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Just Want To Get This Off My Chest...

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kirdow, Jul 31, 2018.

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  1. Kirdow

    Kirdow Byteful Coder CHAMPION

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    Important: Before replying or locking this thread, understand that this is made to solve some problems for myself, and not to create new problems, nor chaos. If you're just here to bring trouble, leave this thread and go somewhere else. I really can't handle this thread locked as of now. If you are however locking it, please message me in whatever way fits the staff team best, because I'm not mentally able to leave this without an answer.

    So a few weeks ago, almost a month ago, I got spammed by lots of people "OMG They **** on your pack", "Wynncraft is banning enhanced" etc from multiple directions, which for me, who left the pack calmly almost a year ago, with the respect of others, came to a shock to me.

    So I know most online servers doesn't allow personal information about people, though this might not be information that could be used to identify me, it does help addressing some things that I will write next in this thread.
    A few people know this already and some don't, but I have a disorder called Autism, yes, that one. Now, before anyone start going crazy and sh*t like that, it's not as "hard" as you've seen on TV and news and stuff, I'm actually lucky enough to be more "normal" than other people. I do know lots of people close to me that also has Autism that has it worse, but for me I have it kind of good tbh.
    So having Autism, is kind of like being a computer, you are very good at following instructions, and less good at coming up with instructions. This is basicly the core element I would say. This is why I always made Unknown come up with ideas, and why I wouldn't want to continue with the pack without him.
    Having this in mind, new experiences causes me to worry a lot, and so do changes. I know there's a thing saying "change is good", well while that is true, it might not be good for everyone. With this worry stuff, having as lot of unexpected events come up fairly quickly after one another, it also causes me to think what comes next, and often that leads to overthinking and more worrying.

    So going back to my modpack, and when it was active. Talking about what caused this "shutdown" of the pack last month, at first a few guys showed me screenshots where supposedly someone had found malicious code inside of my modpack. I who didn't know of such thing asked that they should show me such code where it is and I'll check it out because I really didn't know about the malicious content being told about.
    I decide to ignore this, and then suddenly I get more people, especially from IceBreaker's discord where I'm a co-admin, and while checking the server, which is next to the wynncraft discord icon, I notice the wynncraft icon is gone. I try going to the forums, and notice my IP is blacklisted. So now I need to message some wynncraft staff, I first message some wynncraft mod I've messaged before, but he was away and didn't reply. Next up I message Pepinho, or Pepe the Popo or whatever he's called, who was really helpful, I messaged him how I was banned for "violating tems and rules" and how this is really confusing for me. I get the reply "1 sec", which after an hour or so makes me tell him I feel unstable, which is because of this worrying I talked about above. And so he tells me he's waiting for a team member to come online, which is Jp.

    Suddenly I get a friend request from Jp, probably because I have my profile privacy set to "need to share a server", so I accept and then we talk. So what had happened was they looked up an IP which was shared by 1000 different player accounts, they also blocked that IP which caused lots of players to message staff they can't connect, all of which were using the modpack. So Jp then decided to look into the source and found that we were redirecting players through a proxy not owned by Wynncraft.

    From now on I will write some of he IPs I have gathered myself, if these are not provided anywhere on wynncraft as of up to date descriptions, do not visit or follow these IPs or urls as they could be insecure. DO NOT JOIN WITH play.wynncraft.org , it's not owned by Wynncraft anymore and should not be used.

    So I asked Jp what it could be and whatever way I asked in he didn't seem to see the question, instead he tried to switch topic. This, as mentioned above, is a really good way of making me worried, and it doesn't really stop, and I really don't like this. Right now it's July 31st, almost a month after this event, and I'm still actively thinking about this proxy stuff and I still can't let go. This is why this thread is really needed for me at the moment.

    So soon after the chat, people on the forums start talking about the pack with one post in particular saying it's safe. I do manage to answer a few questions asked by the community but it quickly gets out of hand and gets locked.

    Ever since then I've get a lot of messages from people, mostly DMs on Discord. Most asked "is there any way to switch from play.wynncraft.org to play.wynncraft.net or play.wynncraft.com?" but I also got a lot of people asking "why did you connect through play.wynncraft.org, while the IP is malicious?".

