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Why Did You Quit/leave Wynn? (server)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Exoltic, Jun 6, 2018.


do you know what b gata h kei is

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  1. Lilyluka

    Lilyluka Lilylukaa

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    A probably unpopular reason is because of how much I hate replaying the game. Wynn is great one time, but imo pretty much one time only. It's the same quests and the same scenery no matter what class you pick, and a lack of a main story that's actually in the game has kept me from going into it. Wynn has some really amazing quests like Reincarnation that felt like they were part of the story, but to me, about 90% or so of the quests in this game are things you do for NPCs cause why not. I just don't feel any purpose when it comes to Wynn, that's my main problem.
    Exoltic and Lemon like this.
  2. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    I can agree with a lot of people here. The replay value is very limiting, if there is any at all. Personally (and this might be a bit odd) though, I find one of the biggest issues is the lack of depth the game has.

    I might sound biased here (I make a lot of threads with really complex mechanics, which some here may have seen before) but the style of Wynn as an MMORPG is just really basic. My main bug here: Skill Points. Skill Points in their current state are honestly just too simple. It was worse before Gavel obviously and they do have a use now, but it is still the same system. "Choose one of 5 abilities to level, each grants a bonus to one effect and one type of elemental damage." While it is certainly not broken or underpowered, it lacks the depth that most other MMORPGs have. For example, take games like Fallout. When you level up in those games, you can choose either to level up basic SPECIAL stats, or upgrade certain perks that can completely change how you play. I am not saying Wynn needs the same system, but more customization would grant more diversity, more reasons to level up, and more replayability.

    I am not trying to say that this system is perfect or even possible given the limitations Wynn has by running through Minecraft, along with the small team of devs and lack of major revenue. I am just giving my opinions and saying why I quit the game myself. Anyways, that's my ramble, feel free to disagree.
  3. Zyrbaiakor

    Zyrbaiakor From the Shadows VIP+

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    I quit bc that eltom quest is broken and am too lazy to grind the whole level as opposed to half
  4. JohnDSi

    JohnDSi still a dead idiot HERO

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    - Lack of updates.
    - Group lost interest.
    - Although fun at the time, I disliked how guilds only mattered in the first 2 months and were just tossed aside as a failed project.
    - Although it gets better every update, most bosses are great or just bullet sponges, there is no in between.
    - The amount of quest hats I have in my inventory.
    - Lack of story quests.
    - Is there a true endgame?
    - Forums became an absolute shitshow around the time guilds came around (Not saying I wasn't a part of the problem)
    - I'm burned out on MMORPGs + magic's gone yo

    I can only say this because I loved this game and I was addicted to it for 3 years since its inception back in May 2013, what a fucking ride. There's also so much you can do with vanilla fucking minecraft, so it's still impressive what they've done.

    EDIT: where's the necromancer with a hoe that i was promised years ago? i was told to never leak it but i still want to summon stuff if i ever come back damnit :^)

    i remembered this for some reason
  5. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Alright, now, I don't really go on the Forums anymore, but slowly I've been coming back to the Forums, not the game though. I play only like, once a week. Even then, that's for around 10 minutes. But instead of WHY I quit, let's talk on how it ended up for me quitting basically.

    When I began:
    I began with a long time friend, FafnirKnightNoah, we're still really close since we live around 10 minutes from each other, but my online friends who we all played with left, but this is how it began.

    Me and Faf both started off around a year from when it first came out, so we had a crap ton of fun and that. It was awesome, everything felt unique, the bugs themselves were silly, such as I can break my shears from slicing up the trees. Despite the leaves coming back, my shears "broke" and at first, I was scared, but when they came back, I started to do it... a lot. Before I was an Assassin, I was an Archer, and I tried to use skill shots, such as sniping and that. Me and him pretended a lot of stuff, not roleplay really, but we imagined a lot of things that happened, it was just fun like that. Since there were no cutscenes, we made them up in our head... well I did at least and that was incredible amounts of fun. I imagined my character doing various things while the villagers talked and the cutscenes were funnier... well... "cutscenes". But either way, me and him remembered the community a lot less of: "Buy this!" or flooding the chat with: "I'm poor! Please help me! Donate!" or that one guy in Detlas: "Get gud scrub."

    We both remembered the community more friendly and inviting and we made a lot of friends while doing this. I made very crappy YouTube videos on this game and it was super fun to exploit the bugs that were stupid, not the bugs that gave you an advantage, but bugs that made no sense and were silly. So as time went on, we aimed for silly things, the community rarely judged us, we were almost to level 75, and Bob to him, (he made it to 75, I was still at 47), was incredibly hard. Teams were needed, and in a personal level, I liked the "God-tier" status armor. Or End-Game armor, whichever you want to call it. But then when Gavel was rumored, we both were hyped, and here is where we started to get bored...

    Gavel was rumored to come out a lot of times, we both were hyped when its first date was said to release, but we were disappointed when it didn't. So we continued to wait, eventually he lost interest and hype but we still talked about the potential province. My hype however, was always through the roof. Then Gavel came out and our expectations were BLOWN away. The way to travel was around a mountain that we used a lot, I needed it since Assassin couldn't go anywhere too much and then we started to explore. But then I got grounded and didn't have a computer... for a long time...

