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Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Aya, Mar 29, 2018.

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  1. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    So, you guys know about this PTL thing right?
    Welp, the minigames they are making lately are... disappointing in general
    The actual ones are:

    The Pit: KitPvP but with a leveling system, I admit this one has potential if they turn it into something like Warlords or Smash heroes, with lots of stuff, but right now its really boring

    Zombies: Reminds me of that minigame in Shotgun that you get stuff for killing zombies and you open rooms that has gear in each, feels like a slightly improved rip-off

    Hide 'n Seek: This is a pretty exploited idea already, but hypixel's way of doing it was pretty nice, the only minigame in this lobby i found fun (for 1 hour of course since they forgot it exists, just like Zombies)

    Duels: Literally lets give an op kit to 2 people and have them fight each other

    Battle Royale: Lets get fortnite/PUBG and make a shitty version of it into minecraft (like if Hunger Games werent that already...)

    And now...
    The Bridge: Lets copy paste an island 2 times, make a blue-red bridge between each, and then put a portal you have to enter to win (5 times)

    I dont know what the fuck is happening on hypixel but they are being insanely disappointing lately, the newest minigames are really lazy, either that or they simply look like a rip-off from something else
    What do you guys think of the latest hypixel minigames? because i hope im not the only one who is starting to feel hypixel is going to same way as Mineplex or did or something...
    ActualAnthonino and mouldy like this.
  2. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    As they start making more money, the entire quality of the server drops evidently. They don’t really need more original games since a large part of the server income is sustained simply by existing ingame purchases and the player mindset of “paying to feel better”. Same applies to other servers, and real life as well.
    mouldy and coolname2034 like this.
  3. Entaurix

    Entaurix This Space Available HERO

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    Doesn't the China side of Hypixel make far more revenue anyway so they are probably more focused on that side?
    Reminiscent_ and coolname2034 like this.
  4. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    well you might have forgot china has 1B peeps in there, of course they are gonna have a big income there
    but still, from there to make a minigame that seems to have been done in a week better be a joke
    i understand making minigames is hard but this bridge thing feels like it was made in just a week
    coolname2034 likes this.
  5. J mun

    J mun Snoisty VIP+

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    yeah tbh the bridge is neat but just like why would you play it for more than 2o minutes
  6. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    I feel like hypixel has been running out of ideas in general since the PTL thing was released, (like bedwars, for example, which is a direct rip-off of eggwars from cubecraft, just with a different thing you have to destroy.)

    I haven’t tried any of these new PTL games because I don’t play on hypixel anymore, I just come on to claim my free monthly mystery boxes
    Reminiscent_ and coolname2034 like this.
  7. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Actually a ripoff from CoD zombies if I remember
    I still stand by my opinion that Fortnite ripped off UHC, so by extension this is a ripoff of a ripoff
    Reminiscent_ and coolname2034 like this.
  8. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    I must totally agree with you, with PTL in general, it seems that hypixel totally ran out of ideas, and I am highly disappointed.

    That's actually the only one I like, and definitevely has potential... but they need to make something special, because after playing for 20 minutes, it gets REALLY repetitive, even with the event system, and teaming makes it awfully unfair, making some teams of people who are full diamond and have prestiged a thousand times, as well as never left the guy since it came out to tryhard it as much as possible.
    Yea, I really do not like that one.
    There way of doing it is good in fact, but come on... this has been done over a thousand times...
    This one has some cool sides in my opinion, first of all, let's take my point of view :
    I used to be a really great Mega Walls player, well, most of the time, the only way I could know if a kit was great was :
    - See a video of it
    - Someone telling me of it
    - Me putting all my coins in it.

    The last option was obviously not viable as coins WERE so hard to gather, and the other 2 are really, really subjective. Well with that, you can try any kit you want, prestiged, against any kit you want, and I find that really interesting and great. This also works for blitz and else.
    I also find the tournament idea fun and great, even though it has flaws.
    Agreed on this one, also I really don't like guns as soon as they are put into minecraft, they always are really bad, and do not add any kind of interesting content into the game.
    Yup, also it has already been done before, I was totally bumped when they made that, because everytime, there was at least a bit that would be different :
    Kit pvp but with level system, like you said
    Zombies the old game, but with the fact that you now have to open places and such
    Hide 'n Seek new way to spot people
    Duels : some of their games are added into it.
    Battle Royale : Well, its in minecraft
    The Bridge : exactly the same as it has already been done... actually there may be 2 things now that I think of it (and from the version I know)
    1/ the block stay
    2/ you have to jump into a goal, and not just run into one...

    But my point is that hypixel seem to do really bad recently, and seem to be running out of ideas hard.. if they continue, they will become just like mineplex and sink to their death... I always really enjoyed playing on hypixel, so hopefully that won't happen.
    ActualAnthonino and Aya like this.
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    you just made it even worse
    yeah, but they are the ones of the moment, even though they are rip offs of the original battle royale in my eyes, the:
    Forgotten Game:
    Pokemon Rumble: Battle Royale
    General Skien likes this.
  10. Lord_He1mchen

    Lord_He1mchen EX-Mod, was nice HERO

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    Actually the entire idea of bedwars was really big in the german minecraft pvp scene years before hypixel made it. The original idea of those german server might have been a ripoff of eggwars as well, but I dont think thats what hypixel did. In addition to that Hypixel copied it very poorly in my opinion.

