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Featured Wynncraftian Fw S5e4 Part 3 - Naraka00

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pepo, May 10, 2018.

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  1. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    Season 5, Episode 4,
    Mod Rank [3/5]

    Hosted by @Pepinho!

    Welcome to the third Staff Special Featured Wynncraftian! For the next two weeks, every 2 days a member of the Wynncraft Staff is going to be interviewed with questions by the community!
    To submit a question please read: [This Thread]
    If you have been outside of the planet Earth for some years now and don't know what Featured Wynncraftian is, let me explain it.
    We feature people from the community who have done something relevant or are somewhat interesting and peculiar. They aren't always a popular member, they might be someone who we can do an interesting interview with.

    If you think someone deserves Featured Wynncraftian, please nominate them: Here.
    Welcome Naraka! You're today being the Moderator Featured Wynncraftian! To begin this interview, what is your job in the mod team. Tell us a bit about it!
    Hi :) the part I enjoy the most about my job is definitely catching hackers and handling the ban appeals on the forums. It's also the job that is relatively easier and straight forward to do, although time consuming (in game we verify that they are hacking, and after they were banned and have appealed we look into their specific case, ensure that the appeal is good and that they are regretful in order to consider giving them another chance).
    While managing that part in game if any report (from hacking to scamming to people arguing and many other situations) appears those get solved as well, although they tend to be rarer, so not something I do as often. On the forums besides the ban appeals I might occasionally take care of some reports, although I gotta admit that's not my forte.

    Handling the discord part of the community is fun and engaging, more related to ensuring everyone is respectful towards one another, and helping people with whatever issues they might encounter, such as quest bugs or questions.

    As a part of the team I try to give input on the subject which might pop up for the day, or lend an extra pair of hands/eyes to help another mod along with an issue they are currently working on, since there are problems that can be too big to be handled alone, the mod team solves them together.

    Our first question from the community members! Do you feel anything special when banning? Is it fun catching hackers, do you feel powerful? And how many people do you usually ban per week?
    I do not feel anything in particular after banning someone, other than perhaps a job well done in the case of catching hackers? The circumstances change a lot from case to case, if it was an exceptionally complicated or bad situation one might not feel anything else besides relief or frustration.
    Nope, I do not feel powerful catching hackers, it's basically just work that needs to be done, mod powers are only used to do mod work, so there aren't any power related feelings associated with it. Now if it's fun? I would have to agree with that part, it sure can be fun, due to the fact that there are some hacks out there and players' behavior that can certainly spice things up.

    I would say it's one or two bans per day, it can be more than that or it can be none, so it would be around 10 to 20?(this feels like a really big number, so it's probably not close to 20) per week.
    Do you think your experience in the moderation team has helped you in real life?
    Well the extra patience and key communication you learn are very useful in solving conflicts so it has certainly helped. Specially when we become familiar with people's arguments, and are able to find the loopholes which eventually become their fallacy, it turns into a great means to end them. You also get involved with the community so there are some feelings of wholesomeness associated with it, specially when you interact with the community and create friendships that go beyond the spectrum of the server, but that is more related to one's personal feelings of self fulfillment and harmony.

