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Info Im Team Applications + Item Rebalance Changelog

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Selvut283, Apr 10, 2017.

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  1. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    I agree, I think it’s really stupid how people are getting offended by these item names. They’re just names, it’s not like the items are intended to mock people with the disease or people who passed away from it.
    NITEHAWKX likes this.
  2. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    On the real though, in terms of specific item changes, THESE are the only ones I am particularly annoyed with...

    Oh yeah, I'm like 99% sure their current state is OP and won't last long. Insane Skillpoint boosts with zero skillpoint requirements, plus very low negative drawbacks for being a +Attack Tier item. (Yeah -all raw defenses, but that's offset by the 3500 Health: the 7th highest innate Health boots in the game on a +Attack Tier item!) The lack of any Skillpoint requirement should not be coupled with a whopping +21 possible Skillpoint bonus; One of these two aspects needs to go completely, and even then it'll still be more SP fluid than any other +atk tier armor. (poor Burnout...) May I also add that the Item Team member who allegedly had the idea for this item made a joke post in which it highlighted a 23,000 Melee DPS Alkatraz build? :smilecat:

    ...Yeah, all this put together, a nerf on this item isn't too much to ask for.

    Okay I understand yeah it's level 74 and maybe it's supposed to not be endgame, but @Selvut283's method has me absolutely baffled:
    Okay, so instead of addressing the problem directly and reducing the powder slots, you nerf the attack speed by TWO Tiers!? Not only did this absolutely take a crap on this item's strength more than needed, but Item Team; if you're nerfing an overpowered item, at least make the nerfs match the reason you think it's overpowered...

    +20 total Skillpoint req, boost is OOF! Coulda' halved that and it would've still been annoying, but managable, and to make it worse, I didn't see any reason/commentary for this change anywhere? Woulda rather had lost a bit of raw spell dmg instead of so much usability.

    Digested Corpse
    Still not obtainable in-game, and those radical stat changes... what is this item supposed to be? Not that I care much about this item tbh but it's a bit of an eyesore in general.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  3. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    Accelerator was one item that did worry a lot of team members, but it was actually discussed that the defenses would make it fairly restrictive despite its severe bonuses. I see where you're coming from, but making attack tier more accessible is sort of necessary for melee to thrive until we can get the raw curve fixed so naturally-faster items can stand on their own two feet.

    Az still has insanely high damage for the level especially, and powder slots being removed are quirky, because on items that are already powdered, the effects don't go away, and we have no way to clear powders from an item we change if the slots are affected. We kind of can't change slots once an item gets more, so there had to be some other fix. The change to Fast only really prevents its usage as endgame viable, and even then not by a whole lot. You can still easily carry it into the endgame and it'll compete.

    The extra 20 skill points...I haven't seen anyone complain about it, like anywhere. The requirement is still really, really cheap, too.

    I found a Digested Corpse earlier, actually, so it -is- obtainable. The idea is that your health regen is completely cancelled out while wearing it in exchange for the high melee and high poison. Just -% health regen doesn't do much on its own, so it got a minor amount of raw. This gimmick is carried over from its previous incarnation, which instead gave you really high health and defenses in exchange for that health drain.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  4. dukioooo

    dukioooo Creator of WynnData HERO

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    my bad, forgot to turn off the unobtainable notification for the item on wynndata, its a Drop from Tribal Cannibals
    XavierEXE, Stormarend and Thunder like this.
  5. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Accelerator: Still though, so do Items like Warchief, Pandemonium etc. also have all -Defenses and people don't really give a second thought about them, plus there's so many ways to counter the -Defenses as opposed to things like Burnout's -Mana, CoI's and Centipedes -Spell Damages, Scale of Sieryu's overall -damages, Leictreach Makani's 0 Health, and Physalis's lower health and rather High SP requirements. If your goal is to make Attack tier more accessible, a nerf to accelerator or general buff to things like Burnout that were hit so hard in the past really needs to happen. Otherwise, Accelerator will be overused and be used in unforeseenly OP ways like Third Eye's Raw Spell Damage and King of Hearts/Amulet of REjuvination not having enough -damages, people will get comfy with it, and then get mad when it's nerfed, so taking care of it sooner than later would be advisable.

