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Guide Ranking Mythics Properly

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by NicBOMB, Nov 12, 2018.


Do the rest of the mythics?

  1. Yes please!

  2. Nah, already plenty of these threads.

  3. Should this matter to me?

  4. Probably Not.

  5. Unless You're New

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  1. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    I will agree arrow storm is useless for groups of mobs, but against bosses or single mobs it is absolutely fantastic. Since archer has two blinding spells, you can effectively stunlock an enemy and push them into a wall to arrow storm them to death, and arrow storm hits ridiculously high dps when you do that. Swapping between every archer spell for damage in LI instead of just shield/bomb/escape basically decreased how long it took me to do it by roughly 10-15 minutes with infused hive bow. However, as said before, it is more of a single target attack, meaning in groups of mobs it loses most if not all of its potential in terms of damage.
    Druser likes this.
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    From what I’ve heard, people blame more the whole premise of a tank archer than the stats of Ignis (besides the Health Regen). If you still want to be a rainbow tank just use Freedom.
  3. Anti

    Anti unmute me toy ;c

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    ignis doesn't do great damage, and fire archer is a little obsolete compared to thunder, air, and water. a tank ignis just doesn't fit the playstyle recommended for archer
  4. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    If it's a def build, you're likely going to have high fire def anyways. Doubling it isn't going to make a difference, or the difference will be minimal, as enemies would still be doing damage through other elements anyways. The problem is still archers taking damage. As archer, if you get hit, your defenses will not be enough, not matter what. I've used Plague at 100 def and never got past matty idol. You can't get enough defense to justify taking any damage.
    Also this:
    I agree with all of that, except using arrow storm for damage. If you have spring, you aren't using arrow storm for damage anways. I think pushing mobs and avoiding damage is easy with arrow storm too, but arrow shield also keeps enemies away, and is amplified by water damage %. I think that spamming arrow storm at a cornered boss is great with any build, even spring. I don't think that it'd be as safe as using escape, shield, and bombs from a distance though.
    I agree that freedom is great, and could easily be an S rank, but I am currently unsure of how the incoming Morph nerfs will affect builds that use it. I agree that freedom builds have great damage, survivability, and versatility, but they are extremely hard to acquire. Also, the capricorn nerf hit my LI solo build hard (I didn't notice since I haven't used it until I looked back at wynndata just now). I don't know if my build could live LI solo at this point either. Its damage was severely nerfed after I debuted the build. (16k avg to 12k avg on bombs and -3 mana steal from nerfs alone.) Do I think Freedom can be as good as Spring or better? Yes. It just won't be as easy to get there. Spring sort of comes with all the things archers need. Water Damage, Mana, high Intel, low SP req. Freedom needs lots of high roll ele % items like libra, cadence etc. and high SP slap items like vaward or blue mask. Freedom locks you into a rainbow build. Spring can be water/earth with gaea, water/fire with anima, water/air with boreal, or just water with water sanc. Freedom get its damage reduced from any of the master hive items which means you've gotta get great rolls on everything: Mana, SPs, and Spell Damage, on the bow. Then SPs on slap items, SPs on key items, and neutral % on everything else. Otherwise, you're going to be doing damage less than or on par with Spring at far higher cost for the build.
    Dr Zed and Druser like this.
  5. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    switch crusade's and gally's ranks tbh
    besides the hp, crusade is just kinda mediocre. alright damage bonus and cool amount of sp you prolly wont get use out of if you want to utilize the earth damage
    galleon on the other hand; wew. almost gives enough mana by itself on top of fucking 50% earth damage, spiced with -tier for bonus hybrid power. the -thunder defense isn't even that terrible with items like anti-static, insulated or like any earth/thunder armor in the game
    ??? and by2011 like this.
  6. afterburner0128

    afterburner0128 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    For Ignis I believe its being severely underrated here, When you hear Ignis all you hear is tank archer = bad and that Ignis has really low garbage damage and nothing else, you Don't actually take into account how Ignis has no downsides and how you can actually use that to your advantage. The Health and HPR can actually make it somewhat suitable with glassy builds because they'll have lower health and lower defs, you can use this to your advantage by having usually more glassy type builds be able to fit with Ignis and give a good output of damage and dps with decent Mana regen




