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Need An Effective Grinding Area (level 95 - 100)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SpellingError, Jul 28, 2018.

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  1. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    I was just comparing CSST to mob grinding, which also is just "skipping the game" by this definition. You aren't exploring the world, doing quest or experiencing the game, its just about button mashing to skip some levels. Of course, jumping from 71 to 100 just by CSST is ruining the game (although even thats argueable and depends on the player), but this person is just trying to grind five levels, which aren't really filled with content providing xp. If you are forced to do boring grinding, there is no reason not to choose the fastest way.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  2. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    CSST'a ridiculous rate of xp gain generally discourages other content because other content's rate of speed gain is much slower. However, mob grinding does not discourage other content as its xp gain is much more balanced, which means that mob grinding generally doesn't result in players skipping other content.
  3. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well, there are only two things that CSST allows you to skip: Mob grinding and quests, as these are the things that give xp. Skipping mob grinding isn't a bad thing in my opinion, because its equally boring and repetitive as CSST and quests are not always available, like in the 95-100 range. So as long as CSST and mob grinding are the only options, I have no problem with people choosing the first one. And if people are being tempted to skip quest thats their problem, but has nothing to do with the "CSST vs. Mob grinding"-comparison.
    All other content of the game, like exploring, searching for loot chests or making builds aren't affected by CSST because you do these things for differents reasons, like getting items or having fun.
  4. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    But, a person is able to do CSST from level 71 - which is when quests start to get really abundant (the 70-80 level range). And do note that some of the quests in this area have super bosses, important lore, and other things because they mark the end of the player's time in the Wynn province for the most part.

    Also, the rate of xp gain that differentiates CSST and mob grinding is very important in determining how likely a player is to actually choose to skip quests because incentives matter. Is a person as likely to go out and do quests if they're getting so much more xp from CSST? Probably not.

    And there are plenty of things a player will just miss because they out leveled them before they heard about them, thanks to CSST, even if they would have liked to have done them at level.

    Yes, a player can use the wiki (which is arguably not that reliable at times) and the forums to try and catch up on all they missed. Yes, a player can do the quests they missed long afterwards. But wouldn't it have been a lot less effort to just play the game and experience these things naturally? And many people won't even go back to do this anyways

    And as for things like class builds, there are things you learn by playing that are built into Wynn's learning curve that you skip by doing CSST.

    Loot chest routes are also built around knowledge you have parts of the game and locations of loot chests (or knowledge others accrued and put into a video or thread).
  5. ToastyMastermind

    ToastyMastermind Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Never gonna host CSST again lOl
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