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Guide Mythic Tier List

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Take, Nov 7, 2018.


Should Ignis Be Moved To B?

Poll closed Nov 10, 2018.
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  1. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
  2. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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  3. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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    I Seeeeee what tag should i make it andddd uhh boots hmmm warchief ill take a look at after update but for the others wdu think?
  4. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz HERO

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  5. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Really depends on how you're defining your tier list. You could include how itens synergize or you could not include it. Both have pros and cons
  6. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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    hmm idk
    errr yeah still sorta working on it with afterburner lol

    NITEHAWKX Wanderer of Nemract & The Lands Beyond HERO

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    I'm not quite sure why you put Slayer below Pure or Az. Pure/Az are good for their respective levels, but Slayer's much better for thunder builds at endgame. Also not sure why Thrundacrack is so far down; you can hit 17k uppercuts without losing out on defense/health. Also Monster at B+ tier? I have hardly seen anyone use Monster so I might be wrong on this, but it's... bad in damage compared to other wands, mostly because it's a fire/tank wand. Also how the heck is Divzer down in B? Yeah, you have no agility whatsoever, but y'know... you can easily hit 20k bomb arrows and near 100k arrow storms; the damage is insane.
  8. afterburner0128

    afterburner0128 thats why yo shoes raggedy HERO

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    Morph is getting nerfed, although it is good in a lot of aspects, I believe that Strati & Cata both have more to offer
    NITEHAWKX and Take like this.
  9. Take

    Take Rice Smuggler HERO

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    Monster is actually pretty good actually ive seen a few people use it before
  10. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz HERO

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    I mean, taking account of how "itens" synergize with other "itens" is a good approach on grading an item in a tier list, ex: Old cancer was balanced by itself, add on apoc and hive items and you got broken free tier boost and lifesteal
  11. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    if you're usin the full set, which is very likely what they meant, there is virtually no difference between current and post req change
    by2011, Dr Zed and RicRicc like this.
  12. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    But then you get less of an objective look at a given item and focus more on currently strong playstyles
    Not saying it's wrong to focus on that but they are for different contexts
  13. afterburner0128

    afterburner0128 thats why yo shoes raggedy HERO

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    To quote Divzer, the -agility basically makes the bow unusable in a lot of situations, Especially since archer isn't tanky, this is a MAJOR problem
    Slayer moved to B Tier
    About Warchief, its still not buffed yet. It may be, but right now it's still a very bad Mythic
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
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  14. mouldy

    mouldy heheheha

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    i almost want to call this thread a joke but that would be mean, considering how much effort ops have put into making the list Color coded, but there are many major flaws with the list.

    spring got nerfed super fucking hard and shouldn’t be above a lot of bows especially divzer

    Monster isn’t bad, it’s just not well defined, which is why some people hate it. It’s not godly either though, and while your list doesn’t put it as an schutzstaffel tier weapon, it’s a little over where it should be placed.

    grimtrap is by far one of the strongest and most versatile mythics, and it rivals cataclysm in power. but let’s move on.

    cataclysm does a shit ton of damage, but is overrated and has massive drawbacks.

    now this pisses me off:
    how the fuck is Monster above singu and warp? singu is not great, but it’s better than Monster. and if you think warp is bad, that’s basically a middle finger to mage. when in the right hands, warp is the second most powerful mythic Wand (behind Fatal) and can dish out Multihit-like damage with meteors. https://wynndata.tk/s/dMC8k4 as proof. defenses don’t matter since you’re gonna be at 1 hp all the time. put this build in the right hands and qira goes down.
    here’s something else that pisses me off: GALLEON IN C TIER. galleon is by far the single best mythic boots. there are literally no downsides to galleon (the -Tier is actually an upside for easy steals), and i have absolutely no idea what got you to think galleon is bad.

    there are multiple problems, but here are just the big ones.

    Here’s my personal list:

    SS: Grimtrap, Fatal, Galleon, Apoc
    S: Nirvana, Slayer, Freedom, Weathered, Thrundacrack, Boreal, Divzer
    A: Discoverer, Warp, Cataclysm, Crusade Sabatons, Stratiformis, Alkatraz, Grandmother, Idol, Spring
    B: Singularity, Ignis, Lament, Hero, Collapse, Warchief, Gaia, Monster
    C: Guardian, Nullification, Inferno
    D: Archangel, Pure, Az

    to be fair all mythic lists are 25% facts and 75% opinion, so nobody should be judged for their mythic rankings, and that’s why mythic ranking lists are never 100% accurate.

    edit: added some stuff bout monster
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
  15. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    my tiers
    Note: this list isnt in an order so the highest on tier B for example isnt nessisarily the best or worst in its tier

