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Guide Quests That Must Be Completed For Later Quests And Others

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Shots, Jul 14, 2018.


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  1. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    So I don't know if anyone has made a list of this yet or not because I couldn't find one so I decided just to make a list of the quests that must be completed in order to do quests later to "make it easier" for people to know what quests they should or shouldn't do (even though you should try and do all of them anyways)

    King's Recruit: Obviously

    Underwater: Allows you to do the quest Underice

    Mushroom Man: Bowl is used for ToL

    Creeper Infiltration: You need access to the cave for ToL

    Maltic's Well: The item (it's a letter iirc) is used for ToL

    Grave Digger: The ashes are used for ToL

    Cluck Cluck: Feather is required for Reincarnation and if you want to go back into Lab N with a mysterious feather for ??? you need to be allowed into his basement

    The Corrupted Village: The potato is required for ToL

    A Sandy Scandal: You need to have access to the bank in order to do Jungle Fever

    Wynn Excavation Site A: The crystal is required for Site B

    Wrath of the Mummy: Bandage is required for ToL

    Ice Nations: The climbing helmet is required for Zhight Island, ToL, and Reincarnation

    Bob's Lost Soul: The soul is required for ToL (Although you do not need to do the full quest to retrieve it) and once you get to a certain point you are allowed access into the tomb later when needed for Reincarnation

    Wynn Excavation Site B: The crystal is required for Site C

    The House of Twain: Required to be complete before A Grave Mistake

    An Iron Heart Part I: Obviously required before Part II

    Wynn Excavation Site C: Crystal required for Site D

    Beneath the Depths: Abysso boots are required for Lost Soles

    Lost in the Jungle: The dust is needed for Aldorei's Secret part I

    Taproot: Required for Finding the Light

    Memory Paranoia: Required to be at least complete up to the part where you can get the spoon for ???

    Finding the Light: Required to be complete for Realm of Light

    Acquiring Credentials: Passport is required for Flight in Distress

    Aldorei's Secret Part I: Obviously need for Part II

    The Bigger Picture: Required to be up to at the very least the part where you can get the small mushroom

    The Hunger of Gerts Part One: Because Part Two

    The Envoy Part I: Envoy Part II
    I might've missed one as this is mainly off the top of my head, but here are some notable mentions of rewards (the ones that I have excluded because of the gear they give aren't extremely notable imo, such as the boots from Suspended Flowers)

    Tunnel Trouble: Fast travel from Ragni to Detlas

    Tower of Amnesia: Allows you to buy skill reset scroll at the tower if you ever don't want to use soul points to do it

    A Sandy Scandal: Allows you to enter the Almuj bank (which is a reward in itself even though you need that for a quest)

    Canyon Condor: Allows you to use the lifts in the Rymek Canyon

    Master Piece: Gives you a painting which can be sold for 3le

    Shadow of the Beast: Once complete you can trade the item in for a legendary weapon of your choice at the Olux merchant

    The Passage: More or less fast travel from Troms to Ragni/The Time Valley/The Pigman Ravine (as it connects to the pigman ravine from the tunnel and then it's easy to get to the Time Valley or Ragni from there)

    An Iron Heart Part II: Depending on either ending you choose, the result can be decent-good loot bonus or decent-good xp bonus leggings

    Lost Soles: The boots you get from completing this are quite nice

    Temple of Legends: Gives you access to a grinding spot, boss altar, and the merchant for Bob's mythic weapons for when (or if) you complete Reincarnation

    Wynn Excavation Site D: While not only being quite a nice finale to the questline (although that's just my opinion) the reward you get is 6le (quite a bit for a quest) and a legendary elemental necklace of your choice

    Reincarnation: As said before, once you complete it you can use the item you get from it to get one of the "Bob's Mythic Items" from ToL

    Tower of Ascension: Giving the highest amount of LE out of any quest (Giving 8le) and a decent set for it's level at level 75, this level 40 quest is something you will most likely want to do eventually

    Flight in Distress: Allows for fast travel from The Airbase (Which is connected to Cinfras if I'm not mistaken) to Detlas

    The Ultimate Weapon: Selling the weapon gives a nice 7le

    Fallen Delivery: While not super important because the forgery exists, completing it allows you to buy scrolls in Cinfras

    ???: While it is usually the most tedious quest of any quest, it does give quite a nice xp set for those who can't afford more expensive xp gear

    A Marauder's Dues: Gives a decent bit of money and allows for easier travel to Thesead because of the gate

    The Hidden City: Gives fast travel from Eltom to Thesead. Unfortunately, the quest is broken right now.

