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Community Event Themed Custom Item Challenge - Hiatus

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, Apr 25, 2018.

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  1. Jeshi

    Jeshi HERO

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    Week 1 submission: Wind Prism
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-107153191 (EDIT: Its supposued to be for level 91, oopsies)
    Name: Tornado
    Lore: Dont have exact lore, but this weapon would originate from around the Thanos area, and goes well together with some of the items (ex: Thanos Legendary plate)

    Tornado's can suck and trap you when you get to close to them, or they can blow you away, and just for epicness sake lets say this is a flaming Tornado. This is where this item gets its 3 elements from. The idea of "trap" and "blown away" also fit into what the theme of this is and the poweder ability of Wind Prism.

    An example for a semi endgame ish and viable end game build with this weapon with some other items that feel slightly under utilized, that mesh well with this item: https://wynndata.tk/s/6409fn

    There arent that many Wind, Fire, and Earth weapons, besides mostly being rainbow near the end of the game for Mage. There also arent all that many 3 elemental weapon items in the game aswell, which gives it some uniqueness.

    For practicality, this is more of a melee damage based weapons, indicated by the melee damage stat bonuses on the weapon. The Poison, comes from the Earth element of the Tornado, and to boost damage. The life steal comes from the Fire element, and since the weapon is forged from a Flaming Tornado in particular, and Tornado's can suck, this weapon sucks the life out of any living being giving it to the user. Aswell as the exploding stat also coming form the fire element on this weapon, is another nice thing to deal with multi grouped enemeies with melee, putting the melee of this weapon a little more on par with the wide splash damage of meteor spell for example. And finally of course the air element which will be its primary damage. The item has 2 powder slots to slap Wind Prism on it. The bonus Air damage percent on the weapon is to add increased damage for that Wind Prism hit, that does increased damage itself, the melee damage, and poison is to further increase the damage dealt by this, and to inflict some damage over time while you build up wind prism again.

    As for Wind Prism itself, if used in a build such as the example one i linked above for instance, its focused on doing more damage for that wind prism hit, and it has powerful element defenses to allow you to take more hits and charge it up again, to then use it on those nasty fast/hard hitting enemies, to deal alot of damage in 1 hit and knock them away from you.

    The negative skill points to the very elements required to use this build in the first place is because the person that forged the weapon used immense power and his knowledge of Earth Wind and Fire to create it, but then the blast from the exploding stat on the weapon gave him a concussion that caused him to forget some things about Earth Wind and Fire, thats the reasoning behind that. Aswell as to reduce the damage a little bit.

    Lastly i just want to talk about some other items that you can use with this, specifically the Vei Haon boots i used. This seems like a must pick pair of boots to use with this wand correct? sort of, but theres trade offs with it. If you decide to use the Vei Haon, you gain immensely powerful Earth Air and Fire Defenses, making you more resistant and giving mage survivability against bosses for example. The trade off if you use the Vei Haon boots though however is the -20 Intelligence and Dexterity. Your encourages to use an item like Vei Haon with this Wand, but using it discourages the item from becoming a spell spammy type weapon, and also more importantly in my opinion, it gives it more distinctness of being an Earth Air Fire weapon, instead of a rainbow weapon.

    Also keep in mind, being an item that does damage to 3 elements, theres a high chance that mobs you encounter will be weak to either earth, wind, or fire, or 2, or all 3 of these elements, further increasing your damage output and usefulness.

    Extra note: Im not all that sure if the damage is too much at level 91...i tried to make this item viable for end game for melee, aswell as viable to use with lower leveled gear that you might already have from when you were in your level 80's. I also considered adding -% spell damage to discourage it being a spell based weapon more, but im not sure.
    Trash and SilverMirror like this.
  2. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    Week 1
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-435434766
    Name: Zephyr
    Lore: When held, this blade makes the user long for flight, forgoing all other attractions of earthly existence. Many have been driven mad by wielding this simple blade.
    Explanation: The walk-speed fits air theme, as well as allowing a quick getaway (which wind prison also aids with). As all other skill points are given a de-buff, it is obvious to use Air powder special. The attack tier allows you to use items with -minus tier, to get a better melee effect. The defenses and health regen allow it to be used to regenerate after getting the enemy away with Prison
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
  3. Dinner

    Dinner Austic VIP+

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    Week 1 Submission: Wind Prison

    Summer Breeze


    Example Build

    A magical bow designed with the purpose of restoring Nesaak’s tepid plains, its creator become obsessively fixated on its pleasant and laconic warmth. It was recovered decades later in a time worn labratory, still cradled in the creator's long dead hands.

