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Tool How To Improve Your System’s Performance!

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by cornbreaddoor, Apr 8, 2018.

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  1. cornbreaddoor

    cornbreaddoor Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hello, people of Wynncraft!
    Sadneo Here with a guide for you guys!

    Download links are now available!

    Hello, This guide will focus on helping out the people who own a windows device. My tutorials will optimize your device to unlock their true performance!

    Use these programs to keep your devices cleaned!

    Advance System Care 11.2: "Cleaner & Smoother PC, clean up your computer every day to keep it running smoothly and free up valuable system resources. As powerful PC cleaner, Advanced System Care 11 lets you remove junk files, temporary files, leftovers, and invalid shortcuts even piled-up registry files with 1-click. New disk optimization technology is also adopted to free up disk space and improve disk performance."

    --- Download: https://tinyurl.com/ydx9kybd ---

    CCleaner 5.40: "Is your computer running slow? As it gets older it collects unused files and settings which take up hard drive space making it slower and slower. CCleaner cleans up these files and makes it faster instantly!"

    --- Download: https://tinyurl.com/y7guhwk9 ---

    R-Wipe & Clean: "R-Wipe & Clean is a complete R-Tools solution to erase useless files on your computer, prevent identity theft, and maintain computer privacy. Using this program, you can erase files and folders using fast, secure wiping algorithms, clean your computer from various privacy-compromising information on your online and offline activity like browser's cached files, history of visited sites, cookies, stored web passwords, lists of downloaded files, lists of recently opened documents, various program caches, temporary files, and many more. The program can erase activity traces of many third-party applications, such as their scratch files, temporary folders, system data, etc. All small computer cleaning and file erasing jobs can be combined into large computer cleaning tasks that can be started immediately or at scheduled time/events."

    --- Download: https://tinyurl.com/yccvgqld ---

    IObit Unistaller: "Lighter & Cleaner PC, without any notice, your computer is often occupied by different types of software, and some even barely used. These programs not only take up space but also slow down your computer. New IObit Uninstaller 7 easily removes unwanted programs to free up disk space and smooth PC performance for you."

    --- Download: https://tinyurl.com/yb2mwlbw ---

    (Keep in mind that you need to be updated to the latest version of CCleaner to avoid malware.)

    (ASC may contain potentially unwanted programs.)

    --- Use all cleaners for the best performance!---

    Speed Up Tweaks
    Speed up your device with these tweaks!

    Msconfig: Click on the services tab and check the hide Microsoft services and uncheck all services so your device can perform smoothly on boot up. (Use windows search to search msconfig.)

    Temp Files: Press Window+R to open up the Run program and type %Temp% and delete all temp files. (Make sure to do this constantly have after doing something or starting up your device.)

    Drivers: It's necessary to make sure you have the latest drivers installed for your system & devices especially your graphics card. Just grab your latest drivers from video card manufacturer for your ATI or Nvidia card.

    (Driver Booster it's a great way to install missing drivers and keep your drivers up to date!)

    --- Download: https://tinyurl.com/ya9lx7g4 ---

    Power Settings (High Performance): Control Panel-> All Control Panel Items-> Power Options, change your Power Options to High Performance.

    Turn off mouse acceleration: Mouse acceleration needs to be turned off for gaming otherwise you are aiming.To access this do Control Panel->Mouse->Pointer Options->Uncheck Enhance Pointer Precision. (I also recommend changing your pointer speed to a comfortable speed.)

    Unpark your CPU: This is for better performance in games & quicker response in general.
    (Set Slider to 100%)

    --- Download: https://tinyurl.com/y8lj8uyc ---

    Disable Window Updates: Turn this off as it can affect your gameplay and also eat into any data allowance you might have. To turn this feature OFF, follow these given steps: (Settings-> Update & Security-> Advanced Options-> Choose How Updates Are Installed-> Choose How Updates Are Delivered-> Disable.)

    Disable OneDrive: Or uninstall it. If you don’t need OneDrive then disable it, it slows down your internet.
    (To disable: Right click on the OneDrive app which is usually found on your taskbar and click exit.)

    Disable Hibernate: Hibernate mode is set up by default to allow the hard drive disk to load the programs faster instead of booting the system. (SDD users don't use this!) open up CMD through windows search CMD-> right click cmd-> run as admin by right click CMD ->type "powercfg -h off"-> Press Enter.)

    Performance Options: This makes your visuals look less fancy but hey some people care about there performance. Control Panel-> System-> Advanced System Settings-> Performance Options-> Visual Effects-> Turn everything off besides these. (Show thumbnails instead of icons, Show windows contents while dragging & Smooth Edges of screen fonts.)

    Disabling Services
    This is a subsection on how to disable windows features

    (Doing this will disable windows features permanently, but it's reversible)

    Disable Services: This is the best part and longest this disables things that slow down your device trust me this boosted my performance a whole lot. open the run program then type services.msc and disable the following things.

