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A Long Overdue Goodbye

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by Eirika & Ephraim, Dec 6, 2018.

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  1. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    I think it’s long past the time people will miss me.

    I remember the old Wynn really well. We had an active shoutbox and the infamous smashbox. You could still edit your messages there. I had fun with that. I played Wynn a lot. I was actually only 11, but I had my account set to the birth year of 1998 to get around that. My name was ScoutsCode, because I loved playing Teemo on League of Legends.

    Eventually I stopped playing Wynn. The grind was simply too long. But I stayed for the Forum Game section. There really is nothing like it that I’ve found. Absolutely no place has what they have. I loved the community. Everyone tried really hard to produce quality content like RPs and games, some of which are still going. It was more active then. I would take screenshots of whenever I managed to take over an entire page of forum games with recent posts.

    I guess everything just kind of got to me. I found out I was gay, had an aching crush on this girl from my school, and was diagnosed with depression. I ran away from home a lot. I left the forums for a long, long, time. All my RPs removed me. But I joined again. And left again. I couldn’t bring myself to dedicate anything. Early this year I ran to the train tracks to kill myself and ended up just crying as it passed by instead.

    I’m almost sixteen now, and Wynn hasn’t ever been the same since the very first time I left. All of my friends moved on. I used to constantly get rip messages on my profile. Some of my friends, I’ll admit, I can no longer find their usernames.

    I guess I always knew I was a piece of shit. Not really look wise or smart wise. I think I’m decently smart, and I only dig into my looks when my real life crush is around. I am a piece of shit personality wise.

    In real life, I rarely ever talk and certainly don’t hold anything against anyone. But online, it’s different. I have so many arguments with the people here. Very rarely does anyone click with me. Most people I interact with, we end up in conflict. Even people I sort of respect. And I know they’re most of the time not right, but neither am I. Usually I’m drafting an apology because I hate when people think of me like that. All of you real people. Sometimes I can literally feel my heart tightening when we get into conflict. Whenever I can’t type that apology I get in too deep, and I leave again.

    I guess I should have left with my friends. I should have stayed dead. Now they’ve moved on without me.

    It’s time to move on too.

    Sorry to everyone I pissed off. I know you probably won’t ever read this, but you might. I really don’t mean to, but I also could probably help it.

    To the few friends I have left on here: thank you. I’m sorry I don’t have more words to give, but I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you’ve done. It was enough, for a long time.

    And to all those friends who left: thank you so much for the time you gave me. This forum made my life. I felt like I had a family here, for a while. Who knows? Maybe you go to my school. Maybe I’ll buy something of yours off E-Bay in ten years. Or maybe you’re already gone. Maybe I’ll be gone. I suppose no one will ever know.

    Life is a fickle thing.
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    It's such a tightly knit group of friends~ <3
    Hey. >:T
    I liked your personality. You were nice to be around and I liked the things we did together. Especially sharing the pain of one of us always being an "evil" role and the other always being a "good" role. '^'
    Do I count as a friend? I hope I count as a friend. >.>
    You're welcome? Not sure if this is what I should say here. >.<
    No more words are needed. xD
    But thank you. You were fun to talk to, with all the shenanigans we pulled on Arch and Aquila. ;p
    "Life is such a fickle thing
    one day your up the next day your down
    when it seems you are on a merry-go-round
    and the circles you spin in
    are ever more decreasing.
    Life is such a fickle thing
    with love opening new doors
    and closing older ones.
    We just travel with it
    never knowing what
    tomorrow is going to bring,
    as life is such a fickle thing."

