;)
    Friendly Vibes, and good Hopes: Oscar (Cowboy)
    Bensky likes this.
  11. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you twp that your applications have been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!


    We regret to inform you that your applications were denied by the guild’s members and its council. However, do not lose faith, and feel free to apply again in one week.

    Best of luck to you!
    kaylyn likes this.
  12. BerriiBunnii

    BerriiBunnii Sleepy Cat Kid VIP

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    1. What is your name, username, location, timezone?

    Hello! My name's Alice, my IGN is Berriichii, and I live in California so my timezone would be PST!

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc)

    As of right now, I'm only a lvl 44 mage rip.. but my main hobby is probably exploring and questing! Finding loot chests and discovering the lore of Wynn through secret places and quests is so interesting to me. Partying with friends is super fun too, it's my favorite way to grind levels.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):

    None right now; I started Wynncraft like, 7 months ago? I found a message from you guys a long time ago in my inbox after not checking it in so long.. oops.

    4. What are your aptitudes?

    Hm. Personality/In real life wise: I've heard that I'm an extremely positive person, in multiple group chats i've been in they all decided that I was a positive angel so.. Boosting moral I guess? I'm really good at advice as well; I've done a lot of mistakes and learned from those well enough to give advice on a lot of topics so! Also, I guess I'm pretty creative. I love writing, although most of my writing is extremely nerdy. How nerdy? Well.. I'm my friend group's dungeon master for Dungeons and Dragons. That type of nerdy.

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?

    I don't really think much of myself, I act cocky a lot but that's usually just me trying to hype myself up and more of a fake persona I guess. I'm like, 75% sleepy all the time, but I still manage to stay up at night which is,, h. My favorite things to do IRL is Cooking/Baking, Writing/Painting (of course), Singing, Playing games, and Just talking to people in general! I also dance sometimes but I'm terrible so don't ask about it-

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc. would you like to potentially be a part of and why?

    Totally community for now. I'm way too under leveled as of right now oops- Plus talking to everyone and making friends would be awesome! I could learn a lot more about Wynncraft that way I think, and maybe then I could join IG?
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
  13. baconpizza70

    baconpizza70 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. What is your name, username, location, time zone?
    Hello, my name is Alan. In the game I go by baconpizza70 (came up with it when I was, I think, 7) and I live in the EST (Eastern Time Zone)

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc)
    My highest class would be a level 91 Mage. Being honest, my hobby would be anything between quests, exploring, dungeons, to just completely messing around.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    The only ever guild I have been in was a small one started by my friends and I.

    4. What are your aptitudes?
    Some of my aptitudes would include my, when appropriate, care free or relaxed attitude. An example some of you could relate to would be in adding a person, friend or stranger, in a quest, I would assist them until they complete it. No matter how long they take to slay a mob, finish a puzzle, or make that final jump in the parkour. Another thing would be my knowledge. I have been on Wynncraft for a few years now and am familiar with most of the lands, items, and quests so if someone might be stuck somewhere I can provide a quick answer, or even some tips on what they could do to better their situation.

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    In real life, some of the things I love to do would include ether spend time with my friends or tinker and CAD at a local Robotics club.

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc. would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    If I am accepted into the guild I would like to join the Imperial Guard because I have never been in a guild war and would love to experience it and I would feel honored to help fight for the guild. If I am not deemed acceptable to be enlisted into the Imperial Guard I would like to join the Excursion. I would love to help out anyone that I could it whatever they might need.
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  14. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
  15. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you two that your applications have been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
  16. Dragon-

    Dragon- Skilled Adventurer

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    1. What is your name, username, location, timezone?
    IGN-Draconz, United States, Timezone-EST

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc):

    My highest class is a lvl 97 mage. My main hobby in wynncraft is marketing and warring.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s): I've been in multiple guilds over the 5 years I've played but the only one I remember is FPC.

    4. What are your aptitudes? My aptitudes would probably be that I am creative and resilient.

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I don't really think too much myself but I would say for the most part that I'm a shy and guarded person to people I don't know but am very open and loyal to people I trust and care about. In real life, my favorite things are video games, tennis, and music.

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc.) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?

    The Branch I would like to potentially be part of is the Imperial Guard. I really want to be part of it because I'm very competitive so its fun to take down territories. I also want to be part of the imperial guard because it has been a long time since I've been part of a team since I usually don't approach people and everyone in my previous guild became inactive.
  17. Shadowolfy

    Shadowolfy I didnt do shieeet

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    1. What is your name, username, location, timezone?
    My name is Jade, I live in Quebec,Canada, i will turn 20 in june, my timezone is EST and my current IGN is Shadowolfy.

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc)
    My highest level class would be 76 but im making my way up right now so it shouldnt be so long till i get high level. My favorite thing to do in wynncraft would be to build since i've been in the Wynncraft build team.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    I havent been in an guild other than mine :D

    4. What are your aptitudes?
    I am a good leader but i still know how to listen. I know the map really well since i built in it and im usually a nice person to have around since im really funny, well atleast i find myself funny

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I am a very cheerful person so you wont get any trouble with me, my favorite thing to do in real life would be drawing and making any kind of art really. I also have been doing karate for 10 years

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc. would you like to potentially be a part of and why?

    Im up for anything, trying is the funniest part even tho im not so familiar with guilds i learn really fast you'll see :D

    Accept me im a wahmen.
    (PS: Sorry if i did some mistakes im a frenchie french)
    le_mega_barbare likes this.
  18. Repliz

    Repliz Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. What is your name, username, location, timezone?
    My name is Sigurd and my IGN is Repliz, I live in Norway and my timezone is CET.

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying etc)
    My highest level class is my level 94 Warrior. I don't really have a main hobby but i do a lot of quests and i am helping people.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    I have never been in a serious guild. Me and my friends created one and we didn't do anything.

    4. What are your aptitudes?
    I know a lot about the map, weapons etc. I am very positive and helpful towards others. If someone needs help to open bobs tomb and kill him i really often do it.

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I think of myself as a kind and positive person. I like to play games and hang out with friends.

    6. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, Community, etc. would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    I'd love to be in IG but i can be put anywhere. I want to be in IG because i want to try warring.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2018
  19. Nirguy

    Nirguy Nirguy

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    1. What is your name, username, location, timezone?
    My name is Nir, IGN Nirguy, Israel, Timezone GMT+2

    2. What is your highest level class, and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft?
    3 lvl 100 - mage, archer and assassin. I like doing quests, warring and just chilling around the world joining/helping random people I find.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    I was in Feq (Necronomicon, LordMuttonChops' aka Roi guild) a long time ago
    I came back a few weeks ago after a few months break, I joined the first guild that I saw which is ANO, and Im in it currently.

    4. What are your aptitudes?
    I learn really quickly, Im patient and I like helping everyone who needs help.

    5. What do you think about yourself and what are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I think im a cheerful and kind person but also kinda shy. I like playing pc games, coding and hanging out with friends

    6. Which branch would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    IG, because I like warring and because I want to join my friend homruh who referred me to this guild
    Bear_Force likes this.
  20. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    coutnburn spreling manitoba central
    100 drinking lvl 21 potion of drunkess, wasting time, asking for money
    I got kicked for being cancerous
    I can solo li
    im superior to everyone and I like to do nothing
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