    Also I find it really disappointing to see Hypixel just copying common stuff.
    I really loved some old gamemodes like Quake and Paintball and there used to be like 200 people playing those games, but since they added the Classic Games lobby they basically killed all those gamemodes in there.
    Originally I joined it when there were actually original ideas which I were not able to find on other mc servers in a quality like it used to be, but nowadays it seems they are just creating bad ripoffs.
    Reminiscent_ and coolname2034 like this.
  11. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    It actually hurts me to play the bridge. It's basically just you versus another player both falling off twenty times in a row.
  12. Qulaey

    Qulaey weeb

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    I think that the minecraft community as a whole is running out of ideas. We have reached the limit of what we can do with command blocks most minigame variations have been thought of already. These days you rarely see inovative minigames that really has that spark. I remember when hypixel skywars came out, it was revolutionary, no one has ever done that before in the history of minecraft, all the custom kits, the souls, were all revolutionary thats what boosted hypixel up to the top and left mineplex behind biting the dust. So was warlords, that minigame just blew me away with its complexity. Everyone has to run out of ideas at some point, even the most successful of buisnesses such as disney, when different series continue for a long time, the producers are bound to run out of ideas. At the end of the day what is bottle necking us right now is our imagination, and the complexity of the game.
    Reminiscent_ likes this.
  13. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    Minigames are a plague
  14. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    The reason hypikle is bad is because people aren't equal.
    Look at something that lasts a long time, like TF2. Noting can make something better than what it is. When you die, you didn't die because the other person had a platinum five-star gold rare collector's rocket launcher. You lost because they had skill.
    In hypickle, you can buy stuff and level up your character pre-game, so if you die you can blame it to the fact that the other person was 50 levels above you. THEN you realize they give even more of these perks to those who PAY.
    P2W is a HORRIBLE thing (And banned by eula i belive: The only reason hypecele hasn't been banned yet is because they make money for microsoft). What i'm getting at is this: The whole design of ALL hypecle games is stupid.
    I remember when they used to make maps: they were good. AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE LOOTBOXES OR DONATION BONUSES IN THEM
    Lemon likes this.
  15. McDerp123

    McDerp123 I ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) people VIP

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    the good solution to this is add boss mode in smash, smh
  16. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    cubecraft would love to have a talk with you buddy
    it depends on the minigame
    lots of them are complete shit, like skywars and the bridge
    others, like Warlords, Smash Heroes, and Dwarves vs Zombies are in my eyes what i did call master pieces, specially DvZ
    Warlords could be your typical "Capture the flag" or another version of Domination from Mineplex, but the complexity it took, the quality presented here was magnific

    Smash heroes was surprisingly good for a 3D smash bros-inspired minigame, sad the unbalance of some classes kinda ruin it (its still really enjoyable)

    and Dwarves vs Zombies...
    This minigame was simply awesome, the powers, the classes, the kits and combinations you can make, the heroes, the key mechanics like the shrines, doom clocks and the gold, also the fact Rob made lots of videos about it and roleplays and stuff, lots of things, heck, even special plagues like Daragor
    i remember the days where this minigame had always around 6/7 games going on, sad nowadays it rarely reaches a full 50 people game, and the fact it is going to close in a matter of months

    it all depends on what minigame it is, if it is something like these 3 i mentioned above, i ensure they arent any kind of virus or anything, now since all of them are simply bedwars and skywars... they definetly are, since no new good minigames come out and the last good ones are disappearing one by one (hypixel's one seem to still be playable, but knowing the playerbase is doing nothing but dropping in those slowly, it is hard to know if they will keep alive much more time, an dvz... its fate is already set)
  17. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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  18. Reefive

    Reefive Do you hate the assassin? VIP+

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    Agree, I was pretty angry when Hypixel added BedWars, all my friends we're like "OMG, best game ever", I played it a few times, and just got the feeling of boredom sitting on the gen. And all the overpowered crap that made it really easy to win if you have emeralds and 40 iron + 18 gold, you could get full diamond + invis. But in EggWars, you actually had to TRY, you had to SNEAK in and SNEAKILY break their egg. If you see Technoblade's team; "The Dream Team"; they tryhard so much that if I met them in-game, I would just leave. There is 1 reason why I hate them both, the games are too long. SkyWars; 10 minutes at the longest, BedWars can go on for an hour, or longer if your both gods.
    I agree they are obviously running out of idea, and I just stopped playing after I reached 5k total kills, I actually left WynnCraft to get all of those kills. Then I came back because of the Loot Boxes that Hypixel added;
  19. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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  20. Muchwrath

    Muchwrath Wynncraft Music Enthusiast VIP+

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    The bridge is a super fun game. It shines on being able to place blocks well, and wall bridging is super fun. Skywars duels are also pretty fun. The others are pretty boring though
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