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Build The Drifting Castle Of Valloria|epic Scaled Minecraft Build

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Qulaey, Jun 7, 2018.


Do you like this build lol?

  1. nice clickb8

    3 vote(s)
  2. pls make yt channel and teach me how to build plzzz

    4 vote(s)
  3. nice build lol

    7 vote(s)
  4. it sux ur bad

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  5. its okay

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Qulaey

    Qulaey weeb

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    Hello! fellow wynncraftians and drifters of cyberspace! Its been a while since I have posted! Over course of the last month, I have been working on an amazing surprise for everyone and now... I proudly present!!! The drifting castle of VALLORIA!!!

    This fantasy based build tells a tale of floating castle, home to the monarchs of a long lost kingdom called Valloria. Enjoy!


    And as always! Built on Builders Refugee!
    Also alittle bit of back story, this build was acturlly finished ages ago but because of my builder trial for wynn I have not been able to post! But now that the trial is done I can finially post again (•ω•/

    (I made it)
    Kvmilla, NITEHAWKX, Aya and 6 others like this.
  2. Ranger_Gilan

    Ranger_Gilan Skilled Adventurer

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    I like the idea of the island being a boat; that little tree at the front really makes it stand out that it's a boat, thumbs up from me.

    Overall, the castle is pretty good. I like the mega build theme but I would add some more 'broken' elements to make it better. When I mean 'broken elements', I mean things like some of the spikes on the roofs fallen down ext to kind of break that sturdy position. Currently, the shape just feels too 'perfect' for it being eroded seen in your texturing; adding this would make it so the build doesn't look like its just been painted with different shades of erosion, but the castle itself has or is being eroded away.

    Now some criticism, I feel like the shading could be improved a bit on this build. The shading represents the erosion yes? Then the majority of it should be on the lower part of the castle due to the waves crashing into the castle when there's a storm ext.

    I feel like the big tree in the back is too lengthy, doesn't really have much depth and it kinda looks 2d, as if it's the background. I feel like the tree should be more engaged into the scene since its the only other thing on the island. You've kinda done that on the right side but it really does need more work. If you look at the third picture, you can really see what I mean by it being like a green screen for the actual castle. Doing this should engage the tree a bit more into the scene, making the build come to life.

    Which leads to my third point, now that the monarchs have left or whatever happened to that. Who inhabits the castle? animals? birds? Since you've used such lively colors such as green, I think there needs to be more elements to make the castle feel more alive. If you are going for the lonely, deserted look, you should tone down those bright greens and browns so can you portray that gloominess lingering in the castle. Right now it just feels a bit empty, those tips should fix that.

    Anyways, first of all good luck on grinding 200 karma on the wynncraft build team; and hopefully you can use some of these tips to improve your builds.
    Qulaey likes this.
  3. Qulaey

    Qulaey weeb

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    First of all, thank you for your wonderful reply. It has certainly shead light on the negative part of the build, and yes I do agree with what you are saying there certainly should be erosion at the bottom, but the gradients should be looked at as patterns in the rock that they have carved the castle out of. But I do get your point. I'll try and take that into consideration for my next build but I strongly agree with your point that there has to be some kind of erosion from waves crashing and things like that.

    The build composition might be abit crappy as this is really my first mega build. all my other ones have little chunks such as single houses and islands. xD. So yeah my composition might need some work, as you have mentioned with the tree being a bit 2D. I guess I could improve this by making the tree kind of like part of the castle, sprialling around it. to really project it into the foreground.

    As for your third point, you are absoblutely correct in saying that the castle needs some kind of elements to make it feel alive. I too agree after listening to your arguement, I will from now on strive to think more extensively about the backstory of my builds and how I can make it come to life.

    Again thank you very much for your feedback, I really do appreciate it! All these suggestions will be very usefull throughout my endevors on wynn, and LETS START THE GRIND!!!! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) *dies internally*

    When you only get 16 karma for a huge grind cave that took you like 5 days...
    Other builders on wynn. 14 karma to fix a campsite that somebody else screwed up, which takes them 9 seconds kek lol.
    feels bad man

    I mean come on! whats wynn without the grind?
    also hams is scarey T_T
    7Mile and Faded the weeb like this.
  4. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    Amazing sea details!
  5. KingOfRodoroc

    KingOfRodoroc Created, blessed, learned, fought, chosen...

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    The sea looks great!
    Some shapes are weird, the castle need more shape, the trees looks like a usally WE Tree
    Aaaaand more materials on the tree doesn't exist^^
  6. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    Damn fam this is my jam. It's almost better than Despacito 2
    Qulaey likes this.
  7. Grantdrew

    Grantdrew Block Spammer

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    Ayy I remember when I did my trial. They gave me a plot about 50x50 for my build trial. I made it too, but the lack of personal interaction pushed me to never build anything for the map =P
    It’s good to see they’ve opened up to the trial builders and gave them more space at least. Good luck.
    Qulaey likes this.
  8. Qulaey

    Qulaey weeb

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    Despacito 2 triamphs above all
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