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Guild |♕ Kingdom Of Foxes ♕|

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by LoveLusting, Sep 7, 2015.

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  1. xMini_

    xMini_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    In-Game Username: xMiniCK
    Country and Time-Zone: United States - UTC - 6:00 or EST - 1:00
    Gender (Optional): Male
    How old are you? (Optional): 16
    What level is your highest level class: Archer, level 97
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: Almost everyday and for a couple of hours at a time.
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: Checking out guilds to see if I can find the right one. I'm just interested in a nice and chill guild who likes to hang out and occasionally do wars.
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): Paladins United and Imperial.
    Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes - xNerfed_#1446
    Who invited you (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional): My war experience would be at a level 8/10. I am very active and I am not a stranger to this game. I know how to make builds effectively; thus, I feel I'm a good fit for this guild due to me being experienced at this game.
    Luky0 and LoveLusting like this.
  2. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Arcturisus and Luky0 like this.
  3. Jiggling

    Jiggling Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: Jiggling
    Country and Time-Zone: US and Central
    Gender (Optional): Male
    How old are you? (Optional): 16
    What level is your highest level class: I currently have 3 level 100s
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: I haven't been playing recently but summers 2 weeks away so i'll be on a lot
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: I'd love to join a active guild and participate in wars as well as talk with all the current members :)
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): Grim Nation
    Do you have Discord? (Required): brad#1720
    Who invited you (Optional): No one
    Additional Notes (Optional): Nope
    Luky0 likes this.
  4. Arcturisus

    Arcturisus Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yey!! thanks
    Killerfish and Luky0 like this.
  5. marcoo889

    marcoo889 My life is Video Games CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: marcoo888
    Country and Time-Zone: Europe UTC+2
    Gender (Optional): male
    How old are you? (Optional): 15
    What level is your highest level class: 93 Archer
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: everyday 1-2 hour
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: i want to join a guild with active members, participate in wars
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): the Hall of Fame
    Do you have Discord? (Required): marcoo888#0035
    Who invited you (Optional): no one
    Additional Notes (Optional): I speak French, I can badly speak and write in English
    Luky0 likes this.
  6. Yoshi103

    Yoshi103 Well-Known Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Yoshiwarrior102
    Country and Time-Zone: USA/ EST
    Gender (Optional): male
    How old are you? (Optional): 16
    What level is your highest level class: level 75 warrior
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: Depending on homework, after-school activities (napping included) I would say I play every day for maybe about 3-7 hours (I know I'm a sad human)
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: I want to join this guild above all others to have a place where I can call home and people who are friendly and care about their guildmates. I'm new to the game and I don't have many friends. After reading this guilds culture, I knew right away that this guild was an amazing place. I also want to join this guild because, from experience with other games, guilds get quieter and inactive, but your guild thrives and is a lively place.
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): No other guild affiliations.
    Do you have Discord? (Required): Yoshiwarrior102 #2325 (since this is my second time trying to apply I have already been invited into the discord.)
    Who invited you (Optional): No one invited me to this guild.
    Additional Notes (Optional): I am an exceptionally hard worker. I want to do everything to help this guild prosper and to become friends with everyone who is is in this guild. During wars, I will help fight and I will also donate xp and emeralds.
    Luky0, BlueFire28 and LoveLusting like this.
  7. Jalapeno9

    Jalapeno9 Shadow of my former self HERO

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    In-game username: Jalapeno9
    Country and timezone: Finland/ Utc+3
    Gender (Optional): Male
    How old are you? (Optional): Better not to tell my age.
    What level is your highest level class: Warrior lvl 100.
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: Depending my school and ohter actives, i play 1-2 hours in weekdays, but 3-6 hours on weekends.
    Why do you want to join this guild above all ohters: Well. My previous guild (Snt/House of Sentinels) litertly dried out (Guild died ingame, but still stays as communtiy in discord) couple days ago and its members where screach new life in ohter guilds. I want to join here sience my aplication on ohter guild was denided and most of the members from Snt are here, so why not also join with them and start new life in wynncraft?
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): Knr (Knights radiant) and Snt (House of Sentinels)
    Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes i have (Jalapeno91#0419)
    Who invited you (optional): none
    Additional notes (optional): I very rarely or i dont play on monday or wednesday (Long school day on monday (complety tried after it) and im very busy on wednesday (School protects, study to exams etc.)). But most ohter days im in online (again if i have time for those days).
    Greeni and Luky0 like this.
  8. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Luky0 likes this.
  9. Mergual

    Mergual Friendly neighborhood Cthulhu cultist HERO

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    In-Game Username: Mergual
    Country and Time-Zone: USA, PST
    Gender (Optional): Male
    How old are you? (Optional): I'd rather not say on the forums.
    What level is your highest level class: Level 100 Mage
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: I play almost everyday, usually for about 1-3 hours. On the weekends it tends to be around 2-6 hours.
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: I've always found the Fox community kind and somewhat inspiring. So, when I first became interested in joining a guild my original intention was to join Fox. At the time it was disbanded, so I applied for Snt instead, as I found it had a few ex-fox members. Now, I wish to join so that I may become part of an active and dedicated community and possibly reunite with some old friends from Snt. I can offer support in guild wars, emerald donations, and XP contributions (for much of the first time I was in Snt, I was one of the top XP contributors).
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): House of Sentinels (twice) and a small, inactive joke guild with a few friends.
    Do you have Discord? (Required): Mergual#0431
    Who invited you (Optional): No one.
    Additional Notes (Optional): As a fully committed member of the CT I'll be extremely active, and ready to help Fox however I can whenever I'm online. I'll do my best to ensure that I'm a member you can count on.
    BlueFire28 and Luky0 like this.
  10. Guardian_Skies

