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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. 장정우

    장정우 I <3 creepers

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    am i denied or accepted?
  2. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    We're waiting for a few more votes (We didn't vote on your first application since there was no ign attached).
  3. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application has been accepted, contact a Recruiter or higher for an invite
  4. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    Get ready... Somethings about to happen
  5. Admaxis

    Admaxis The main protagonist VIP+

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    IGN: Admaxis
    Age: 17
    Highest class and level: Mage, 100
    Your curent build: water, high mr and spell dmg mage. basically spamming heals and meteors.
    Why you want to join the guild: Always been interested in this guild since i started playing, i'm looking to become active in a guild and that's why i chose hax.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming and anything else really, i am fine with all the options and have no preference.
    Timezone: CEST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I am online every day, normally 4+ hours. sometimes more, and sometimes, but rarely, less.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I use discord a lot and have my own small server of 250 people. Apart from that, not really.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 5, i did some with my own guild, but have never maintained it and never put in a lot of effort, though i am willing to.
    Previous Guild(s): Hyenas
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: I still am, i am currently the owner but i do not mind disbanding for the sake of joining Hax.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 78 hours
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): Yes.
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: Previous ID: Sonia_, page number: 103
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Yes.
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: I do not know the norm, since i'm not familiar with wars, but i'd say i have no problems with several wars a day.
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): Admaxis#0001
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): Yes.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
  6. Jorts

    Jorts Turtlecoin Savant HERO

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    IGN: Alpha_v2
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: Archer (101)
    Your curent build: I'm using an inferno build and an az/slayer build
    Why you want to join the guild: it seems pretty chill
    Which role do you prefer?: idk hanging around lol
    Timezone: I don't really know lol
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I get on every day or two
    Anything else we should know about you?: nope
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 4
    Previous Guild(s): NYN
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: its dead
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: like 400 or something
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): yes
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: ? idk what that means
    Are you willing to war when told so?: yeah I don't mind
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: like 5
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): Alpha#4423
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): yea
  7. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    denied. feel free to apply again in two weeks!
  8. Wink86

    Wink86 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: wink86
    Age: 15
    Highest class and level: 101 archer
    Your curent build: xp, working on one at the moment
    Why you want to join the guild: looking for a active guild and a good one
    Which role do you prefer?: XP
    Timezone: AWST Western Australia
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I'm online about 5 days a week for about 2-5 hours
    Anything else we should know about you?: I dont have a mic for discord
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 1
    Previous Guild(s): Mark RPG Clan
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Nothing to do
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 57
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): no but can over this weekend
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: 2157
    Are you willing to war when told so?: yes
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: as many as i can when i am available
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): Wink86#6298
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): yes
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2018
  9. Jorts

    Jorts Turtlecoin Savant HERO

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    lol some dude told me you guys were chill, apparently not
  10. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    we don't expect you to be a tryhard to join the guild but when reading though your application it felt like your heart wasn't in it.
    you didn't specify one of the roles suggested on page 1
    you didn't bother to look up your own time zone or your player stats
    and instead of asking for help with filling out the application (which we would happily do) you just wrote "idk what that means"
    you're always welcome to write a new appication at a later date if you feel like it.

    if your unclear about something please let me know, I'd be happy to help
  11. CookieForDinner

    CookieForDinner Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: CookieForDinner
    Age: 12
    Highest class and level: Archer 101, Warrior 101.
    Why you want to join the guild: The guild i'm in at the moment is really inactive.
    Which role do you prefer?: I slightly prefer warring, but XP farming isnt a bad thing.
    Timezone: Europe [CEST]
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I'm usually online every day.
    Anything else we should know about you?: My English can be a bit bad, but its not that bad i geuss.
  12. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    accepted! sorry about the long wait :(
  13. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    your app looks great but you used the old format! Make sure you update it to the new format, and to not copy and paste previous apps. Looking forward to seeing your fresh application.
    McManCz likes this.
  14. McManCz

