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Unreasonable Rules

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Melted, May 1, 2018.

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  1. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    I can see some of your points, and I myself am not a great fan of this rule. However, there're things the staff sees often that can appear invisible to the majority of the playerbase. It seems that with any very anticipated movie, some people think "ah yes! now is finally my chance to be a huge dick to hundreds of players with no repercussions!" and start private messaging everyone online spoilers. You might end up only having 1% of the total playerbase spoiled, but it's still hundreds of people that come to us complaining about it. Then, when we take actions against this they go on public shouting: "wtf i was banned for talking about the new movie in private messages!!" and can get very disingenuous about it. This rule isn't really for your everyday player, but for those few people that seems to just want to cause problems.

    This is why this isn't a rule for every newly released movies (even though it probably should be), but only those big ones. These people don't want the risk to get in trouble for small-ish movies less people care about, as they might end up needing to spoil too many people to make it worth their time. They want to cause maximum damage with little effort, and popular movies are perfect for that.

    I don't watch these kind of movies
  2. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    Apparently not to everyone since the topic is controvertial
    1/ actually this was also done with Star Wars ;) Also, I think you can understand why we obviously cannot do it with every movies :/
    2/ Yes, wynncraft isnt related to Infinity War but that isnt a reason for us not to try to make people not ruin the movie for others via our platforms.
    3/ Yes and no, people will do their best, but imagine for example that you are talking to someone in #trade-market about a trade and then someone comes in and puts a major spoiler, the only thing you did was to talk to someone else yet someone spoiled the movie...
    Either thats a shitpost and this doesnt have a reason to be here or its a real message to wich Ill answer: The rule was mainly put because the moderation team saw that a lot of people wanted to see Infinity War and thus that spoilers were likely to happen. So no, Salted wasnt the one to create the rule.
    The fact that it is spoiled everywhere isnt a valid argument for us not to avoid spoilers on our platforms.
    BeeMiner and Moe_Ronickah like this.
  3. SUPER M


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    I knew the forums moderators were crazy but this hits new levels of "I can't belive what is going on".
    My only question is, why isn't it enforced for other movies? I don't remember that rule being enforced for the latest Star Wars sequel.
  4. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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    Yes, actually it is, especially if you are literally banning players for up to a week, and preventing them from playing wynn over it. The mute i maybe understand.
  5. Oculus27

    Oculus27 World Record OJ Chugger, 1/25/15-9/7/22 HERO

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    Actually, this same rule was implemented for Last Jedi. We got backlash back then too lol, but it's only because so much spoiling for Force Awakens had already occurred before that. But as Khap and Salted have said, we see this as a necessary, temporary rule that outweighs any discontent we already knew it would cause. To me this is just an extension of game rule 4 (Do not curse at, insult or harass people) and forums rule 9 (Do not harass, insult, or be passive aggressive to other people) anyway; this is more or less spelling out a specific example of the harassment which we'd rather not see on our servers, at least for the time being. This rule will go away soon enough.

    Also, if there is ever any other movie which you fear getting spoiled before you see it, don't hesitate to reach out to the staff team.

    Muting doesn't always do the trick. Depending on how determined a player is to ruin the experience of others, private messaging for example cannot always be prevented without taking the extra step of temp-banning. I think it is the perfect punishment for deliberately trying to ruin others' fun, as their fun can also be taken away (for honestly not that long anyway).
  6. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    then dont come to the internet
    you know what goes in here
    literally everything in every moment
    it is like saying
    "yeah ill come here and i know ill find spoilers about this but ill still get mad because they ruined it when i should have expected it"
    they are in the internet, they should know this is going to happen
    it doesnt hurt to not open google for 2 days
    sure its hard but you can do it
    and if you cant
    spoilers can fuck up the experience yes, but they have to understand they are here and no matter where they go they will eventually find spoilers
    SUPER M, Avidify and XavierEXE like this.
  7. Oculus27

