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[psa] Wynn Enhanced Not Safe

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by blankman, Jul 8, 2018.

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  1. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Please understand when coders and programmers tell you something is compromised and may be in danger of information leaking, then something is probably compromised and may be in danger of information leaking. Its good to doubt everything and be cautious about anything but the true cautious come from being safe for yourself. There is no interest for Wynncraft to gain from you not using the mod, the most interest Wynncraft can get from this is for the players to be safe, and the staffs do that to warning us and protecting our information. I'd strongly suggest just go with it or run your own risk, but no need to doubt Salted, JP and the staffs since ultimately its your own decision and information that you're dealing with.

    While its fun to play detective to try to hunt down the source or just to nose around, whoever is behind the whole deal does not matter, the deed is done and even if you contact them they can just deny everything. I believe relevant people behind the first and the current Enhanced incidents has been dealt with. However they do not need access to wynncraft if they already have hands on whatever they want, so its the safest move for us to follow the dev's advice and change the passwords just in case.

    I have personally fallen victim into people that misuse my information without my consent, it can happen in the most insignificant means and the most unexpected ways, and the outcomes are far more severe and troublesome then you would think. So I'm not speaking here on behalf of the staff team but instead just from personal experience, please keep safe and safeguard your personal information by as many means as possible.
  2. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    backup and delete your entire .minecraft folder then restore it
    Dr Zed likes this.
  3. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    I understand the risk, and yeah theres no harm in deleting it and following precautions, but the fact of the matter is the Proxy's been in the mod for around a year now, and with 150k+ Downloads.... ya know... If they really wanted to, only a small portion would probably even read the update and delete and follow precautions, and everyone would be fucked.

    I doubt any of the people associated with the mod will do anything with it since they all seem to have moved on, but better safe than sorry I guess. I still think people freaking out and wanting to delete everything reinstall, etc. are just overreacting a tad bit.
    Trash and Dr Zed like this.
  4. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    what's labymod's bs?
  5. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    Assuming you are talking about this:
    That’s the method of uninstalling the file when for some reason they can’t uninstall it normally.
  6. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    damn it, i don't want expansion i loved enhanced :(
    i've been using it whenever I play wynn and I thought all the controversy around it was debunked, so that's kinda weird
  7. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    The proxy has always been there, so if they missed it in the initial malicious file look around I guess thats everyones fault
  8. ThaUnknown_

    ThaUnknown_ Wynncraft Enhanced Modpack Creator VIP+

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    Since I've already been banned on most things, this is the next place but I'll explain some stuff here. No enhanced was never malicious, it was intrusive as hell early on, but not malicious.

    Well this is something to wake up to isnt it, im just spammed with messages like wth.

    Wym discovered.... theres no proxy, they have given 0 proof, same as before, just said, hm we felt like looking at enhanced for no reason, even tho we said we're done with it, and we MAAAAY have found something but no proof and not sure so mmaaaaaby it is maaaaby not.

    No.... JP had the source for almost half a year I think, when Scyu "stole" or played me for enhanced's source he said he was asking JP a lot for help when developing "enhanced" [which turned into his own mod] and gave JP source

    Yes, this was old versions, new versions only have a tiny gray amt of text when version isnt up to date i think, we mostly removed the version force.

    I dont understand what would be compromised either.... The fact that they suggest we got PAST curse verification is already kinda insane, but saying that even that they had the source and arent certain theres something in there is even funnier.

    I barely have any Java coding knowledge, the only thing I can code in is HTML, Javascipt [which is not related in ANY way with java for clueless people], and basics of C#

    I had access to enhanced all the time, hah even more access than Kirdow EVER did. [Maby except the website part]

    Ye i was sleepin, a lot of people contacted me xD

    Again, 0 proof so i call BS on this.

    AFAIK, keyword AFAIK no programers stated that enhanced IS unsafe, EVER, I had MANY people look at enhanced's code and noone ever said its malicious, it WAS intrusive but no malicious, the only thing that was EVER said is enhanced MAY... MAY... not be safe, without any proof...

    Okay people, this is crazy XD, a summer project turned into a huge controversy. If you people believe we got past Curse's safety check, which only happened once [with a compromised account, #2 biggest mod i think Tinkers Construct's owner was hacked and a completly ratted version was uploaded, but didint need verification since the creator was trusted, which was changed since then so all mods and their versions have to be verified]. I think the only """malicious""" thing that enhanced did, which we didint know about till like 1 year after we launched the mod, is that our host logs ip's of people that download our item DB and our version, but it doesnt give us ANY info about what player it was, so the only thing we could have used it for is counting unique ip's aka players broadly.....