    Guardian_Skies Pro noob wynncrafter VIP+

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    In-Game Username: Guardian_Skies
    Country and Time-Zone: MTS, Texas
    Gender (Optional): Attack Helicopter
    How old are you? (Optional): 16
    What level is your highest level class: 100
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: 5.5 hours/day
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: First one I saw lol
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): TlE
    Do you have Discord? (Required): Yeah
    Who invited you (Optional): my mind
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    Last edited: May 9, 2018
    Luky0 likes this.
  11. VisionWard13

    VisionWard13 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Kingdom of Foxes Guild Application

    In-Game Username: VisionWard13

    Country and Time-Zone: Malaysia, MYT

    Gender (Optional): Male

    What level is your highest level class: Lvl 91, Mage ( Having a hard time to grind )

    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: It depends if I'm busy, lazy to play or either playing with my friends.

    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: My previous guild, House of Sentinels (known as Snt), have been disbanded and made it a community.

    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): Well, look up here ^^^

    Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, I do. ( Dweeb#7543 )

    Who invited you (Optional): No one invited me, I just went on the forums for a good, active ( I try to be active everyday ), guild.

    Additional Notes (Optional): I might be not offline for a while since sometimes the server lags for me and sadly I have no choice but to play on other servers. I look forward to change the guild, I'd love to participate in CSST ( or other dungeons ), I'm not a puzzle solver since it usually takes me a while to do so, I'm an average parkourer and I like to work with others.

    I hope you can perhaps accept me from this application. Thanks! <3
    Luky0 likes this.
  12. BlueFire28

    BlueFire28 Project Director VIP+

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Mergual and Luky0 like this.
  13. Antra

    Antra Malding since 2014 HERO

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    In-Game Username: Antra
    Country and Time-Zone: Israel GMT +3
    Gender (Optional): Male
    How old are you? (Optional): 19
    What level is your highest level class: 100 Archer and Mage
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: 3-6 hours
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: I want to reunite with all of my old friends around here and have fun in one of the best guild communities Wynn has to offer.
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): Imperial and Kingdom Fox
    Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes.
    Who invited you (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional): I'll offer the best help I can if someone is in need of it, I don't appreciate drama and feud
    Luky0 likes this.
  14. Luky0

    Luky0 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Tekenen likes this.
  15. gangmemberniko

    gangmemberniko Skilled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Nikoto24
    Country and Time-Zone: EU
    Gender (Optional): Male
    How old are you? (Optional): 14
    What level is your highest level class: 97 Archer
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: Pretty much every day for 3-4 hours
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: I want to play with strong and serious players and want to have a good guild which i can help level up and contribute so the guild can become stronger
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): Jaguars and The Divine Swords
    Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes
    Who invited you (Optional): IvoSM
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    LoveLusting and Luky0 like this.
  16. ivan0469

    ivan0469 Travelled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: 5zo
    Location & Time Zone : EU
    Gender: Male
    Age : 14
    What level is your highest level class : Level 100 Assassin
    How often,and how long you usually play on the server : I spend 5 hours a day
    Any previous or current guild : Jaguars and The Divine Swords
    Why do you want to join this guild above others : i love wars and donate xp for the guild and emeralds and like to play with good players in wynncraft
    Do you have Skype : i have a discord
    Who Invited you : IvoSM
    LoveLusting and Luky0 like this.
  17. LinneaStarron

    LinneaStarron Connoisseur of Logs VIP

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    In-Game Username: LinneaStarron
    Country and Time-Zone: USA, UTC -5 (CST/CDT)
    Gender: Female
    How old are you?: 17
    What level is your highest level class: I am a level 58 Mage (7% away from level 59) (This is as of 9:59am CDT on 12 May 2018)
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: I am on Wynncraft almost every day, usually ranging from 1-5 hours. It all depends on the amount of free time I have. Once summer comes around I will have even more time to be online.
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: Before considering a guild to join, I looked through the forums for a guild that has active members and that includes nice people. I read through quite a few pages of your forum and a lot of the members seem very kind and fun to be around, and that's exactly what I wish for in a guild
    Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, username is LinneaStarron#4354
    LoveLusting, BlueFire28 and Luky0 like this.
  18. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    LoveLusting and Luky0 like this.
  19. FoxWithSocks

    FoxWithSocks Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    In-Game Username: FoxWithSocks

    Country and Time-Zone: USA, EST

    Gender (Optional): Male

    How old are you? (Optional): 23

    What level is your highest level class: Lvl 87 Ninja, still finishing some quests and grinding

    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: I play at least a few hours everyday.

    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: My current Guild is too small for me and I want to join one where I will actually be able to help

    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): My current guild is called Servant of Hopes

    Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, I do. FoxWithSocks#4397

    Who invited you (Optional): I wasnt invited but I asked BlueFire28 about the guild

    Additional Notes (Optional): on top of my lvl 87 ninja I also have a 82 mage, 81 archer and 77 knight that I am working on too. I would always be available to help with dungeons or anything else that I would be needed for.
    BlueFire28 and Luky0 like this.
  20. Kir1toK3n

    Kir1toK3n Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Guild Immigration Form
    In-Game Username:Kir1toK3n
    Country and Time-Zone: Italy (+1)
    Gender (Optional): Male
    How old are you? (Optional): 15 y/0
    What level is your highest level class: 93, mage
    How often, and how long do you usually play on the server: depends, like 5 days at week and from 1 to 5 hours
    Why do you want to join this guild above all others: i want to be the very best with some nice people, since i need some help with builds, quest and other :)
    Any previous or current guild affiliation(s): Beasts, Libertas and HackForum (Hax)
    Do you have Discord? (Required): yes
    Luky0 likes this.
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