    Why the hell do these exist?
    A lv 65 mythic? LOL
    A pathetic attempt at a tri-element mythic, this thing has no real reason to exist

    Why isnt E used in anything anymore?
    Ah, the spear for assassins. The only reason it isn't an F is cuz it has the highest ws on any dagger, other than that it's shit

    These items need buffs
    Super tanky but HPR is useless in combat and it has trash dmg
    Statistically one of the best items in the game, but... tank archer. (what are you going to do with 90 Def as archer?) Tbh it doesn't deserve a D but whatever
    Tank mage is a bit of a joke, combine that with no heals, lifesteal or even hpr (despite it sucking) is just bad design, even though u can get those on armor. And yes, Inferno has none of those either, but at least it has good dmg
    Tbh just change its texture to the actual rainbow dagger and I'll be happy

    The ok to good items
    Buff Lament. Definitly the best of the C catigory, this wand can get decent meteors and rly nice heals, but mr > ms
    Quite underrated, this spear goes great with hybrids. (Galleon especially) Or if you like getting a finger cramp it gets the highes dps in melee builds (barely)
    The worst of the Mythic boots (but still good), it has hot thunder and raw melee (and air dmg if any1 cares about that) damage, along with nice dex. But -hpr sucks
    "But Tig, u said hpr was useless!"
    Yes, I did, but with Slayer you either take damage in combat, or get rekt by -hpr when not fighting
    Hero needs a buff in a couple places, like dmg, (rly low even with 4 slots) and it has low ws. (its only tied for highest ws spear with Zephra, that's pathetic) Overall it's kinda meh, but it looks sick in your hand
    I dont think im doing this justice by giving it a C, it's overall pretty good, but not really godly in any aspect
    Mediocre leaning good, thrundacrack is decent in terms of dmg, but combine this thing -hpr% with slayer and... well... yeah...... (Warp/Gma style -hpr)
    The -hpr attacks. Gma does insane dmg with killer (no pun intended) downsides. On top of the -hpr theres -ws do satisfy all of your survival needs \○/
    Like monster, no way to regen hp on the weapon itself, but its dmg makes up for that
    4 mr is nice, it also has some nice int and water dam, but the -thunder dam is awful. Because of this, arrow storm does significantly less dmg. Imo it should be -thunder def not -thunder dam
    The living mediocrity of mythics, singularity is one of the most hated by me, there are 3 things I scale many things on, good, bad, and mediocre. If something is good, then yay! Everyone likes good things. If something is bad, you get to point and laugh at how much of a load of shit it is. If it's mediocre... it's boring af and theres nothing you can do exept complain about it being mediocre.
    I will be comparing Singu with lament for most of this roasting.
    Lament V Signu
    4-8 Cost 11-18
    14k Meteors 13k
    110 Sp req 275
    3 Powder slots 15

    You may think 15 powder slots is good, but NO.
    To fill up Singu's slots with max potential you're wasting 30 LE in powders and spending 1 or 2 LE to apply them.

    tl;dr Singu requires 165 more sp, costs 3-14 more stacks to buy, and costs 25 le more to apply powders for 1k lower meteors and shit heals compared to Lament

    Wow, C took ages to write (mainly for Singu), well, lets get to the 2nd to last catigory
    "Tig, why the hell is Warchief at B? this thing is shit"
    If you think that, you are wrong.
    Warchief is actually very good.(although common af) It does it's job of dealing dmg quite well, and don't tell me its ele. defenses are trash, cuz, 1, they're getting buffed 2, its damage oriented, not defense oriented. I also managed to make a ~25k dps build with Gaia using this. https://wynndata.tk/s/wbH38r
    "You can't die if everything is already dead.... buuuut you cant kill anything if you're dead either" Insane dmg with Insane defense debuffs makes for an interesting weapon
    Same as Cata but less severe
    An interesting Mythic that actually requires skill to use.
    As said in Warchief I made a nice ~25k dps build with this, not only is 25k dps insane but with mages attack range and abillity to hit through thick walls? Hell yea
    A great combo with Warp, these boots give a nice amt of ws with 3 mr. Also decent hp and great hpr raw and % for Warp builds ;)
    Crusade Sabatons
    Very high HP sum, with little drawbacks. (a lot of -water def but you can powder that) It also gives dmg bonuses, so you're a hard hitting tank!
    Good Mr and raw spell makes this great for spell builds, (duh) but... spell warrior
    Honestly why the hell isn't this an A? Great damage along with a wall of green ids including mr sp and other things
    Highest meteor dmg on Mythic wands, can get screwed over with dmg but looks quite fun
    Amazing spell potential with really nice dmg, that's all I have to say about this