    Practicality/ Reasoning:

    A relatively defensive secondary/ primary, it does fairly low damage (bit lower than return to ether) but gives an archer alot of survivability, and gives the user a choice to make; either spec into air powder for higher damage (and wind prison) or put it into fire for significantly less damage and access to courage support. The weapon has synergy with plenty of tank gear such as phoenix princes crown or heatsink, clockwork, and so forth for tank archer. AGI + DEF also opens up new build routes and are overall very versatile in their tradeoffs and strengths, which gives this weapon several unique ways to build and experiment with.

    SP regen, -poison and regen supports it's overall pleasant nature and healing properties, but it's laconic nature reduces the user's walk speed and reduces it to slow attack speed.

    Fire and air weapons I believe are also barely
    present in the endgame scene, and I think it could be healthy and interesting to explore the genre a bit (albeit on archer with -WS so they aren't too tanky as a result of the combination).

    Hope you enjoyed!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
    LarzLapiz, Kvmilla and SilverMirror like this.
  4. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    im pretty sure tepid means somewhat warm like lukewarm but whatever lmao
  5. Electrolysis

    Electrolysis person VIP+

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    it refers to nesaak's past
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  6. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    gonna go restore nesaak's l u k e w a r m plains
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  7. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    Name: Impetus
    Lore: Originally made purely for traveling, the mechanisms for increasing the users speed malfunctioned and broke apart, destroying the bow. Repairing itself over time, it's purpose of helping one avoid pain warped, and is now only possible if that same amount of pain is turned onto the enemy.
    well, what do we have here?
    the glassiness encourages people to keep their distance and the melee + lifesteal encourages use of powder specials.
    the negative walk speed encourages use of wind prison to knock enemies away instead of strafing and kiting.
    the super slow attack speed means you can still get a significant damage boost from melee.
    there really isn't anything else to say that isn't clear.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
    SilverMirror likes this.
  8. add 45/45 horse

    add 45/45 horse My Immortal

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    Item Name: Airhead
    Lore: The numerous sense-heightening enchantments placed on this longbow were intended to increase the user's performance in battle, yet due to their combined potency, the senses become flooded and they are unable to read their own thoughts.

    Reasoning: What kind of a weapon is most compatible with wind prison? Firstly, wind prison provides an escape, so the user must find some sort of utility in that. Builds with high ws may not find wind prison useful as they can already dodge attacks fairly easily. In addition to an escape, wind prison provides additional damage, yet only once. The weapon must have a high damage attack, and a few candidates stuck out to me: super slow melee, mage's meteor, and archer's bomb arrow. Slower melee provides incentive to use quake instead of wind prison, and ultimately I decided to use a bow.

    About the weapon: Above average base damage and high air damage ids to allow for powerful arrow bomb casts, which are limited by the weapon's negative intelligence. Great amounts of -ws ensure that wind prison's effects will be of value to the player. Other identifications are for flavor.

    Edit: Chilled with the flavor ids (air defense, health regen, reflection), removed intelligence requirement entirely, reduced the penalty to intel, added -tier to reduce melee damage (but saw that it made melee too weak and added raw) and agility to assist with dodging with -ws. Also added mana regen to encourage more spell-oriented building.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
    SilverMirror likes this.
  9. iSilas

    iSilas sucks at running EO CHAMPION

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    Week 1 Submission
    Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-378293106
    Name: Dragon's Mighty Horn
    Lore: The Horn of Dragon was made by those who fell into the darkness. Only those who have trained to resist the hottest fire and the greatest heights will be able to use the magic of the dragons locked into this dagger. In return it must be fed with energy of living beings.

    Explanation: I was always intro dragons and i thought hey why not make a weapon that is related to them since they like flying around i could make one. I added a slight fire aspect because you know dragons like putting things on fire. Made it also around the lvl of dragonlings so its a bit relatabe. Some people may say its inspired from slider - no its not also it deal more dmg and can obv be optained normally. i put on 4 powder slots for those who want fire AND air dmg and negative mana regen so it gives so negative effects
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
    SilverMirror likes this.
  10. Jacquie

    Jacquie Archer is bad change my mind HERO

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    Week 1:
    Item name: Brisk
    Item: Click me
    Example Build: Click me (I know it's not op 10k dps and stuff, but that's not the idea behind the weapon.)
    Lore: (It's rare so unless it's a special item I don't believe it gets any.)