    The Envoy Part II: While allowing entrance into the dreaded dungeon by most players, Fallen Factory, it also allows fast travel from Corkus to the Sky Islands, specifically travelling to Kandon-Beda

    The Qira Hive: For each division you complete, you are able to get a piece of hive gear which you can use, and some of the gear in there is perfect for you once you hit the higher levels
    Then of course there are obviously the dungeon quests (though I don't feel like I really need to list them as it's pretty obvious what quest you are doing when you go to said dungeon)

    Sewers of Ragni=Decrepit Sewers
    Arachnids Ascent=Infested Pit
    Studying the Corrupt=Lost Sanctuary
    The Dark Descent=Underworld Crypt
    Kingdom of Sand=Sandswept Tomb
    Fate of the Fallen=Ice Barrows
    Corrupted Betrayal=Undergrowth Ruins
    Redbeard's Booty=Galleon's Graveyard
    Envoy Part II= As stated above, Fallen Factory

    There are also some quests that require you to have completed certain quests in order to use them (outside of the items that you get from the quest themselves and does not include items from dungeons)

    Realm of Light= Allows you to wear Prisms

    ???=Allows you to wear pandemonium like you'd want to

    The mask merchant in the pigman ravine village requires you to have Creeper Infiltration done in order to buy other helmets

    Green Gloop is required to be complete in order to use necklaces from the glass merchant in Almuj

    Troubled Tribesman is required to be complete to use some of the gear you can buy from there

    Diminished (and probably other things as well) is required to have Eye of the Storm completed in order to use them

    Hostage requires Prison Story

    Canyon Spirit, Moutain Spirit, Solitude, and Lost Soul require The Lost

    Mining Fever, Iron Body, Ehoole Drakeskin, Earthlink, Rask, Sterk, Steady Grip, Formation, Brass Choker, Fire Pearl, Dragonspit, Shale Edge, Double Edge, and Plate Shock all require From the Bottom

    Full Thanos Legionnaire (including Thanos Banner, Crest, and Brand) set requires Belly of the Beast

    Amulet of Rejuvenation requires Aldorei's Secret Part II

    "bob's mythic weapons require reincarnation" (you don't get the weapons directly, rather the corrupted treasure)

    The 4 Calomaro's Weapons require Underice

    Dujgon Warrior Hammer, Dujgon Warrior Chestplate, Greysmith, Nodguj Warrior Chestplate, Nodguj Warrior Sword, and Strategist all require Ice Nations

    Gert Rock Smashbanger and Gert Veryhard Chestclothes requires Hunger of the Gerts Part 2

    "master hive items require The Qira Hive" (you get a master voucher which then you can exchange for a hive item)

    "olux prised weapons require The Shadow of the Beast" (you rather get Crushed Big foot bone to exchange for the weapon, and despite the entire town not believing that bigfoot is real the merchant is asking for a broken bone ripped out of his body)

    Pirate Luck requires Beneath the Depths

    "the royal necklaces require Wynn Excavation Site D"

    The Weapons sold in the void town require One Thousand Meters under

    The accessory merchant in the Iboju village requires you to have Lost in the Jungle complete, as well as the mask merchant which requires you to have the Passage complete

    Credit to @Locky for giving me the rest of the list

    And I think that about does it for all the quests needed to be completed for quests, my personal opinion on notable rewards, the quests required to be completed to do certain dungeons, and quests needed to wear specific things. If there are any quests I might've missed please let me know as I was going mostly off of what I remember just off the top of my head. Keep in mind though, I highly recommend doing all the quests anyways, as you are missing out on the wynncraft experience (Ik it might sound cheesy and all but still). This was morley directed as a guide towards people who didn't want to go through the hassle of recalling what every single quest does and gives you and what may or may not be important later, but I still find it important that you do every quest anyways. Hope this helps (and I do apologize if this has already been created but I couldn't find it anywhere).
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018
    NITEHAWKX, SUPER M, Toy__ and 4 others like this.
  2. Pifg

    Pifg aaaaaaaaaaaa CHAMPION

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    Fun fact, you don't actually have to complete bob's lost soul to get the item for ToL. After you get the soul from the blacksmith and take it to Wedyf or whatever his name is, you can give the soul to Kelight without actually doing the quest :)
    CylinderKnot and Shots like this.
  3. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Oh yeah I forgot about that and doing it up to a point gives you access to Bob's tomb (Reincarnation) I'll update that thanks
  4. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    im pretty sure you dont need envoy 1 for corkus, but i know you need envoy 2 to get into the avos area
    Shots likes this.
  5. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Ok thanks someone told me you needed to do Envoy Part I in order to be allowed into Corkus which I didn't know if that was true or not
  6. DarkBacca

