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Guild ~ Malefique, Level 28, Recruiting Level 50+ ~

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by NotPilots, Aug 5, 2018.

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  1. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    malbannerTHIN.png histaninfoLONG.png

    Malefique was founded July 20th, 2018 by three players. An archer, Xubsy, a warrior, Nanocube, and a mage, NotPilots (me!) We had left our first guild when we had a fall-out with an old guild master so we set off and to make our own.

    Since then, we have grown as a guild and made new members and friends along the way. We are a Community>War guild. We try to endure the hardships of war but more often than not, don't make it. More than likely you'll find us just relaxing and hanging out together in and out of game! Though you might even catch us having "guild bonding" in game!

    1. Do not bring dirty spirits into the guild. We welcome all clean and groomed spirits into our home.

    2. We all live in harmony, do not raise your voice at others unless it is laughter or in song.

    3. It does not matter how many Tarot cards you've collected over time, we are all collectors of our own trade together.

    4. Do not speak ill of the dead, they may be dead but they still have ears.

    5. Cursing is allowed in our house but of good taste. We are the supernatural, not sailors.

    6. Tarot cards can be revoked at any time if they are being abused.

    7. The only things that will be turned into frogs are the tadpoles, be respectful of each other.

    8. Respect the frogs as well, if you listen closely they might just sing you a song.

    9. You are not required to give anything to our guild, but it is very much appreciated.

    10. Please do not leave your mana pots or crystals laying around the house, you will not find it later on as some of us are hoarders.

    Instead of badges or medallions that others use, we use our lovely, powerful companion, the Tarot cards. Each deck consists of 78 cards, though in this case, we will not be using all of them but using the ones that we can apply to our guild. All Tarot cards we chose have a meaning and a story behind them that will define and help shape your role. The right card/s are carefully hand-picked for you and will be announced during our ceremonies.

    When you have successfully joined, you are first given The Fool. He symbolizes potential, new beginnings, and innocence. Each day is a new adventure for The Fool as he lives life to the fullest. With Him, anything can happen as well as the new opportunities that can come his way.

    The Magician card is for those we sense greatness and pure potential in. He symbolizes that an opportunity will soon be presented to you that will allow you to manifest your desires. With this card, you show true optimism, success in what you do and an initiative for all your goals.

    **The Chariot is your War Leader. He symbolizes conquest and victories with confidence and control. You overcome many obstacles and show beautiful determination and self- discipline through it all. He is hardworking, dominates the competition and the struggles that come only make him stronger. [Permission Asked]

    Strength card and The Chariot are very similar. Though Strength symbolizes inner-power while The Chariot symbolizes outer-power and will. Strength shows the power of the human spirit, how it overcomes any obstacles placed in front of it and the confidence when you face it head-on. This card means you are ready to partake and endure War. [Everyone is allowed to take in war, this is for the dedicated members.] You show great stamina and persistence, yet you are patient and calm within. [Permission Asked]

    **Justice card shows fairness, truth, and the law. She calls to account for actions and to be judged. Justice helps in making fair decisions such as Tarot ceremonies, Approval of Applications, Removing of Members, etc. Her scales are balanced to appear that things were meant to work out as planned. She believes your decision and actions have long-term consequences which may affect your present and your future. Though present lessons of the past may better your future as well. Justice does not forget. [Permission Asked]

    Death symbolizes the end of a cycle. He shows that he is ready to part ways. That you must close the door to open another. That you are ready to put the past behind you and embrace new opportunities. This card is for someone who left the guild honorably, they are allowed to stay in the Discord until their final goodbye. [Until a new guild is found.]

    The Sun shows optimism and success. He gives you strength and positivity. The Sun tells you wherever you go, positive energy will follow you and it will bring you happiness and confidence. This card is for those who encourage others to do their best and bring out the highest qualities in everyone including themselves.

    As our way of honoring our Lvl. 100+ members, we give them The World. It marks completion and fulfillment. Their efforts have finally paid off. They have finally completed a major life cycle and celebrate how much they've accomplished and all the challenges they prevailed over. With this, they've become wiser and more experienced than when they first started their journey.

