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Archer/Hunter Flexible " The Rainmaker " Build ( Melee Main, Spell Coverage )

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Avatapaxn, Oct 6, 2018.

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  1. Avatapaxn

    Avatapaxn Titles are overrated CHAMPION

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    Sooo, hi. I was finally forced to make an account by one of my friends to make a Wynncraft forums account. She said that some of my builds belong on the forums, and after browsing through the forum for a while, I decided I'd post one for the sake of posting, so here we are.

    A quick summary of this build:

    This build will obviously be using "The Rainmaker" as the main weapon, for Melee. The Rainmaker is excellent for fast Melee and has a phenomenal amount of +tier that is indomitable, allowing great use of the chestplate known as "Taurus". However, this build can also use SPELLS along with Melee. With a comforting 70 Intelligence (50% Spell Cost cut) and 8/4s Mana Regen with max Regen values, it allows a comforting amount of Spell usage at once, though you could argue it isn't considered "Spell spam". However, this build will also rely on the user's ability of avoiding attacks, as it has very tiny Defense, negative Agility (which can be countered, but the most you'll get is 12) and 2 slight Elemental weaknesses (but not with the powders that I saw best fit).

    Alright, enough yammering. Let's begin!

    Helmet: Pisces

    Pisces was simply the best helmet for this build. It cooperates with this build's skill point requirements and Melee/Spell usage beautifully, and with having excellent Health (3000), 100 Water Defense, 3/4 Mana Regen when max, up to 260 Raw Melee Damage, a Strength bonus capping at 10 to assist with wearing Taurus, and max 13% Spell Damage, this is very clearly the most ideal helmet for this build.

    Chestplate: Taurus

    This was rather obvious. With an astonishing 1625 Raw Melee Damage and a wonder 3800 Health, as well as a nice 200 Earth defense, this was an ENORMOUS boost to the total Melee damage dealt (literally worth 2/3 of the total DPS). The negative Water Defense wasn't a problem; I had several other pieces covering this.


    This, surprisingly, wasn't as difficult of a choice as I thought it would be. Asphyxia has some nice Raw Damages, 260 Spell and 195 Melee, along with having some solid Health and Thunder Defense coverage. It did fit into this build. The problem with this, however, is the -200 Air Defense. This resulted, in the end, that Air was one of this build's Elemental weaknesses.

    Sodeta Boots (Alternatives: Passus Lux, Bubbline, generally just boots that have 3/4 Mana Regen, but watch the skill points)

    Okay, okay, wait. Don't leave the thread after seeing that, please. I'm not finished yet.

    Sodeta Boots are a simple match to this build. They're free to use, have a little bit of Health, 3/4 Mana Regen and have a nice 29% Spell Damage. However, there's plenty of other alternatives, contributing to this build's "flexible" factor. Experiment, and use what works for you!

    Moon Pool Circlet, Finesse

    These choices are easy to explain. Moon Pool Circlet was chosen for Mana & Intelligence, and Finesse was chosen for Dexterity, Intelligence, and a tiny bit more Raw Spell Damage. However, if you get all of the other required items with max skill point bonuses, you can use whatever you can find that works with this build besides Finesse. I don't have any recommendations for alternatives to Finesse, though. That would also mean you'd have to have PERFECT skill point ID's on every single piece.

    Bracelet: Prowess

    Yes. I had to use Prowess for the skill point bonus, unfortunately. But, hey, at least this build doesn't require forcing people to farm Legendary Island, right?

    Anyway, Prowess offers enough skill points for this build to be operable, as well as a little more Health.

    Necklace: Durum's Serenity (Alternative: Gigabyte)

    I needed to use Durum's Serenity for its Strength & Intelligence bonuses. The skill points are really needed for this build to be usable. Aside from that, there's no other grand benefit from using Durum's Serenity. Gigabyte offers the same amount of total skill point bonus, as well as other minor benefits, but it lowers Health by ~550 compared to Durum's Serenity.