    I'm just saying Accelerator is REALLY powerful compared to nearly all other Attack Tier items in the game, and you've used some "X item invalidating X item" (like rarity vs. Fehu and ring of Generosity, Shimmersight, etc) arguments in the past. That's exactly what it looks like here, and the sooner this is realized and nerfed, the less pain it'll be for people as opposed to waiting until 2 months later, where people get comfy with it into dedicated builds only to get the nerf that it needs then.

    AZ: I was not aware of those issues arising from removing Powder slots, so I guess I can retract much of the complaints there because a straight DPS nearf is the only way to go I guess.

    Other two items no real comments; I see what ur saying. But really, most people won't think twice about the -Element defenses on Accelerator, and sicne it has no SP requirements it can be used with nearly everything, to the point of who else would use any other Attack tier Boots. (or in the case of needing only +1 atk tier for a build, one would use accelerator over ANY atk tier armor most likely) Keeping it as is just seems to contradict a lot of prior reasoning, and over time I think you and the IM will see the kind of crazy things this item can do, crazier than things like Burnout ever did in the past.
    Any more viewpoints out there peoplez?
    Trash likes this.
  6. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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    Yea can we not nerf accelerator please..
    SgtClips and Lego_DW like this.
  7. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Except that's literally the reason people don't use Pandemonium.
  8. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    I'd rather see a buff to the other melee items than trying to advocate for a nerf to Accelerator.

    EDIT: Or maybe a buff to the others, and put a bit more balance into Accelerator's design (Like skill point requirements).
    Avidify likes this.
  9. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    I'm the guy who created Accelerator and I can tell you why it is, in fact, statistically balanced and not op

    Accelerator is cleverly slotted in a position where it gives wt players want, but take away enough of something that players dont care enough about to balance it. Which is why it looks like it needs a nerf and it looks like its op but it is actually statistically balanced. To understand what I mean, we need to compare Accelerator with CoI.

    Both of them have no requirements. However, CoI has sub par baseline health with no negative defenses, while Accelerator gives negative defenses on top of baseline health. Putting items on baseline health while giving it bad defenses is a trademark for glassy items, such as Warchief, Discharge and Post Ultima, this is what gives Accelerator the ability to have more power, however, re-examine CoI and Accelerator, CoI have 3 slots and Accelerator have none, locking Accelerator away from powder specials while making sure you cannot patch its bad defenses, note that Accelerator has a total of -325 negative element defense (3rd worst net ele def item in the game only beat by pandemonium and warchief btw), which is not a small amount, but since it is spread across into all elements, it look small and counterable, but in truth it made a subtle impact that people seldom notices, and that is one of the trait I mentioned that Accel take away things that people dont care about, be it wt appears to be little elem weaknesses and powder slots.

    Moreover, compare it to CoI again, it has a minimum of -10% melee damage vs CoI's maximum of +13% melee dmg, that is a -23% melee dmg difference. Also dont forget Accelerator is a legendary item, which gives it more power over a rare like CoI or Burnout.

    To sum up, Accelerator is a glass cannon item that take away your defense powder and net damage to give space for +tier and utility ids like sp and ws. It has the room to do so because it is a legendary item, no powder slots and glass cannon nature. Its design is also perfectly slotted into what melee +tier builds needs, which is a design choice on purpose. Therefore this is why it appears to be more powerful than it actually is, and why it is statistically balanced even tho it appears to be outright op, simply because I gave it what people wanted and take away what people usually dont care. Remember how Physalis (also made by yours truly) was first made people were also thinking how it will be nerfed, it also looked op at that moment, but it followed the same design logic as Accelerator, glass in nature, take away damage, and provide utility.

    Furthermore, Accelerator actually has been through a few months of debates and iterations, as well as adjustments of small and big changes with members of the team. It is certainly not an easy item to balanced as we expected it to be popular, but we hope that people can enjoy the good and final product.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  10. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Eh, Fair enough. Multiple items in the past have been adjusted in the past due to the community's use, or sometimes abuse, of an item that looked inherently balanced to most yet had a hidden property that made an unexpected difference. (like the raw spell on Third Eye) I still think at the very least it should have some form of SP requirement, but I guess I'll hold my judgment for now and wait some time to see how it's applied and if it's really as balanced as your reasoning suggests. Thanks for the input.
  11. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Yo I got permission to share some old designs and iterations of Accelerator

    This is version 1.0, back when it was supposed to be a unique chestplate of all things! oof
    You can see that it is extremely different and lacking in personality, while it can be said to be a decent item itself, I felt like it is extremely lacking especially since the other option is CoI, but some fundamental concept can already be seen here mainly being the lack of powder slots, bad ele def and walk speed.

