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Lunatic Enough? ( Second Legendary Medallion )

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by YYGAYMER, May 21, 2018.

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    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Let's see how many times I've ran.
    (Item proofs are on the end of the archer video)

    Diamond Steam Ring : 1
    ( https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/how-to-get-no-refund-policy-attack.184157/ )
    Diamond Hydro Ring : 1
    Diamond Solar Bracelet : 2
    Diamond Static Bracelet : 2
    Diamond Steam Bracelet : 2
    Diamond Hydro Necklace : 2
    Diamond Fusion Necklace : 2

    Legendary Medallion x2 : 128

    TOTAL : 140 times

    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  2. DrakeM1

    DrakeM1 101 Archer / Made RPRT / Mayor of Tree Island HERO

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    It's not a whole inventory full -- smh.
    coolname2034, MOOOSH, Dr Zed and 6 others like this.
  3. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    get help
  4. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    you know, if it worked the way it was supposed to you'd only have just gotten one

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    and might be the first medallion ingame?
  6. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    Then people wouldn't enjoy it.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  7. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    You have truly put an unnecessary amount of time into attempting this.
    coolname2034, YYGAYMER and Nyam like this.
  8. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    yknow i've always wanted to do one of these no pot builds but if it wasn't for the fact that i always run no agi no hpr no lifesteal glass cannons i probably wouldn't need to worry about getting cucked by flamethrower at literally every other boss
    NicBOMB and YYGAYMER like this.
  9. LarzLapiz

    LarzLapiz Avos Air Pen HERO

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    YYGAYMER, ThomAnn100 and Dr Zed like this.
  10. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    flamethrower is literally cancer in boss spell form. In my solo video, the first attempt I almost died twice to matrojan's flamethrower since the arena is so tiny archers literally can't evade it. Regardless, mages and warriors, let alone archers, shouldn't even be capable of coming close to soloing LI. My opinion: LI should be a 100% multiplayer arena co-op where everyone works together to take down a tough opponent. The problem LI has right now IMO is; the bosses, rather than being huge HP monsters that do significant damage are: relatively high HP (not massive enough) glass cannons (essentially 1-hit insta-gib machines). They don't have enough elemental defenses to block significant damage from players, they don't have enough HP to stay on the field for a long time, and they remove players from the field way way way too easily, unlike raid bosses in literally every other game. Even Destiny had better raid bosses and that game was the worst MMO ever (or The Division). If the bosses regenerated too much health for a single player to kill, then solo's wouldn't happen and people would actually work together in LI. Instead, wynncraft enables players to min-max INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVELY and take down bosses that are otherwise intended to be scaled at tens of levels above their own (100 or 101). Wynncraft needs to stop being like wynncraft in ONLY this respect. I don't like how wynncraft does a lot of things *cough* *cough* * @12DaBob27 soon^tm?* *cough* and I like how wynncraft does a lot of things too: Quests are awesome. Lore is iffy at times. Item names are... @YYGAYMER can help with that. And Exploration just got a huge buff with the area discoveries and addition of more and more content (dern 2018? fruma 2020?) and constant reworks from the Item Team in balancing the 'meta' stuff. I have said it many times: more builds are becoming 'viable' for potentially soloing end game content. Just look at the Infidel Black and Petrified Horror builds of late. Soon balancing items won't be able to 'change' the game enough anymore. I think taking a serious look at how Boss fights and players can connect should be seriously looked at. I think the reworking of boss fight mechanics should be relatively easy, but Player interaction is difficult. I'd say most of the active forumers know each other and lots of other players, but unless a group of friends play wynncraft together, making friends can be 'somewhat' difficult. Most likely playing alone is not where ANYONE is, but that topic always comes up: how can I get together with other players. I suggest adding more floating text or NPC text directing players to find others on the forums in the Planning Parlour.

