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Serious Me

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Pancake, Oct 27, 2018.

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  1. Pancake

    Pancake Young yet a veteran here... | xP4NC4K35x VIP

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    Hey, get ready for a really long post

    many of you reading this might not know who I am, which is fine. If you do, however, then this post should make lots of sense.

    Back in december of 2013, my friend introduced me to this server, WynnCraft. At the time, WynnCraft was so much more simpler. There was no resource pack, no gavel, so many of the builds, and for that matter, all the content, looked 10x more different than today's, and just generally it was more simple, just like Minecraft was a whole.

    I was widely amazed by Wynncraft. Before in Minecraft all I would do is go on mainstream creative servers like ItsJerryAndHarry or something, play on servers like TheHive or something, mess around with texture packs. Wynncraft was something else. It had a real storyline the player followed, where they would explore through fighting zombies and other monsters while travelling to different cities. It felt as if it was a completely different video game. Eventually, I joined the forums after seeing one of those "Join the forums!" messages in the game. I didn't really know what forums were, so seeing a large community had added the icing to the cake.

    Assuming you read the background, or somehow you just knew the background already, I'm going ahead.

    I was only nine at the time.

    At the time, just like any other boy who was younger than ten years old, I didn't really understand how people generally acted on the web. I generally just treated everyone like they were some person at my school, which at the time I was in 3rd grade, and I just didn't realize that generally people acted differently than people at my age do.

    This sort of got on to people's nerves, and in 2014 I was just that one person who everyone is pretty sure is a kid but just like any other kid they try to persuade them into thinking they're older and whatnot. I was probably the worse offender in the "pretend you're older game." Don't believe me? I pretended I was an employee at Microsoft (this was before Microsoft bought Mojang), like this (and I swear I almost through up while snipping and pasting this):

    Anyways, I was sort of just an infamous figure in the community. As in, people knew me, it's just whether or not they liked me. And most of them didn't. I remember there was this one man, forgot his name (was something like JJ) but I remembered he'd publicly stated in these forums that he did cocaine and whatnot, and I didn't like him at the time. He just seemed like an asshole. There was this other guy, who was only two years older than me, that acted like he was four years older. To be honest, I felt a bit bullied, but it's not as if I didn't act as a bitch.

    I remember posting a lyrical parody of Coldplay's Viva La Vida once, based on Wynncraft. This one guy had simply stated he didn't like it because it wasn't an actual sung out version. To be honest, I didn't know now that I think of it if this guy was serious or not, but me being a nine-year old lashed out and acted pissed because at the time, I felt disrespected and thus responded negatively to him. Quickly, I myself got negative feedback for the comments and thus I deleted the whole thread all together.

    There were some points where I found success as a member of the forums. I posted this one lore I had made, forgot what it based off but it was around a cow I believe travelling through Wynn. There was also this one time when I had made a guide on how to actually make an OK thread, and people seemed to like it.

    However, I was still a really obnoxious guy. With that, I really want to take this as an opportunity to say sorry. Now that I look back on my self from four years ago, I was a really obnoxious 9-year old who didn't know what he was doing or where he was going. So, apologies.

    After the summer of 2014, I sort of lost interest in Wynncraft and Minecraft for a certain period of time, mostly because I was taken away by team fortress 2 lol. I did come back to Minecraft, and I still am an active Minecraft player.

    Nonetheless, I still really enjoyed the game. Although I wasn't the best as a member of the community, I still felt happy playing Wynncraft.
    Now, this is where shit gets real. To be honest, I know I've said that WynnCraft felt a bit toxic to me at the time. And it was. But now that I think of it, Wynncraft really shaped me as a person, and I realized that just now because of this video

    I suggest you watch video, it's really cool and whatnot.

    A basic summary of the video is that Minecraft became a bit worse and worse, but it still is something that may have shaped you as a person. And for me, that felt so so true, especially for wynncraft specifically. The community for me didn't get much better. The gameplay didn't get much better either after the many many updates. But when I go back on Wynncraft, I roam around Ragni, Detlas, Almuj, I just think how much this server by itself shaped me. That may sound stupid for some of you, "Please, just fucking stop acting cheesy with all this 'hIs rEaLlY SHaPed mE As a PeRSOn' bullshit". And I agree, that may have sound cheesy. But it's the truth.

    If I never played Wynncraft, I would be a much much more different person today than ever before. I look at some of the people at my school and their social media, and I see how they get triggered at things people say to them that are almost normal here on the forums judging by how people act. I bet if they were here, or at least back in 2014 when the forums were active, in my position, they wouldn't "survive" much.

    I go back on Wynncraft now, and I see how much more different the building is. I see how much more quests there are. I see how Gavel has been added, along with a resource pack, and so many other features both big and small, tiny and huge. It's changed. Wynncraft has changed. Just like my life.

    Back when I was nine, I was just there in front of my computer, expecting to be a very successful employee at Microsoft. I was into video games. I was into Pokemon. I was a very quiet person in real life.

    I was in elementary school.

    Now, I am in my last year before high school. Back in 2014, when I came home I'd be excited to see everyone in my family, get on the computer, and play wynncraft. Now, I get home, I lay down on my bed for what feels like an hour, wake up feeling shitty having to do homework and whatnot, and then falling asleep at eleven PM.