    - David Harris
    Just remember- no matters how many downs you have in life, it will be sure to have an equal amount of ups (? gawd, I feel like I just failed my English teacher there) in the future. So believe in yourself- that'll all get better. And aim for the better future. ;p
    I hope to see you again someday. Tell me if you finally got a good role in your games next time we meet. >w<

    - Tsu
  3. Narilune

    Narilune aka happi VIP+

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    We love you, E&E. Good luck out there in the real word, and if you need some support or advice, you know where to ask <3
    JoshLegacy, Spinel and Tsukiji like this.
  4. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Farewell E&E. I don't have a lot of things to say so, have faith and remember that there is still people who care about you in this za warudo (world).
    euouae, JoshLegacy, Narilune and 2 others like this.
  5. mouldy

    mouldy heheheha

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    shit that’s hard
    it’ll be sad to see you leave ;-;
    JoshLegacy and Narilune like this.
  6. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    E&E, I don’t know you that well because I never was a part of the RPs on here, but you seem to be a cool person. I’m sorry about all of the hardships in your life. Just remember that things will get better and you can always talk to our weeb squad if you need someone to talk to (Nari, Tsu, Hungurr, Nico, Leo, and me)

    Also, don’t think that you have to leave. I hope you’re leaving because of your own decision instead of leaving because you feel like you have to because you “pissed people off”. If you ever feel like coming back, you’ll be welcome here.
    euouae, Asthae, WithTheFish and 6 others like this.
  7. pumpkinpuncher

    pumpkinpuncher Well-Known Adventurer

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    I actually feel really bad just thinking about you as "that one forums guy with an anime pic". I hope you find peace and meaning , and we will all (probably) be here if you ever want to come back.
    JoshLegacy and mouldy like this.
  8. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    Farewell, it was great having you and seeing your interactions on this forum. I hope you can find your way out.
    Also, you may think your bad personality wise but on the forums, you seem like a good, charismatic person.
    Stay strong, brave on. I know you can win.

    Also I too think that Mafia Game was bullshit, lego should of def died, unless Bluescreen made the damage reduction 100%, which is an another can of worms.
    JoshLegacy and RicRicc like this.
  9. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Don't ever think of yourself like that. It's one thing to be critical about yourself, it's another to think like that. We all get into arguments, that doesn't mean then we are all bad people. Although I didn't interact with you much before, I had a good time with you playing Wynn mafia, and you seem like a nice person. And I don't mean that in a token way. If I didn't really think that then I wouldn't be typing this right now.

    I too have said some things on this forum that I'm not proud of, and thought about leaving more than once because of it. Though the best thing you can do is just learn from the past and try to understand others and ask for forgiveness. That's all that really matters.

    And if it means anything, I'm sorry that made that joke earlier if you were hurt by it.

    So I wish you good luck in life and I hope view yourself better. If there's anything I would want you to know, it's that we all make mistakes and there are people out there that care about you. There's nothing that you could do that could change that or make you worthless. One of our family friends lost their only daughter to a shooting at Mercy Hospital in Chicago recently this year, and I can't imagine what the parents are going through right now.

    That's all I wanted to say.
    euouae, WithTheFish, Tsuneo and 8 others like this.
  10. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Loved having you around on the forums, you were one of those recognizable faces that I'd get excited to see. It's really sad to you see you go. And it sounds like you really need a better connotation of yourself but I'm no trained psychologist so I won't get into that.

    All I just want to say is...I hope you come back.
    Tsukiji, H0Y and Dr Zed like this.
  11. Reminiscently

    Reminiscently The Clownfish Prince

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    Goodbye... I still remembered that you were my first follower. You gave me hope in the forums. Thank you, and if you ever come back, I'll remember you.
    A Human and JoshLegacy like this.
  12. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    > doesn't know who this guy is...
    > ok.png
  13. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    It’s always sad to see people leave this place, but I am more sorry that you could not find what you were looking for here
    I hope you can find it elsewhere
    Good luck
    JoshLegacy and Tsukiji like this.
  14. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    I learned the definition of fickle today
    JoshLegacy and Aya like this.
  15. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    Oh hey look, it's the person that follows me but I don't know.

    I somehow will miss you?

    Thanks for following me?


    I don't really know you but...

    Goodbye. and thanks
    A Human likes this.
  16. wrtrong

    wrtrong Skilled Adventurer

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    Goodbye... I still remembered that you were my first follower. You gave me hope in the forums. Thank you, and if you ever come back, I'll remember you.
  17. PikaPrince

    PikaPrince Famous Adventurer HERO

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