    Personally, if you ask me, the reason to use Wind Prison is to get enemies away from you whilst getting a good dig in. What better way to get enemies away from you than by giving more knockback? That's why this weapon is super slow with some -Tier, to try and hint that this will help knock enemies far away when used with wind prison. Then there's the base damage, which is relatively high, but I believe it is balanced since without Cancer, the highest tier you can get this item to is Very Slow, which you'd more than likely be better off not doing. The intelligence and mana steal + negative spell seems counterintuitive, but this is because only the mobility spell is in mind here. If you're low on mana and need to retreat, the super slow attack speed makes the mana steal likely to be set off, thereby knocking the enemy back slightly, while also giving you the mana you need to use your mobility spell and get to a safe distance. Why negative walkspeed though? When I think of Very/Super slow weapons in this game, they are almost always described as being extraordinarily heavy. You can't expect to move too fast while holding something of that weight, can you? While this is the case, at the same time, it's primarily an Air weapon with a few water elements tied into it, it wouldn't make sense for it to have insane amounts of negative walkspeed. Lastly the reflection: What happens when you throw something against a strong wind current? It comes right back at you.

    Edit: (Whoops forgot to change the attack speed, it's supposed to be Super slow though.) Fixed.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
    SilverMirror likes this.
  11. GreatLordOz

    GreatLordOz Well-Known Adventurer

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    Week 1 submission: Weapon using Wind Prison
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-458217635
    Name: Typhoon
    Lore: With the sheer mention of its name, the earth quakes and the winds howl in pain. Uprooted trees litter the the landscape when this mighty hammer is wielded in battle. It has been rumored that mountains have been leveled in its aftermath.

    Explanation: A lot of air and earth weapons tend to revolve around melee and fast/slow attack speeds. Typhoon changes that up by allowing a combination of both damages (Specializing in air and having wind prison) and focusing on being more spell oriented. Negative melee, mana steal and exploding attributes discourage buffing this weapon into a melee monster like Alkatraz or some forms of Hero. The additional spell damage and mana regen will help inflict more damage when a spell is used on an enemy caught in a wind prison. Since this weapon has the wind force of a hurricane, it has increased air damage and walk speed.
    SilverMirror likes this.
  12. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    WEEK 1:

    NAME: Wind's Grasp

    the name is the link but this works too: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-421965693

    NOTE: I made this item WITHOUT it being a legendary as I personally don't think that such an item would be (just my opinion)

    [] = Class
    [] = Required for challenge
    [] = Key points

    INFO: The close range for assassin added to the negative walk speed makes it easy for enemies to get within range, but using its super fast speed, you can hit enough times to charge the Wind Prison (which can be used to escape quick enemies), and regain Hp which is unable to regen as quickly due to the minus health regen. While the item has a high amount of damage and speed, is balanced because it weakens the user to thunder and fire as well as forcing them to use the least defensive elements in the game (ignore the fact that Gemini exists tho, ok?). The last details that I forgot to mention above is that this item is meant to be melee (hence the minus spell damage and mana regen), and while it may weaken your defense, it requires a high amount of agility which gives dodge chance which is one of the main points of air as an element.

    Thanks for reading!
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
    SilverMirror likes this.
  13. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    Call of Typhon


    Lore: "This seemingly useless bow releases small bursts of wind instead of projectiles, but continuous usage of it combines and intensifies those winds' strength, until the created storm completely destroys its target"

    Explanation: This bow is an offensive melee/spell hybrid. If you hit a target 3 times with melee, you can use Wind Prison. From there, you can use either use Bomb Arrow or Arrow Shield and deal lots of air damage, or use melee and inflict decent air and neutral damage with lots of knockback from that Super Slow Attack Speed. Explosion stat can help deal spell damage to multiple enemies that are near the one trapped in Wind Prison. Walk Speed can help with aiming for melee and stepping back to inflict more knockback from melee attacks.
    SilverMirror likes this.
  14. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    I absolutely love this! I did something similar back in November, but this is more relatable to in-game and also I like the weekly challenges :)

    I will definitely participate :) if I can’t find time this week then maybe next week
    e! and SilverMirror like this.
  15. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Week 1 submission:
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-173163093
    Name: Gush of the Turbulence
    Lore: The massive energy stored in the string of the bow fires every arrow at supersonic speed, so fast that it generates a turbulence behind, trapping any targets it hit. The holder of the bow will also feel this immerse energy, allowing them to move around quickly and dodge attacks, but makes them vulnerable to getting hit.

    Bow's DPS: https://wynndata.tk/s/hX1QbV (Slightly better than Gale's Force when fully powdered with T6 air)

    - The bow is supposed to be a very offensive melee bow so it can activate the powder special - wind prison. While providing the dodging abilities but makes you vulnerable and restrictive of what you can use.