    Weapon (main):
    The Rainmaker


    Side Weapons:
    Cluster, and/or any Super Fast bows that enable Arrow Bomb to strike with all Elements of damage

    I made the spell side of this build work for sure! Cluster is used for Neutral Spell Damage, and a second one can be used (Air, Thunder, Water powders of any tier) to allow the user to exploit any and all Elemental weakness, but there's several cheaper alternatives to use. Make sure the bow is Super Fast, and can cover all 5 Elements. Cheap alternatives include Bolter (Unique, level 85 & Super Fast, Water & Air powders along with the Thunder damage it already has covers all elements) and Misconduct (Unique, level 98 & Super Fast, Earth, Fire & Air powders enables it to hit with all Elements, but beware of its negative Health Regen!).

    And that's it for the build pieces themselves! Now for the stat summary:

    Skill point layout (Unarmored, max bonus value from gear): 70 65 51 0 0

    Skill point layout (Armored, max bonus value from gear): 104 88 70 5 -5 (up to 17 remaining depending on your gear)


    11920 Health (Level 100)
    +18% Health Regen
    207 Earth
    50 Thunder
    62 Water
    0 Fire
    -200 Air

    Damages (%/Raw):

    42%/495 Spell
    85%/2210 Melee
    9% Earth
    39% Thunder
    9% Water
    -35% Air

    Other stats (that matter):

    8/4s Mana Regen
    46/4s Life Steal
    39% Exploding
    21% Soul Point Regen

    Final Notes:

    Again, this build will rely on the user's natural evasive ability around the battlefield. You are very weak in the defensive side.

    And finally, powders. I recommend covering this build's lack of Fire Defense and negative Air Defense. Powder effects are ineffective and will not help much, if at all, when using this build.

    As for weapon powders (The Rainmaker), I'd recommend either Fire to bolster allies, Water if you're risky and go up close to greater bolster your allies, or Thunder for bonus damage output. Earth is useless, and Air offers a way to pause your opponents that is not worthwhile, as you have Arrow Shield, Arrow Bomb and Escape which stun opponents much more effectively.

    And with that, I conclude this build plan. I'd definitely appreciate some criticism and any suggestions you guys might have! Let me know what you think!


    (Potential apology about the thread length)
    Druser and Madkurre like this.
  2. mouldy

    mouldy heheheha

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    rip dark theme users
    also there’s Wynndata but nice build
    Shots likes this.
  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    NITEHAWKX and Druser like this.
  4. Avatapaxn

    Avatapaxn Titles are overrated CHAMPION

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    I'm surprised that I'm getting positive feedback on this, huh. I just specialize in using the more worser items in builds and somehow making them work.

    Anyway, thank you!
    Dr Zed likes this.
  5. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    also like you said the defense sucks
    only can hit a 8.6% dodge chance max
    and you can't say "just don't get hit"
    because ranged melee/movement spells/flamethrower will then proceed to laugh at you in the face
  6. Wynn: The Anime

    Wynn: The Anime Does not like anime VIP+

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    The build has next to none def/agi sp and like Shots said, spells and flamethrower WILL catch you despite any attempt to dodge it at any close range. It is recommended to primarily focus on melee for rainmaker as the pitiful base damage will net you next to spell damage output, and it shows with the build barely scraping 1.5k bombs.
    Shots likes this.
  7. Avatapaxn

    Avatapaxn Titles are overrated CHAMPION

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    If you were paying attention, I mentioned the usage of other weapons for spells. An unpowdered Cluster serves for Neutral spell damage, and I listed several options for weapons that exploit every Elemental weakness with Super Fast attack tier.

    EDIT: In any case, this build was only made for fun. I'm aware that The Rainmaker isn't exactly a good weapon, and that's why I used it. Because I do stupid things with builds, like making them using only Unique items, or lord knows whatever else I come up with.
  8. Wynn: The Anime

    Wynn: The Anime Does not like anime VIP+

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    I mean rainmaker isn't that bad but this build is very glassy which is the only big drawback of it
  9. Avatapaxn

    Avatapaxn Titles are overrated CHAMPION

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    Fair enough. I will try to improve in the next build thread that I make. Thanks!
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