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Community Event Themed Custom Item Challenge - Hiatus

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, Apr 25, 2018.

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  1. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    Hello everyone, recently @dukioooo created the [Custom Item Generator] for wynndata.tk as a community resource that allow players to create custom items of their own. As an Item Team member I found this feature very interesting and I have been helping players improve their custom item designs. Therefore I had this idea to create this

    Themed Custom Item Challenge

    to challenge you guys in creating unique and special items under restrictions to see if you guys can push the limit of item creation while making it balanced.

    This is how it goes
    - The challenge will update once a week, probably
    - A theme will be given out and you are to make an item under the specific theme / restriction using the Wynndata Custom Item Generator
    - Post your item's link in this thread and relevant information (see next section) to enter
    - Deadline of Item Submissions will be every Saturday night 6pm UK time, results and next week's challenge will be updated in 36 hours.
    - Depends on amount of participation, Top 3 and Honorable Mentions will be announced and given points in the leaderboard, the scores will accumulate throughout the challenges (1st - 4 pts, 2nd - 3 pts, 3rd - 2 pts, HMs - 1pts)
    - The top competitors will be able to receive feedbacks on their item for improvements
    - There are no prizes for the challenge beside earning experiences of item making, balancing and feedback
    - Item Team members are prohibited to enter coz thats cheating lul

    The challenge will be judged by Item Team members me @SilverMirror and occasionally other IMs , we will judge your submission base on the following

    Balance - how balance the item is to the actual game
    Creativity - how unique / special the item is
    Practicality - how it fits in the game and would people use it
    Theming - does it fit the theme / restriction well

    - You can give a name, lore, and an explanation to describe your item for extra points
    - You are not required to attach a build using the item, but you can if it helps you explain
    - We know you do not have access to baseline values of items so as long as the damage or health values are reasonable and convincing for that level range and design then you dont have to worry about baselines, if its too far away from it you will lose balance points
    - If you failed to convey your idea well will be considered failing the whole thing
    - You are free to edit your submission for as many times as you want but no guarantee its your final version that will be marked

    You dont need to follow this template but this is an example
    Week 1 submission:
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-515076869
    Name: Super Cool Mythic Ring
    Lore: Its so cool yo
    so i made this ring coz i think it fits the theme and its super dope (explanation)
    Week 6 Challenge - Batman

    Due to the lack of participation and stuff irl on my part, the challenge will be put on hiatus indefinitely until the hype is revived. I will put out the week 5 results someday and week 6 not be counted. We kinda expected this to come one day but it was fun while it lasted.

    - 10 pts - @Party Pony
    - 7 pts - @thot pocket
    - 5 pts - @Nyam, @Rem-Rin
    4 pts - @JaydonTheWarrior
    3 pts - @cjakeb5, @xMC_Master11x, @DragonEngineer
    2 pts - @Sylil
    1 pts - @Blizzardgale, @aa, @Robbee

    Last Week's Results
    Comment on last week's challenge

    Top 3 of the week
    1st place (4 pts)

    2nd place (3 pts)

    3rd place (2 pts)

    Honorable Mentions - (1 pts)

    For any questions you may have please tag me SilverMirror#4285 on the #class_builds channel of the Wynncraft discord server, I may or may not give feedback of your submissions if you contact me. However I will not reply if you pm me directly about this challenge

    - Strongly recommend you plug your creation in a build to see if its underpowered/overpowered
    - While baseline is not required, your item must stick close to existing item's stats range for it to score high in the practicality score (unless you're running a unique gimmick)

    Note that this challenge will not be used as scouting purposes for the item team, or would it? *wink*
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
  2. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    well shit
  3. Major_Lue

    Major_Lue Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Good luck folks!
  4. BuffAirSpear

    BuffAirSpear Avos Air Assassin HERO

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    oof feelsbadman :(
  5. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    idk about you guys but the first 4 posts being from item teamers it really feels like they just want to laugh at our bad item making skills
  6. Plymouth

    Plymouth Why do you read this CHAMPION

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    gonna like this
  7. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    or maybe thats a sign that the item team people are really looking forward to seeing good talents from the community? who knows
  8. Moukassi

    Moukassi I Gues i'll get hyped for fruma #2085

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    Make a yoshimura for kane- i mean haise
  9. xSuper_Jx

    xSuper_Jx IM | 119 Mythics Found Item Team CHAMPION

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    This looks really cool, maybe I’ll try it hehe
    SilverMirror likes this.
  10. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    How do you edit an item after it is created/change its name?
  11. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    Okay. Thank you.
    I have no idea what I'm doing, but...