    - Mana Steal is to provide you with the necessary mana to escape with Escape spell if you are faced with tricky situation
    - Air Damage and Melee Damage for boosting damage
    - Agiity and Walk Speed will help to synergise with the Powder Passive - Dodge, also the only protection you have

    - Negative all elemental damage (Except Air) forces you to use Air Powders
    - Negative mana regen prevents use of spells, you have to hit enemies to gain mana via mana steal, but only have access to Escape spell
    - Negative spell damage prevents use of spells for damage
    - Negative health and Defence make you more vulnerable to attacks, you're protected by agility and walk speed pretty much
    - Negative Intelligence prevents the cost reduction of spells, forcing your escape spell to be only 3 mana cost.
    - Negative poison restrict you to only melee damage
    - Negative tier attack speed prevents attack tier stacking.
    SilverMirror likes this.
  16. McDerp123

    McDerp123 I ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) people VIP

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  17. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    As my first submission of a defensive poison bow doesn't work because of some game mechanics that I didn't know about (curse affecting poison damage and poison activating wind prison knockback and ending it), here is a second try that al least continues the idea of utilizing wind prison for health regen.

    Week 1 submission:
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-157511362
    Example Build: https://wynndata.tk/s/rNwdbW
    Name: Sacred Fire
    Lore: No one knows how long this everlasting flame has existed or how it was possible to forge it into a curative spear. Although purifying its wielders body and soul, it suffuses him with a feeling of drowsiness.

    As I already mentioned, this weapon is about health regen. Health regen only activates if the player doesn't take damage for five seconds, but because of the negative walk speed it is quite difficult to get away from enemies, so the player has to use Wind Prison to keep enemies in the air for a few seconds before knocking them away, so he can activate one or two regen ticks.
    The high melee damage % along with the low base damage is supposed to make other damage boosts, like from offensive armour or Courage less useful, to further encourage a defensive playstyle. The other identifications are mainly flavour.
    Of course it is still possible to use this weapon in a more offensive way by countering the negative walkspeed and adding damage bonus items, but it won't be as effective as with other weapons.
    The example build may seem a bit strong in terms of dps and health, but the low damage of each hit, which is further split into two elements results into a bad defense penetration (in addition to the bad walk speed).

    Oh, and here is my old item, if anyone is interested:
    Week 1 submission:
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-897743149
    Example Build: https://wynndata.tk/s/BD3Zzb
    Name: Pestilence
    Lore: Against all expectations this fatal disease showed a great resistance against all sorts of remedies. Although healers and clerics tried their best to check its spread, it always managed to recover long after it was thought to be completely eradicated.

    This Bow is a more defensive approach. Although it isn't an air weapon, it utilizes Wind Prison to keep the distance while spamming arrows to spread poison and to charge the powder special. In addition, waiting a few seconds before knocking enemies in the air away allows the player to benefit from some good health regen ticks, as health regen only activates if you don't take damage for five seconds. Other powder specials are useless as the base damage of this weapon is basically non-existent.
    The ids should be self-explaining, health regen, health bonus, defense and poison allow a defensive playstyle. Raw melee damage shall make it somehow beneficial to attack the same enemy several times in a row, while the negative walk speed makes it a little bit more necessary to rely on Wind Prison. Negative intelligence, soul point regen and the defenses are mainly flavour.
    Builds need to balance mainly poison and raw damage for higher dps and defenses, health regen and walk speed for the defense. Rainbow slap shouldn't be possible, as Cancer (which is basically a staple for this weapon) has already a high dexterity requirement and you also want to fit in some poison or health regen items. The example build I made is supposed to show a mix between health regen and poison.
    With 17k health, 3k regen and 5k dps it may seem a little bit strong for a poison build, but keep in mind that poison itself isn't that strong (compared to some spellspam build with 10k+ spells) and archer itself has a bad base defense.

    //Edit: I forgot to set the level so it is still at 100, it should be somewhere between 90 and 100 (doesn't matter that much).
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2018
    SilverMirror likes this.
  18. and 17 others

    and 17 others Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Week 1 submission
    Name: Venturi

    Melee spell hybrid.

    Melee in order to activate wind prison -> meteor the mob and let the explosion ID do its work.

    Negative fire defense because of explosion hazard.

    3rd powder slot for an extra Air or Earth powder.

    It’s unique bc its mom said its “special”
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
    SilverMirror likes this.
  19. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Curse triples your poison damage so there's not really any reason to use wind prison for this one.

    EDIT: Also Taurus gives -26 to -14 attack speed tiers so it doesn't ruin your attack speed.
  20. Lemon

    Lemon God has forsaken me CHAMPION

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    well then
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