    McManCz Former member of the HackForums guild VIP+

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    Page № 104! Keep going guys! ^_^
    Kogut likes this.
  15. Morterm

    Morterm Hi

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    When I'm stronger I might apply here but until then I'm sticking with fantasy
    Well rules might be a bit harsh but I mean it's probably how u are always number one
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
  16. McManCz

    McManCz Former member of the HackForums guild VIP+

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    Once you reach level 90, definitely try to apply.
  17. LazyCarrot

    LazyCarrot :D VIP+

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    is hack as active as it used to be?
  18. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    Not as active, but everyone that's online contributes and helps out. That's what makes us unique.
    afterburner0128, Admaxis and McManCz like this.
  19. The8BitDoggo

    The8BitDoggo Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: SparkZera
    Age: 16
    Highest class and lvl: Archer, 100
    Current build: Spell spamming and heavy hitting
    Why I want to join: I was once in a guild with 10 other people, end even though it was small, it was amazing playing with that kind of community. I want to do this again, but actually be able to win guild wars and fight for something other than my own gain.
    Role: As soon as I get my Knight to lvl 100, Warring. But I want to be a jack-of-all-trades.
    Timezone: Pacific
    How active am I: I get on almost every day for 2 hours, depending on if Im playing other games. I put in about 10 hours a week at least.
    Anything you should know about me: I am very vulgar, but a little paranoid about being annoying. If im being to vulgar, annoying, or both, please tell me and I will stop.
    Guild war experience: Very little. I tried it with my other guild and we died every time so we gave up. 3 at best.
    Previous guilds: UNSC. A very small and now disbanded guild. I was Chief of this guild as well.
    Reason I am no longer in the guild: Everyone left. It was dead and I didnt want to keep going.
    How many hours do I have: 130 hours
    Have I completed these quests: Yes, with my archer and mage.
    Am I willing to war: YES. Even if not needed I will try to be there to help.
    How many wars am willing to fight: as many as I can go to. If im not in the middle of something of course. My limit is in deaths, if i get too low on soul point I will stop.
    Discord IGN: not posting that on a public site sorry. If I am accepted, I will gladly msg it to you privately. I hope this is ok.
    Have I joined the discord: No. I dont think I need to unless this application is accepted.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. (I hope this isn't too formal)
    Kogut likes this.
  20. The8BitDoggo

    The8BitDoggo Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: SparkZera
    Age: 16
    Highest class and lvl: Archer, 100
    Current build: Spell spamming and heavy hitting
    Why I want to join: I was once in a guild with 10 other people, end even though it was small, it was amazing playing with that kind of community. I want to do this again, but actually be able to win guild wars and fight for something other than my own gain.
    Role: As soon as I get my Knight to lvl 100, Warring. But I want to be a jack-of-all-trades.
    Timezone: Pacific
    How active am I: I get on almost every day for 2 hours, depending on if Im playing other games. I put in about 10 hours a week at least.
    Anything you should know about me: I am very vulgar, but a little paranoid about being annoying. If im being to vulgar, annoying, or both, please tell me and I will stop.
    Guild war experience: Very little. I tried it with my other guild and we died every time so we gave up. 3 at best.
    Previous guilds: UNSC. A very small and now disbanded guild. I was Chief of this guild as well.
    Reason I am no longer in the guild: Everyone left. It was dead and I didnt want to keep going.
    How many hours do I have: 130 hours
    Have I completed these quests: Yes, with my archer and mage.
    Am I willing to war: YES. Even if not needed I will try to be there to help.
    How many wars am willing to fight: as many as I can go to. If im not in the middle of something of course. My limit is in deaths, if i get too low on soul point I will stop.
    Discord IGN: not posting that on a public site sorry. If I am accepted, I will gladly msg it to you privately. I hope this is ok.
    Have I joined the discord: No. I dont think I need to unless this application is accepted.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. (I hope this isnt too formal)
    Im sorry, I dont know why posted twice.
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