    Pentacles represent situations of health, finances, work, and creativity. With Threes Of Pentacles, these are members who've shown excellent teamwork and collaboration skills. They aid and help others towards their dreams or projects. Threes of Pentacles demonstrates that your dreams can become your reality with determination and effort.

    Six of Pentacles is for those who are in harmony with their money and generosity. They have seen the darkness but have come through the dark times to the light. They share their wisdom with the members, help those get back onto their feet and lead them on the right path away from the dark. This card is for those who have given plentiful advice to all or those who have donated 4 LE to the guild.

    all cards.png

    The Tarot Ceremony is the ceremony where we present members the cards they have earned through their time of being in the guild. [The Ceremony has some roleplaying elements. Beware!] Some may only receive The Magician, others may be promoted from The Magician to other cards such as The Sun or even a high ranking, Justice. As we progress as a guild, we may add more Tarot cards to diversify your role in our guild.

    In some card descriptions, we wrote [Permission Asked] That means you must be at the ceremony to accept this card. We may have made the wrong pick for you or maybe you simply don’t want the role. We will allow you to have the choice to decline in such important roles.

    As of now, we have two high ranking cards (**) The Chariot, and Justice. Those who receive these cards will be promoted to Captain in the game and held to a simple standard in our rulebook, Rule 6. If you have any questions, please contact the Heads of the House.

    To leave the guild honorably, please let us privately know ahead of time (4 days) to give you the rank and allow those to say their goodbyes. If you choose the Death card and change your mind, your previous cards will no longer apply to you and you will start back at The Fool. Death does not require a ceremony to be given this card. If you have any questions, please contact the Heads of the House.

    We will call for a ceremony if we have cards to present a week before the actual ceremony. Ceremonies will take place around the beginning of the next season, a 3-month difference between each season. Here are the dates they will revolve around:

    ~Spring, when nature is born again, March 1st

    ~Summer, when nature is in full bloom, June 1st

    ~Fall, when nature sheds the past to prepare for the future, September 1st

    ~Winter, when nature finally transitions and welcomes the future, December 1st

    We will get back to you through Discord, so please make sure to list your tag down below!
    If we do not get back to you in a weeks worth of time or have been rejected, please wait awhile and reapply again! (We may have just been busy with another sacrifice or rituals, apologies!) We may also do a small private interview with you over discord as well to learn more about you and your personality.

    Here is a very short list of our requirements:
    ~Have to be active! (If you are over 10 days of unexcused inactivity, we will sadly kick you.)
    ~Must have Discord. (Communication is key, we should be able to stay in touch!)
    ~Be level 50+! (Our average already is above 50)
    ~Have to be 13+ y.o (We swear a lot on occasion, please be mature!)

    Here is the application!
    DiscordTag, required:
    Why you’d like to join our house over others:
    What card can you foresee yourself being presented in the future:

    And if so, why:
    Do you partake in wars:
    Have you been in a guild before:

    And if so, why did you leave:
    What could you contribute to this house?
    Age, optional:

    By the prickling of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.
    (Macbeth, W.Shakespeare.)

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2018
  2. OooBox

    OooBox I loove Emeraldz *_*

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    DiscordTag, required: L0wLight #6669
    Level: 50
    Class: Warrior
    Why you’d like to join our house: Im an active, hardworking player, willing to help others at any time, to contribute with donations and to participate in war. When I commit to something, I can be very dedicated and I intend to give 100% to the guild If you accept me in!
    What card can you foresee yourself being presented in the future: The Justice
    And if so, why: I consider myself a very meticulous, cautious individual who likes to think things through, and overall, a decent strategist in games.
    Do you partake in wars: Yes
    Have you been in a guild before: Yes
    And if so, why did you leave: Because at the time, I was constantly being inactive so I prefered to leave honorably to not be a dead weight.
    What could you contribute to this house? If I'm accepted I intend to contribute with (as much as possible) donations, my participation in war and my advice and help to anyone who needs it.

    Thanks in advance, I look forward to your answer!
    NotPilots likes this.
  3. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    We've recieved your application! ☆
    OooBox likes this.