    This needs some explaination, I've just woken up but what most likely will happen is if people dont trust the current version of enhanced we will release the source which people can compile themselves if they want to... This most likely will be off of our beta branch which isnt completly broken like the main one. A bit of the beta branch isnt written by me and kirdow, but scyu which pasted code from expansion, so there will be most likely 2 versions, beta and official, since I'm not sure what Scyu did to the beta and i dont want to take risks :p
    labymod had a mele animation changer, but it was so awfully written that it sent diffrient mele packets to the server, and some anti cheats accidentally banned people for it, people thought it was some killaura but it was just mele animations i think, im not certain tho xD
    Well, from what I understood they are saying we logged Minecraft accounts, but tbh the only alt's I have is from my IRL friend and there's less than 20 of them since it was some 4 cent accounts xD
    Dr Zed, SUPER M, (Meric) and 2 others like this.
  9. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    If you want the condensed version of above;

    Never happened, a bunch of lies, there is no proxy despite 5 other people saying there is, etc..
    ThomAnn100, NITEHAWKX and mistyfront like this.
  10. ThaUnknown_

    ThaUnknown_ Wynncraft Enhanced Modpack Creator VIP+

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    yes, SAYING, not showing ^^
    SUPER M likes this.
  11. aws404

    aws404 Wynn CMD VIP+

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    Am I the only one who is actually finding all this drama entertaining/interesting?
  12. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    I think it's safe to say I would trust the entire Wynncraft admin team and several other people over a person I've never heard of until today. (yes, I didn't pay attention to who made the mod)
  13. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    Anyone who reads ThaUnknown's answer and who finds it convincing should go back to Silver's message :
    If it is safe, good, but imagine if it was actually compromised, and that your personal informations were at risk, do you really want to trust the person that made the mod that may be malicious, instead of the staff team that has no reason to remove a modpack that is only benefiting the whole community?
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2018
  14. TheGreatPiggy

    TheGreatPiggy Professional Pig

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    This is some pretty spooky stuff. I already followed the precautions of uninstalling the mod and all, but could anyone actually show the part(s) of the code that consist of the proxy (and possibly explain it too, since me and presumably many other people aren't too familiar with the subject)? Not that I distrust the admin team or everyone else who's said so, but I feel like this is going to devolve into a "It exists" and "It doesn't exist" argument real fast if everyone just makes claims with no backing.
    Aya, NITEHAWKX, MOOOSH and 3 others like this.
  15. ThaUnknown_

    ThaUnknown_ Wynncraft Enhanced Modpack Creator VIP+

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    ^ this.... thank you....
    tbh benefiting or not, i dont think i was ever liked by the staff, ESPECIALLY after the pretzule incident.... also theres a LOT of reasons for wynn not to want enhanced trust me....
    SUPER M likes this.
  16. aws404

    aws404 Wynn CMD VIP+

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  17. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    I imagine they can give you the evidence if you PMed a mod and/or CT member or something.
    mistyfront likes this.
  18. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Aside from personal gripes about the item nametags showing up on the ground, I can't think of any, aside from the usual risk anyone runs of mods harbouring malicious code, and that comes with any mod. Care to explain what you mean?
    blankman, ThomAnn100, Aya and 13 others like this.
  19. ThaUnknown_

    ThaUnknown_ Wynncraft Enhanced Modpack Creator VIP+

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    This is probably the biggest issue... Just the fact alone that I've been kicked, muted and as of now banned from wynn's discord should say a lot, yes it was partially my fault that that happened, I'm not putting the blame on anyone, just showing that staff never liked me.

    Heres the 2nd reason:
    Wynncraft was always a non-mod place and they always advertised it as such, so for wynn players to RELY on a mod isn't too good for what they are trying to do

    There is some other stuff that was in the works that wynn's admins were heavily against, like a bomb tracker similar to whats being spread around in the "your works" section and a marketplace, which was an instant no before I even got to explain it. I think the fact that our map allowed you to find any player on the map wasn't liked the most either, especially on the case of hide and seek.

    There's a lot of more personal reasons, like the whole pretzule incident and others where oh boy did I go ham because of wynn's bs....

    Also Selvut, would u mind to redirecting me to any proof of it beeing unsafe? The only external connections from the mod we had was our own more optimised itemDB and version checks, then only lookups to your own api's....
    SUPER M and aws404 like this.
  20. TeXCrafter

    TeXCrafter Kingdom of Foxes (Page) HERO

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    I'm intrigued as to why you were banned from the discord? the staff on the Wynncraft team have always been accurate and investigative in all they have done for me since 2014. I'm wondering what makes you so different?

    By the way, I love Wynncraft Enhanced and it really does help players all over the place with whatever worries they face.

    Thanks, TeX
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