    Version 2 was lost in my archive mainly becoz I sometimes tried to clear out some of the old or unused design to make it more organised, which honestly wasnt really a good idea as I frequent found myself trying to dig some designs up only to found out it was deleted. But V2 is mainly a more balanced version of V1, which since I fundamentally thinks its a very boring design, I argued over with Xavier about this and changed it into a legendary.

    This is around version 3.2 or something, it was still supposed to be designed as a chestplate due to miscommunication between me and selvut, ofc the slot later became Cardiac Arrest, but anyway, the fundamental design was already in place, but it was still very different and supposed to be focused on earth/air, oh and it also had reflection, as this was actually a certain anime reference, but was removed in later versions due to too many IDs.
    I laughed when I look back at this design but the focal point of V.3 was the extreme binding with earth/air dmg while giving compensation with other all other stuff. The team later pointed out how this is very overpowered for earth/air but underpowered for anything else, as I tried to make it splashable while keeping it binded to earth/air.

    So after adjusting it to a boot, which at that time the new battleground dancer was already made as the earth/air option, it was changed into the more thunder/air focused boot it is now, the stats were also tuned down to make it more splashable and accessable.
    Stag2001, Killerfish, Fryelt and 2 others like this.
  12. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    In my opinion regular item rebalances are not only a nasty necessarity (well, it might be argueable if even that is the case), but actually a good way to keep the game interesting and fresh between major updates.
    To be honest, Wynncraft build system isn't really great compared to other RPGs. Don't misunderstand me - Wynncraft is a really impressing project for being entirely community-driven and I have a huge respect for the Item Team and all the other people working at it. But in the end the whole combat system is quite flat, due to the lack of combat mechanics (only four spells per class, while most identifications and powder specials are just percentage adjustments to some few key stats, like damage and survivability). There are basically just three playstyles - melee, spell and hybrid. Although the stats of different builds within these categories may vary, the way how you actually fight with them in-game doesn't vary that much. Some mage-spell-builds may be tankier while others are more glass-canon, but in the end you will end up spamming meteor-meteor-ice snake.
    With these restricted game mechanics making builds basically comes down to some sort of mathematical number-optimizing. And such a system that is mainly based on knowledge of items providing good numbers rather than developing creative strategies just can't stay interesting without updates. It will always reach a point where builds come so close to the optimal numbers that there is very little room for improvement. And this point is reached very quickly. Basically all good builds for a certain weapon and playstyle (if the weapon allows several playstyles) on the forum (and yes, I know that most builds probably won't be posted here, but it should be still somehow representative) are almost the same in terms of stats, although they may vary in the way how they reach them. I've never seen any really outstanding builds within the past months.
    But these regular balance updates prevent the game from stagnating this way. They bring a fresh wind, make players rethink their builds and allow new items to being used. And while number like "200+ items changed" or "500+ items changed" may sound intimidating, most of them won't affect endgame-builds at all. And even these that do are mainly minor changes, having 100 spell damage or 20% earth damage less won't break your build. Personally I'm always excited for new items and rebalances, they are somehow a Road-to-Road-to-Dern.
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
    NITEHAWKX, Trash, Tsuneo and 3 others like this.
  13. Peeves5200

    Peeves5200 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    hehe dont worry, i saw that and modified it to get i think 25k or 26k
  14. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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    Please buff ignis. It is pretty underpowered.
    Lego_DW likes this.
  15. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    We already did.
  16. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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    I know it was buffed, but it is still pretty underpowered I'd say.
  17. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    But it's primarily a defensive weapon... And has virtually no downsides other than the damage being not as crazy as other Archer mythics... The def req isn't even as high as other Mythics.
  18. MadAcer_

    MadAcer_ YeeT VIP+

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    Wynncraft needs a better fire dagger
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  19. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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    Defensive playstyles simply don't work with archer from my experience. Ignis in general simply feels weak, and is generally regarded as a slightly underpowered mythic.
  20. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    the very design of ignis doesnt work with what archer is, since it has like, -33% base defense or something like that
    Avidify likes this.
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