    Now I am into so many different things. Now I am really engaged in politics. I study aviation. I interact with people more.

    It triggers me when two people go at it over a simple thing like "well the music I make is better than yours" (legit people get fucking angry with shit like this). Because they haven't really seen how the internet is like. There are much worse games to play.

    Back then, people always wanted me to reveal my face since it was basically a way of me to admit that I am 9 or some shit. So here goes. I am thirteen now, and this photo was taken today.

    Some of the people I sort of hung out with at that time were cool people, like australians or something. Theyre good people. So i'm mentioning them here
    @Nyam @Chooky @Silvah @Pengachuify12

    -Pancake / xP4NC4K35x
    thepicferret, chooky, D7 and 14 others like this.
  2. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    As a person who only has one more year before finishing high school, I can say that I certainly relate to what you have said.

    When I first discovered Wynncraft, it was back in 2014 when MinecraftUniverse and Logdotzip made videos about the server. No surprise there, it was the golden age of Minecraft on YouTube after all. Really though, it was Wynncraft which was the last push that got me to purchase a Premium Minecraft Account. It is truly an experience that you have to experience yourself, watching a Walkthrough of the server isn't quite as fun.

    Generally, I think the Wynncraft community on the server averages about 13 years of age, and about 16 years of age on the Forums. Quite a few of the OG Wynncrafters who are still around are about college or university age today. Needless to say, I also have my fair share of embarrassing and cringe-y posts, and those could even include ones that I posted only in the beginning of this year or maybe even last month. Post one tomorrow and then look back at it to feel the urge and do a facepalm - I suppose a mixture of regret and bitter-sweetness.

    I don't really think that Minecraft nor Wynncraft is going downhill or anything, the Minecraft 1.13 aquatic update has been one of the best updates ever released (though very laggy), and Wynncraft has been releasing small updates to both improve gameplay and add more content (thanks to jp, wars has finally been fixed!). It is not perfect, but once you realized it is made by a group of volunteers, non Pay2Win and its free, you start to appreciate and love what Wynncraft is. On the other hand, Minecraft could had stopped pushing updates years ago, when it is already a "complete" game, but they continue anyways. To me, that is such an amazing thing as not many companies are able to do this unless they force players to pay a subscription or for "DLC". Hate to say this, but if Microsoft did not buy Mojang a few years ago, Minecraft could had been dead already.

    It is quite to see how a Minecraft server, Wynncraft, has been standing for all these years and touched so many people around the world. Life-changing is a way to describe it, but Wynncraft have definitely brought a group of people both young and old to grow and learn together. Sometimes, you will find a Tribute to Wynncraft on the forums. And though we can dismiss it as being cringe-y or cheese-y, there is no denying that you don't really get an experience like this from any other servers.

    GL and HF in High School, @Pancake!
    D7, ErratioD, WithTheFish and 6 others like this.
  3. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads HERO

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    We all make bad choices when it comes to fitting into a community. I was (and still am) widely despised on the Wynncraft discord (which I deserve). Point is that no matter how bad you acted in the past, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fresh start.
    D7, Aya, Dr Zed and 2 others like this.
  4. Pancake

    Pancake Young yet a veteran here... | xP4NC4K35x VIP

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    That really strikes.

    Having a fresh start is always mind. Thanks for your response
  5. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Glad to hear that you're still doing okay and enjoying the game, Pancake.

    I remember you from back in 2014. I can definitely understand why you wanted to act like some guy who worked at Microsoft, despite being younger you just wanted to fit in with everyone else, and that's okay. That's four years ago, and I don't know how many people even remember what you've done. We all grow up and look back on the past to see what we consider to be mistakes, and that's fine, because you can learn from them. You don't need to feel sorry, you're just growing up and learning.
    D7, Pancake, H0Y and 1 other person like this.
  6. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    Are you leaving?
  7. Pancake

    Pancake Young yet a veteran here... | xP4NC4K35x VIP

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    I mean no, I've "left" sorta a while ago, and by that I mean I'm really inactive on Wynncraft, and for that matter just dead. I still am not really playing Wynncraft right now but there are times here and then where I would get on and do some quests or something.
  8. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Good read, thanks for posting. I totally know what it’s like to be in your shoes, always wanting to seem older then you are. When I was younger I did the same thing, but it took me until now to realize that your younger years is something you should cherish. Enjoy being in middle school, and enjoy your high school years. Get the most out of them, get involved in clubs, play sports, and take classes you enjoy. For me, I’ll take a hard class that I enjoy over an easy one that’s boring. AP history classes are fun to me, and AP literature and language actually teach me things I like. High school has taught me to enjoy this time while you have it because it all gets harder as it goes on. Now I have to apply to colleges, write my colleges apps, get back to recruiters, and all this makes me almost miss the times where life was simple. Although I am only 4 years your senior, those 4 years were some of the funnest times I’ve had, so enjoy them while they last. (I’m not even that old compared to everyone on here but still felt I should communicate this to you because you are about to enter high school and I’d like to give some advice. Also, stay active in politics! I know it seems like a mess, but if AP gov has taught me anything it’s that we need more political participation from the younger generation, and maybe our generation can change it.)
    Pancake likes this.
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