    Oculus27 World Record OJ Chugger, 1/25/15-9/7/22 HERO

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    That doesn't mean that they shouldn't be able to play Wynncraft out of fear of getting spoiled. You admitted yourself that "this is going to happen" on the internet, on minecraft servers, etc., so we are trying to minimize that possibility.
    Trash, boykisser, naybelline and 2 others like this.
  8. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    So my 2-cents on this:

    It is at most a one week temp ban for doing this. Which as the max cap off seems a bit on the excessive side, for going through the whole movie or most of it. And i’d assume small details that have a moderate point to the film would be a 6-12 hour ban or 1-2 days. Making sense for the

    However i find the idea of a no-spoiling the popular movie rule absurd that we need to punish someone for being a jerk instead of just muting them or a small temp ban. Also given the meme it is now to make up fake spoilers, and i won’t be surprised if someone printed and taped the movie’s title and put it on a spoiler by now, (and i would do the honors if i had a spoiler to do that with). Really i find this really silly, but then again i’m the one who will actively find spoilers to games and movies cause i enjoy seeing what’s ahead and how we go from picking a fire-breathing kitten out of a seal that makes bubbles and an owl with sharp feathers plus a leaf bowtie to fighting a dragon made from light and prisms in some other dimension after it stole the emissary of the sun.
    Avidify, SUPER M and XavierEXE like this.
  9. Darvey

    Darvey clinpsy CHAMPION

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    Just went through the thread. Not gonna day who’s right, but the spoiling rule should:
    1) be announced in the server. There are people who don’t use discord. A rule should be considered when it’s known to everyone. Playing the server is mostly why the people would join the discord server.
    2) slightly tweaked. A perm ban just seems too straight forward if someone’s a first time.

    Tbh, rules are made by the staff, you wanna play the server, you gotta follow the rules. Though they can be unreasonable , it’s their server and players can only change the rules gradually. That’s the fact. Laws can be adjusted, but not daily.
    Aya, Trash and Marco like this.
  10. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I almost agree with you, I mean like spoiling a movie is bad and all, but a punishment bad? I wouldn’t go that far. I mean I’m not the boss though, and I’ll follow the rules either way, which is what I advise you all to do. For me it’s like I know the comics so I know how the movie can go already, so spoilers just spoil the ending a bit, it doesn’t change the cinematography, which is the majority of the movie and the real reason I go to see the movies. I actually didn’t even know this rule was a thing for Last Jedi on the ct, so good thing I didn’t accidentally spoil it or I would have been kicked lol.
    Aya, XavierEXE, Avidify and 2 others like this.
  11. SUPER M


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    I have few images of spoilers I can give you on PM
  12. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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    Yes! A logical argument. Thank you. I agree with this, if there’s a player running rampant going around intentionally spoiling the movie, they should be tempbanned. But only after repeateded offenses. An instant tempban for spoiling a movie, if its their first offence, is way too harsh though, as a few players have already mentioned. My recommendation is to add a line to the rule stating that repeated offenses after being spoken too/tempmuted will result in a tempban.
    SUPER M likes this.
  13. SUPER M