    Windows Search (This will disable Windows Search TOO, keep it if you use it)
    All Xbox Services
    All Hyper-V services
    Microsoft SMS router service
    Diagnostics tracking service
    Fax service
    All Sensor Services
    (This removes the option to use ReadyBoost don't turn it off if you use it.)

    AllJoyn Router Service
    Application Layer Gateway Service
    Bluetooth Support Service
    Certificate Propagation
    Client for NFS
    Distributed Link Tracking Client
    Downloaded Maps Manager
    Enterprise App Management Service
    Geolocation Service
    Health Key and Certificate Management
    Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
    Hyper-V Guest Service Interface
    Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
    Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
    Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
    Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
    Hyper-V VM Session Service
    Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor
    Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
    Internet Explorer ETW Collector Service
    IP Helper
    Microsoft Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service
    Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
    Microsoft Windows SMS Router Service
    Offline Files
    Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
    Retail Demo Service
    Sensor Data Service
    Sensor Monitoring Service
    Sensor Service
    Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
    Smart Card Removal Policy
    SNMP Trap
    Storage Service
    Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service
    Windows Biometric Service
    Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
    Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
    Windows Mobile Hotspot Service
    Windows MultiPoint Server Host Service
    Windows MultiPoint Server Repair Service
    Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
    Xbox Live Auth Manager
    Xbox Live Game Save

    (If some services aren't on your device don't worry your fine.)

    Gaming Tweaks
    Improve your connection for the best gaming experience!

    (This is being worked on!)

    "Online Gaming can often benefit from some fine-tuning of Windows TCP/IP settings and the Network Adapter properties. This article is intended to supplement our general TCP/IP tweaks and lists only TCP/IP settings that are specific to online gaming and reducing network Latency. Some of these settings are also mentioned in our general tweaking articles, however, the emphasis here is on latency rather than throughput, and we have complemented the tweaks with more gaming-specific recommendations and settings that give priority to multimedia/gaming traffic, and may be outside of the scope of other broadband tweaks that focus on pure throughput."

    --- Download: https://tinyurl.com/ycv5lag4 ---

    Use TCP Optimizer (Run as Admin):

    In the choose settings option on the bottom of the program choose custom.

    Use speedtest.net to test your connection speed (DL) speed.

    You can apply this either to your wireless or ethernet adapter, you can choose both.
    --- Nagle's Algorithm ---
    TcpAckFrequency: 1
    TcpNoDelay: 1
    TcpDelAcksTicks: 0

    ---Network Throttling Index ---
    NetworkThrottlingIndex: fffffff
    SystemResponsiveness : 0

    ---Network Memory Allocation ---
    LargeSystemCache: 0
    Size: 1

    ECN Capability: enabled

    Direct Cache Access: enabled

    R.Segment Coalescing: disabled

    Large Send Offload: disabled

    TCP Chimney Offloading: disabled

    Checksum Offloading: enabled

    Reset your device complete for the best performance!
    Difficulty: Advanced

    (Resetting cleans the hard drive completely)

    (Do this at you own risk)

    1. Download Windows 10 media tool: Use a USB with at least 8GB of memory to download windows.

    --- Download: https://tinyurl.com/y8sax5os ---

    2. Reinstall Windows: Use your boot menu when you start up your device. When the media boot click next and agree to the license terms then click next.

    3. Select custom installation: Upgrade option won't work on your device most likely.

    4. Delete everything: Use the delete option on everything you have an option to install windows 10 then click next.

    5. Setup: After your device installs Windows successfully setup your device with the help of Cortana.

    (The next step you can choose yourself!)

    5A. Let your device be idle on the start screen so it can install the video drivers. (Some devices can install drivers by themselves just give them about 30 minutes.)

    5B. Search up the drivers you need for your device by surfing the internet.

    5C. Download Driver Booster it's a great way to install missing drivers and keep your drivers up to date!

    --- Download: https://tinyurl.com/ya9lx7g4 ---

    After your done try the other sections!
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
    NITEHAWKX, aws404, DrakeM1 and 2 others like this.
  2. icebreaker

    icebreaker Retired YouTuber & Full Stack Web Developer Media HERO

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    Or just get a good pc *Kappa*
  3. Moukassi

    Moukassi I Gues i'll get hyped for fruma #2085

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    love u ( needed dis )
  4. Fred18295

    Fred18295 Me! (Not You) VIP+

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    Some of these cleaners are pretty sketchy, but overall, not terrible advice
  5. naybelline

    naybelline Ex Mod HERO

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    I use Iobit programs, there's nothing wrong with them actually ^^ and I use CCleaner which is recommended.
  6. Qulaey

    Qulaey weeb

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    My fps performance averages at approximately 12 fps, which is half the minimum frames per second needed to trick the human eye into seeing a moving picture, in other words: my game runs like a slide show. Plus extremely slow Australian internet this makes it almost impossible for me to PVP. I definitively need to investigate in ways to improve my computer performance to at least get my fps above 30. xD
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