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Warrior/Knight The Legendary Island Legendary Build

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by ProjectForceV2, Aug 11, 2018.

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  1. ProjectForceV2

    ProjectForceV2 That "hey anyone need any help?" guy. VIP

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    I recently used a build that can easily solo LI, and although this may have already been discovered I'm posting this anyways. Herein contains my build and guide to running LI solo.

    Things that are required: First off, you need lots of time. This is a tank build that does not specialize in 10k uppercuts etc, but rather specializes in taking 10k uppercuts (not tested). Other than this its pretty good, especially for running the island without friends because if you do they just get pissed that they have to keep re-killing the bosses for you. Of course if you get another tank with you it shouldn't be any problem and you just end up clearing the island twice as fast.. Anyways, this is the gear that I used to actually solo the island.
    capture 1.PNG Capture 2.PNG Capture 3.PNG Capture 4.PNG Capture 5.PNG Capture 6.PNG Capture 7.PNG Capture 8.PNG Capture 9.PNG
    I will describe their uses in the guide.

    Potions: Bring about 10 lv 100 pots, or more if you wish, and then 2 intelligence pots, two defense pots, and one strength pot. (you only need the stat pots for Dr. Legendary)

    Skill Points: Step one: get gear on. Step two: dump the remainder into defense.
    Speaking of which, the Guide!
    But first a disclaimer, I only used Virgo for the first form of Dr. Legendary, and it therefore may not actually be necessary.
    While this is a tank class I tried to keep myself from taking damage but other play styles may still work. Usually you will save your mana until you activate curse or courage, and then just spam uppercut/bash. Also, because the fights take so long, they may get stuck in a wall. This may lead to you having to repeat the boss fight, but don't give up until you actually killed them. The chances are about 50/50 on getting the token.... I think. Also, if you suddenly find yourself low on health, it means your warscream ran out. To help remedy this I used 1.12.2 which displays your potion effects in game.
    Easy. Just go in a circle or get it against a wall. I used Bedruthan despite Mummyboards weakness to water because it did more damage for me.
    Is that name right? whatever, just use Bedruthan and bash him to death, as bashing helps keep the spawn away.
    This one is also fairly easy. The only one you might have trouble with is the second form, but once that is against a wall you can just uppercut it to keep the spells down until it dies. Use Harwrol for the second form and Bedruthan for everything else.
    This is actually an easy fight. It just takes forever, especially the final form. Use Harwrol when it is weak to water (First three forms) and Bedruthan for all the other forms, except for the last one. Form 1 and 4 are the only forms that really do any damage, (Sure some of the later ones do as well, but they die to quickly to actually count.) but that's why you have health pots. Once you get to the final form, pull out your Braker. You could probably use Harwrol, but Braker just does more damage and the walk speed doesn't matter. A trick to getting this one done is to stand in a corner, and then use bash to adjust his position until he is on one of the walls. Then you just punch him until you have curse, activate curse and spam some spells. This may take multiple cycles and resets on position before he dies but does work eventually..
    Enough said.
    Easily one of the easiest fights. With your life steal I doubt you would need a single potion because of how little damage this fight does. Death's melee does more damage than his multihit (which does about 200 damage total) but is so easy to evade that it doesn't even matter. You also don't really need to worry about the other bosses as they will end up dyeing to damage from bashing Death anyways. Weapon does not matter (I prefer not to use Braker though)
    Easy, just use the general strategy with Bedruthan until he dies.
    Kill the swords first. I generally use Bedruthan to kill the water sword, then switch to Harwrol for the fire sword, and then Bedruthan for all other instances. Slowness only means you have to chug a couple more pots, but can be avoided by using uppercut on the earth sword. Just keep going until it ends. Use uppercut if Robob gets to close, but bash for general perposes.
    This fight is just easy. Believe me it really is. Here are some simple guidelines to make it so. Step one: use Harwrol. Step two: Use warscream (war cry?) to get all the disintegrators in one corner, then kill them and use charge before they self destruct. Stay in the opposite corner of the arena for the rest of the fight to keep the disintegrators from activity. Step three: Step on plates... alot. The remote controlled cybels will grant you with infinite mana and infinite health. Eventually Cybel dies, no pots required. Around form five you may need a pot because your warscream ran out.
    Finally, a fight worth the struggle. This is the battle that you need you pots for. You can also bring a horse and Leo for once you finish each form, and then ride around until your all healed up. Start of with a defense pot and then get him in a corner/against a wall. Use uppercut whenever he attempts to cast a spell. You can drink an intelligence pot here to keep up consitancy but I did not find it helpful. Also, use Bedruthan for the entirety of the fight (all three forms). For the second and third forms use an intel pot and use bash and then uppercut whenever you can, in that order. For the third form, use the second forms method of doing damage, a strength pot, and get him against a wall.