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    You literally made me laough out loud.
    and come back again for other major movies?
    I'm afrais about spoilers for all the potential movies/books/comic books/games I may or may not see. Shouldn't this new rule be enforced on literally anything?
    of course it is controversial since you're literally banning people for spoiling a movie. not harrasing people, not threatening them, not scamming them, but talking about something that is fictional
    I don't rember that ever happening for Star Wars. Also no, I don't understand it, can you please explain it to me.
    Why isn't this rule enforced on quests then? (no ??? doesn't count, it's a different subject). What if I didn't complete Wynn Excevation storyline and someone spolied me about Amadel being the mind behind the whole opereation. Wouldn't that be cosidered as spoliers and by that require someone to get banned?
    But what's the ponit of avoiding spoilers here if someone is going to spoiled somewhere else?
    But what is people don't want to cause problems, and just want to discuss the movie?
    So are you saying that the rule existed but wasn't implemented officially? If so then I'd say it's a bit unfair to the playerbase, for having them follow rules which are not declared as official.
    I wouldn't feel anything becouse the person is not phisically hurting me, they are just talking about something fictional which has no effect on reality.
    That's a bad argument, diferent people care about diferent things. Saying that a big movie franchise isn't comperable to a romance is a subjective opinion. Hell, Salted even said that he doesn't care about movies like infinity war.
    So if there's a law that allows me to shoot people that go on my private property then you're fine with it?
    Do YOU know the entire law for your aswell as other countries?
    Absolutely. It's a funny thing to do. Sure it may be very dickish, but that's what friends usually do, really stupid things. But in the end, if I spoiled a movie for a friend, I wouldn't harm him in any way.
    Did Melted had any say in that discussion? Deciding someone else's fate without them having any say in the matter seems very authoritarian.
    What is someone doesn't know about the forums? Or maybe they just don't care about going on the forums becouse they just want to play the game. Should they be punished for somethig they didn't know becouse they chose to not go on forums?
    That's not the objective thruth. That's your subjective opinion.
    No? That's very bad way of thinking, just becouse someone (allgedly) did something wrong that doesn't mean they should get severly punished or even punished at all. As other people said you should mute that person not ruin the fun for them just becouse they said something that may or may not be even true.
    Hacking is obvious case of rule breaking. It's like knowing not to kill people.
    What isn't obvious is not telling somebody about movie spoilers. It's like not knowing you can't sit in someone else's seat. Both get people mad for thing that don't really matter.
    I would also like to say that nobody (or almost nobody) is getting angry about other rules, but a lot of people are gettig mad over this rule. I think it says something about this one particular rule.

    And let's not forget that you're banning people for something that doesn't effect their lives, like death threats or stalking does.
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  14. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    But what would your friend feel? You have to consider that your friend may not feel the same way as you do, and have differing views towards spoiling.
  15. enecks

    enecks Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    @Salkasm what have you been on

    This better be a joke
    Avidify likes this.
  16. Oculus27

    Oculus27 World Record OJ Chugger, 1/25/15-9/7/22 HERO

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    This rule probably will come back eventually for other big, objectively highly-anticipated, spoiler-heavy movies.

    Like I said before, if people are worried about movies being spoiled they can always reach out to the staff team. But please use common sense concerning which movies, books, etc. are a.) likely to be spoiled and b.) contain content that can even be spoiled in the first place. For instance, Force Awakens, easily the most highly anticipated movie of 2015, featured the death of a major character who has been around since the 1970s, while a movie like Sherlock Gnomes, Chappaquiddick, Tyler Perry's Acrimony, to name a few movies that are currently out, you wouldn't exactly think of as able to be "spoiled" for you.

    Besides for those who claim that "knowing what's going to happen in the movie actually makes me enjoy the experience even more!!", or that "idc about spoilers", etc., I would personally say that giving away a major twist in a movie that so many people want to see and experience, despite the obvious knowledge that spoiling causes a negative reaction from most people, is the definition of harassment.

    This did happen for Star Wars, I think the Last Jedi. It actually wasnt implemented for Force Awakens, but so many complaints by the community as a whole caused us to reassess how we would handle spoilers for the next big Star Wars movie (which would again prove to be the most anticipated movie of its year). And concerning the part you don't understand, I guess you're right about asking why we can't make a rule like this for all movies as it follows the same logic, but like I said it basically boils down the common sense regarding the types of movies which have the potential to be spoiled. Again, if we see a consensus among the community about movies that potentially contain many spoilers that people are worried about, we will take action to minimize that.

    We're not actively trying to be dicks about spoiling and whatnot, so this would be over the top in my opinion. Also, I don't recall ever receiving any complaints about a quest getting spoiled; in the case of Infinity War, we are specifically taking action with respect to something which is of immediate concern.