    As for the set of tools we've learned for the job, that hasn't helped so far in real life, but that is due to what I do as an individual: I'm not related to the gaming industry in any way, other than as a side hobby to partake in for enjoyment reasons. Which is why it wouldn't be useful to me in particular, other than to continue moderating on other areas in the future perhaps, if it ever comes to that, but it certainly has helped others with whatever endeavors they were trying to reach.
    Did you want to become a mod before getting invited for a trial as when you became mod there weren't any mod applications?
    I didn't at the time since I wasn't exactly sure what the moderator role entailed. I never actually saw or interacted much with moderators, even outside of this server, so I just thought it was a bunch of folks with highly important jobs. I really had no clue what they explicitly did though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe making sure everything was running smoothly and guiding players with issues. Around that time I just wanted to continue playing with my friends and having fun on the server, in fact I still do.
    What do you do as a mod that takes a lot of time and makes you tired?
    I wouldn't say there are tasks which tire a person, there are jobs which one might be more lazy to do, since they require extra time as you mentioned. Let me give you an example: we are going to investigate a scam report. The person who reported didn't have any proof, so now we wait for them to go search for any evidence that the trade happened. This can last from a few minutes to a few hours or days, specially due to the player's own timezone and schedule. If the player in question didn't discover any proof we then go talk to any potential witnesses and repeat the process.
    After we got the evidence we go undo the trade, but what happens if the player who scammed sold the item to someone else? You must go undo that trade as well, and any following trades to get the item back, it's basically like finding a needle in a haystack, and if in the middle of all that someone has already used the liquid emeralds they traded the item for, we need to come up with a compromise. When we've finalized the scam it really feels like the end of an ordeal, scam cases or harassment cases are often complicated, so that can be time consuming.

    On the other hand there are tasks which are so straightforward that I tend to enjoy them more. Even if they are quicker I do them everyday which leads to them occupying more of my schedule, but like I said since they are more pleasant so I don't mind. Examples of these are helping players with bugs or quest issues and catching hackers. Every moderator has an area they excel at.
    How much do you miss Dakota? Wasn't he just the best? :')
    Yes he is, we miss him like Hillary misses living in the white house :^)
    Why do you continue to support Wynncraft? What about your job makes it so you haven't left yet?
    There isn't anything particularly related to the job that made me stay, it was more due to the personal experience gained from it. There are people who get burned out, and that happens with all games, it's a matter of changing the game we are playing or moving on to other hobbies in order to spice things up.

    Staying is a choice that I think is more associated to each person's schedule and real life, if someone has time to continue enjoying their hobbies in principle there shouldn't be much that would deviate their attention away from it. On the other hand a person who has a lot on their plate (jobs, exams, etc.) might not be as disposable to do moderator tasks. I like the adventures and the friends I made on this server, so I wish to remain related to and support it, and that's a good enough reason for me :)
    Is the mod team split on roles? One mod ban hackers, other does forums reports, Discord etc.
    Or is that something natural that a mod picks what they like most and does it more?
    As mentioned above the mod team isn't divided, everyone works together and does the exact same functions, however they all gravitate close to what they're best at. Even a moderator's real life commitments makes them lean towards certain tasks that might be faster to complete or don't require them to go in game, such as moderating the forums and discord channels if they aren't near a computer.
    There are of course moderators with other roles, such as quality assistance and community manager, but those are roles related to other aspects of the server.
    Thank you for this interview!
    Same dude, have a nice day :)
    This concludes the third staff interview of the 5th season of Featured Wynncraftian!
    Message me if you have any feedback to give.
    The next interview should be in around 2 days!
    Here you can find previous Featured Wynncraftian interviews: Interviews.​
  2. Azepie

    Azepie oof VIP

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  3. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    But where's JP?
  4. dbleo

    dbleo Dream Crusher HERO

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    W E
    W A N T
    J P
  5. Aucorg

    Aucorg useless meat bag VIP

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    All of this is false! All the mods are very corrupt and only ban players for the joy and rush! Whenever a player is banned the mods will take the body out back and feast on the poor players life juices!
    If you support mods then you support killing poor players for the thrill of it!!
  6. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Ikr, they even left out how GMs ban mods to keep them alert.
    Faded the weeb likes this.
  7. Faded the weeb

    Faded the weeb your local weeb VIP+

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    more FW interviews yes please

    edit: whoah first page this is kinda cool
  8. GoodNermss

    GoodNermss Your friendly neighborhood robot

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    Another bump today. Noice interview
  9. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    yey first page! congrats
  10. HoboMaggot

    HoboMaggot . ę̸͚̳̙̳̠͖̳̓̇̄̓͂̂̆ VIP+

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    Featured Wynncraftian posts everyday = Pephino farming free likes
  11. McDerp123

    McDerp123 I ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) people VIP

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    But where's JP's?
    Dakota likes this.
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