    Week 1 submission:
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-960918247
    Name: Horizon Piercer
    Lore: This spear, hollow to allow wind and water to pass through it, was first found washed up on the shore of Llevigar. When wielded, it moves so fast that it controls the wielder more than the warrior controls it.
    Explanation: Horizon Piercer is meant to utilize Wind Prison in combination with spells to take advantage of the increased Wind Prison damage. The fast attacks build up Wind Prison quickly, and the boosts to spell damage allow for powerful spells.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
  12. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    Does it have to have baseline ids for its level?
  13. seeksery

    seeksery Wybel Photographer HERO CMD

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    Name: Hurricane
    Lore: This wand sends miniature typhoons to attack the user's opponent. Raging winds cause the damage to linger for some time.
    -Negative spell damage discourages spell builds
    -Negative tier nullifies +Tier abuse
    -Negative Mana Steal to force melee
    -Life Steal to use this for a survival build more appealing
    -Mana Regen + water damage for healing when the enemy is in a wind prison
    -Poison to damage enemy when they are in a wind prison
    LarzLapiz, Nyam, Jeshi and 1 other person like this.
  14. RemRin

    RemRin Goddess of Air HERO

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    _-_-(Week 1 submission)-_-_
    Name: Breezing Sky
    Lore: A mere gust a wind could indicate a storm approaching the land. This staff, created by the Avos, was a tool to capture these breezes of air, minimizing the chance of a storm appearing, that would have otherwise caused havoc over the whole village.

    Explanation: This weeks challenge was to create a weapon that would make wind prison work, thus i started by looking what playstyle wind prison actually allowed. I came up with the conclusion that wind prison is a very control heavy ability. You can stop enemies in their tracks, and create a lot of distance between you and the enemy with a strong blow. With mages new changes, making the heal take somewhat more time to use, i thought this would be a perfect combination together.

    The playstyle this wand allows is the following: While in the heat of battle you get hit by an enemy, you want to heal up. Yet, healing up to full takes some time. Using wind prison, you create distance between you and the enemy, which creates time for you to heal and prepare for battle once again.

    Now lets go over the IDs and why i used them: The attack speed and mana steal over mana regen creates this somewhat of a hybrid playstyle. Your melee becomes strong enough to consistently use and charge your wind prison, to then use it to disengage and heal up with the mana you stole using mana steal. Agility and Intelligence further help this playstyle by adding extra dodge change and lower mana cost to use spells in battle or while disengaging. Walkspeed helps even more with the disengaging. The insane Air damage and defense boost is to encourage using air powders to get Wind Prison, instead of curse, as the lore states that the wand captures and holds the breezes of air, giving it some kind of special wind-based properties.

    As for the negatives, -Fire damage and defense to give it some for of negative drawback, also makes it so courage can not be used with this wand, as it is made for wind prison specifically. The - Health regen is there to further reinforce the idea of using Wind Prison to disengage from enemies and to heal up.

    Either way that was my submission ^^

    RemRin out.​
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2018
    LionII, naybelline and SilverMirror like this.
  15. seeksery

    seeksery Wybel Photographer HERO CMD

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    whoops, i forgot to put the link, fixing it now
    SilverMirror likes this.
  16. Plymouth

    Plymouth Why do you read this CHAMPION

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    Week 1: Wind prison weapon submission
    Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-111012346
    Build used to test: https://wynndata.tk/s/Dv6bwR
    Name: Uplands Ascend
    Lore: Thousands try to climb the cold deserted mountains. Although more than 75% fail one true mountain hiker climbed to the top only to find this blade. Holding this results in using immense force from the wind and gravity.
    Why making this?: Firstly I thought the name would blend with the mountain/castle in x1600 z-4700 which obviously has nothing good about it except a couple chests as far as I know. The name "Upland" would mean living in a area of high land which relates to the lore. Also "Ascend" would mean those who would consider their time climbing the mountain.