    If someone gets spoiled somewhere else, then we can't control that. We would, however, like to take action against what we can control.

    We're not saying you can't discuss the movie, but just take the discussion to a private message, or to a party of people who have all seen it.

    So what Averine said isn't 100% correct, I don't think this rule was enforced at all for Black Panther. Again, the rule is basically an extension of no harassment; we are spelling out a specific example which we anticipate happening around this time.

    Just because you wouldn't feel anything doesn't mean that others wouldn't. The argument that "its fictional and doesn't affect/harm me physically so it must not be a big deal" is flawed, in my opinion. Afterall, this is a Minecraft server, which is merely virtual, so I guess people shouldn't care about getting banned from it if there's no physical repercussions.

    See above response. You confirm my point that "different people care about different things" in this comment, and thus we have to consider what is best for the most people.

    Whether or not one is morally fine with a law like this is besides the point. The point is that if the law exists, then it should be enforced unless repealed.

    Ignorance of the law is never a valid excuse if you break it. Theoretically you should be familiar with what you can and can't do.

    I don't see a problem with messing around with your friends. But the moment it affects someone else who didn't want to be a part of the spoil, then it becomes a problem.

    The circumstances surrounding Melted's ban is besides the point. Not sure why it is a top of discussion in a thread about the no spoilers rule to begin with.

    I agree the existence of the temporary rule could be more apparent.

    See above. I think people should be familiar with the fact that we will not tolerate spoilers about the movie for the next week.

    Banning someone for this is only going to be done in specific, extreme cases. For example, using a shout to announce a massive plot twist, or repeatedly messaging multiple people spoilers for the sole purpose of pissing people off many be grounds for a temp ban. Accidentally letting something slip may be a different matter.

    This is why we ban much more severely for hacking than for movie spoilers. I think you are overthinking what this "ban" means; its a temporary ban that will 100% expire in only a matter of days at most, and I doubt it would ever count towards someone's ban record.

    We knew this rule was going to be divisive, just as it was for the Last Jedi. But it's a necessary evil in my opinion.

    Again, it's a temporary ban. Just because movie spoiling isn't on the same level as murder doesn't make it invalid.


    If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask for clarification.
    PixelDaisies, Trash, sdkgjnio and 3 others like this.
  17. enecks

    enecks Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Dude do you actually think this is a good rule?
    If i tell a guy to kill himself 10 times ingame, i wouldnt even get muted or banned, but if i spoil a part of the movie ingame i get banned for 1week????

    Stop it, get some help
    PotatoShaga, Exoltic and Melted like this.
  18. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Just don't give spoilers for a week or two. It's pretty easy -_-
  19. Oculus27

    Oculus27 World Record OJ Chugger, 1/25/15-9/7/22 HERO

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    Actually, if I saw someone repeatedly tell someone else to kill themselves over and over, despite requests that they stop, I would treat it as harassment and in a similar way to the movie spoiler rule, maybe without the luxury of it being only temporary.

    Also, context is very important. There's a very big difference between letting something slip, and typing in all caps "XXXXX HAPPENED". That being said I do think this is a good rule that will be appropriately enforced depending on the scenario.
    PixelDaisies and boykisser like this.
  20. enecks

    enecks Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The only thing to spoil is the main thing that happened and XXXXX died. And i find nothing wrong with that. If you wanna have a punishment, ATLEAST GIVE A WARNING. Heres an example -

    Some random guy - OMG XXXXX has died in infinity war

    Some nerdy staff - Please do not spoil the movie, this is your last warning. If you happen to spoil it again, you will be temporary banned for a weak.

    Same thing on the forums but the nerdy staff would delete the post and warn them in a coversation

    Wait what?? If someone tells me to kill myself 3 times, you would perma ban them? Erem i think or someone else did that and i reported them, but all they got was a warning

    P L E A S E U S E T H E T H I N G I N Y O U R H E A D and dont make shit rules without discussing and adding more detail
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
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