    DarkBacca Well-Known Adventurer

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    you should mention items that have quest requirements. most notably prism (need to do realm of light to use)
    Shots likes this.
  7. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    I was going to but then I forgot because I had to go do something so I'll update that
  8. mouldy

    mouldy heheheha

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    i did one of these about a month ago
    Shots likes this.
  9. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Oof sorry can you please link it because I couldn't find one anywhere
  10. mouldy

    mouldy heheheha

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    fuck i may have taken it down

    well carry on then
    Shots likes this.
  11. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    oof mb
  12. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Love this. Would love a list of quests that give 1 le or more... pls thx
  13. Vyzr

    Vyzr Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In order of Level:

    Tower of Ascension
    The House of Twain
    Jungle Fever
    Reclaiming the House
    WynnExcavation Site D
    Eye of the Storm
    The Realm of Light
    Aldorei's Secret Part I (Greedy path)
    The Hunger of Gerts Part I
    Aldorei's Secret Part II (Selfless path)
    From the Bottom
    The Thanos Vaults
    A Marauder's Dues
    The Envoy Part I
    The Canary Calls
    Desperate Metal
    Beyond the Grave
    Mixed Feelings
    The Hidden City
    Enter the Dojo
    The Envoy Part II
    Fantastic Voyage
    One Thousand Meters Under
    Recipe for Disaster
    The Fortuneteller (If you sell the book)
    Royal Trials
    Trash, Shots and RazorGuild like this.
  14. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Items that require quest rewards that aren't direct rewards from the quest that you missed:

    Hostage requires Prison Story http://wynndata.tk/i/Hostage despite the quest being removed
    perhaps an oversight in Dungeons and Discoveries

    Canyon Spirit, Moutain Spirit, Solitude, and Lost Soul require The Lost

    Mining Fever, Iron Body, Ehoole Drakeskin, Earthlink, Rask, Sterk, Steady Grip, Formation, Brass Choker, Fire Pearl, Dragonspit, Shale Edge, Double Edge, and Plate Shock all require From the Bottom

    Full Thanos Legionnaire (including Thanos Banner, Crest, and Brand) set requires Belly of the Beast

    Amulet of Rejuvenation requires Aldorei's Secret Part II

    "bob's mythic weapons require reincarnation" (you don't get the weapons directly, rather the corrupted treasure)

    The 4 Calomaro's Weapons require Underice

    Dujgon Warrior Hammer, Dujgon Warrior Chestplate, Greysmith, Nodguj Warrior Chestplate, Nodguj Warrior Sword, and Strategist all require Ice Nations

    Gert Rock Smashbanger and Gert Veryhard Chestclothes requires Hunger of the Gerts Part 2

    "master hive items require The Qira Hive" (you get a master voucher which then you can exchange for a hive item)

    "olux prised weapons require The Shadow of the Beast" (you rather get Crushed Big foot bone to exchange for the weapon, and despite the entire town not believing that bigfoot is real the merchant is asking for a broken bone ripped out of his body)

    Pirate Luck requires Beneath the Depths

    "the royal necklaces require Wynn Excavation Site D"

    The Weapons sold in the void town require One Thousand Meters under

    it's actually spelt ingame
    The Hunger of the Gerts Part 1
    The Hunger of the Gerts Part 2

    no roman numerals for some reason
    it always got me
    H0Y, HalfCat_ and Shots like this.
  15. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    You are a saint
  16. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Adding onto this, Dodegar's Ultimate weapon (level 75) gives 7le if you sell the weapon and Masterpiece (level 53 I think) gives 3le if you sell the painting
    Thanks the reason I didn't include the ones like hive and royal necklace is because they are technically rewards you get from the quest as long as you use the items you get but since something like the necklaces are tradeable I see why it could be annoying to not know this, I'll add this now
    HalfCat_ likes this.
  17. SUPER M


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    I'm pretty sure From the Moutains quest requires you to have breathing helmet I in order to complete it
    Shots likes this.
  18. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Oh I thought you just had to have any breathing helmet and you can buy the breathing helmet II at any time
  19. SUPER M


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    I'm not sure
  20. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    You don't even need to take it to Wedyf. You can take it straight from the blacksmith to Kelight, and then if you talk to Wedyf he 'takes' it and gives you another one to complete the quest with. Might be a bug.
    Pifg likes this.
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