    1: 11/4 12.5k average bombs with Ignis with a fair amount of health and not terrible defences
    2: 10/4 11.8k average bombs, good agility (2 sp spare tho ;-; would need x2 14sp facile and
    Max water Capricorn but actually fairly doable still)
    3: 7/4 12.5k average bombs, good health, some room for agility, good Intel so Mana regen should be fine, fair defences

    Im not saying Ignis should be A or S Tier, but The bow is Actually usable unlike other bows such as Az or Divzer, because With both of the Bows its a trade of Damage and Defenses, if you want high Damage with Az you have to trade Defense, so when I actually have a decent Mana regen good dmg build with Az I lose all my defences and you'll have a lot less health & Surviability than an Ignis build, and you can argue about Agility, but then I Lose a ton of my Damage. Divzer its the same thing except no Agility and Higher damage but with less survivability anyways. Ignis at least has survivability, you can make Ignis do damage while having decent survivability & no downsides with only 80 sp req, thats why I believe Ignis shouldn't be D Tier
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2018
  7. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    btw your links go to the same build also agree aside from the point on divzer

    -you can run suppression due to no natural ms and ls
    -while you have no agi, you can play around that
    -while you have no agi, you can build around that (high hp)
    -ye it's pretty trash in wars but in almost all other situations it's amazing

    https://wynndata.tk/s/Y8iV13 rip ele def; contrast -> ominous wind if you don't care about ~1.7k hp

    https://wynndata.tk/s/TP9Xda not as sp tight as it seems, but still needs combined int+dex+def = 17 on vaward with 5+ dex and level 101 preferred

    not to mention that in non war situations (because divzer in wars is a joke for the most part) you can skip out on certain spells focused on damage for melee since 10k dps is no joke so you don't need as much mana

    divzer def doesn't warrant a d
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2018
    Dr Zed likes this.
  8. afterburner0128

    afterburner0128 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Shockingly good Divzer builds, You do have fair arguments and I agree some, like you can run suppression for extra mr, you can build around Divzer's -agility a bit (but not entirely because -agility is a huge downside to overcome, especially with archer) with the build you showing doing very well at that, but outside of Wars I still think its not really amazing

    -You can play around Divzers -agility but the amount of skill it takes just to do that makes it still really inconvenient I wouldn't really consider it amazing outside of wars because Against LI (especially Cybel) and Qira in order to survive the skill level would have to be extremely good, because even with the builds health, your gonna get Hit 100% of the time against far ranged mobs or mobs that move really fast.

    Its just extremely difficult to play around Divzers -agility to where you can use it consistently and survive making it not as big as an option or as powerful maybe if you are a Divzer god then its probably amazing outside of wars but for most of us Divzer doesn't really work out, but maybe it could still be decent outside of just Wars but not really amazing
    Dr Zed and by2011 like this.
  9. Kallle

    Kallle Travelled Adventurer

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    Qira is actually really easy with Divzer cuz you do so much damage that all the Spiders just die Immediately, and you can keep enough distance so that Qira herself cant hit you. Also you can live a hit with the right build. But yeah LI is hard and cybel is borderline impossible
    Dr Zed, by2011 and Druser like this.
  10. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Daggers Added! Bump!
    Ouch! Daggers are sharp...
  11. SmileyAlec

    SmileyAlec Olympic Gaming CHAMPION

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    soon cata will have a 130 dex req :D
    NicBOMB likes this.
  12. KnightsofRen_