    Time passed, I missed many updates, many fixes, and then I was spawned in the room where I had to ReID everything. I was amazed, and incredibly, incredibly... lost. I didn't know what to do and time continued to pass. Eventually I got settled in and everything was right, but what always set me off... was builds. I was confused with builds, I was confused with quests... and... I was very lost in the lost valley. Then I got grounded again.


    Corkus is when I came back... This is what killed all of my hype and motivation. It felt so out of place, some of the things made little sense to my younger mind, but I could never say what they were. Either way, it was off. Everything was. And the fact that there was electricity made it feel no longer like: Medevial Times. It more felt like: Bullcrap way to excuse Electricity. In my opinion, just because you're a mage, and you can make electricity, it doesn't give an excuse of Corkus. It felt so off, it didn't feel right and I downright hated it. The island was small, the mobs were annoying, the bosses were at points, jokes, but some were incredibly hard. But majority of the quests there were completely laggy, which I blame my computer, and it was hard to enjoy them.

    What I also didn't like about Corkus, was the fact that the enemies were shove-offs, I had a horrible build and I was just... annoyed... Then the bugs were no longer really fun, they were aggitating. They gave cheap wins and I somewhat wished that they could refrence some of the older versions, but doing this would be hard and understandably harder. But in the end, Corkus update, I know it was a meme suggestion, but it just felt too forced.

    In general... I quit because what was being added felt boring, yeah new items, woo, but it's the same way on how the game is played. You can only have so much fun with a game before it becomes boring, same with food. You can only eat one thing of food so much before you get tired of it. The gameplay is nice, I got not much complaints, but grinding feels very unrewarding, grinding for a Mythic gets very depressing, getting LE itself over a stack is depressing. It doesn't help when people are trading things for stacks basically in front of you, it kinda makes you feel insagnificant. I know there are ways to get stacks. But there is the same answer... what is it you may ask? Loot Running. Or the other one, grinding. Which one sounds fun? In my opinion, neither...

    What I do not like:
    This is just my opinions, I know the CT need explanations, but some of these just cannot be explained, it's a feeling, not a fact, so excuse some of these.

    -Mythics themselves.
    Mythics... they are incredibly powerful weapons which are very unique with a unique lore. But they're the same thing that broke the economoy. It broke the market itself, along with the fact that finding one is incredibly hard unless if you're that one incredibly lucky person who finds 20 of them in one day. I find it more of a downplay that Mythics are added. There's so few (understanadbly why) but their spawn rate is so low, that grinding for them gives no reward feeling. Well... not a very long reward feeling when it turns out that Mythic could be the worse one. Either way though, Mythics feel like they don't really belong. At least in my opinion. It just feels more insulting to those who don't have them and then they just... give up.

    Do... do I really have to explain this? I do? Alright... let's explain what's wrong with grinding: It's boring, not rewarding, leveling takes EXTREMELY long to the point where I'd rather do Quests, the mobs are push-overs once you found that secret spot or they just are, be a Mage, and finally... It's what makes an RPG as well. Some of the mobs are just complete push-overs while others are not, that's cool, it adds diversity. But what is completely wrong with this is that you see the exact same mob, or just a slightly stronger one, all the dang time. I see them everywhere and there is no flair. The only "flair" to the mobs is the Nii Guardians or the Key Guardians, why not add a mini boss? Either way, it's boring.

    Enough said.
    Nah just kidding. Anyway Emeralds, this isn't a CT's issue, but more of a community's issue. If you don't have a stack of LE at any point, you will get 0 respect at all. People just run off richness and those who are actually poor, just get crapped on. We barely have much of a chance to catch up to people, unless you get a Mythic, but like I said before, that's stupid rare and good luck. It's depressing to try and get one. Anyway, I've saved up a lot of times, but I can never catch up because none of my items are the meta and no one wants them. Understandable, yes, but it gets annoying when someone starts to brag about their money.

    It's better than doing grinding. But they're all the same, nothing is very... staying. It's hard to do that yes, but no quest really makes me excited to do except Hive because I can use the EXP to level up a crap ton of times. But I do have favorite quests, such as the Iron Heart series quests, that added the horror, mystery, shock, and just, mind blowing things that I loved. It made me feel emotions for these poor people who were trapped in Iron Golems. But the other quests just are either: "Oh... well I have to do this quest... whatever..." or "Wow! I'm going to do this same quest again! I loved it the first time, I lov- and this is just a lot of things to do... nope... actually the EXP...." I play the Quests, less for their story, but because grinding is so obsolete, I'd rather do it.

    No complaints really. I like them.

    This is all I really have, this was a huge rant on what I had. But I basically quit for a lot of things, Wynn doesn't give me the spark I had before in Pre-Gavel. Nothing against the CT, you guys do a great job, but this is just my nick-picky things. That's all I really got to say...

    Have a Good Day!
    TalkingKittyCat and Lemon like this.
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