    -This is pure air
    -Negative Defence mainly to express the lack of warmth
    -Walk speed mainly relates to the lore as being immense force from the wind and gravity
    -Air Damage and def same as walk speed reason
    -%Health Regen due to the cold you would obviously slowly die (Might increase by the time of making this)
    -Negative earth defence obviously a mountain covered in snow :P

    Made thread slightly more organised, edited stuff
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
    SilverMirror likes this.
  17. Electrolysis

    Electrolysis person VIP+

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    Week 1 Submission: Wind Prison
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-499501052
    Name: Aversion

    The blade produces raging storms of wind around itself to create an immense repulsing force, making it almost impossible for it to touch another physical object. When it manages to, however, the results are catastrophic...

    The dagger's elemental IDs force you into using wind prison as the powder special. Super slow attack speed means the user can weave spells in between melee attacks for charging their powder special easily, while additional negative tier prevents tier abuse. The negative melee is so that the melee attacks aren't too strong, but still somewhat packs a punch (I tested it). Walk speed allows the user to chase or run away after a wind prison. Its purpose is to cause chaos by throwing enemies around while murdering them with spells and melee hits.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
    LarzLapiz, Nyam, Alfglass and 4 others like this.
  18. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    Week 1 item
    Name: cyanide
    Lore: none cause it's rare
    Item is air/thunder
    Idea is that the poison will activate once wind prison is used and player can punish the enemy with spells after (hence spell boost)
    Fire damage reduction discourages tank playstyle and forces more air based play
    SilverMirror likes this.
  19. Wynn: The Anime

    Wynn: The Anime Does not like anime VIP+

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    Week 1 submission: Wind Prison
    Link: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-115143722
    Name: Cresent's Smog
    Lore: Found in the depths of the Oni's treasure on Half-Moon island, when wielded, the mist that surrounds the spear envelops the user crushsing the soul and attributing properties similar to that of a corpse decaying.
    Explanation: I've always liked half-moon island as it was my hub pre-gavel and the mystery behind the island that, despite it is separate from the corruption it is crawling with undead spirits so I thought that maybe giving a clue of the reason why the undead were there was interesting to me and I attributed a decaying smog which the ids contribute to that.

    Practically, it is a melee spear that takes advantage of the time wind prison is activated to continually poisoning the enemy as well as reactivating war scream buffs or a potion, however the penalties of the spear are like if you were to be choking on a weird smoke that will decay the user.
    LarzLapiz, Nyam, Trash and 3 others like this.
  20. herobrian11

    herobrian11 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Week 1: Wind prison weapon submission
    Item: https://wynndata.tk/ci/Custom-200989893
    Name: Horizon (leggings already have the name rip)
    Lore: This bow was rumored to always be where the sky and the earth until it's inevitable discovery where it was used to fight off the legendary dragon Ozoth in a long forgotten battle.
    (Edit: I am kinda bad with lore.)
    (Edit 2:forgot to talk about the weapon and the main point of it lol)
    Most popular archer builds are typically spell spam from what I know of and a bit of those begin water so, I just thought "hey that water bow thing is popular so that goes into the garbage with this bow." now who has heard of a attack speed earth air melee bow (mby I'm dumb)? I haven't soooo.. I think what kind of a build would this go into that would probably be a Taurus build but that 1 item just seems to op so I lowered the melee % (mby I should have put it a bit higher) but what do you need if you can't spell spam? you need defs (totally should have put higher %'s) then it just spiraled into a earth bow without a reason to use wind prism so I just put it up anyway so I could hopefully learn from some ppl to make better items.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
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