    KnightsofRen_ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Here we come, D
  13. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    ty for giving Grim a deserved S and showing that Cata is overrated af
    Also Cata is getting sp req nerf to 130
    mouldy, NicBOMB and Dr Zed like this.
  14. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I've been informed of the further Cata nerfs. At this point Cata is mostly unusable for the average player. Now, if you have a decent Cata, you probably aren't average anyways, but it's still hard to get enough high roll items to effectively build with it.
  15. xSuper_Jx

    xSuper_Jx Famous Adventurer Item Team CHAMPION

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    Disagree with a few of them, but mostly ignis and cata

    -ignis has so many positive stats and a heck ton of hr and hp which alone makes it a tank. With already decent damage, pair ignis with a few damage and mana items and you have yourself a high health and defense (def, not elemental defs) build with high dps and low costing spells without negatives.
    -I would put ignis as a similar ranking to inferno, underrated A Class.

    -cata already has huge damage, and now with 130 req it has gotten much harder to create a non-glass cata build. However, it can still be done and you can make an int-def-dex build that still has insane damages (with a little mana) with almost 10k hp and not a complete glass. With a few heal pots you should be fine to crush all mobs in your way. The only thing the req really does is limit the rainbow slapping.
    With the nerfs incoming, for most people building with cata is hard, however still possible to get very good builds. With amazing stats on other items, cata can become really really strong. I would also put it into the A Class, if not B as not many people have cata availible to them.
  16. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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  17. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    High health on archer is great, but defenses mean little. Archer's base neutral is too low and +% boost from def won't make a big enough difference when getting hit by a high damage spell. The best solution is to not get hit, which completely negates any bonuses of having said defense. I agree that having at least all positive defenses and some defense can mean the difference between getting 1 shot, but you're still not taking more than 3-4 direct high damage attacks unless you've got FAR more HP.
    Yes, any item can be made good with a perfect build, but that doesn't mean it's easy or even good to build with. Cata is going to be far too difficult with the coming nerf to be anything but a glass cannon. That's the point of the item, but glass cannons aren't good on their own. @YYGAYMER is an anomaly. That no-hit LI solo was the only counter to what I said above and it took 8 attempts. Again, I was ranking based on my legend. Cata is very hard to build with and offers a massive negative in exchange for more damage. If it wasn't already obvious by now, no matter how much damage you do, you can't use any of it if you're dead or running forever. It's just not effective and the requirement stops any builds that aren't calculated exactly down to the SP from being usable. "However, it can be done" is not enough to change the rank. And you pointed out the third problem: "(with a little mana)". Other builds will spam far easier than Cata, meaning you'll do more damage per strike, but you're only able to hit a few times before waiting to regen or steal mana back. And the fourth problem: "With amazing stats on other items". Yes, let me spend 10+ stacks of LE then go out and spend another 6-10 on god roll items to make a sub-par Ass build why don't I. It's just not viable. You're Overrating it. The reason an S rank item is so good, is that you're not only going above and beyond in a specific stat like damage, mana, or defenses by using it; you're able to do that without compromising the build's stability. Cata lacks stability in building and combat. That's the problem and why it can't get above C rank IMO.
  18. xSuper_Jx

    xSuper_Jx Famous Adventurer Item Team CHAMPION

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    For ignis, I take a few more hits than that and my health regen brings it back quickly with only slightly less damage than weapons like strati and freedom
    For cata, like YY you need to be skilled which is partner of the reason why I like it. It values skilled players who can use it effectively. I also get 2-shot by things like cybel, so if I’m careful and bring heal pots I should be more than fine. The price is high, but that has nothing to do with the rank tbh
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I get the feeling it only took that long because of that one Yahyabot room where all the minions spam burst projectiles.
  20. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    ignis deserves at least C tbh, it gets average mythic damage and is easy to build with its low req
    more like you need a good builder to make you a working build and bam it's like any other weapon but with crazy damage
    doesnt exactly lower the dagger's value by itself, just get a good builder
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