    That should be it. While I am sure this build is far from perfect, it gets the job done.
    Also, instead of complaining about its weaknesses, just go get yourself something else.
    Hope you enjoy

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    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
  2. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Everything is easy with skill pots

    2. put it in wynndata next time like this https://wynndata.tk/s/fzUrVK

    3. The build only has 7.7k hp with virgo so tbh I still suggest using gaea-hewn over virgo in any scenario even against doc.

    That's actually not too good of an idea reason being the defense now caps at a certain point for resistance to neutral (I think it's 95%) so dumping all your points into defense is unneeded as you have 60 leftover.

    This is basically a glorified way of saying "btw you're not allowed to criticize my build at all"

    6. The build uses 2 LI items requiring you to have already done LI at least 4 times. It's safe to assume when making a build to do LI you should at least include substitutes for LI items since people looking for a build to solo LI typically won't have any or only have a few LI items themselves

    7. You used harwrol, bedruthan, and braker. May I suggest using ignition which would be better in most scenarios?

    8. You keep talking about spell spam and stuff like that, but this build has almost 0 spell spam since it only has 1/4s ms and no mr. Unless you're fighting a minion heavy boss (Cybel, Virus Doc, Etc.) it's basically a very long fight of you just meleeing. Even if you wait until your mana is fully regenerated and then do it, you said to dump all extra sp into defense, meaning your bashes at the very least will cost 4 mana every time and 6 for uppercuts, meaning you will roughly get only 4-5 bashes or 3-4 uppercuts before you run out of mana again. I suggest using infidel as well, since every 1/2 melees the 4/4s mana steal should proc for when you want to regain mana

    9. The problem with tank builds is like what you said, it takes forever to solo things but you still can solo them. The problem with this build in particular is it is what I would consider a full blown tank, in other words meaning it's not meant to solo stuff but rather be a huge support figure for helping people through things, even though it can do things alone. It's what makes the difference between self-sustain tank build (things like an apoc melee build) and full blown tank builds like this
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
  3. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    WOW what a pompous ass

    it's really hard to make something good when you have no idea what you're doing even i have trouble making something after having a surface level experience
    Shots likes this.
  4. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    How are you supposed to do dmg ?
    +I'd feel noob having to wear this armour to beat li
  5. Derpy_Watermelon

    Derpy_Watermelon Professional at Getting Lost VIP+

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    I mean it gets the job done, but there's better options.

    More dps-oriented build take less time, and this build has almost no dps. Your average apoc build goes through LI in like 20-30 mins. Could just be me, but doing LI with this can get super boring super quick. I just don't have the patience, or time, to sit there and have a wet noodle fight with the bosses.

    Also, just imo, a build shouldn't require stat pots (2 intel and str) in order to get enough sustained dps to beat bosses.

    The one really good use I can think of it to take it on mage with bonder/king of hearts to carry someone else through LI. You take aggro and spam heal while your friend just goes ham on the boss.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Stats pots on 2018
  7. ProjectForceV2

    ProjectForceV2 That "hey anyone need any help?" guy. VIP

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    Actually, my sole intent with this thread was to simply share my idea. Criticism is allowed, but would build unnecessary bulk in the comments. Not to mention I have already acknowledged that
    , and therefore very vulnerable to a plethora of said criticism.
    Well of course their are. The main intent for this build was to be able to solo LI, and the second was to keep it relatively inexpensive by not including any mythics.

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    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
  8. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    Thoughts on the build itself:
    I understand your idea behind the build, but I can't say that this specific build is that great.

    One thing is that instead of Gaea Hewn + Beduthran you could use Fermion + Hive Spear instead.

    Thoughts on sort of your attitude:
    You say that criticisms on your build thread would add an "unnecessary bulk in the comments". Constructive criticism is by no means unnecessary. If you make a build that's not really perfect and nobody adds what you call "unnecessary bulk", you're
    a. Giving people reading the thread an imperfect build
    b. Giving yourself an imperfect build.

    Even if the amount of criticism in the thread may end up making the thread long, you should embrace improvements and thank people instead of sort of shrugging them off, or at least that's the sort of feel I got from your response (by response I mean after you quoted both Shots and Derpy_Watermelon).
  9. ProjectForceV2

    ProjectForceV2 That "hey anyone need any help?" guy. VIP

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    Ah... I think I see the problem. I have incidentally created a misunderstanding by using a euphemism with criticism. I certainly agree that advice and suggestions are important, not only as the major parts of critical listening, but also because it is often the sole purpose to improve on an idea when said idea is shared within a community. Therefore, I accept one perspective of the word criticism, and my finishing words were simply to meant as a reminder that purely derogatory statements were not welcome. I apologize that I sounded rude in this, but hope this clears up the matter.
    by2011 likes this.
  10. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    HEY! don't use big words it hurts my brain :(
  11. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    no smart words in #caste_constructions ur build sucks and ur mom gay
    CoolVictor2002 and Dr_Flusn like this.
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