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Build Cottage On A Floating Isle.

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by methodic, Oct 4, 2018.

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  1. methodic

    methodic whatever title HERO

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  2. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    Thanks for actually including a shaderless screenshot
    That looks super good!
    methodic likes this.
  3. Tsurumi

    Tsurumi Tired Abyssal

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    Looks better then the magma monster I made
    methodic likes this.
  4. Qulaey

    Qulaey weeb

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    Slab spaming in 2018 minecraft? Come on dude, add meaningful details such as windowsils, flowerpots, and all that stulf you would expect to find in a normal medieval house, in small builds like these you dont have to plaster every inch of the wall with fences or cobble walls, that acturlly takes away from the deapth of the build!
    Please add more complexity to the shape of your house, right now its nothing more than a glorified box, the walls are 2 dimentional and lack a third dimention, alot of houses in medieval times have second stories that juts out on the side, consider adding those to add intrest, also it breaks up walls and makes your life alot easier detailing.
    Thirdly is the color, please try something creative, we have all these amazing blocks such as concrete, why have you got to stick with stone brick and spruce? this aint 1.7 its 1.12 we're talking about here, adding unique colors and creating a unique pallet makes your build pop out from the rest.
    I can clearly see that you have made this in single player, If you need a server to build on consider a server called Builders refuge, there are lots of really cool people on there and the owners are super chill. they got all the tools you will ever need, such as voxel, gopaint, gobrush, world edit and so many more. that tiny island could definitively use a voxel sniper make over.

    Good luck building!
    Marco and methodic like this.
  5. Grantdrew

    Grantdrew Block Spammer

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    Ayy you’re catching my drift, man! =))
    methodic likes this.
  6. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    1, stop trying to be grian plz
    2, there isnt anythin wrong with "slab spamming" its all prefference
    3, spruce wood and stone brick is a fine pallet, how many peeps do you think had cement in the medieval times?
  7. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Qualey is a good builder, I would heed his advice if I were you.

    I agree with most of the stuff Qualey said, slab spamming is something I personally am not fond of, and being creative with your pallets will never hurt. This is still a good build, but to make it great you need to out s lot of thought behind your builds. I along with many other builders often look up concept images of the things we are building to get a grasp of what we are trying to portray, maybe try doing that?

    Still a decent build though, keep up the good work!
  8. Qulaey

    Qulaey weeb

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    By all means don't take in my advice, you really don't have too. All that I have said is evaluated through my personal experience of being a builder, I am not trying to be Grian, I am trying to push you beyond his rustic house video, many of whom on the forums, seem to have taken a liking to and stuck with it but you are right, ANY method of building can look good, even slab spamming, but you have to do it well, which no offence to the original builder, was not.

    For example the build down below, The structures the literal definition of slab spamming, the coloring done with //replace [block]+percentage
    but the colors and the composition of it looks utterly stunning, the level of skill required and the time taken to make this, is beyond many of us.


    Old habits die hard, and as time changes so does the techniques for building structures improve and evolve, just like all else in the world.

    Also note: The ancient Romans invented concrete, or cement, furthermore the concrete used in the roads and foundations of Pompei, had an amazing property that made the concrete get stronger as time stretched on, up until today scientists all around the world struggle to replicate this in labs with 21st century technology.

    here you can find a very intresting paper on the subject if you wish to investigate more on this topic: https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/handle/2027.42/97928

    Have a good day.
    Blizzardgale, Quint and tig like this.
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