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  5. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    Fun Fact Bump: The country's smallest state has the longest official name: "State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations."
  6. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    Fun Fact Bump: Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.
  7. progamerx8081

    progamerx8081 Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: Solethh
    DiscordTag, required: Solethh#4601
    Level: 81 & 6
    Class: Mage class is 81 Archer is 6
    Why you’d like to join our house over others: i think im able to contribute to the guild and would like to have a fun time :D
    What card can you foresee yourself being presented in the future: The Sun
    And if so, why: Im positive after all and i think this card fits well
    Do you partake in wars: if i have the time to do so, yes
    Have you been in a guild before: Yes
    And if so, why did you leave: had a fun time, but everyone got inactive :(
    What could you contribute to this house? i can help lower levels in the guild with quests and dungeons
    Age, optional: 16
    NotPilots likes this.
  8. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    We've recieved your application! ☆☆
    progamerx8081 likes this.
  9. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    Fun Fact Bump: Popcorn is a special kind of corn. Of all the types of corn, popcorn is the only variety that pops. Inside each kernel of popcorn is a tiny droplet of water surrounded by a hard shell called a hull. As the popcorn is heated, the water turns into steam, which builds pressure inside the kernel.
  10. NonStopSkillz20

    NonStopSkillz20 Well-Known Adventurer

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    DiscordTag, required:NonStopSkillz #8912
    Why you’d like to join our house over others:ummmm my friend shadowboom is in it and i want friends
    What card can you foresee yourself being presented in the future: magician
    And if so, why: because im telepathic
    Do you partake in wars:yes
    Have you been in a guild before: no
    And if so, why did you leave:
    What could you contribute to this house? Im active alot
    Age, optional:
    MDCCLXXVI and NotPilots like this.
  11. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    We've received your application ☆☆
  12. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    Fun Fact Bump: According to superstition, bad luck will “rain” on you if you open an umbrella indoors. One explanation comes from the days when umbrellas were used as protection from the sun; opening one inside was an insult to the sun god.
  13. progamerx8081

    progamerx8081 Travelled Adventurer

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  14. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    Fun Fact Bump: Instead of lungs, insects breathe with a network of tiny tubes called tracheae. Air enters the tubes through a row of holes along an insect's abdomen. The air then diffuses down the blind-ended tracheae.


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  16. TailsMSN

    TailsMSN Newbie Adventurer

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    IGN: SheepLvr
    DiscordTag, required: アーサー#3878
    Level: 50
    Class: Archer
    Why you’d like to join our house over others: This was the first one I saw, and the minimum level was really close to mine at the time.
    What card can you foresee yourself being presented in the future: Fool
    And if so, why: I'm not very social, let alone enthusiastic, so nearly ever card is eliminated for me. There's too much I don't know, so I can't help in that aspect. I'm just a casual man, and there's no Farmer card, something for persistent grinding of loot.
    Do you partake in wars: Don't know what they are or how they work, so we will see.
    Have you been in a guild before: No
    And if so, why did you leave:
    What could you contribute to this house? I exist, more members means more power, so I'll contribute whatever my class can offer.
    Age, optional: 17, almost 18.
  17. NotPilots

    NotPilots Professional Caterpillar VIP+

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    We've got ya message! ☆☆
  18. _Tempest_

    _Tempest_ Detlas's Merchant

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    IGN: burnbeam
    DiscordTag, required: TempestTVx #5527
    Level: 62 (Assassin) , 31 (Mage)
    Class: Really only playing assassin currently until level 100
    Why you’d like to join our house over others: I am seeking a guild in which i can share a good laugh, have a good time, and maybe in due time sport myself a good friend, and maybe be a friend that others can confide in
    What card can you foresee yourself being presented in the future: Whatever my path my bring me to, whether it be the lowest of the low or the highest of them all
    And if so, why: that’s just the way i believe in things, there is no predetermined answer to things, only an expectation of what you can achieve
    Do you partake in wars: If it is expected of me to do so, then i can
    Have you been in a guild before: Yes, however this was in late 2015, and i have left due to the considerable amount of inactivity
    And if so, why did you leave: listed above
    What could you contribute to this house? Hopefully my great attitude, wit and above all else generousity and companionship
    Age, optional: 18
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