    This post is already really really long, but these are my current thoughts on LI, Bosses, and Game Balance as a whole. I think I have a pretty decent radar for the game's general feel (even though I haven't been in-game much lol), but think this post has potential to spark some debates.

    Yea @YYGAYMER , get some sleep mah dude. The amount of time you've spent in LI must be somewhere in the hundreds or thousands of hours amirite? I hope for the day you'll be playing with friends in LI constantly rather than soloing it lol. The CT's gotta give this guy a forum tag for 2 LI medallions or something. FW? *cough *cough*

  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    At this point, I don’t think Wynncraft should try to focus on multiplayer, even though it’s an MMO. Multiplayer is already dominated by servers like Hypixel, Mineplex, or every mini game or pvp server imaginable. Sure, raids and multiplayer bosses would be nice, but it would be extremely hard to balance and Minecraft’s mechanics (and by extension Wynncraft’s mechanics), are simply not designed nor suited for complex, strategic multiplayer fighting besides having a tank warrior in front while everyone else just heals and fights from a distance. It just becomes a clisterfuck and everything just moves all over the place until someone pushes the mob into a wall or glitches it out. Not to mention that whenever there’s a group of 4 or more people, the frame rate drops like a sparrow carrying a brick when they spam spells.
    Trash likes this.
  12. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I'd say that is more or less irrelevant. If we're talking about making wynncraft a more MMO like experience, then the goal should be increasing player interaction, regardless of "where most multiplayer minecraft players are". This feels more like a separate discussion.

    I actually disagree with you in every aspect of the above statement. Balancing wynncraft's item system was hard in the first place (and still is), but changing boss' stats is not too complicated (as we saw with qira), and the whole point of my suggestion is to directly scale the bosses to fights with 3+ players' combined damage output rather than a single player. That's it. It is NOT designed for it. My suggestion IS to design it that way. Wynncraft already has the mechanics to support strategic multiplayer fighting. There are plenty of options for players to make tanks, glass cannons, hybrids, spell spam, survivability/sustain builds, Steal builds, melee builds, poison builds, and a whole host of other builds. Don't give me that "wynncraft isn't diverse" shit. Creativity, Creativity, Creativity. The point is: You CAN do those things already, lets focus on what I actually was suggesting: Bosses that have a longer time-to-kill, similar to Raid Bosses in other MMOs. To do this I said:
    TLDR: Bosses need way more hp, way less alpha strike damage so as to stop seemingly random instant deaths like Cybel Charges and unavoidable flamethrowers, and a direct statement somewhere in-game that suggests players to go on the forums and find other players to play the damn game with. (Anti-social gamers amirite?) That was it.
    I agree with only the back half of the sentence: Mob glitching.
    That needs to be fixed. There needs to be something to detect the boss's location as outside of the play area that puts the boss back at the center of the arena, or the bosses need to have almost 0 knockback and be immune to spell movement. It makes sense from a balance point of view so as to keep the boss from getting into an inaccessible position. However, I feel this is more or less a different discussion as well. This is still a problem now, just like it will be in the future without a SEPARATE change. Keep it to what I was talking about? I would love to come up with a billion solutions for the problem myself, but more than likely, none of mine would actually be implemented, and that was never the goal of my original comments.
    This is an optimization problem that is extremely topical. For starters, I think cosmetic effects should automatically be disabled when entering LI. They serve no purpose when fighting and only drop fps further. Then bosses. I had an 'incident' with Virus Doctor, but to put it simply: millions of rats. Mob spawns need to be limited by the boss so that there aren't a billion neigh invulnerable (regenerating) rats on the floor. Blood needs to be disabled on bosses, and damage numbers should be removed one after another to keep the area clear of floating boxes. Especially when using arrow storm at point blank and getting all 60 or so damage markers. The goal should be getting that hp bar to 0 and less how much damage a single player is doing IMO. Lastly, particle effects from the boss should be limited to just spell indicators. For example: cybel is getting ready to charge and starts smoking or flashing like a creeper. Then, just a simple damage range indicator with some sort of particle effect to tellegraph exactly where the boss hit (not will hit). I found a gif that kinda explains what I'm thinking:
    ripped from some random wordpress article through google search
    The player attacks in the gif and a particle effect shows up on the boss. what I'm thinking is; that effect represents the radius of the boss' attack (not the player) and lasts the same time as a normal player attack effect. That way the player can see roughly how large the boss' larger attack was without any dead giveaways. I think basic melee and ranged attacks from any entities in the arena shouldn't have effects applied.
  13. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    You would be very wrong, in your secondary statement there.