    So taking this one step at a time, I want to clarify what went on from our point of view. We had worked on the modpack for a while, and wanted to move on, especially since the pack got so big, a lot bigger than we expected. I work non stop for half a over half a year, until the final release of the modpack on October 8 2017. Note how we haven't released a single version since October 8 2017, which means nothing has changed since October 8 2017. Last single change in the publicly available version was October 8 2017. Previously we had checked for all 3 IPs in the source of the modpack, or actually every IP that is a wynncraft IP actually. However for some reason we changed this to only one IP, which is play.wynncraft.org. Why that version? Well there not really a reason, we just had to pick one, and at the time there were 3 IPs used by wynncraft, which ending was between .com, .net and .org. Don't believe .org was ever owned by wynncraft? well checking a normal search for the term, it shows quite a bit of results showing the IP being used by players, and even staff, as seen here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/search/26046854/?q="play.wynncraft.org"&o=date , and used by staff over here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/not-whitelisted.211284/ , and have a look at that, it's mentioned by a staff member 2 months after the last change of our modpack. I'm not gonna ask a question of who did what here. I just want answers, not more questions, I also recall Jpresent joining after we released our last version so I'm sure he just missed all these stuff since he weren't around or if he was already joined, at least maybe not active around this part of the community around that time. who knows.
    What I do notice myself however, was that the IP play.wynncraft.org stopped around the end of December 2017, if I recall correctly, and that post was made around or before that time. I'm assuming Wynncraft simply cancelled ownership of that domain, and abandoned it. This may or may not be because of the pack, but I don't wanna start that topic either. And if the proxy stuff should make sense for that IP I'm guessing maybe someone bought it, and started forwarding traffic for the game and what not, but what do I know.

    Anyway, my last point here, answers, I'm sure most answers I need can only come from the staff itself. But if any players have anything, feel free to give your answers, as long as it doesn't create any problems as mentioned at the far top of this post. So I have a few major questions I really need to sort out.
    First off, is play.wynncraft.org the IP found malicious, both connecting to you, and being the malicious part in our code?
    Second of all, if play.wynncraft.org is NOT the piece, I'd really wish to know 2 things, where in the modpack it is, and what it is, and maybe what it does if that's unclear?
    Third and last of all, (note how I'm not asking for an unban here, I'd gladly have the pack still officially banned, I'm just here for answers), is the pack other than these IPs and/or proxies safe, would the pack be considered safe to use if this part never was a thing?

    Lastly, I'd like to say I'd like to say, to the people wondering how to use the modpack, please do not message me directly anywhere, the modpack is officially banned, and I don't want more heat my way, please choose another modpack, or play vanilla, as staff team originally wants it to be played. My time here is done, it's been a nice time, with lots of adventures, and I want to leave this behind me. Thanks.
    hmtn, gigi2oo2, starx280 and 55 others like this.
  2. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    gigi2oo2, Bio, Narilune and 35 others like this.
  3. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    This was a good read. Thanks for speaking in a calm manner, hopefully this will all get sorted out.

    Even if the modpack doesn't come back, good job for all the work you've done on it. Even though it's been through some bumps it probably did contribute to a lot of peoples' experiences here.
    gigi2oo2, Bio, funnysillyman and 16 others like this.
  4. SUPER M


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    I can already see this getting locked and you not getting your answers.
    gigi2oo2, Marco, MOOOSH and 13 others like this.
  5. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    This must be really frustrating, I know I get annoyed when I can’t find answers. I really hope you find them, and I wish you a peaceful quit from Wynn. Good luck on your journey.
    mouldy, Kirdow and SUPER M like this.
  6. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    jesus fucking christ this is long
    but meh lets see if u can get ur answers
    coolname2034 and Shots like this.
  7. LuckyLukas

    LuckyLukas Fell on a cauldron of luck potion

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    I, myself have a form of autism and I recognize the things you say. The only thing I don't recognize is the lack of creativity, and I certainly don't see why you let Unknown taking all of the decisions. You can really create cool stuff like these on your own and don't need the help of someone who, in retrospect, had some BAD ideas and was (in my opinion) not very nice to other people. I don't think anyone can blame you anything about what happened with Enhanched. Please don't stop the 'coding talent' you have, but use it to try out new things.
  8. Gort

    Gort His Royal Pimpness CHAMPION

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    to long didn’t read
    Shots, Pifg and Lego_DW like this.
  9. Tis_awesomeness

    Tis_awesomeness /minecraft:me HERO

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    I did some WHOIS lookups on each domain. This is freely available information (just google whois lookup), feel free to check it yourself.