    Holy shit we made it!!!
    Lets just get this out of the way first, Apoc needs a nerf. And not another lifesteal nerf, a dmg nerf. With insane dmg and good lifesteal this thing makes you almost unkillable with quite good dmg. Maybe its sp req will balance it a bit at least?
    tied for 2nd lowest sp req of Mythics
    Loot bonus is nice, the chest nerf sorta sucks, but there isn't a nerf to it with mob drops (and yes, this is viable in grinding)
    5 Mana Steal, -attack tier, 52% Melee and Earth Damage screams hybrid. Best compatable with super slow earth weps (like alkatraz)
    What goes well with insane walk speed? 2nd highest meteor dmg of Mythic wands! With a good -mr roll it's easy to counter the -mr with 2 pieces of gear! *Boreal intensifies* Once you have countered the
    -mr you can just heal up the -hpr
    Good ws is always nice, not only is Strati great for loot running but its also great for combat, the -hp hurts but just run round mobs with your insane ws and hope you dont get hit, and if you do, pray that your high agi procs
    Aside from being a very good hybrid weapon, Grim adds lifesteal and up to 2600 poison. The only problem is -ms, but you can just use Galleon or mana regen

    Wait wtf there is an S tier???
    Mythic Everlasting Pufferfish!!!

    k, im done bye

    Edit: fixed some grammar for an easier read, mobile keyboards suck.​
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
  16. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    I may as well make one
    these threads are too common