    In order for us to redo the bosses, we would have to redo the game's entire mob balancing and stat curve from the ground up, as that is our issue here. I recall having shared bits and pieces of the game's balancing system in the past... Let me show you Lv 140 stats.

    Health: 19750 / 27500 / 76600 / 265000
    Damage: 1046 / 2374 / 3301 / 4349
    This is weak/normal/tough/boss-level strength, so a Lv 140 boss should have 265000 health and deal about 4350 damage per hit. This is how strong LI bronze tier bosses are, aside from their health pools which were artificially extended in order to give the battles any sort of longevity.

    Since the bosses are so easily stunlocked by any sort of spells and their AIs are primitive and bogging down players with minions has been generally found to be unfun and that's the only way we can do anything interesting since we have such a limited spell pool to choose from, this is literally the best we can do. And, of course, adding more spells is a ton of coding work, and JP has a ton on his plate already. So while you're generally correct that it's the bosses and spells' fault, fixing it is not a snap like you think.
  14. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Personslly, I feel like I'm suggesting pushing that boss tier of stats higher, and dropping some of the damage. I think the damage system for players is already fine, but the bosses need to be reworked. I'm talking; full remodel of bosses to create an atmosphere I'm suggesting without compromising the current item system at all end point. I don't like how I worded that statement, and I was not trying to say it would be easier. I was trying to say, relative to the topic of players interacting, that would be the easier of the two, but in heinsight, that isn't the case and I shouldn't have made it sound like that to begin with. Lord and savior JP is doing God's work from the cage and everyone knows it. My previous statement works nicely here. VVVV
    I feel that without a major overhaul of its bosses, LI will not change for the better. That's all.
  15. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    Does this mean that the stats of bosses are completely calculated from these base stats? Or are you able to set stats as you want and these are just guidelines? Because if its the second case, why don't break the guidelines? They may work well for most bosses in the game, but for these endgame challenges not really, as already stated, so it should be possible to make an exception for things like LI or Qira, as the fights themselves are exceptional.
    I would agree, it isn't very fun to be constantly swarmed by minions. But these challenges aren't ment to be solo'ed, and if there are more players, the minions will distribute among them. In addition, you don't need to spam weak minions like in the Qira fight. Instead, there could be fewer, but stronger minions, with more hp and different spells, like the Nii Guardians.
    In my opinion, minions are essential for making bosses a more-player-challenge. The bosses damage needs to increase for sure, but oneshotting isn't very fun and the only way to distribute it among several players, except for AoE-spells, are minions. In addition, it would be more interesting if players have to decide which enemy to attack, instead of just spamming ice-snake - meteor - meteor at the same target, sometimes dogding a charge.
  16. Madsi6

    Madsi6 The Derpy Man Of Derpness CHAMPION

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    Good job, now go get 4 medallions ^^
    But no seriously amazing effort, i'm here without any li items and you've already beaten it 140 times, i'm impressed, good job on it ^^
    YYGAYMER likes this.
  17. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Also for your own sake play another game.
    ThomAnn100, NicBOMB and YYGAYMER like this.
  18. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    What builds did you use?
  19. enecks

    enecks Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    still gay.
    better luck next time
    Dr Zed and YYGAYMER like this.
  20. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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