    As you can see, .com and .net have the same WHOIS data, but .org does not. This most likely means that when you connect to play.wynncraft.org, you are not connecting directly to Wynncraft. If another domain is masquerading as a legitimate Wynncraft domain, that is a serious issue. I would like a staff member to clarify if .org is still run by Wynncraft, or someone else is redirecting traffic.
  10. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    It isn't run by Wynn, and never was. This has been stated on multiple occasions.
    MOOOSH, CookedPelvis, Aya and 3 others like this.
  11. Kirdow

    Kirdow Byteful Coder CHAMPION

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    You're actually right, autism helps a lot with creativity, what I meant was creativity in social matters, lack of improvising when talking and acting with others, lack of ability to make your own decisions and understand how to do stuff in your ordinary life, in which creativity means you come up with your own decisions. When it comes to having fun, and create things, I am really creative and really good at it indeed.
    LuckyLukas and Stag2001 like this.
  12. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Then why some staff member took the risk of making us use it in the past ? If the problem is the ip then it's totally not Kirdow's fault and some staff members are trying to cheese their life out of this problem by saying nothing and letting Kirdow takes everything, which is completly dumb and disrespectful.

    Or there is a really big lazy lack of investigation, which is dumb too.

    Or both.
  13. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    This wasn't public knowledge until it was investigated and deemed so. However, the only officially advertized ip is play.wynncraft.com. Need I remind you, that the content team and staff are just normal players with extra rights and duties, and don't actually have access to inside information such as this.
  14. Psychomentalist

    Psychomentalist Time is not on my side HERO

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    This wouldn't happen if the modpack had a gun.
  15. Kirdow

    Kirdow Byteful Coder CHAMPION

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    I do have to say this makes a lot of sense, though I'd assume if a staff member see or hear something security related like this proxy/IP thing I'd assume them to further discuss or similar with the rest of the team.

    On the side note I expected this thread to get locked within a few minutes because of the IP and such, or even shadow deleted in this case, and even then that no one with the needed knowledge would message me about it, so I'm already further into the post with replies than I expected to get in the first place :)
  16. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    You’re pretty civil about it and you showed the IP in the right context in this thread, so I’d be surprised if they did lock it.
    Spinel and coolname2034 like this.
  17. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    You can remind me anything you want, it doesn't change the fact that some member of the staff shared that IP too and that by that logic, they should be punished as much as Kirdow since he had as much knowledge as you about that IP.
    I'm not against anyone, I don't want anybody to be punished, that's just stupid when you see how the whole story is just a big "Nobody know about anything". It's just that from what I know, he was punished for a mistake that a lot of people did, and these people didn't got even a single warn (From what I know), which looks unfair for me.
    SUPER M, HalfCat_ and Trash like this.
  18. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    Forcing someone to connect through the ip is a bit different than recommending it's usage, but I see your thought process behind this
    coolname2034 and Dr Zed like this.
  19. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    They probably didn’t realize it was dropped or something or misspoke. What’s done is done, and who should be punished isn’t the topic of this thread. All Kirdow wants are some answers.
    coolname2034 and Stag2001 like this.
  20. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    He already said it.

    Isn't that the whole point of why he created the thread in first place ? O_o

    Well, I never used the modpack, so I don't know if when you launched the launcher, you were instantly connected to Wynncraft, or if the IP was already saved in the server list and you just had to connect to it, in which case you can just edit the IP, and then, the modpack become safe from what I understand.

    But then again it isn't Kirdow's fault because he has been misleaded the same way as everyone else, the person we need to find is the guy who host this IP.

    EDIT : Yeah 3000 messages ! :D
    funnysillyman, SUPER M, Trash and 2 others like this.
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