    Imo, nothing is so stupid broken to belong in an SS tier so

    • Stratiformis: Outside of wars this thing is absolutely wacky, and inside it borders near broken. Ridiculous dodge potential to keep you alive and it can hit massive bombs at the same time. Almost no downsides considering the -hp is remotely meaningless with all the agility you have.
    • Freedom: Aside from making you a tank and giving you stupid strong rainbow damage, you're also able to stack high intel or agility with it to become even more of an unkillable tank that still deals high damage. Plus, the morph nerf won't even do anything to it if you use that lmao
    • Weathered: Basically the same reasoning as strati, but with slightly less damage (dodge can still get you 16k+ spins though) and more survivability.
    • Cataclysm: Overall a really strong weapon, I put this as high as I did because it's semi-unique (divzer is the other, I'll get to it later) in that you're able to basically ignore building for damage and instead focus on tanking and agility in your build with it, which is pretty neat. Just a damn good wep with the right build.
    • Grimtrap: In my opinion this is one of the most fun weapons in the game to mess with: your damage output can be ridiculous even before you add rage, you have lifesteal if you want to try some weird assassin apoc-like gameplay, and it can be a spellspam cannon if you want. In total, it's very well rounded and is one of my personal favorites.
    • Apocalypse: As much as I dislike the weapon, it's hard not to admit how strong it is. Survivability that rivals Guardian with damage that's almost on par with Alkatraz. Damage nerf, please
    • Fatal: Bordering B tier due to its relative glassiness, the damage you can get with this thing is crazy combined with mage's natural sustain, and as an added bonus it goes well with slayer lol
    • Warp: Yeah, the damage is insane for mage, combined with good agility to keep you alive, but the fact that you can go down in an unlucky shot from a mob with this due to the -hpr at like any time is too much of a negative to make it consistently good imo.
    • Nirvana: I don't entirely know why I'm putting this here, but I don't have much experience with the weapon and although it can hit high total damages with a lot of spellspam, it has no real built in survivability to it, requiring you to stack agility or defs. A good weapon regardless though.
    • Galleon: Pretty much everyone else on the thread has explained why this is good, but as it's a pair of boots it doesn't fit into every build and takes sorta a niche slot (big niche tho). Great otherwise however.
    • Slayer: The damage boost from this thing is beautiful, plus you can go tank on the rest of your build to counter its sorta bad survivability. Tied or slightly above Galleon for me.
    • Lament: I'd put this in a B- tier if I could but I'm too lazy to get that detailed. Good mana sustain, good survivability from heals (water obv), but mediocre damage. /shrug
    • Thrundacrack: Damage output is delicious, sucks that spell warrior holds it back and makes it pretty meh. Really good weapon otherwise.
    • Spring: God damn the nerf hit this hard. The mana is really nice and you can stay alive easily if you build right but it's damage took too much of a hit to stay in the A tiers it used to be.
    • Inferno: This is more of a strong C+ to me. The tank is really fun to play with and you still get infused hive levels of damage, sometimes even higher. Plus you get courage. The problem with it is that defense and assassin just don't pair well together, unlike mage and warrior for example you don't have any easy way to dip out of bad situations where you're being locked by mobs (more of a war thing tbh).
    • Ignis: Same problems as Inferno honestly, except this thing can go higher with damage. The walkspeed that archer gives with it's escape bonus helps this a lot to stay out of bad situations however.
    • Singularity: Again, more C+ really. It can tank very well and keeps you alive easily, but it just doesn't deal enough damage to really stand out as a damn good wand. Especially for it's current market price.
    • Idol: Spell warrior isn't great in general, and that's pretty much what's holding this back. The knockback from spells prevents this from hitting high total damages, so it gets far overshadowed by apoc and other melee weps (ignore Alka).
    • Collapse: Finally into more flat C range, Collapse has some good (ish) damage potential but it's sustain and defenses hurt it a lot. It's not really bad, but just not.. good either.
    • Divzer: Stupid strong obviously, but the agility just means you'll get stunlocked to death by crowds of ranged mobs. It's not really a matter of "skill" to use this, it's more of "how well can you run circles around mobs". Bit too imbalanced for my tastes there.
    • Hero: Probably a weird spot for some people to see, hero's intended playstyle (air/earth thonk) is really weird, but the weapon does have some potential. Not too bad in general.
    • Gaia: Pretty good, as far as melee mage is concerned. I view this basically as Alkatraz but with the ability to stay alive to some extent. Neat weapon, I like how unique it is in its playstyle in terms of mage, it's glassiness is the only reason it's so far down here.
    • Crusade Sabatons: Same thing I mentioned with Boreal and Slayer about mythic boots, except this time without too much to make it stand out. Just eh imo.
    • Boreal: Boot thing again. This does have a use though, and it does it well, however the fact that hpr doesn't trigger in combat if you get hit hurts like hell.
    • Grandmother: Ass survivability but stupid good damage, actually a pretty balanced weapon imo, just a bit pulled down by that survivability. I like it though. Also, rage combines better with this weapon than like any other in the game in personal experience lol
    • Guardian: Very bottom of C. It does it's job of being a supertank ridiculously well, however only being able to deal good damage with courage+endurance hurts it a lot in comparison to the other spears. In fairness though, it's not meant to have the same use as a lot of other spears, so hey I guess it works
    • Warchief: Yes I realize the damage is flat out insane in earth builds, but without hardcore stacking def to make up for it (agility isn't much of an option without slapping due to the high str req of warchief taking a lot of so, plus you need intel for most builds, etc) the survivability being so low drags it to the ground. If you just don't get hit somehow it's wacky tho
    • Alkatraz: Basically the same reasoning as warchief. Busted damage, zero survivability. Sigh.
    • Monster: This is a biased pick from me, I hate defensive mage in general. Statistically the defs are pretty good ofc, plus healing helps. Damage is subpart though, which hurts it considering mage's damage output is already pretty low in general. This is more D+ tbh, maybe C but I'm too lazy to move it
    • Nullification: Not much to say here. This uses basically the same concept as Inferno, except with elemental defenses and not raw def. The difference here however is that it deals shit damage in comparison to Inferno. Nice.
    F (not necessarily bad though):
    • Az: As is with all of the weapons in this category, it's quite good for it's level, but endgame it can be outclassed by Infused Hive and Cluster, so it gets heavily overshadowed.
    • Pure: On the positive side you can flex on your other lv65 friends. As for negatives, past like level 80 this weapon becomes pretty much useless, though it can get some damage I guess still.
    • Archangel: I don't care if it has the best walkspeed of any dagger. It only does by a slight amount and the rest of the weapon isn't enough to make this viable. I'll pass.
    • Discoverer: As this isn't used for the same purpose of any other item in this tier list, I gave it it's own category. It's very useful, just not in combat, so it gets to be the special child that sits in the corner
    there you go I guess

    edit: finished woo

    double edit: jesus I made this long my bad
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
    Iboju, CringeAura, NITEHAWKX and 4 others like this.
  17. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    I was going to argue about fatal but its probably just going to get nerfed again so keep it there
    and why does monster get a b+ and especially ignis, what are you going to do with 90 defence on archer
  18. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    people dont realize warchief is lowkey busted lmao
  19. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    ^this is the problem with trying to make any tier list in existence ever. While some items are statistically better than others, you have to factor in how every single player will use that item, which is literally impossible unless you are literally omnipotent/omniscient, and saying you are is bs. Whether you like to admit it or not, it will always be opinion based over fact based, as most things are to be honest. I guess I should make my own mythic tier list with explanations as well but
    EDIT: Changed my mind I decided that I haven't played around with mythics enough to actually rate them effectively.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
    mouldy likes this.
  20. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    I finished it's ok

    fuck class dab
    Shots likes this.
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